OREGON DAILY EMERALD _Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association_ Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued dally except Monday, during the college year._ _ ARTHUR 8. RUDD ____-.., EDITOR Editorial Board JCftasging Editor .—. Don Woodward Associate Editor ... John W. Piper Associate Managing Editor .—-—-—.Taylor Huston ; Daily News Editors Margaret Morrison Rosalia Keber Junior So ton Velma Farnham Night Editors Rupert Bullivant Walter Coover Douglas Wilson Jack Burleson George Belknap P. L N. S. Editor _ Pauline Bondurant Assistant . Louis Dammaech Sports Staff Sports Editor _ Kenneth Cooper Sports Writera: , _ , Monte Byers, Bill Akers, Ward Cook, 1 Upper News Staff 'atherine Spall Norma Wilson Frances Simpson Mary Clerin Marian Lowry Kathrine Kressmann j Katherine Watson Margaret Skavlan Exchange Editor . Norborne Berkeley News Staff: Henrietta Lawrence, Helen Reynolds, Lester Turnbaugh, Georgians Gerlinger, Webster Jones, Margaret Vincent, Phyllis Coplan, Frances Sanford, ( Eugenia Strickland, Velma Meredith, Lilian Wilson, Margaret Kressmann, Ned j French, Ed Robbins, Josephine Rice, Clifford Zehrung, Pete Laura, Leonard Lerwill. llary West, Emily Houston, Beth Farias, Lyle Janz, Ben Maxwell, LEO P. J. 1CUKLY MANAGER Business Staff Associate Manager . Foreign Advertising Manager Advertising Manager_ Circulation Manager Lot Beatie James Leake Maurice Warnock Assistant Circulation Manager - Specialty Advertising -----— Advertising Assistants: Frank Loggan, Chester Coon, Kenneth Stephenson _- Alan Woolley Gladys Noren Edgar Wrightman, Lester Wade Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription > $2.26 per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application. Editor — Phones 655 | Manager - 951 Daily News Editor This Issue Leon Byrne Night Editor This Issue Walter Coover Welcome to Oregon Oregon lias 200 high school students as guests on its campus. They have come here to learn how better to manage the affairs of their student organizations. From mountain, plain and valley they have come to work out their problems and to see their state University. It is a privilege to entertain them, to extend the hospitality typified in the Oregon “hello.” We are glad they are here. We hope they like our campus. Tonight they will mingle with us at the annual College night. This function will be one of the few big get-togethers of the year. Let"s ;all be there. Controlling the Co-Op A much-needed piece of work has been done for the student body by the finance committee of the executive council. They have thoroughly investigated the situation of the University Co-Operative store and have suggested a plan of procedure. The next step is to put that plan into action. Jb’or some time the University Co-Op has been regarded with distrust by University students. Last fall the trouble came to light through the communication column of the Emerald, and at the suggestion of this publication the matter was investigat ed. The* executive council later took up the inquiry and in yesterday’s Emerald they made their report. The main trouble seems to have been the neglect of the manager of the store to keep the students informed of the true status of the organization. A great many labored under the impression thaat the Co-Op was a student body organization. A careful survey of the store statistics proved to the investigat ing body that the present status of the store is good. It is not thought advisable to make the Co-Op a part of the student hotly at this time. The heavy stock which must be carried prevents such a move. It was felt, however, that a closer connection should be established for the general good. More students should be interested and without actually merg ing the finances of the A. 8. U. 0. and the Co-Op the two or ganiations should be connected as far as possible. The principal recommendations of the finance committee as they were printed yesterday follow: 1. That a 50e membership be levied on every student at the time of registration with a guarantee that at least 50c be returned. 2. That the by-laws of the Co-Op be changed so that its officers can be chosen at the regular A. 8. U. O. elections. 3. That the matter be further discussed by the student council. The present governing board of the Co-Op and its manager have cooperated in the investigation with good spirit. These definite suggestions have been made with their approval, and we suggest that the president of the Co-Op board and his co workers draw up a student-body amendment to be presented for a vote. This will further show their willingness to assist a movement which is the first step in making the University Co-Operative store a student body enterprise. The heart of the whole situation is this: That the connec tion which the proposed changes would make between all the students would remove the harmful distrust and suspicion which makes itself evident each year. The student store, an enterprise intended to benefit the