Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 05, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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“The Hour Hand’’ Has New
Cast and Scenery
Second Performance Will
be Given in Portland
“The Hour Hand,” a, folk opera
by Anne Landsbury' Beek, of the
school of music, will again be pre
sented on the campus January 111.
This wil mark its second appear
ance in Eugene. However, it boasts
an almost entirely new cast, scen
ery, and various changes in the
orche: ‘ration.
“The Hour Hand” will also be
presented in Portland at the Hcilig
theater on February G. This per
formance is being made possible by
the great interest and encourage
ment. received t’/ere. The Swiss
colony of Portland are much in
terested in the operetta, as the ,
theme deals entirely with people
of Switzerland, and in various ways
they have indicated their profound
interest in the success of the per- ■
formance in Portland.
Tiekets for the Portland produc-,
tion are now on sale at Slier- ,
man, Clay and company in that
city, and tickets can be reserved by i
mail bv writing to W. G. Bangle at
the Heilig theater. Mrs. Warren
G. Thomas has charge of the ticket
sale in Portland, and Mrs. Beck
feels very fortunate in procuring
her services as she is very adept
in that line of work, having had
charge of the ticket sale for the
Chicago Grand Opera company
when they visited Portland re
The University Orchestra will ac- j
company the cast of “The Hour,
Hand” to Portland to play at the :
performance, and in all Mrs. Beck
is taking 55 people on the trip. !
While there, they will stay at the j
Imperial hotel. The scenery will
also be transported to Portland,,
making it an entirely All-Univer
sity production.
“The Hour Hand” was very suc
cessfully presented on the campus
last year, and the performance this
year promises to be even better,
as it is being greatly enlarged, and
all details are being improved. :
Many who saw it last year are
anticipating the coming production.:
Ted Ciillenwater is acting as j
business manager, and Mrs. Beck .
is in Portlnad at the present time
completing arrangements for the
production in that city.
Elaborate Decorations and Military
Dress Will Be Feature
in Cadet Formal
One of the most promising social
affairs of the season is scheduled for
tonight in the sun parlor of the Wo
man’s building, the occasion being
the formal ball of the newly organ
ized Officer’s club of the University.
Douglas Parr ell, head of the com
mittee in charge of the affair, said
yesterday that the dance wdll bo
strictly military and regular army
procedure will be followed in ever\
Decorations in the form of regular
army flags and regalia have been re
ceived from the government barracks
at Vancouver, Washington, and re
freshments will be served in army
fashion. The cadets will wear their
new* tailored dress uniforms.
“We are anxious to make this
event good so that it w-ill be looked
forward to every year,” said Farrell.
Patrons and patronesses for the
ball will be: Lieutenant-Colonel and
Mrs. W. S. Sinclair, Captain J. T.
Murray, Captain F. L. Culin, Lieuten
ant and Mrs. E. G. Arnold, Presi
dent and Mrs. P. L. Campbell, Dean
and Mrs. Colin V. Dyment.
The Officer's club was organized
the first of this year for the purpose
of promoting interest in the K.- O.
T. 0., the social affairs being only
a small part of their progranp The
membership of the club includes all
advanced military students and now
numbers 35.
- 0
Students and Instructors From
Departments to Play
in Tournament
An intra-departmental basketball
tournament may be staged if the
plans work out that Harry A. Scott,
director of the physical education de
partment has formulated. The plan
is that the different departments and
schools of the University form a
team so that a schedule can be ar
It is expected that a team be
formed from the general facility and
from the physical education faculty.
And also a team composed of stu
dents from the different departments.
Scott believes that a team could he
arranged from the schools of journal
ism, education, business administra
tion, law, music, architecture, physical
education and geology.
Mr. Scott would like to see all
of those interested in forming such
a league so that a schedule can he
arranged. Games will be arranged to
play a game or two a week at the
most convenient time. It is expected
that men who have been playing foot
ball or out for some other sport will
play, also men that were not on
fraternity teams.
Rules for the tournament will be
made so that the arrangement will
he run in a way that all will have
a fair chance. Representatives from
the departments and schools should
see Scott at men’s gymnasium as
soon as possible, so that a light
schedule can be arranged.
(Continued from page one)
braugh, Ralph A. Spearow, Francis
E. Taylor, Lester Turnbaugh, Ed
mund A. Yeazie, Lyle Wynd.
