Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 15, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    An opportunity to liear one ot the
moat distinguished younger musicians
of today was given the stifdents and
townspeople last evening, when Dent
Mowrey, from Portland, gave a piano
recital in the Woman’s building un
der the sponsership of Kappa Kappa
Gamma. He gave several classical
an(j modern selections, ending the
program with a number of his own
compositions. Well known out-of
town visitors were Mrs. George T.
Gerlinger from Portland and Presi
dent and Mrs. Richard F. Scholz of
Peed college. An informal reception
for Mr. and Mrs. Mowrey was held
in Alumni hall after the recital.
Those receiving were Mr. and Mrs.
Mowrey, President and Mrs. Camp
bell, Mrs. Lettie Mowrey, Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. DeOou, Mrs. George T.
Gerlinger, Mrs. Anne Landsbury
Beck and Dean John Landsbury.
* * *
A tea for guests is to be given
at, 5:00 o’clock each Sunday after
noon this term by Delta Delta Delta.
The first of this series was held
Sunday, January 13, at which Chi
nese costumes and decorations were
* * *
Cdii Omega will give their annual
formal dance at the Woman’s build
ing at 3:30 Saturday evening, Jan
uary 10. Patrons and patronesses
will be Prof, and Mrs. A. H. Schroff,
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Snodgrass, Mrs.
Virginia Judy Esterly, Miss Julia
Burgess, Mrs. Jane Walker, Mrs.
Katherine Yerex, and Prof. J. H.
* * •'
A Japanese effect is planned for
the semi-formal pledge dance to be
given by Kappa Omicron Saturday
evening, January 19. There will be
(Continued from page 1)
T. C. was opposed on the ground
that it engendered a military spirit, j
and some avowed their intention j
to campaign against the R. O. T. C. |
in their colleges.
The Indianapolis Star editorially
characterized this group as dis
loyal slackers. Nothing could be
more untrue. Counting the cost, j
they were determined to throw |
themselves with all their might into j
a campaign to end war which has
come to be “a malign middle term
between a lunatic asylum and a
butcher’s stall.” They oppose it be
cause war has become suicidal for
this modern world. “Once soldiers
fought soldiers like brave men, but
now we fight women and babies
and by millions starve infants at
their mothers’ shrivelled breasts.”
Christian men can no longer invoke
the blessing of God on that.
So stirred up was the whole con
vention about war, the student exe
cutive committee found it neces
sary to revise the program so as
to permit of an expression of senti
ment on ways to avert war. At the
last morning session four different
points of view were presented by |
proponents of these views, and were
then voted on by the convention, j
Energetic preparedness for war:
as the best way to avoid war was
defended by a student of the Uni
versity of California and Princeton
Theological Seminary. After the
other views were presented and a
vote taken on this one first, hot
more than 150 out of 7,000 favored
preparedness for war.
Alan Hunter, of Union Seminary,
New York, defended the pacifist
position, and about 500 registered
themselves as ready to refuse to
participate in any future war.
There were two other proposals,
one to strive for the abolition of
war by education; the other,- to
prevent war by agencies of inter- :
national cooperation, now in exist
ence, or to be created. These seemed
to most of the delegates not to be
mutually exclusive, and a perfect
sea of hands went up, when the
vote was called on each of these
alternatives. The Bok Peace Plan
was not made public until the next
‘lay. It would have received over
whelming support by the students
°f the Indianapolis convention.
Up to 1914, H. G. Wells says that
not as much brains had been put
into thinking ways to avert war
as had been expended on making
P'ns, and that the Christians of the
"orld had been blind to the anti
* luistian character of war. No
more may it be said that only the
Quakers are opposed to war. We
ma> now look confidently for a
might ly crusade against war, led by
m students of this generation.
-ft me close this article with a
question addressed to ourselves on
Japanese programs and garden,
while the costumes for the girls serv
ing will enlarge upon the decorative
idea. Patrons and patronesses are
to be Prof, and Mrs. W. F. Q.
Thacher, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bald
win, of Portland, and Mrs. Christine
Brumliein. About 18 couples will at
* * *
Rex Underwood, leader of the Uni
versity orchestra, will give a recital
Wednesday evening, January 16, at
Alumni hall in the Woman’s build
ing. Those featured on the program
will be Jane O’Reilly, violo; Lora
Teshner, cello; Mrs. Rex Under
wood and Dr. John Landsbury, pi
ano. Attendance is by invitation,
but any student esperially interested
in classical music is invited to at
The classes of the University, with
the exception of the freshmen, are
giving their term parties Friday
night, January 18. The senior af
fair is to be a semi-formal leap year
dance at the Osborn hotel, given af
ter the basketball game that evening.
