Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 06, 1924, Image 1

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JANUARY 6, 1924_
If there is one accusation which
the majority of the Oregon student
body will rise to a man to deny, it
is that the University is a “social
bureau’ ’.
Fling but that statement clone in
to the midst where two or three Ore
gon students are gathered and you
have meat enough for a whole
night’s bandying of words—yes, and
abuse too, of the accuser.
We are anxious to defend our in
stitution from such a “stain”.
Why"? If the condition is not true
the facts will speak for themselves
in our grade sheets and higher schol
astic achievements. If the accusa
tion is basically true, we only lose
by denial. Why then 'do we hunt so
eagerly for every opportunity to post
a refutation1?
Oxforditis stalks abroad on the
campus. For weeks we have faced
some sort of a “Rhodes Scholarship
-’’ heading in The Emerald.
Penns of the first water and pro
fessors of the lesser official rostra
have returned from abroad. They
come from walking up and down the
earth and tell us of other institutions
than our own University of Oregon.
The student body listens aghast and
then figuratively clasps its Alma
Mater to its breast, whispering fran
tically, “She may be small but
there are those that love her,
b’gosh ’ ’.
By Stander
By C. N. H.
An undergraduate replied the oth
er day to a question, “Yes, I like
that class. I am going to register in
it for three terms. Miss -— is
pretty and she dresses well! ’ ’
St'11 another student says: “They
really ought to have a course in the
care and proper use of typewriters
in this school.’’ School! He said
it. Courses in the care of typewrit
ers, and in the mechanical details
of any profession belong in a school
and not in a University. "We are
not, say what some people may, a vo
cational school. We are a Univer
sity —IT NIVEBSIT Y— we are
here primarily to learn to think.
The asquisition of a “profession’’
is a very important next item, but
it is NEXT. All the flou-flous and
fol-de-rols of technical, professional
detail will never do one iota of
good wdthout a muscular brain to
direct their use. Brain fibers and
muscles develop from hard thinking
on real problems and not from cours
es on “Etiquette of Buzzing for the
Secretary, stenographer and office
boy.’’ The school of education
might as well put on a course in
“Proper Dress for Teachers in the
Class-room’’ and the department of
philosophy enroll its students in
“ Proper Sitting Positions for Phil
osophers Conducting an Afternoon
Eorum ’
The outside world is full of dumb
Bills and dumb-Belles who can wipe
off the top of a mahogany desk,
take notes, and run an adding ma
chine beautifully. But it is the man
who sits at the mahogany desk who
is the thinking human being and not j
a machine. The good teacher need
n’t worry about his dress too much, |
and the philosopher may philosophize
with his feet on the table.
What happens when someone sug- j
geets a little bit of real thinking to
be done on one of our sacrosanct
campuses. Why, he is- un-American
in his notions of what a University
should be. Why, sure!
President Robinson remarked the
other day that sometimes probably
the organized Associated Students
seemed very far away to some of us.
Surely. There are two strange ani
mals running about the campus. One
of them is labelled ‘ ‘ Activities ’ ’ and
the other, “Scholarship’’. <fo a
privileged few these feared beasts
come to feed from their hands but
to the multitude, the hoi-poloi—
avast! On with the dance. While
the many dance, the few will work.
Poor fools, say the many.
One of the greatest problems fac
ing the present and future Oregon
student bodies is the building of a
home for democracy on this campus
along with the building by the ad
(Continued on page four.)
Oxforditis Rampant
Ravages Oregon
By Leon K. Byrne
Still another Oregonian has re
turned from an Euorpean pilgrim
age, and still another Oregonian
sings the praises of European edu
t cational systems. More news about
Oxford and Eton has reached us
and new fuel is offered to feed the
! controversial fire which burns as
a result of the statement made by
a prominent educator that Europ
ean universities are superior to
their American counterparts.
Intellectual leaders now agree as
to the possibility of European uni
: versifies, exemplified by Oxford,
' being superior to American colleges
; as producers of thinkers. The bald
I statement, however, that their uni
versities are better than ours in
volves an incommensurability. The
1 two systems have different histor
ies, different purposes, and differ
ent personnels.
