Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 13, 1924, Image 1

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    The Sunday Emerald
Behind the Mask
Library Material
W. R. H.
_By C. N. H._
An “investigation” has been
made by a student administration
committee in the matter of student
control of the Co-op.
Grounds of progress are gained
slowly and never through a sudden
upheaval of any sort.
That all students shall be mem
bers of the store and that the offi
cers be elected at the regular elec
tions yearly—these are constructive
suggestions offered by the com
It remains for the students to
see that these suggestions . are
If the student body fails to keep
these suggestions in the forefront
of its mind, they are liable to “fall
through” and the investigation will
have failed of its purpose. If the
investigation fails to bear fruit, the
old cry will be raised on the campus
that “interested parties blocked
the way.” National politics and
.student politics are much alike.
Let’s not have this opportunity for
gain slip by unheeded!
Colonel Leader was attacked the
other day through the columns of
the Emerald. The “old boy” of the
University’s affection was accused
of “keeping notes” on an Indian
in our midst. The colonel was de
fied indeed! The students had not
known that among them, hiding
behind the jovial mask of the well
liked colonel, there was such a
Romantic and exciting figure. Bah
jove!—A blood-drippyug pirate, a
spy of Britain’s tyranny accused
Soviet Russia of trying to stir the
Indians to revolt with its ill-gotten
gold. .So for one wild dream of
Russia stirring discontent in India,
the Indian representatives present
a better, one of villianous English
spies hiding behind jovial English
“Colonels” in America. Not bad!
Not bad! That is better fiction
reading than some of the questions
which usually occupy the communi
cation columns of the Emerald. We
Americans are supposed to be en
dowed with some common-sense!
May we suggest that in some |
eases, with, of course, the lecturer’s
permission, the University would do
well to take down stenographic re
ports of especially able lectures on
certain subjects. These typewritten
and bound, pamphlet-wise, between
cardboard covers would make a
valuable addition to the University
• • *■
With amusement we see that in
the military department the rifle
team is competing in a national
contest for a prize offered by Wil
liam Randolph Hearst, well-known
newspaper publisher. We recom
mend this as food for thought,
facetious or no, of the school of
# * *
A University student met a small
Taoy of the neighborhood the other
■day, who announced that he was
nine years old and in the sixth
grade and that he was going to try
to win the Rhodes Scholarship
when he was a University student.
The school of architecture is
noted on the campus for its good,
chummy student spirit. In the
■“old days” they used to adjourn
themselves from the drafting room
to play horseshoes for a while by
the fence next to the railroad track.
’Twas good recreation! They’ve put
a road in there now, but can’t the
architects find some other place to
continue the sport? It is a pity
to discontinue such a good tradi
Seniors seem to have two strange
customs or traditions. One of them
is to grow sentimental about the
dear old University, soon to be
their Alma Mater, and the other is
to crab unmercifully certain pro
fessors. They say they’re disillu
sioned, and that so-and-so isn’t the
fine professor, nor even man, that
they thought him to be, and so
forth into eternity. Yet this man
is often the one they praise most
in after life. Can’t they forget it,
as the popular saying goes!
Are Super-I ntellectuals
Superior Beings?
By L. L. J.
Have you noticed our new-born
group of super-intellectuals? At
times they do cause one a great
deal of embarrassment, for it is
really very disagreeable to have
ones “complexes” plainly discussed
in public when they had previously
been intimate details of private life
known only to the family physician.
Being analysed openly and com
pletely by every passing individual
is getting to be more than a fad; its
becoming an outrage. Hearing peo
ple discuss your character in this
manner: “Oh, yes, he has an over
developed superiority complex, he’s
a materialistic egoist and I consider
him a moron because his cerebrum
simply doesn’t function.” Not
knowing what all of these words
mean one is at loss whether to at
tempt to display a modest denial
or an outburst of righteous indigna
Our semi-intellectuals, thesfi in
dividuals that feign a bored and
indifferent attitude to everything
that was held sacred by the Puritan
Fathers and the Daughters of the
American Revolution; the in
dependent order of subjective, ob
jective, free and original thinkers,
simply cramp our style. We no
longer feel free to talk in the tefms
that we understand, we hate to ex
press ourselves on ordinary “back
to the farm” subjects. In fact,
we even refrain from sneezing in
public for fear it may start another
of those “complex” rumors about
Perhaps it is an old-fashioned in
stinct dating back to some genetic
att^Dutea of a dim and forgotten
ancestry, that causes us to be fright
ed^ by the bohemian inclination.