The Junior Jazz Jinx will be held
in the Oampa Shoppe, when unique
and rough clothes are to be worn.
It will be no-date, with the excep
tion of the escorting of the girls to
an<T from the dance by lottery. A
masquerade is to be the order of the
evening at the College Side Inn, un
der the patronage of the sophomores.
■It will be a strictly no-date affair.
The Alpha Omicron Pi house will
be decorated in a unique manner for
the pledge dance to be given Satur
day night, January 19. Grotesque,
black and white silhouettes will be
used, while colored lights will add
to the weird effect. Patrons and pa
tronesses are to be Mr. and Mrs. A.
M. Miner and Mrs. Lucy Abramf.
About 16 couples will attend.
the campus of the University of
Oregon, and it will be in the words
of Dr. H. E. Fosdick: “When in
some future heaven we meet our
children’s children and tell thorn
that we lived in the years after
the great war, I think the first
thing they will say to us will be
like this—where did you stand on
Magazine Offers $250 and $100 for
Original Word; One Sum
Given Annually
Two poetry contests, which may j
inspire the more gif)id and
aesthetic members of the student
body to greater effort during the !
proverbial rainy evening* of Ore
gon in February, appear in an
announcement in a recent issue of
Poetry, a periodical devoted exclu
sively to this branch of literature.
The first announcement is that of
the Blindman Prize Contest for
1923-24 which gives $250 annually
for the best poem submitted under
the conditions specified. This con
test is conducted by the Poetry
Society of South Carolina and
closes February 29, 1924* Poems:
must be original, typewritten, j
signed by the real name of the j
author, unpublished previously and
a stamped envelope with the auth- j
or’s return address is requested in
this contest.
The second contest is under the
auspices of Witter Bynner and of
fers a prize of $100 for the best
poem submitted by an undergradu
ate before May 15, 1924. Inquiries
concerning the contest should bej
directed to Mrs. Edgar Speyer, 221
Washington Square, New York city.
(Continued from page one)
Pete Burton; Alpha Tau Omega, Ru
fus Sumner; Bachelordon, John
gened u» the ynrld
"C'OR the student or prof., the
J- suDerb
superb VENUS out-rivals
all for perfect pencil work.
17 black degrees—3 copying.
American Lead
Pencil Co.
220 Fifth Are.
New York
■ ardnor; Beta Theta Pi, Willard
Marshall; Chi Psi, Lester Lomax;
l>elta 'Ian Delta, Herm Blaesing;
Friendly hall, Ed Haney; Kappa
l>i‘ta Phi, Henry Tetz;. Kappa Sig
ma, Dave Swanson; Phi Delta Theta,
Paul Krausse; Phi Gamma Delta,
Dick Lyman; Phi Kappa Psi, Bob
Gardner; Phi Sigma Pi, Ted .Tanes;
Psi Kappa, Bert Gooding; Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Bruce Curry; Sigma
Chi, Maurice Kinzell; Sigma Nu,
Rupert Bullivant; Sigma Pi Tau,
Alton Gabriel.
Gibson Wright, circulation mana
ger of the annual, is in charge of
the drive.
(Continued from page one)
;Son and Byers; 158 pound division—
French, Blaesing, Prescott, Poulson;
Light heavyweights are: Akers,
.Mills, Shields and Wells.
The freshman wrestlers must not
be overlooked, for they have been
turning out every night anl work
ing with the varsity grapplers. It
,is expected that a match will be
lined up for the “Babes” in the
near future. The ability that is
shown by some of the frosli cannot
be passed up, for they are the men
that will aid in making a strong
varsity team next year. Harry
Leavitt Robinson and Owsley are
the strong 158 pounders. Other
promising men are Christenson,
Harden, Stimpson, Woods, Potter,
Wingard and Laurs.
(Continued From Page One.)
Gunther, Harding and Stoddard have
had little chance to show their wares,
but should rate in future games.
Rockhey will be on the shelf for a
time with a bad ankle, but ought to
break into the lineup later in the
This week-end will find the var
sity, host to North Pacific Dental
college in a two game series. In the
past the dentists have put up some
scrappy contests and ought to repeat
in the coming games.
(Continued from page one)
only in Portland, but in many ad
joining towns.
Mrs. Thomas is at the present time
president of the McDowell Music
club of Portland, and is also editor
of the “Northwest Musician” the
newest music magazine on the coast.
In last month’s edition of the mag
azine there appeared a front page
article on “The Hour Hand.”