Elsie Bolt, Eloise Buck, Florence
Buck, Emelia Burrell, Camille Bur
ton, Gertrude Butler, Esther Cot
tinghnm, Dorothy M. Bclzell. Anna
bell Denn, Freda Goodrich, Sadie
S. Gregory, Dorothy Gurley, Bertha
B. Hallam, Teka Haynes, Dorothy
M. Henderson, Evelyn M. Hogue,
Katherine B. Inwood, Florence M.
Jones, Rosalia Keber, Josephine
Kirtley, Gertrude D. Manchester,
Ruth Miller, Grace Murfin, Ida
Hess, Mildred M. Nichol, Muriel A.
Paul, Rae Lueile Peterson, Shannon
Pettinger, Beta W. Ridings, Zelma
Sauvain, Martha Shull, Frances
Simpson, Murial Thoen, Dorothea
Yon Berg, Kina Warnock, Crystal
H. West, Norma J. Wilson.
President . Campbell and Dean
Rebec of the graduate school are
in Portland attending the meeting
of the Graduate club of that city.
This club is composed of graduates
of the University in Portland who
are taking graduate work there.
There are about 60 members in this
organization. Both President Camp
bell and Dean Rebec are expected
back on the campus by Monday.
Shoe Repairing
W. T. Shoults, Prop.
31 E 9th Avenue •
Continuous 1 to 11 p. m.
A Modern
of Youth
Last Chance
with Dorothy Mackaui
Also On:
Felix Comedy
Boilers Consume Thirty
Cords of Woods a Day
“Thirty cords per day. That’s
how much wood it takes now to run
the new power plant which is heat
ing all the buildings on the campus,”
H. M. Fisher, superintendent of build
ings and grounds, told an Emerald
reporter yesterday. “It takes six
men to feed the grates under the
boilers, two on a shift and three
shifts, in addition to four men, a
truck and a team, to move the wood
from the yard to the power plant.”
The new plant, according to Mr.
Fisher, was steamed up a few days
before the start of the Christmas
vacation and was switched over to
the heating system two days prior
to the beginning of the vacation. At
first it was not working at a maxi
mum exicieney and did not heat all
of the buildings, but at present the
new plant is heating all the build
ings ami is doing it in a satisfactory
The hog fuel conveyor is not yet
complete and none of the fuel is
on the ground as yet. As soon as
the installation is complete the plant
will discontinue the use of cordwood.
It is expected that the electrically
operated conveyor and the rest of the
system will bo in working order with
in three weeks and that the plant
will be operating with the fuel for
which it was designed by that time.
The interior of the new headquar
ters of the University Depot is near
ing completion. The glass partition !
is complete except for a coat of paint ;
and the carpenter work on the in
terior is practically finished. With
in a few days, according to Mr. Fish
er, the interior of the University
Depot will appear minus the con
fusion, the shavings and the inten- j
sided smell of wet paint which has
prevailed for the past three weeks.
(Continued from page one)
Lee, Seliroeder, Kaitera, Agee,
Taylor and Wrightman.
The players are smaller than last
year's freshman quintet, but they
appear faster and perhaps shiftier.
The forwards will be fast and- carry
the ball consistenty from any angle.
A tali, fast center, both a good
shot and a good floorman is assured
with Flynn, Okerberg, Shulte and
I Carter turning out far the" pivot
: job. The guards will be small
j from all indications, but they are
fast, close checkers and good shots.
To get these men from various
, institutions to working well to
gether will be the taslc of Coach
Evans, who is serving for the first
i time as frosh meutor at Oregon.
! Evans has had experience as a coach
; of" basketball, both in the east and
j in the state, having trained the
Gresham high team last season. Ho
j was a three-year letterman at Grin
i nell college and captain there his
llast.year. Since then he has played
with the winged M aggregation of
Portland and on the Arleta profes
sional team.
(Continued from page one)
Jimmy Gilbert could liavo a rein
deer team instead of the visioned
Cadillac—or was it Rolls-Royce?
Dean Allen in fur knickers captain
ing a hockey team on Hayward
field, and Mr. Turnbull skiing on
Spencer's Butte would go uncom
The co-ed rifle teams could go
hunting for seals and walruses. And
the mat artists could ‘rasslo’ with
bear meat before going out to hug
their opponents. And the girls of
the physical education department
could get fat on blubber oil.
A mighty change would come to
pass if ... . !!!
Dyment Will Speak at Installation
of Medical Fraternity
Colin Dement, dean of the college
of literaure, science and the arts,
will go to Portland on Mopday to
A New Policy
For Your Convenience
Continuous Performances
Every day from 1:30 p. m.
to 11 p. m.