Somehow or another we shrink at
this self expression that allows lib
erty to discussion of all subjects
without so much as even a blush or
an explanation.
Can it possibly be true that these
self appointed intellectuals were
once just ordinary human beings
that breathed, laughed, talked, cried
and ate onions with the masses?
Did they once love to chew gum,
see slap stick comedies, read books
that had never been surpressed and
enjoy plays that were not saturated
with the sex element?
To be an intellectual you must
suddenly, and without warning, be
(Continued on page four.)
Junior Jazz
Jinx Planned
Etiquette Outline for
Affair Created
Plans for the Junior Jazz Jinx,
to be given in the Campa Shoppe
next Friday evening, are rapidly
nearing completion. Names for the
lottery, list, printed in this issue of
the Emerald, were drawn Saturday
morning by the committee, which
consists of the following: Don
Park, chairman; Margaret Morri
son, Lillian Baker, Marie Myers,
Hal Lundberg, Don Woodworth.
Due to the fact that there are
more women in the class than men,
women whose names do not appear
in the list, and men who are not
able to get dates with their part
ners, are asked to make their dif
ficulties known at a late bureau,
which will be open from one until
five on Thursday' afternoon, in the
Journalism building.
The .men are expected to bring
their partners to the dance and see
that they get home, but they will
not be required to attend them dur
ing the evening.
Rough clothes are to be the or
der of dress for the evening, one
prize to be awarded the couple
wearing the most original costumes,
and one to the couple coming to
the dance in the most unusual con
A twenty-five cent admission will
be charged at the door, for which
the couple will be given two
tickets. These are to be traded in
for pop and pink pop-corn, which
the committee promises will be
there in abundance, and which will
also be sold later in the evening.
The patrons and patronesses .for
the affair are: Prof. George Turn
bull, Mr. and Mrs. Boland Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nichols, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Snyder.
University of Wisconsin—“Quit
diving for pennies,” is the instruc
tion given by the coach at the Uni
versity of Wisconsin. He wants to
take no chances of possible charges
of professionalism. “Diving for
pennies is using your swimming
knowledge for financial gain,” he
cautioned. Gerber, star Wisconsin
tackle, was kept out of the Illinois
game because of Illinois’ protest
that he was a professional because
he gave swimming lessons at the
Y. M. C. A. during the summer.
Yale University—Yale university
according to an alumni directory
recently issued, has ” 21,000 living
graduates. Among the large cities
j listed is Kansas City, with 200
graduates. More than 1,000 former
students live in foreign countries.
: Asia claims 375 of these.
Handball Setj
for Tuesday
Nineteen Teams Enter
Tournament Games
The doughnut handball tourna
ment is scheduled to get under way
next Tuesday, and from then on
two games a day will be played
until the first round of the tourna
ment is over, sometime near Febru
ary 7. I
Nineteen teams have entered the
tournament and they have been
divided into four leagues. A round
robin will be played in each league
to determine the winners. The two
highest teams in each league will
go into the second round, where
straight elimination will weed them
out until the final games, which
will determine the ratings. The
two or three lowest teams in each
league will go into another league
,and play straight elimination. All
teams will be listed on a percentage
basis. Thus the handling of the
tournament will be practically the
same as that of the basketball
tournament, except that the final
leagues will play straight elimina
tion games for the championship.
In order to get the tournament
run off as quickly as possible Henry
“Hank” Foster has arranged that
no games be postponed. Absolute
forfeiture will be the result of
games not played on or before the
set date. The date each game is
to be played will be posted in the
men’s gymnasium. Foster urges
that men arrange to play off the
(Continued on page two.)
Oregon Takes
Bearcat Game
by 47-13 Score
Checking by Varsity
Defense Allows But
Four Goals
Short Passes Used
Oregon skimmed safely over the
second of her conference barriers
by a greater margin than the first
one last night, and the Willamette
Bearcats fell before the Lemon
Yellow onslaught to the tune of
47 to 13. Oregon’s defense was
working with more of a precision
than in the previous engagements
and although the Bearcats looked
like a better aggregation than
Pacific, the locals were able to run
up a slightly larger score. The dif
ference, however, can readily be
laid to better quality of shooting
from the foul line.
