T ! OPINIONS ASKED ON PEACE PLAN 4 - Emerald to Conduct Vote on Adequacy of Judges’ Decision on Bok Award PAMPLETS SENT OUT Entrance of United States In International Court is Feature of Proposal THE BOK PLAN IN BRIEF Proposes I. That the United States shall immediately enter the perman ent court of international justice, under the conditions stated by Secretary Hughes and President Harding in February, 1923. II. That without becoming a member of the League of Na tions as at present constituted, the United States shall offer to extend its present cooperation with the League and participate in the work of the League as a body of mutual counsel under conditions which 1. Substitute moral force and public opinion for the military and economic force originally im plied in Articles X and XVI. 2. Safeguard the Monroe Doc trine. 3. Accept the fact that the United States will assume no ob ligations under the treaty of Ver sailles except by Act of Congress. 4. Propose that membership in the League should be opened to all nations. 5. Provide for the continuing development of international law. Students and faculty members of the University are in this issue called upon by the Emerald to vote on the plan for peace selected by the jury of the American peace award. This plan, selected from 22,165 submitted in the competition for the award of $100,000 offered by Edward W. Bok, embodies what the jury considers the most ap plicable plan for the peace of the world. The approval of the Am erican people of the program out lined is now the object of the Am erican peace award, and every uni versity and college in the United States, as well as prominent journ als and organizations, will be asked to assist in this ballot. Official ballots will also be placed in the hands of every student and faculty member, and the results of the vote announced by the Emer ald. University officials and stu dent body officers are cooperating in the plan, and a vote from every one on the campus is expected. Pamphlets containing the plan com plete will be sent out and ballots should be sent or mailed to the Emerald. Cooperation Urged The plan, as here stated in brief, provides for the United States to enter a permanent court of inter national justice, as outlined by Sec retary Hughes and President Hard ing in February, 1923, and that without becoming a member, the United States cooperate with the League of Nations under certain specified conditions. The approval of the plan by the American people means, very simp ly, that this country will favor world peace, while a rejection will mean that in the judgment of the majority, the world is not yet ready for such a step, or that it is the popular belief that war is inescap able. The plan is conservative, since it does not bind the United States in any prohibitive way to a set policy, and it is liberal in that it does not force entrance into any definite covenants nor bind the United States to any other na tions. United States Safeguarded The plan safeguards the United States in every way at present, as far as can be seen, and at the same time it will give the Europ ean and other nations a definite statement of opinion from this country. This mere statement would aid greatly in crystalizing chaotic conditions in certain sec tions of Europe, and undoubtedly (Continued on page three) Papas Growl and Young Men Scowl, Yet They Bob It Rushees Have Skill as Hair Shinglers And the hair manufacturers howled and the fashion critics roared but they still continue to bob it! ! There’s no doubt about it— these stern parents who have layed down the law about having ‘ ‘ darl ing daughter’s” locks shorn, might just as well yield pleasantly, be cause “sed daughter” is going to be considered a back number if she doesn’t have her hair cut in the approved style of 1924. “What worries me,” one un sympathetic male was heard to re mark, “is that each time they cut it, they take a little more off. Where are they going to stop?” The longer the vacation, the more shorn heads appear. Christ mas week produced a total of something over fifteen and a hair cutting party is one of the most popular pastimes among the sor ority houses. A rushee is picked nowadays, not for her ability to eat her salad with the right fork, but for her proficiency in bobbing and shingling. The mellennium has arrived,— for the women at least— and pop ular opinion states that not soon will they forfeit their newly a,c FOLK-OPERA TICKETS SELLING ON CAMPUS “The Hour Hand” -Will be Presented January 31 The tickets for the Eugene pro duction of “The Hour Hand”, a Swiss folk-opera by Anne Landsbury Beck, of the school of music, were placed on sale yesterday at the var ious living organizations on the campus by Ted Killenwaters, mana ger. The opera will be presented in the Heilig theatre, January 31, and the price of tickets range from fifty cents to one dollar. The first ten rows downstairs are selling at one dollar, and the last eight rows are seventy-five cents. The first three rows in the balcony are one dollar and the last three rows are seventy fifty cents. All seats must be Te fifty cents. A1 lseats must be re served, and for that reason tickets should be purchased early. By writ ing to the manager of the Eugene Heilig theatre, inclosing return pos tage, the tickets may be exchanged at once for reserve sats. No war tax will be charged. Tickets may also be purchased at Kuyktndall’s Drug company and at the Co-op. “The Hour Hand’’, without any exception, is an all University pro duction. Mrs. Beck, the composer, is a member of the University of Oregon school of music faculty. Charles M. Bunyan who made the