Dr. O. F. Stafford, professor of
chemistry, who was confined to his
home last week because of illness,
is unable to meet his classes the
fore part of this week. He is suf- 1
ering from a bad cold and a slight
attack of flu. Expressing his eager
desire to get back to his work, to
the Emerald reporter, over the
telephone, Dr. Stafford said, “I
don’t know how long they are go—
ing to keep me here at home, but ,
1 certainly shall be back this
Woman to Woman
The story of a great love,
set amid the scintillating
night life of Paris and Lon
Matinee and Evening
Starting Thursday
National Research Council
Offers Scholarship
Fellowships from $1,800 to $2,300
for research work in the biological
sciences and in medicine, are open
to students of the University of
Oregon who comply with the re
quirements, according to word re
ceived at the president’s office
frGm the national research council.
These fellowships offer opportuni
ties for advanced study along the
lines of zoology, botany, anth
ropology, psychology, and medi
cine. The fellowships offered in the
biological sciences are supported by
the Rockefeller Foundation and are
available between July 1, 1923 and
June 30, 1928. The total amount
available for these fellowships is
$325,000. Both men and women are
eligible for these fellowships and
to receive one they must have a
Ph. D. degree or its equivalent.
They must submit evidence of their
research capacity, such as, a doc
tor’s thesis, reports of other re
search work, and personal and
academic records. The purpose of
these fellowships is to promote the
fundamental research in biological
sciences through the development
of an increasing number of thor
oughly trained investigators.
The fellowships for research in
medicine are supported by the
Rockefeller Foundation and the gen
eral education board, and the total
amounts to $100,000. They are
avaliable for a period of five years
from 1922-1927. All branches of
medicine, both preventive and cura
tive, are open to those who seek
fellowships which are open to both
men and women who have either
an M. D. or a Ph. I), degree or
qualifications equal to those in
dicated by the possession of one
of these degrees.
These medical research fellow
ships are designed to recruit men
and women as medical teachers and
investigators. Further information
on both the biological and medical
fellowships can be obtained by
w-riting to the National Research
Council, Washington, D. C.
Wednesday, January 16, will be
the last day on which students can
add to their courses, according to
University regulations, which say
that additions may be made to
one's course during the first two
weeks after registration. A week
from Wednesday, January 23, will
be the last day on which students
,0011 file petitions for dropping sub
jects. No petitions for adding a
subject will be accepted after Jan- '
uary 16 and no petitions for drop- !
ping a course will be accepted after
January 23.
(Continued from page one)
articulate and from which he will
.carry back a great deal of sound
technical knowledge. If the con
ferences continue to be regarded as
educational by those that have
them in charge, with the promo
tional element, subordinate, they
can do much good.”
“Above all,” says Robinson,
“this select crowd of high schoolers
has been impressed with the de
sirability of higher education, and
thus the state of Oregon is assured
that her embryonic leaders will go
on and secure that training which
is so necessary to their fullest use
fulness in civic affairs.”
Women’s League and Y. W. Meeting
Will Review Convention
The Women’s league and the
University Y. W. C. A. will meet
together, Thursday afternoon at 5
o'clock in Villard hall, for the pur
pose of hearing reports from sev
eral of the womyi delegates, who
went to Indianapolis during the
Christmas holidays for the student
volunteer convention.
There will be a short business I
session for the Women’s league,!
which was postponed at the last
of thk fall term, because at that
time so few women turned out to
the meeting that it was dissolved.
All University women are urged
to come, as this will be the first
meeting of the winter term for
both of the associations.
Bead the Classified Ad column
Rose La Vogue Beauty Shop
Manicuring, Scalp and Pace
Treatments. Marcelling
Over Campa Shoppe
Phone 1592
Loose Leaf I-P Notebooks
Regular price 65c without filler. Now selling for
60 Cents with 30 sheets of filler
Full line of
Flexible Covered
Notebooks and
a Dime
University Pharmacy
“We Fill Prescriptions
11th and Alder
Phone 114
When Your Down Town
<j[ The Peter Pan can best satisfy
that hungry feeling of mid-after
CjJ A sandwich, a piece of cake, a
fountain special after the show, or
after you’ve done your shopping
you’ll find the Peter Pan a com
fortable place to wait for the car.
WHY waste time in useless “shopping around” when
the advertisements lay before you the choicest
wares of every progressive merchant in town?
Why use needness effort in an endless store-to-store quest
when the advertisements enable you to make your choice ,
of the finest merchandise without even leaving your
Why pay more than you ought when you can stretch}
your dollar to the elastic limit by taking advantage of the
bargains and good buys that are daily advertised in this
Why risk dissatisfaction by using unknown, unbranded
goods when you can assure yourself complete satisfaction
by buying an advertised product, backed by the integrity
of a man who spends real money to establish his name
and to build up public good-will?
Read the Advertisements. Buy adver
tised wares. It is a safe and
sound policy.
Oregon Daily Emerald