Hunk Latham showed symptoms
of returning to his old form last
night and was high point man of
the tangle, with 18 counters. Logan
was the guy with the brass buttons
in the Bearcat offense and he rung
the bell thrice for six points.
Shafer Converts Five
If we were to pick a star in last
night’s contest, however, we would
pass the palm to Earl Shafer. Be
sides converting five out of eight
tries from the foul line, the little
fellow slipped the leather through
the hoop four times from the field.
Then again, Shafer was no small
part of the highly successful five
man defense of the local squad.
Hobson slumped slightly under his
performance against the Badgers.
The Oregon defense was pene
trated for four field goals in the
first half, but in the last period
the visitors had to be satisfied with
four points via the foul route. Last
night’s game was divided into four
eight-minute quarters.
Gowans opened the scoring by
dropping one in from the foul line
and baskets by Latham and Shafer
soon ran the count to seven be
fore the visitors scored. About
this time, however, Logan got an
acute attack of the basket shooting
fever and in less than a minute
he heaved the sphere through the
hoop three times, making the count
seven to six. This was as close
as the Bearcats ever got, however,
as the Lemon-Yellow combination
got to work and at the end of the
first eight minute period the score
stopd 13 to 6 in Oregon’s favor.
Reinhart’s team kept the Salem
lads on the defensive throughout
the remainder of the first half and
at half time were leading 23 to 8.
Second Half Fast
Tlie varsity in the second half
ran their final count to 47, while
Willamette did not make a single
field basket. Both coaches sent in
a host of subs during the latter
minutes of the game. Stoddard
(Continued on Page Two.)
Dent Mowrey—a Musician
Education, Genius, Fame
By Josephine Bice
The Dent Mowrey recital tomorrow
night will offer an unusual oppor
tunity to students and townspeople
to hear one of the most prominent
of the younger musicians of today.
'Dent Mowrey is an artist with the
firm foundation of a thorough musi
cal education; his excellence of mu
sicianship is due, not only to his na
tive genius, but also to years of ear
nest and assidous labor.
Mr. Mowrey has had the advantage
of European training and contact
i with the best in the Europaen musi
cal world. He attended the Royal
Conservatory at Leipzig and gradu
ated with honors. From there he
went to Paris to study with Harold
, Bauer, one of the foremost of mod
I ern musicians. Harold Bauer recent
. ly toured the United 8tates, and ap
j peared in Portland with the Port
j land Symphony orchestra, and was re
; ceived most enthusiastically there, as
j elsewhere. Mr. Mowrey’s talent won
| cordial recognition in Europe, -an
honor not attained by many Amer
ican students. He played at musi
cales and did extensive concert work,
playing mostly his own compositions.
Since his return to America, he has
been one of the leading figures in
musical circles in San Francisco,
Portland, and Seattle.
The first part of his program con
sists of five selections from the
“Classic” masters, Beethoven, Mug
gilini-Liszt, Schubert, and Brahms.
Those who know Schubert are look
ing forward eagerly to the Rosa
mundo Ballet Music. The brilliant
Soiree Musicale, by Mugglilini-Liszt,
and the Waltzes of Brahms cameo
like in their perfection, will furnish
a rare treat for the listeners.
His second group will be interpre
tations of the most outstanding of
modern composers. A comment on
Chopin could be called superfluous,
as there are few who do not know
and love Chopin. Mr. Mowrey will
(Continued on page two )
Although Jack Hemstead, who
talked to the editors and managers
conference Friday afternoon, is only
sixteen, he has been for two years
editor of thc Amplifier, taking the
paper when it was printed on a
mimograph and building it up to a
real newspaper. To boost circula
tion, theater tickets, purchased
with advertising space, are given
as prizes each issue, and as a re
sult Jack .boasts a larger circula
tion than the total enrollment.
This is one time of the year
when campus celebrities and their
lesser lights get a chance to show
* • *
Hippity hop to the barber shop!
