Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 16, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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_Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association_
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued
daily except Monday, during the college year. _•_
Editorial Board ’ o
Managing Editor ... Don’Woodward
Associate Editor .°....... John W. Piper
Associate Managing Editor ......_.....Taylor Huston
uaily JNewa Editors
Margaret Morrison jftosalia Keber
Junior Seton Velma Farnham
Night Editors
Rupert Bullivant Walter Coover
Douglas Wilson
Jack Burleson George Belknap
F. I. N. 8. Editor-Pauline Bondurant
Assistant . Louis Dammasch
►Sports fetall
Sports Editor _ Kenneth Cooper
Sports Writers:
Monte Byers, Dili Akers, Ward Cook.
Upper News Staff
Catherine Spall Norma Wilson
Frances Simpson Mary Clerin
Marian Lowry Kathrine Kressmann
Katherine Watson Margaret Skavlan
Exchange Editor
Norborne Berkeley
News Staff: Henryetta Lawrence, Helen Reynolds, Lester Turnbaugh, Georgians
Gariinger, Webster Jones, Margaret Vincent, Phyllis Coplan, Frances Sanford,
Eugenia Strickland, Velma Meredith, Lilian Wilson, Margaret Kressmann, Ned
French, Ed Robbins, Josephine Rice, Clifford Zehrung, Pete Laura, Leonard Lerwiil.
Mary West, Emily Houston, Beth Farias, Lyle Jans, Ben Maxwell,
Associate Manager
Foreign Advertising Manager
Business Staff
Lot Beatie
James Leake
Assistant Foreign Advertising Manager . Walter Pearson
Advertising Manager--- Maurice Warnock
Assistant Advertising Manager . Karl Hardenbergn
Circulation Manager --- Kenneth Stephenson
Assistant Circulation Manager _ Alan Woolley
Specialty Advertising ----- Gladys Noren
Advertising Assistants: Frank Loggan, Chester Coon, Edgar Wrightman, Lester Wade,
Frank De Spain.
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription
$2.26 per year. By term, 75c. Advertising rates upon application.
655 | Manager . 951
Daily News Editor This Issue
Rosalia Keber
Night Editor This Issue
Doug Wilson
The Senior Gift
The senior elass lias thrown its support toward the build
ing of a student union on the University eampus. Instead of
making a class gift of some useless ornament the seniors have
decided to bend their energies to helping the great enterprise
which has been the dream of the greater minds of our student
body and faculty.
The class of 1924 has fallen in line with the policy estab
lished by the class of 1923. Their action in voting class money
and in staging a senior play to raise still more funds does much
to make permanent a type of giving that will have its efferts
down through the years.
There is a real purpose in giving of this kind. The crea
tion of a student union will mean a distinct advance in the
idea of student government as we have it here on the campus.
Those who have viewed the Union at California realize what
it means to have a central gathering place for all University
The erection of such a building has been incorporated in the
gift campaign. What the senior class has done to further the
building plans has also given impetus to the greater gift cam
paign enterprise, the success of which will mean an Oregon of
first-class equipment and buildings far surpassing the facilities
of today.
Keeping Memories
Today sees the launching of the annual subscription cam
paign for the Oregana. A large group of our fellow-students
arc putting a large share of their time and energies in produc
ing this publication. It is entitled to general support.
Our years on the eampus pass away quickly. The freshman
of yesterday is the senior today, and tomorrow he is gone.
Memories of these days are very dear to the old grad—at least
that is the testimony of those who return to walk the campus
paths and reminisce with former classmates about the “good
old days.”
A complete record of our life here, in so far as it is possible
for a small volume to record the life of a great University, is
offered in each year’s book.
In years hence the possession of an Oregana will be a source
of gladness. 1 houghtlessness today will prevent many from
enjoying a backward look years from now.
Our advice is to buy an Oregana today.