American colleges, it seems, arc
: the outgrowth of “Americanism”
and democracy, while English uni
I versifies are a result or outgrowth
of. conditions in that country. Am
erican efficiency demands that the
institutions of learning produce
| trained men—perfected cogs that
will fit into the industrial system.
American taxpayers, upon whom the
universities depend for subsistence
and to whose wishes they must ac
cede, demand that the schools be
practical, and to their minds, study
of the classics, of history, of the
motives that actuate men’s lives,
can be of little value in the strug
gle for bread and butter.
Anothes tiling—since American
schools are the property of the peo
ple, every proud parent insists that
his Tom or Harriet be allowed to
get a college education. Despite
requirements for entrance, perhaps
many are not fitted to receive this
intellectual training, and the stan
dard of the mass is lowered—the
bright must wait upon the dull.
English universities, conversely,
had a different origin. Centuries
ago, groups of students banded to
gether in organizations for discus
sion and exchange of ideas, hiring
tutors to further instruct them.
The Oxford of today much re
sembles this elemental condition.
Students seek Oxford, it does not
seek them. Instructors give lec
(Continued on page three)
Officer s’ Ball
Opens Season
Forty Couples Attend
Military Formal
Opening the formal season, the
military ball of the newly organized
Officer’s club was held in the sun
parlor of the Woman’s building
last night, about 40 couples attend
ing. It was the first social event
of its kind on the Oregon campus,
but henceforth will be an annual af
The decorations—army flags and
standards from the government bar
tary atmosphere to the ballroom,
racks at V-aneouver, lent a mili
Field pieces and guns of the local
R. O. T. C. unit were also used
to carry out the scheme. The cadet
officers were attired in their new
tailored dress uniforms.
During the intermission, refresh
ments consisting of ice cream, punch
and French pastry were served to
the officers and their guests in the
sun parlor.
Original programs cleverly con
cealed in empty rifle shell cases
were an interesting feature of the
The patrons and patronesses for
the occasion were: President and
Mrs. P. L. Campbell, Lieutenant
Colonel and Mrs. W. S. Sinclair,
Captain J. T. Murray, Captain F.
L. Culin, Lieutenant and Mrs. E.
G. Arnold, and Dean and Mrs. Colin
V. Dyment.
Short Stories
. Are Marketed
Three short stories have recently
been sold by Ernest J. Haycox, ’23,
to “Western Stories,” according to
word received by Professor W. F.
G. Timelier. Haycox has also com
pleted a novelette similar to that
one of his accepted by “Sea
Stories.” He now pilaus to desert
the sea as a scene for his writing,
and develop Oregon locale.
While on the campus Hayflox
was a major in journalism, and
took short story under Mr. Thaeher.
He was known as E. J. H. and The
Campus Cynic. During his last
year he wras editor of the Sunday
Emerald and president of Ye Tab
ard Inn, Oregon chapter of Sigma
Upsilon, national writing fraternity.
He is now a reporter on the Ore
Readers of the Oregonian book
reviews will also notice the names
of Jessie Thompson, ’23, and
Charles E. Gratke, ex- ’23, both
former Oregon students.
Robert Case, ’20, also a student
in the school of journalism, presi
dent of Ye Tabbard Inn in his turn,
and now publicity manager for the
Portland chamber of commerce, has
sold some of his short stories with
in the past few months.
Growth Shown
in Enrollment
This Term May Bring
Number Up to 2400
% _
Interest in education and the de
sire for a university training are
on the increase, as shown by figures
compiled by the registrar. Carlton
E. Spencer, registrar, announced
yesterday that 7,494 persons had
received training through the Uni
versity during the school year of
Enrollment in the University has
showed a steady increase in the
past few years and it is expected
that this increase will continue. In
the school year 1902-3, 187 full
time students were registered. The
figures for the school year so far
arq 2,379 full-time student^ here
in Eugene. These figures include
the 155 who have just registered
this year. But this does not take
into consideration the 203 full-time
students registered in the medical
school in Portland. This number
brings the total to 2,582.
The registration for this term is
not yet complete and Carlton
Spencer expects that a sufficient
number more will register this term
to make the total number attend
ing the University here equal 2,400.
He expecs that about 100 more will
register in April so that the prob
able total for the year will reach
2,500. The total for the last year
for full-time students here was
2,346, showing a marked increase
for this year.