interesting orchestrations has also contributed some of the new choral and solo numbers as well as some fascinating orchestral material. The thirty-five members of the cast are all University students, and they are supported by the University orches tra. Henry Sheldon, also a student, (Continued on page three) JURY Dir IS HELD IN ARTS SCHOOL — Emil Jacques, Well Known Belgian Painter, Acts as Critic for Sculpture Work EXHIBIT WILL STAY OPEN Elimination of Awards Has Developed Originality of i Work, Belief of Dean me jury day ot the term m the school of architecture and allied arts was given over to conferences of the critics with the students. Emil Jacques, Belgian painter, was the critic for painting and sculpture, and Nolan B. Zane, art instructor at Jefferson high school, Portland, was the critic for the normal arts. W. G. Holford, Portland architect, and partner of Dean Ellis F. Law rence, in the firm of Lawrence and Holford, gave the criticism for the J architects’ work. Following the ar chitecture criticism the men will fin ish up their problems, carrying them as far as possible. Each man had to present his own problem and tell his reasons for the treatment used. Reception at Right Each member of the jury was a guest at luncheon of the particular department for which he came. The social part of the occasion termin ated in a reception at 8 o’clock in the evening to which all students, faculty members and townspeople were invited for the opening of the exhibition of the paintings of Emil Jacques. The exhibition will be open to the public for the next two weeks. Committees of students under the direction of Mabs Breckon, president of the Allied Arts league, had charge of arrangements and refreshments. Mr. Zane addressed the students at 2:00 in the afternoon on princi ples of applied design. He was es pecially interested in the problem of designing suitable tile for the floor of the entrance of the arts building. Olay Models Commended “The students seem to sense the problem accurately,” Mr. Zane said when interviewed. “It is one of the adaptability and appropriateness of design to the material already there. The main difficulty is relating the whole corridor as it stands to the spirit of gothic glass already in stalled. There is a question arising as to whether the construction lends itself to gothic treatment through out. The tile must be the keystone, and tie the two together.” The use of clay models by the ar chitecture students was commended by Mr. Holford as one of the best ways of showing the student errors which are not apparent at once in drawings because the third demen sion is lacking. “Discrepancies in scale and ar rangement can easily be pointed out,” Mr. Holford stated. “Pro portions and relationships can be shown, and defects of treatment re medied.” Freedom in Design The use of the clay models was intended to give the students a chance to carry out one building or group. There were no awards or mentions this term, and will be none in the future, according to Dean Ellis F. Lawrence, of the school of architecture and allied arts. The (Continued on page three) OREGON EMERALD BALLOT Do you approve the plan in substance? Yes □ (Put an X inside the proper box) | I Name . Address . City . Are you a voter? (Please Print) State THE AMERICAN PEACE AWARD 342 Madison Avenue, New York City NOTE—Those interested in expressing fuller opinions are cordially urged to send them, on a separate bheet. BRING OR SEND TO EMERALD OFFICE 1 A.S.U.O. WILL NOT ME OVER CO-OP Finance of Trade Would be Weakened by Control Through Student Body PRESENT STATUS GOOD History of Store Reviewed; Book Prices are Same as At Eastern Universities At the executive council meeting last night, the finance committee recommended that the Co-op store should not be changed and made a part of the A. S. U. O. The pre sent status was investigated and declared the most satisfactory. There has been a good deal of agitation of late, in favor of making the Co-op a part of the A S. U. O., so the finance committee prepared a statement and looked into the advisability of such a move. The committee reported that the taking tver of the Co-op by the A. S. U. O would weaken the credit of the store which must at times carry i $45,000 stock. First Co op in 1916 The first Co-op store, in 1916, was oaned $2,000 at six percent by the A S. U. O. At the end of two rears the student body, which had within that time, advanced the Co >p $4,000, found itself financially smbarrassed, without money to pay ;he back salary of the football ‘oach. Conditions were uncertain because of the war, so the Co-op was sold. Two years later the present Co )p was formed. It was made sep irate from the A. 8. U. O. because 1 ;lie student body could not finance t and secondly to prevent its being lold as the first one had been. The irst board of directors elected Mr. McClain as manager of the store, with authority to borrow sufficient noney to star! it by the fall of 1920. A year later it was found that , he store had not sufficient capital ;o operate on, so the University ■Supply company was formed. This ■ompany, in the form of a corpora ;ion, has lent money to the Co-op itore at eight percent. Stockhold irs in this company have no con sol over the policies of the Co-op. Accounts in Good Shape The committee found the ac counts of the store to be kept in in up-to-date manner. The prices •barged for books are the regular ist price used in the east, at Har vard and at Yale. This price aver iges 20 percent profit to the dealer, rhe yearly text book stock of about M2,000 costs $1,200 to be laid lown in Eugene and the cost of doing