The willingness of the University Co-operative store asso
ciation to help carry out the recommendations of the finance
committee of the student- body executive council was shown
at the annual meeting of the Co-op members yesterday after
noon. when they voted in favor of the proposed changes.
The matter will be referred to the student council tonight, j
and it is hoped that that body will see fit to have a commit
tee appointed to work with the Co-op board to see that the
changes be brought before the students in the form of an
Former Teacher of Violin and
Voice is Quest of Pi Beta Phi
Mrs. Fletcher Linn, of Portland,
was one of the campus visitors this
Inst week, when she came down for
the formal house opening of i‘i
.Beta Phi. Mrs. Linn, ex '02, was
a teacher of violin and voice here
from 184)U to l^iKl. She has visited
here often since that time.
Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs.
Oeorge K. Stevenson and their
daughter, Margaret Mylor. They
live in Klamath Falls and visited
Mv. Stevenson’s mother for a week
ou their way to California. Mr. j
Stevenson was in the elass of ’14 j
and is a member of Beta Theta fra !
ternitv. Mrs. Stevenson was of the
I elass of and a member of Pi*
| Beta Phi. She was formerly MylerJ
, I
Cniversity of Nevada—(By p. I.
N\ S.) The freshman elass of the
university made an average grade
of IS.10 per cent out of a possible
It'S points.
Campus Bulletin
Notices will be printed in this column
for two issues only. Copy must be
in this office by 6:30 on the day
before it is to be published, and must
be limited to 20 words. |
Oregon Knights—-Meeting tonight
at. 7:15.
Ad Club — Luncheon tomorrow
noon at the Anchorage.
California Club—Meeting today,
7:15, room 105 Commerce building.
Spanish Club—Important meeting
tonight at 7:30 in the Y. W. C. A.
The Second Orchestra — At 4:30
p. m., in Villard hall for its week
ly rehearsal.
Hammer and Coffin—Meet today
at noon at the Anchorage. Import
ant business.
Sophomore Women—Class basket
ball practice on Mondays and Wed
nesdays at 5 p.m.
Women’s League Executive Coun
cil — Meeting Wednesday, 12:30,
room 107 Commerce building.
Heads of Hiking—Meeting today
at 12:45 in the library of the Wo
man’s building. Bring mileage re
O. N. S. Members—Sign up on
bulletin board in library for ban
quet at Anchorage, Wednesday,
January 16.
Letters to the EMERALD from stu
dents and faculty members are
welcomed, but must be signed and
worded concisely. If it is desired, the
writer’s name will be kept out of
print. It must be understood that the
editor reserves the right to reject
In supplementing Mr. Lerwill’s
opinion (Emerald, January 10,
1924), I would like to make a fur
ther suggestion to his impartial and
well-considered comment on the so
callcd racial problem. I agree with
him that “the fact that one race
may not desire to associate with
another has nothing whatever to
do with the solution of the racial
question.” It is a personal matter
which is within the province of
each individual whether he shall
choose to have a black, yellow, or
brown person for his companion.
But, as long as the heterogeneous
races live in the same country,
racial problems will continue to
exist, even in such a democratic
country as the United States where
they become the football of poli
ticians and the literary material
for the yellow journalists. Legisla
tion with a view to solve tho prob
lem has rather intensified the situ
ation and left a bitter feeling in
domestic and international affairs.
The students' conferences held in
the various sections of the country
under the auspices of the Y. M.
0. A. aro commendable. But their
enthusiasm, liko the average
evangelistic meeting, is short-lived
and soon wanes. International,
friendship or brotherhood cannot be
fostered in the course of ten days
or so, or be brought about by the
ambiguous plea that “all men are;
created equal.” If universal1
brotherhood (if there is such a ;
thing) dopenls strictly upon social
equality in the narrow sense of the :
term, then it is impossible to at- j
tain it regardless of how we may
“utopiaze” it.