There are about 4,500 students
registered in extension work in
Portland and in correspondence
courses this year. It was estimated
that 800 students took work in
summer sessions either here or in
Portland, these figures being in
cluded in the total.
Dr. Matthew L. Spencer, director
of the school of journalism at the
University of Washington, was
elected president of the Association
of American Schools and Depart
ments of Journalism during the
convention held at Chicago last
week. He will succeed Dean Eric
W. Allen in this position. Professor
George Turnbull attended the con
vention, which is an association of
all schools and departments in the
United States. An annual conven
tion is held to consider journalistic
problems and instruction.
Sigma Beta Phi announces the
pledging of Bessie Lemly, of Port
Delta Gamma announces the '
pledging of Kathryn Short of Port
land, Oregon.
Kappa Delta Phi announces the
pledging of Carroll Ford of Eugene.
Sigma Nu announces the pledg
ing of Alva Persons of Portland.
New Magazine
to Appear on
Local Campus
Short Story Class to
Have Charge of
No Name Chosen
A campus short story magazine,
containing eight or ten stories re
; reiving the highest rating by the
i judges of the Edison Marshall con
test, will appear near the end of the
winter term, or the first of the
spring term. The Marshall contest
closes February 1, and the magazine
will be put out as soon thereafter as
possible, according to Professor W.
F. Cl. Timelier, who is promoting the
publication. It is not yet known
how soon the decision of the judges
can be made.
“The magazine will be in the na
ture of an experiment,” Mr. Thacher
said. “There is nothing quite like
it in any school, so far as I know.”
j It is to be sponsored by the short
J story classes, but since the contest
itself is open to the campus at large
it will be a University, rather than a
class, affair.
No Name Selected
No name has been selected as yet
for the publication, the only one
suggested thus far being, “The
Storiad. ’ ’
“We are desirous of having sug
gestions for a name, Mr. Thacher
said. “It need not bo chosen for a
permanent one, but it should sug
gest the real character and nature
of the magazine. There must be
some name by which it can be called
and under which it may be sold.
The magazine will be a 32-page
one, with the general size and form
of “Old Oregon,” the alumni publi
cation. Its printing will be on the
University Press, under the direction
of Professor Robert C. Hall and Mr.
The selling price will be set at
twenty-five or thirty cents, and it is
expected that the magazine will pay
for itself. A number of ocpies will
be distributed by the University
among the high schools of the state,
and they will be sold in Portland
from the J. K. dill book store.
Judges Are Chosen
Copies will likewise be used dur
ing the meeting of the Oregon Au
thors’ league on the campus in the
spring. Not only the members of
the league are invited, but other au
thors throughout the state. Last year
it met in connection with the annual
editors’ conference. Mr. Thacher
hopes that the magazine will be a
further interest to the authors in the
work done here by the students in
Maryland Allen, Portland writer,
and Mrs. Rudolph H. Ernst have con
sented to be two of the contest
judges. A third is yet to be chosen.
The rating of the stories and the
consequent selection of material for
the magazine will therefore be in
their hands.
Oregana Art Work Lovely
* * * * * *
Book Symphony in Browns
A subdued symphony in browns
and tans. A treasure book of pic
tures which some day will bo but
visualized memories, with borders
i:. which towering castles, spirited
steeds, wonderously-wrought shields,
helmets, and battle-axes of the
Norman period predominate. Trans
portation from the cubist’s unre
strained imaginings and interpreta
tions of modernism to a milrar
glorifying the romantic days ot
Knighthood of the Normans. The
1924 Oregana wil have an atmos
phere distinctly different from those
of previous years.
From the cover pages throughout
the book, even the most minute de
tail conveys the correct historical
background of the Normans. The
color motif of shades and variations
of browns and tans is borne cut in
the cover of a rich dark brown
with dull gold lettering.
Shadowy and subdued etchings
of turreted fortresses, spears, and
cantering chargers mounted by
fearless knights, are softly sug
gested and delicately outlined in
'lie border designs for the larger
The section heads, emphasizing
the Norman atmosphere, are printed
in sepia, a faintly tan-tinted paper.
The scenic section likewise is in
sepia on the tinted paper further
ing the color scheme.