business is about 20 per cent if the net sales. Thus, if it were not for the other lines carried the Co-op would actually lose money. The main business for which the Co-op exists is to provide text books for the students. The committee called attention to the incon veniences suffered before the in stallation of the Co-op. The sup- f plies of the local dealers were so J small that special orders had to be J placed and many classes were de- ’ layed. ! Plan to Force Joining The idea was suggested of making) the Co-op membership compulsory 1 for every member of the student i body and fixing the membership fee ,, it 50 cents, to be collected at the j time of registration. In this plan , i guarantee would be made of a , minimum dividend of 50 cents to be paid each member at the end of the year. The committee’s reasons for the; plan were that the fifty cent mem j bership idea would clear up the , question of what becomes of the j dollar now paid for membership, since the same amount would be refunded at the end of the year. Further dividends would be ap portioned on the present basis, of i percentage of the purchases of each member. In three years the Co-op j has collected approximately $2,200 from membership which has been carried direct to surplus, and it has paid out in dividends to members (Continued on page three) RACE COMPANIONSHIP VOLUNTARY AND NOT ESSENTIAL TO SOLVE PROBLEM IS CONTENTION Student Scores Stand Taken by Paul Harrison at Minneapolis Convention; Nation Has to Work Out Own Destiny, Is Writer’s Belief (Editor’s Noto — In this, an answer to Mr. Turnbaugh’s article of yesterday, Mr. Lerwill is doing what we hoped someone would do —start « discussion on some of these vital problems brought out at the recent student volunteer con vention.) By Leonard Lerwill W hen Dr. Paul Harrison, the Apostle of the Desert, at the re cent student volunteer convention in Indianapolis, tried to tear down the distinction which nature has drawn between' the races of the earth, he succeeded in placing a tremendous stumbling block in the way of a solution of the racial prob lef by that gathering. It is not necessary to forget the fact that a negro is a negro, or that a China man came from China, or that the Anglo-Saxon has certain character istics of his own in order to keep the peoples of the earth from fly ing at each other’s throats. “If a man is willing to be a member of a fraternity that won’t admit Chinese students to its mem bership because of their color, there is no point in his criticism of Brit ish administration in India, or French administration of Syria,” declared this medical missionary to Arabia in his address to the con vention, according to the account published in yesterday’s Emerald. Mr. Harrison might just as well Have said that unless a man was married to a Chinese woman he has no right to attempt to under stand the Boxer uprising. Because nature has placed the various races of mankind together on earth is no indication that they have to mingle with one another in the most intimate relations un less they so desire. It is perfectly possible for justice to be done to both the white and black race and at the same time for each to keep its own society and tend to its own (Continued on page three) RUSSIAN RELIEF MAN TO ADDRESS ASSEMBLY Worker to Give Conditions of Stricken Land E. T. Colton who addresses the assembly this morning in Villard hall on the subject, of “The Present Trend in Russia ’ ’ is one of the best informed men on Russian conditions recording to those who know him and know his work. He recently re turned from spending tayo years in ;hat country. While in Russia, Mr. Colton han iled the organization of student re lief under the Student Friendship Fund. He worked in conjunction with the American Relief association which was organized by Herbert Hoover. In connection with his re lief work Mr. Colton was able to see nuch of Russia and to make a care ful study of conditions there. Mr. Colton is a member of the in ternational committee of the Y. M. C. A. and during the war was con nected with the Y. M. work among the expiditionary forces. He spent most of his time with the American forces in Russia. Since then he has been four times a representative of American relief organizations in that country. While speaking in Portland at a luncheon of business men, Mr. Colton said of Russia, “Conditions at the present look almost hopeless to the casual observer, but through it all is a conception of liberty almost un known to the average American. To put Russia on its feet is a matter of time. Until that is accomplished, through the influence of the younger generation, there is little hope of anything but disorder and poverty.” Mr. Colton is traveling over the country in the interest of the Amer ican Friendship Fund and will help 'he committee which is handling the work of this organization. This fund which is raised by students and teachers in this country is devoted to assisting students in those countries affected bv the war. Russian stu dents and professors and those who compose the educated class of that country have especially suffered from privation because of the war, and much relief has been sent these peo ple through the Friendship Fund. While in Portland Mr. Colton ad dressed the Medical school and Reed college. He also has spoken at Pa cific university and is scheduled to speak at O. A. C. and the state nor mal school. GRADUATE VISITS CAMPUS ON WAY TO CALIFORNIA Donald Wilkinson, a Sigma Xi and a graduate of last year froir the physics department here, left last night for the University oi California. Ho has a teaching fel lowship