There is only one practical and
workable solution of the problem. ■
Why not deport all the colored
races to their respective countries
and thus satisfy the “100 per cent
Americans” of their insatiable and I
delusive Americanism? Why not
give the i/unagogues, the jingo
ists, and tho Hearst papers an op-j
portunity to. seek something orig-j
innl in their respective fields in-j
stead of capitalizing and baiting
those who are politically helpless?;
Send the negroes to Africa and ■
let them develop the diamond
mines which are being exploited by
the Englishmen. Also let them pre
serve the wild and rare game which
roams in the jungles of Africa. De
prive them of the unusual privilege
of being strung up on some sturdy
limb and riddled with bullets. De
port the Orientals to China and j
Japan and give the Californians a
.banco to improve the agricultural
lands already developed by those
coolies, anl prohibit those who
would exploit the natural resources
hidden in the heathen countries.
Hive the Indians their independ
ence, withdraw all the missionar-j
ies, and let England devote her at
tention to the Irish problem and
to devise schemes to maintain her
naval supremacy. In short, let us j
solve the racial problem by apply
ing the old quip, “America for the
Americans,” “Europe for the
Europeans,” “Africa for the Afric
ins” and the “Orient for the
Orientals.” Then we will have
‘peace on earth and good will to
■vards men,” and fulfill Dr. Stod
lard’s dream outlined in his pre
cut ions classical work, “The Ris
ng Tide of Color.” We would not
lave to worry about Article X of
the League of Nations, the World
Court, the Monroe Doctrine, the
“Jim Crow Law,” the Fourteenth
| Amendment or the intermarriage of
races. Neither would we be em
barrassed in / accusing the colored
races of not being assimilable by
! making it impossible for them to do
j so by passing laws prohibiting the
intermingling of ra-ces!.
After we have tried such an ex
periment and do not find it expedi
tious, or if it hampers with our
; business or politics, we might let
( down the bar and invite them to
; pick cotton or to cultivate the
| desert into fertile orchards and
J farm lands. And after they have j
! served our purpose we could again
! confiscate the fruits of their labor
\ and deport them.
To the Editor:
The higher education standard
committee at a meeting in Port
lanl recently, recommended that
junior week-end in the colleges of
the state either be abolished, or j
that the nature of it be changed.
The latter suggestion is one which
will have many supporters among
our own students. There are many
believing that the exhaustive ef
forts put forth by college students
for the entertainment of scores
of “nobodies” are not worth either j
the time or money involved. j
Junior week-end causes much!
sleep to be lost and many good dis- j
positions to be disturbed. Many j
right arms are shaken out of their i
sockets, and also as many counten
ances are worn out from distorted
smiles of welcome, which come to
mean nothing.
Of infinitely greater value to the
University is the conference of high
school officers, editors and girls’
league heads held here annually.
There are attracted to the campus
the cream of what the Oregon high
schools produces. At least they are
elected to their offices presumably
because of their qualities for leader
ship. It is desirable that the Uni
versity entertain them as guests
rather than the social parasites, the
flippish teahounds, and the matri
monial insects which hover about
the institution during our festive
time in May.
Though some of our delegates en
tertained last week may have look
ed sheepish, have stood about with
mouth agape, and eyes popped out
in wonderment, it must be remem
bered that looks do not make the
man and that the novelty of their
visit to the campus, their experi
ences as our guests, caused most of
them to keep their eyes and ears
open and their tongues silent.
These boys and girls come to the
University. We are able to give
them something cultural. They are
of the class that seriously intends
coming down here iu the future to
make our student bodies of the
years to come. They are the ones
to whom we should devote our en
tertaining energies. There is no
doubt but that many of the prep
pers here last week departed with
a very favorable impression of the
University. Many of them will, as
a result of their visit, determine to
come to Eugene for their higher
education. This is legitimate ad
vertising of the things we have to
offer, and not a superficial exhibi
tion of what the University isn’t.
On the other hand, at junior
week-end, we invite the wrong
class of boys and girls here. They
come by tiie scores and only a very
small percentage of them ever »
come to Oregon to school. They ar
rive here, skipping a day of their
school work, to the utter displeasure
of their teachers, and are coming
down here to have a good time, not
to find out what the University is.