An innovation will be found in
the introductory section comprising
the foreword, table of contents, and
other such fly leaves, printed in
heavy Berkshire text, paper re
sembling heavy parchment. The
richness and unity this imparts to
the motif of the book is very
With a larger number of art
students than heretofore working |
out the various designs in the
Oregana, better art work is avail
(Continued on page three)
Away with Moth Balls
for Social War,
By L. L. J.
Cast aside the moth balls—the
social season has arrived. Fashion
notes insinuate that borrowed
tuxedos and uncomfortable shoos
will be worn again this year. While
flowers are on the ban they will
be accepted with pleasure and taxi
cabs will be used for all distances
greater than two blocks.
The formal dance is the event
in which everybody feels unnatural,
looks worse and acts the extreme.
One never realizes beforehand how
trrible the dance will be and never
confesses afterwards how awful it
honestly was. Going to a formal
is like going to heaven; one feels
so out of place.
Formals are an expensive luxury
that are indulged in by the men
for the sake of having something
to brag about to the boys; the wo
men go to show off their new gowns
and the faculty members are there
to fill in the dances that sumebody
has to take.
Formal decorations mean an ad
ditional assessment for an elabor
ate amount of imitation Chinuse art
work that nobody understands or
really appreciates, but they are
talked about all evening in flatter
ing terms.
Following the feature dance in
which somebody’s “darling little
daughter,” in abbreviated skirts,
does the most ridiculous sort of
modified hop-scotch; here is some
thing to eat. The socially perfect
man is the one who can eat with
grace, carry on a conversation with
ease and not show that lie is wor
ried to death lest he spill something
upon the vest that is to be worn
by the owner the following evening.
The outstanding liguro at every
formal is the rushee that hasn’t
taken ten easy dancing lessons by
correspondence lately. Sho is al
ways recommended by someone with
a “heavy line,” who hasn’t too
great a regard for the finer shades
truth. Nobody ever knows where
this rushee came from, or why, but
she is always rememberd by the
man that took her, always.
So the “social season” arrives.
After all, there isn’t very much
else to do during the winter term,
for the fellow who wrote that stuff
about the shady place, on the old
mill race must have only gono to
school during the spring.
Juniors to Riot
at Annual Jinx
January 1 8 Is Date Set
for Class Lottery
On Friday evening, January 18,
the junior class will romp at the
annual Junior Jazz*Jinx iu the
Campa Shoppe.
Tlie committee in charge will not
be announced until shortly before
the affair,according to Don Wood
ward, president. It is thought that
this will prevent any undue “per
suasion” being attempted upon
members in the matter of conduct
ing a lottery for partners.
Rough-neck clothes will bo in or
der. Two prizes will be awarded.
One to the man escorting bis part
ner in the most novel conveyance,
and one to the woman adjudged as
wearing the most unique costume.
The lottery list will be published
four or five days beforo the event.
A small charge may be made for
admission to help defray the ex
penses. Further plans will bo an
nounced later, according to mem
bers of the committee.
Men of the junior class at O, A. C.
have adopted canes as a part of
their official equipment in addition
to the traditional cords. During
the first day of registration more
than 100 of the new sticks ap
peared on the campus, carried by
third-year men and it is believed
that within a few weeks canes will
be universally adopted.
Freedom Asked
for Philippines
Native Gives Problem
of Island People
By Jose Gorriceta
America is a conservative na
tion. In every phase of worldly
and vital problems, she pauses to
weigh both sides before she gives
her decision. It is to this fact,
that wo, Filippinos, attribute the
suspense of the realization of our
long cherished desire to call our
selves an independent nation.
Mnpy times we have asked in the
name of “Philippine Mission” and
many times we receive the answer
“no” in the most polito way. But
we are not down-hearted and never
will be and wo are going to keep
on asking until America yields or
becomes tired of saying “no.” So,
another “Philippine Mission” will
be sent in 1921 to voice the yearn
ings of ten and a half million peo
It is now a universal feeling in
my country that the Philippine
problem must be laid before the
whole American people. I feel that
I could do my part on my country’s
behalf by giving the student body
of the University of Oregon (a small
but significant portion of the Am
erican people), an idea of what we
are asking for.