The Chi O freshmen certainly be
lieve in shearing them. Now papa
and mama can get a foreglimpse
of what college will do to a girl.
Inspecting Deady hall will prob
ably inspire many a keen nosed
youngster with desire for a biology
course when he comes down in the
Galoshes, Galoshes! Tlie stylo
show will make a lasting impres
sion as to foot gear at any rato.
* * *
Strange to relate, no wandering
lads blundered in' on the style show.
The interpretive dancers of the
physical education department did
some clever work at Folk Lore and
Nursery Rhymes Saturday morning.
They chose something simple in or
der that tlie pr ppers would have
nothing too difficult to decipher.
# • *
We have found the youngest
delegate. He is Delbert Edwards,
the only boy in the Oakridgo high
school. He is 13 years old and is
one of a student body of 13.
» # »
A complaint was made by the
' registration committee concerning
the activities of one Frank Carter,
who took up much of their valued
time ascertaining the names of the
more attractive among the preppers.
* * *
The junior and senior women’s
class teams fought a model basket
ball game for the benefit of the
delegates. The game was an es
pecially good one, due to the hoot
ing and cheering spectators.
• • •
High school senior men are sup
posed to have grown out of the
bashful stage, but did you hear
the faint, shy, little reply in ans
wer to a fair co-ed's smiling
“Hello.” At that they seemed to
get as much kick out of it as we
The little grammar school chil
dren were certainly doing their
stuff in the swimming tank of the
Women’s building Saturday morn
ing. Some of the seven and cight
year-o'ds are rivaling the college
women in their ability at diving
and doing stunts.
# * *■
Oregon Knights become popular.
Nearly every one soen had a string
of preppers and prepperesses, rang
ing from three to twenty.
» » ♦
The only way you could tell John
Piper wasn’t a delegate was that
he didn’t wear a ribbon.
» * »
One girl, a delegate, at the Gam
ma Phi house, said she liked the
girls real well and wanted to get
her application in for residence
there next fall'. She asked for their
application blank.
* » »
Most of the delegates went to
meetings with business in their
head—about half of them were
(Continued on page three)
Preppers Name
Officers for 1925
Delegates Pick Nelson
Beeler and Kimball
Officers of the various divisions
of the convention of high school
students which has been assembled
here for the past two days, were
elected yesterday afternoon.
The Association of Student Body
Oregon, president; Humboldt Graig,
Villard hall and elected the fol
lowing officers: Donald Beeler, of
Warrenton high school, Warrenton,
Oregon, president; Humbolt Craig,
of Lincoln high school, Portland,
vice-president; Vera Davis, of Fos
sil high school, Fossil, Oregon, sec
retary; and Julian Ager, Klamath
Falls high school, Klamath FaJlls,
Oregon, treasurer.
The election of the following of
ficers of the Girls’'league termin
ated the meetings of that division
of the conference: Avis Nelson,
Franklin high, Portland, president;
Nedra Bolton, The Dalles, vice
president; Louise Nunn, Salem, sec
retary-treasurer, and Kathleen Car
los, Hood Biver, representative at
The selection of officers for the
Oregon State High School Press as
sociation took place in the audi
torium of the University, high
school and thq following officers
were elected: Miles Kimball, Jef
ferson high, Portland, president:
John . Black, McMinnville, vice
'president; Alice Southwick, Lincolr
! high, Portland, secretary.
The Press association electioi
! was close, Black winning the vice
presidency by only one vot0 ove:
I Don McCord of Commerce high o:
i Portland.
Following the elections of offi
II ers the groups concentrate! at Vil
; lard hall for the final session.
Whitman College—(By P. I
N. S.)-t-Plans for a literary maga
; zinc to appear on the campus som
1 time next quarter were definite!
formulated at a meeting of th
; press club last week. The nei
S magazine will be modeled afte
: Lemon Punch.
Style Show
Is Attractive
College Girls Display
Correct Clothing
The atmosphere of a fashionable
Fifth avenue shop, combined with
the attractive simplicity of college
life prevailed at the third annual
style show given yesterday morn
ing in Guild hall. It was presented
under the auspices of the Women’s
league for the benefit of th0 visit
ing high school girl delegates.
Bright hangings and drapes form
ed a pleasing background for the
stage, and two small blue-clad pages
stood at the sides of the curtain.