Wo bring them here and we take j
them to a dance, a canoe fete, a I
breakfast dance, a baseball game or I
track meet, an afternoon dance, a j
junior prom, anl after that we |
probably keep them and ourselves)
up until daylight for a serenade, i
They return to their fathers and |
mothers, and upon being told how j
their offspring were entertained,
the elders say, "So that’s what they]
do at the University of Oregon.” j
The canoe fete and several other |
features of the week-end are de-1
sirable and should be retained. But J
junior week-end, as in many east
ern institutions, should be held as
a purely all college function, when
students can get together for a good
Barbara La Marr
Bert Lytell
Lionel Barrymore
with a cast of 20,000
produced in Rome
Coming to
time, and forget that preppers ever
existed. Junior week-end in the
old days were designed as a time,
when we could clean up the campus,!
and display' the institution to the
high schoolers. Neither of these
purposes is carried out today. Bring-1
ing these children here, we neither
show them -the University, except
its superficial side, nor do we clean:
up the campus with a general stu
dent work day.
If a change is to take place, wc ;
should begin laying . plans for it
now, before the junior week-end
committee arranges its program for
the next one in May.
| Some High Points in Oregon
Emerald of January 16, 1923
o -- —.— -
The Oregana drive will start to
The varsity tossers opened the
Northwest Conference season last
night by a 47 to 27 score against
the Whitman quintet.
The total enrollment for the mili
tary department this term is 546
Lane county alumni and former
students of the University will meet >
tomorrow and perfect a permanent
* * *
Professor W. P. G. Thacher is
writing a book on the subject of
short story writing.
Rifle competition between units
of the ninth corps area, R. O. T. C.,
She Sanitary |mmdr;
Do you ever wonder
whether your clothes
are sanitarily laund
ried or not? Dirty
clothes contain injur
ious germs and if not
correctly laundried the
germs remain.
Our modern machin
ery enables us to des
troy these germs. Send
your laundry to—
Phone 252
143 7th Avenue West
Bose La Vogue Beauty Shop
Manicuring, Scalp and Face
Treatments. Marcelling
Over Campa Shoppe
Phone 1592
Last Times
Compson j
Woman to Woman
The story of a great love,
set amid the scintillating
night life of Paris and Lon
Matinee and Evening
Starting Thursday
.vill be held this term from Febru
try 1 to February 28.
During 1922 the library had 255,
500 books in circulation.
* * •
The student vote on the two sem- ,
?ster plan, lately adopted by faculty !
lotion, will be taken tomorrow'.
The new zoology research labora
lory, erected adjacent to the men’s
gymnasium, has been completed and ]
is now ready for occupation.
Phi Delta Phi, announces the
election of John MacGregor, Paul
Patterson, Bussell Brown, Bandall
Jones, Janies Powers, and William
for Business?
EN—-anxious to rise to positions of re
sponsibly in business should investi
gate the one year intensive training
course offered at Babson Institute.
Classes are conducted on the conference
plan. The instructors are experienced busi
ness men, successful in their own lines. You
work on actual cases—not hypothetical prob
lems. You are shown how to solve the same
kind of problems that will confront you in
actual business practice.
Send for booklet "Training for business
Leadership." Describes the courses in detail
and gives complete information about the
facilities of Babson Institute and shows how
men are trained for executive roles. Write
today. No obligation.
Babson Institute [ E—l
329 Washington Ave.
Babson Park, (sSK °r) Mass.
Write for Booklet
flJJ When youT gar
ments are returned
they don’t have to
he “aired” for sev
eral days.
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when the formal rolls around is to call—
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The cabs are comfortable, warm.
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We are now specializing in fansy corsages—our new
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Rex Floral Company
Exclusive Eugene Member Florist Telegraphic Delivery
Rex Theater Building
Phone 962