In asking for freedom wo ask
no more than what America has ap
proved in the ease of Poland and
Czecho-Slovakia Aferica’s sym
pathy with Ireland in her straggle
or independence was carried almost
to the point of asking England to
grant Ireland her freedom. In such
instances of magnanimity, bow
could she afford to turn her sym
pathy from her subject people? Why
does she keep away from us that
very thing for which the immortal
Washington had unsheathed his
sword? Does America’s heart beat
only for the cause of the Slavs, the
Irish, and the Polish. Would sue
deprive us of the chance to enjoy
autonomy, after teaching us the
principles of self-government.
We are not asking for what Am
erica could not give; we are not
asking anything against America’s
ideals, but we are asking for that
which we have a right to possess; |
we do ask for that tiling to which
very man is entitled; and wlftch is
cherished by every human heart—
liberty. Above all, we are not !
spurred on by indifference or in- 1
gratitude in our plea for freedom, 1
any more than a loving son is when
he tells his father that he wants
to go out into the world to shape j
his own destiny. ' I
One tragedy to our aspiration is j
that no definite time has been set j
for it to materialize. The inscrut
able future has the answer but
how far it is. is not known. But
we greatly hope that that day is
not distant when the American J
Eagle shall take its homeward flight
from across the Pacific, after',
hovering under the tropical sun for j
25 years.
Fijis Top List
in Intramural
Sports of Fall
Basketball and Cross
Country Completed
in Donut Series
Directors toMeet
In the race for the general do
nut athletic championship this year
the Fijis are leading all other men’s
organizations at the beginning of
tho winter quarter with a small
I total of but four points, having
captured the intramural basketball
t-itluj and won third honors in the
| Sigma Chi is following the lead
ers closely with but six points,
having secured second place in tho
cross-country race in November, «nd
fourth honors in the basketball
tournament. Friendly ball is but
. two points above the Sigma Cliis, a
j close third, with eight counters.
(Tho hall finished fourth in the cross
country and sixth in basketball.
Intramural Standings
Phi Gamma Delta . 4
Sigma Chi . 6
Friendly Hall . 8
Phi Kappa Psi . 11
Beta Theta Pi . 12
Oregon Club . 13
Bachelordon . 14
Shield Award Given
Phi Kappa Psi, fifth in cross
country and fourth in basketball,
, takes fourth place in the present
1 general standing, while the Betas,
runners-up for tho hoop champion
ship, finished tenth in the fall run,
and are in fifth place. Oregon
club, seventh in both basketball and
Cross-country, occupies sixth place
in tho league standing, while
j Bachelordon, the winner of the run,
fell to thirteenth in basketball and
is listed as eight now.
Each year a shield is awarded
tho general intramural champion
for the highest record in all
athletic activity during the year.
Basketball and track cups and
trophies besides, arc given winning
organizations and high point men
in tho different sports. Last year
Sigma Chi finished with the best
yearly record and was awarded the
shield. Kappa Sigma was success
ful in basketball for the third suc
cessive time, although the spell has
been broken this year by the Fijis.
Track honors went to the Delts
with a cup award.
Meeting Called
This .year with a fairly equal
distribution of athletic talent
among the organizations much is to
be expected in the way of hotly con
tested honors and prizes. Many of
the groups now low in standing will
have a chance to raise their mark
during the present quarter, as many
events are scheduled. Handball,
wrestling, swimming and the
physical ability pontathalon will
make up the winter series of the
do-nut competition.
In order to arrange details and
schedules for these meets and
events, Hank Foster, in charge of
do-nut sports, has called a meeting
of all athletic directors from tho
different organizations at 4:30 p. m.
Tuesday. He wishes every group
expecting to make any entries in
this quarter’s events to have a re
presentative there at the meeting,
so that immediate announcements
concerning the competition may be
Other Standings Listed
The standing of other organiza
tions entered in the intramural
sports for the fall quarter are as
Phi Delta Theta, 18; Alpha Tau
Omega, 114; Kappa Delta Phi, 19;
Delta Tau Delta, 23; Sigma Pi Tau,
23; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 25;
Kappa Sigma, 28; Sigma Nu, 28;
Phi Sigma Pi, 32; Chi Psi, 32;
Alpha Beta Chi, 32; Psi Kappa, 32.
Tho men’s Oregon club will hold
its first meeting of the term Mon
day evening at the Y. M. C. A.
hut at 7:30, according to an
announcement made yesterday by
Louis Carlson, president of the or