there, conducting several courses in physics. Mr. Wilkinson stayed at Friendly hall while or the campus. DELEGATES ARRIVING TODAY FOR MEETING All Parts of State to be Well Represented ■ Delegates to the conferences of ] high school editors and managers, j student body officers, and girls’ ( league heads, will begin arriving to- , day. From all parts of the state ( delegates will pour in, attracted by ■ the comprehensive program prepared j for them for the two-day session. Though the actual numbers attend ing the mettings will be less than a year ago, the conferences in point ; of representation of schools will have ’ doubled their growth, from present indications. Last year about 40 of the high schools of Oregon took an i interest in what the University had < to offer. This year between 70 and 80 such schools have promised to send representatives. j Cooperation from the University { as a whole to make the conference j successful is urged by the committee j of which John Piper is chairman, j Ray Harlan is handling the housing ] of the visitors. He has secured co- j operation of the campus living or- . ganizations .to provide room for them , during the two day’s stay. With , the aid of the halls of residence it j is expected that no organization, ex- t cept possibly the larger ones, will ; be asked to care for more than six , guests. In order that the assigning of them as they arrive be facilitated, each organization is asked by the , registration managers to have at the ; administration building registration booth a representative to receive the charges of their respective houses. These persons should be on hand most of the afternoon today, and Friday morning. The program for the sessions of the editors and managers, the pres idents of student bodies, and the re presentatives of girl’s leagues is now completed. Each one of these (Continued on page three) VARSITY HOOPERS TO MEET PACIFIC First Game of Season is Scheduled With Badgers in Armory at 7:15 p. m. OPPONENTS ARE SCRAPPY Latham, Gowans, Rockhey, Shafer and Chapman to Compose Oregon Team This evening at 7:15 at the Armory, the Lemon-Yellow quintet will swing into action against the Badgers from Pacific university, in their initial appearance on the homo floor. This is also the first Oregon tussle on the Northwest Conference calendar. During the past week “Bill” Reinhart has been putting the first string can didates through their paces in a strenuous manner and although the squad is not in the shape that made it so formidable last year, it promises to be a scrappy, fast pass ing aggregation. Visitors Are Strong Little information is available on Coach Franks’ outfit, but the men are for the most part old-timers and should offer real competition for the varsity. Those who have seen Badger teams in past years will vouch for the fact that Coach Leo puts out scrappy outfits that will tackle any odds. It is probable that Oregon’s of fense will center around Hunk Latham, Oregon’s representative on the All-Coast five, although the big boy has not yet made a complete • transition from football trim to the indoor sport, which requires a vastly different sort of training. Chappy is another who will not be in anything like his usual basket ball trim for the same reason. Oregon TeAm Given Gowans and Rockhey will prob ably be the forward combination which will start this evening’s struggle. Gowans, with a year’s varsity experience and the addition of several pounds of beef, which means added stamina, ought to be Oregon’s mainstay in the forward department. Latham will start at center, while last year’s guard combination, Shafer and Chapman, will be back in the harness, defending Oregon’s goal. Both of these men are good shots and close checkers, and should be a tough problem or any of fense to solve. There is a pos sibility that Chappy may be held out of tonight’s fracas on account of his knee, which is still weak from the smash he got in football season. Hobby Hobson will prob ably draw the assignment for the other guard in case Chapman is re legated to the bench. The Red Shirts will have Tucker and Emerson in the forward berths, Balcom at the pivot, and Black man and Adams at guards. Seating is Same The seating facilities in the Armory will be the sam,e as in past seasons with the first two rows, both upstairs and down, reserved for the townspeople. A section to the left of the entrance will be reserved for the band, while the en tire west-end bleachers will be set aside or the feminine contingency. (Continued on Page Two.) ; Lady Pen Pushers Purveying l Powdered Sinkers to Mobs 1 “Doughnut—A small cake, usual •' ly sweetened, often made with 0 yeast and fried brown in deep fat.” , —Webster. i How uninspiring! One immediately thinks of those . | unappetizing leathery concoctions, pj | displayed in confectionery windows when in reality a doughnut is— i | let us manufacture our own defini >f [tion: 1-j “A large fluffy, toothsome con- , il j coetion, sprinkled liberally with a in 'coat of powdered sugar, and sold for in the small sum of five cents, by the lady pen-pushers of the campus.” Could anything be more delight fully inspiring than to purchase one list before entering upon a fifty ninute seige with your accounting irofessor, or when upon verge of a ong winded argument on just why rou failed to hand in that 14-page issignment on schedule time. Today between the hours of 8 and i, members of the Theta Sigma Phi vill be out in full force to satisfy ;he hungering mobs. It remains mly for the waiting public to pro uce filthy lucre to have any imount of the delicate confections. Buy a Theta Sig Doughnut— ‘They Satisfy.”