students, is injured. Re moval of suspicion which cannot possibly help the situation, will enable better service by the store. Then, if there are things to be investigated or changed, the students will have a real lever to obtain needed action. The Emerald feels that the financial difficulty prevents going all the way at this time. We can see no reason however. why these suggestions of our fellow students should not be carried out immediately as an essential first step forward making the CorOp ultimately an A. S. "U. 0. store. This is the time for those who have expressed dissatisfac tion with the Co-Op to show their willingness and ability to do some constructive work. The time is ripe for advancement j in this field of student endeavor. Let’s go ahead. — i Mr. Colton’s vivid depiction of conditions among our fellow students in Russia brought home the fact to Oregon students that helping the Friendship Fund is indeed a privilege. Every man and woman on the campus has a duty to perform in help ing this movement. The need is real; the money is well administered: let’s all help. •<5>- 1 --— -■ — ! Campus Bulletin i I Notices will be printed in this column for two Issues only. Copy must be in this office by 5:80 on the day before it is to be published, and must I be limited to 20 words. <> Temenids—Important meeting in Woman’s building at 5 o’clock. Military — Advance course stu dents call at barracks today for checks. Co-Op Members—Annual meeting will be held in Villard hall Tues day, January 15, at 4. Oregana Pictures—Must be taken by January 15. Make immediate appointments, Kennell-Elli, 1697. Pi Lambda Theta—Luncheon at Anchorage Satnrday noon, 12 sharp. Very important that all members be there. O. N. S. Members—Sign up on bulletin board in library for ban quet at Anchorage, Wednesday, January 16. Orchesus Members—Meet Satur day at 10:30 a.m. in dancing room of Woman’s building. Come dressed in dancing costumes. 10NE YEAR AGO TODAY*’ Some High Points in Oregon Emerald of January 11, 1923 o ♦ This is the first Emerald to ap pear in 1923. High water and floods in the val ley have prevented many students returning for early registration. At a faculty meeting held yes terday the semester pHin was adopt ed by a 29 to 25 vote. The barnstorming trip, staged by the varsity basketball team during the holidays, gave the varsity six victories out of the eight games played. • • •' Dr. George Rebec left London yesterday for a journey on the continent. He has spent three months at Oxford university. • a a The student loan fund now has $21,238 available for student use. The 1922-23 student directory appeared on the campus today. a a a The final reckoning shows that 38 students flunked out of the Uni versity last term. INFORMATION CARDS AID IN CHECKING PLAN System Helps Registrar’s Office to Keep Tab on Students’ Study Program The white information cards that everyone has been filling out in all tiis classes are a part of the system devised by the registrar’s office for checking up on those who are en rolled in the various classes. The system also is a means for finding out whether every one who regis tered for the whole year is attend ing the University for this term. There is much work connected with this checking process and the registrar’s office lias been kept busy handling the cards. It is necessary to collect all the cards of each stu dent and then to check these against his study program. If it is found that a student is attending a class not listed on his study card, a notice has to be sent to him. If it is found that he is not attending a class listed on his program, a dif ferent sort of notice has to be sent. Then "when the check is com pleted against the study programs the office is able to determine who is in the University and who is not. Along with the work of checking the information cards, the regis trar’s office is busy checking the petitions to drop and add courses against the study programs so that these will be a final record by the time it is necessary to pay fees. CORRECT DRESS FOR WOMEN TO BE SHOWN High School Girls to See Iiiving Models in Late Styles The correct clothes show, a fea ture of the program for representa tives of high schools girls’ leagues, who will meet on the campus this week-end, will be given at 9:45 Saturday morning, in Guild hall. Many styles, typical of college clothes for campus, afternoon, din ner and evening, will be shown and college women will act as models. The lighting of the stage is being worked out by the committee, of which Wenona Dyer is chairman, and various blending colors will be used in the displays. Jane O’Reilly has charge of the music and an ac companiment for the entire show is planned. Margaret Anderson and Alice Aldrich will dance. These style shows always savor of the professional, and are very well attended. An admission of 10 cents is charged University wo men. Members of the committee serv ing with the chairman are: Kathar ine Jane Seel, Ada Harkness, Helen Parks, Josephine Ulrich, Gladys Noreen, Portia Kidwell, and Betty Belle Wise. OREGON TAKES GAME FROM BADGER SQUAD (Continued from page one) of the game for two or three weeks. Following is the summary: Oregon (44)— POS —(14) Pacific Gowans (6) .F. (4) Jesse Hobson (10) .F. (6) Tucker Latham (5) .C. Balcoin Shafer (7) .G.... (2) Blackman Chapman (8) ...G. (2) Adams King (4) .S. Allison Alstock (4) .S. Emerson Harding .S Tuck ...S Gunther .S Referee, Ralph Coleman, O. A. C. Scorer, Frank Reinhart, Oregon. Timer, Evans, Oregon. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS JR. MAKES DEBUT AT REX Douglas Fairbanks Jr.’s first! Paramount starring production, “Stephen Steps Out,” opened its widely heralded three days engage ment yesterday at the Rex. The story starts in America and carries the audience to Turkey and return in DANCE TONITE Myers Mid-Nite Sons at the College Side Inn Instead of Dreamland Dancing 8:30 to 12 Admission 85c College Side Inn Saturday Night Also i series of unexpected thrills and adventures. As the hero, an Am erican boy, young Fairbanks was excellent, 'and his work showed that he has inherited magnetic talents of a. high order. The human interest of the picture j lies in the sportsman like attitude 1 of young Stephen Harlow toward ! in old professor, who has con scientiously flunked him in his examination for graduation, and who has lost his position because of : his courage. All of the characters are human and the story is one to warm the heart. It is off the beaten path—a picture extraordin ary in its novelty. U. HIGH GAME FRIDAY Basketball Schedule Completed for Season; Big Record Hoped A schedule of the basketball games to be played by the Univer sity high school has been prac tically completed by the manager. The first game of the season is to be played Friday, with the Albany high school at Albany. The entire schedule is: January 11-—Albany at Albany. January 18—Eugene high at Eu gene high. January 25—Open. February 1—Cottage Grove at Cottage Grove. February 9—Corvallis at Eugene. February 15—Open. February 22—Cottage Grove at Eugene. March 1—Corvallis at Corvallis. March 8—Albany at Eugene. March 14—Eugene high at U. of O. gym. The University high school won the state championship in basket ball last year, and the coaching staff and team have great hopes of making another big record this year. IAN CAMPBELL ENGAGED Geologist and Chi Omega Sister Have Matrimonial Plans The engagement of Julia Opp, ex-’24, and Ian Campbell, graduate student in the geology department, has been announced and has reach ed the campus through the columns of the Oregon section of the bul letin of the Geological and Mining Society of American Universities, which appeared here this week. Miss Opp came to the Univer sity from Reed College in 1922 and was a member of the local chapter of Chi Omega. Mr. Campbell’s home is in Eugene. He was a mem ber of the class of 1923 and upon his record made in the University, was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, honorary scholarship fraternity. No definite plans for the wed ding have been announced. SURVEY OF SOCIAL LIFE TO BE MADE BY STUDENTS University of Oklahoma—A state wide survey of statistics of various phases of industrial and social life in each country will be made by the barious county clubs by the aid o the students at Oklahoma univer sity, according to Dr. A. B. Adams, dean of the school of business. We buy and sell and exchange new and used goods. Give us a trial. Men’s Exchange 31 E 7th Street_ r WILLIAM FOX Screen version of A.S.M. Hutchinson’s famous novel i ' ■ ■■ IF WINTER COMES After Saturday, the 12th We will be in our new lo cation at 7th and Willa mette and will be glad to see you. BAKER - BUTTON Emery Insurance Agency Representative for OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION 37 9th Avenue West Phone 667 AS IN all our clothes, our tuxedos have the quality, the tailoring, and *j| the comfortable fit that leaves you free to enjoy yoiir evening. Your Spine may have a ‘fertaberal lesion as shown, which may be the cause of your ailments. r The Chiropractor corrects these subluxations— lib erates the nerve impulses —Health returns. DR. GEO. A. SIMON 916 Willamette Street 2100 Doughnuts were sold on the campus yesterday by Theta Sigma Phi ■liHIIIHIMIfltp YOU LIKED THEM DIDN’T YOU WANT SOME MORE TOO? ■ - i | They were majde in our I I MODEL ELECTRIC KITCHEN | | and are a sample of our fine baking j I Dice Grocery Co. ( | 8th and Olive 3 Phones, 183 f i i IlillMllllMlillMlIIIIHIIIMlillHlIlllBlllllHllMlIlli—IIUMIIIIMiaillllMliliaiHlililiMlliiMiiifiiiii—iw»B Januay Sale 10% to 50% Reductions 1 50 Odd Bedroom Pieces—Beds, Dressers Chiffoniers, Dressing Tables, Chairs, Wickers and Benches, in a great diversity of styles and finishes, now 10 per cent to 50 per cent less. Chamber Chairs and Rockers . $6.95 As a special feature we have taken a regu lar $12.50 cane seat chamber wicker or chair in ivory or walnut and offer it to you at $6.50. ^fETHERBEE \