Numbers were announced by a
slender figure in Chinese costume.
The models were college girls
showing the correct dress for Uni
versity women. Tho first group was
lingerie. Sport clothes for campus
wear followed this. Besides attrac
tive sweater and skirt outfits, bath
ing suits, golf attire, and riding
habits were displayed. Even the
popular galoshes appeared on a
figure in a raincoat and hat.
Informal frocks and evening
dresses of various colors anl styles
pictured the season’s latest modes
A short feature dance added variety
to the program.
After the style show the dele
gates adjourned to the Woman’t
building, where the Women’s Ath
letic association furnished a pro
gram composed of typical worl
done in the physical education de
partment. A basketball game
played between the juniors ant
seniors, resulting in a 13 to 2 vie
tory for the former, followed gym
nasium exercises put on by th<
In the dancing room, members o
the dancing classes gave example
of frieze work and child studies
Some of the numbers were interpre
tive sketches of Mother Goose’
'Goosey Gander, Little Miss Muffel
and .Tack in the Box.
Contests in swimming were hel
jin the pool, with Janet Woods win
1 ning the one length crawl, an
■ | Maude Schroeder the breast strok
’ ! race. Virginia Wilson won both th
' ! backward race and the onedengt
r ! free stylo race. Exhibitions o
fancy diving were also given.
Last Sessions
of Conference
Come to Close
| Certificates Awarded
for Superior Work
in Journalism
New Plans Made
Saturday’s sessions of the an
nual high school conference were
devoted to a final discussion of prob
lems, to the election of officers for
the association of student body of
ficers and for the high school proas
association, and to the awarding of
certificates of merit by Balph Casey
to those winning in the various
Both the editors and managers
section of the conference and the
student body officers section passed
resolutions favoring the conference
as a benefit to high schools and ex
pressing aims decided upon by
the delegates.
Papers to Contribute
The High School Press associa
tion passed the following resolu
tion: “In order that this organiza
tion be more closely united, we ask
I that the various papers and maga
I zines of the said organization, ex
change or lend cuts, and exchange
news.” Appreciation was expressed
to the University and the various
organizations for the hospitality
and help that had been received
and to those connected with the
conference for their help.
Th association of student body of
ficers went on record as saying that
the sessions of the organization
were of definite value to the schools
represented and requested that
these conferences be continued from
year to year, urging more high
schools to participate. To those
who had helped with the conference
appreciation was expressed.
Student Body Favored
Resolutions favoring certain ac
tion for all high schools were
passed. These were: “We go on
record as favoring a well organized
student body in each high school,
which shall control the general
activities of the school, such as
athletics and debates. We believe
an effective organization should in
clude the following features: (1) ▲
student council, which shall include
,a faculty representative, and which
shall bo the executive body of the
association; (2) a paid membership
with a fee sufficiently large to
justify admission of members into
the various contests and other
activities that are directly under
the control and direction of the
student body; (3) a carefully work
ed out budget system for handling
the finances of the organization.”
“Believing that debating is one
of the most profitable activities in
which students engage, we favor
full recognition and support of this
activity by the student body as
State to be Divided
“We go on record unqualifiedly
j in favor of clean sportsmanship,
honesty and square dealing in all
interscholastic relations.”
“Wo recommend to the Oregon
High School Athletic association
that plans be considered for divid
ing the state into sections for the
purpose of scheduling athletie
“We pledge ourselves to endeavor
to carry to our respective high
schools, that fine spirit of harmony,
cooperation and mutual respect that
has boen in evidence throughout thin
Certificates of merit, given in
1 recognition for outstanding work
in the journalistic field, were
awarded to winners in nine differ
ent contests. These certificates were
signed by Paul G. Trueblood, re
! presenting the Oregon High School
PresR association, and Bean Eric W.
Allen, representing the school of
1; journalism.
Winners Are Named
Winners of the awards wore for
i | the best example of a nows Btory
’ j in a high school paper: The Amotan
Tillicum of The Dalles high school;
11 for. the best editorial in a high
school magazine or newspaper: The
| Cardinal of Lincoln high school,
J Portland; for the best mechanical
; make-up of a high school paper:
1 j Tech Pep of Benson Polytechnic,
(Continued on page three)