See a complete show at all
Continuous music
‘ * Y ours for Enjoyment
Hasty Messen
For Prompt and Quick Delivery
Call 442
Parcels Delivered Anywhere at Anytime
Business Address 54 West Fifth
Place This Ad Near Your Phone—It May be of Service
in the Future '
This. Modernism
Slowly, insiduously there has seep- |
’’ ed into the church of the present
day a new mental point of view. It
is simply a reflection of the new
mental habits of the age in which
we live. It has been happily named
Modernism, for it is just that—an
absorbtion by the ministry and laity
of the churches of Christendom of the
modern view point.
It is capable of enriching and
broadening the life of the churches.
Indeed it has already done so. But
incidentally yet quite inevitably this
Modernism is. out of sympathy with
the ancient creeds and dogmatisms
of the church, considered as an his
toric institution. It can, it is true,
use the ancient creeds, expressing a
theology based on antique assump
tions of unique authority resident
in the instituted church and the in
fallibility of the inspired Bible as
the word of God. but Modernism can
use all this only figuratively and
symbolically, as the vesture for a
nobler faith for moderns.
Within recent years those within
the churches who cling closely to the
old expressions of faith, to the in
fallibilities of the Church of Christ
and the inspired book, together with
the doctrines centering around the
vic^mus sacrificial death of Christ,
have been aroused to a sense of
danger. They see more clearly than
Modernists within the church that
the whole bod* of their doctrine is
being slowly disintegrated, that it
cannot live in the atmosphere of Mod
ernism. This party calling themselves
Fundamentalists have become milit
ant and frankly say they intend to
cast out these heretical Modernists
from the fold of Orthodoxy.
Unitarianism rejected most of the
ancient doctrines of the Orthodox
church a century ago. Within Unitar
ianism there was no resistance to the
reception of modern point of view.
The theory of evolution came as a
greatly desired illumination of their
quest for truth. So Unitarianism to
day can in some degree play the
prophetic role. Unitarians know from
experience about where Modernism
arrives philosophically.
Next Sunday the Rev. Frank Fay
Eddy of the Unitarian Church will
begin a series of sermons dealing
with the significance of Modernism
and its probable evolution. The
theme of the first of these sermons
will be “The Fundamentalism of a
The soloist at this sendee will be
Uora Teschner, cellist.
There is a class in New Testa
ment, History led by Mrs. Vera Todd
Crow for University women, and a
class in philosophy, led by Mr. Eddy,
both of whieh meet in the 'Manse at
the hour of the Chureb Bchool im
mediately following the Morning
The church is located on East
Eleventh Avenue at Ferry Street. The
hour of Morning Service is W:4~>
| o ’clock.
The men and women of the Uni
versity arc cordially invited to all
the services of this church, which
likes to describe itself as “The Little
j Church of the Human Spirit.”
(Paid Advertisement)
speak at the installation banquet of I
Alpha Omega Alpha, an honorary !
fraternity, which has just granted a |
charter to the Univeisity of Oregon ! j
Medical school.
In granting a chapter of this ;
national medical fraternity to the l !
University, great honor is accorded'!
the medical school, since Alpha! |
Omega Alpha is considered in raedi ! j
cal circles to be the "Phi Beta Kap
pa” of the profession.
Tlie banquet will be hold at the ! ]
Portland hotel on Monday evening, j
Dean Pyment will remain in Port- \ j
land until Wednesday evening.
“Old Oregon” Will Devote Page to j
Work of Walter Evans Kidd
“The poetry page of the January I j
‘Old Oregon’ is to be devoted en- j S
tivelv to the work of Walter Evans I
Kidd,” said Grace Edgington, editor |
of the magazine, yesterday. “Kidd j I
won the Warner poetry prize—an 0
eastern prize—and we want to see : !
his work represented in a larger do- !
gree than formerly on this cam- j
pus.” Kidd is a sophomore on the
campus and many of his poems have .
appeared in the Emerald. (
“Old Oregon” goes to press Jan
uary S and will be issued the 18th. ^
Miss Edgington collected material
in Portland over the holidays from
the Portland Center of the Univer- | |
sity. One of the new features will I f
be a drawing to appear on the j
poetry .page by Ivan Houser, ’2(1.1 l
I Hart Schaffner
Wade says:—
You can now buy a Hart
Schaffner & Marx Over
coat at a reduction of
25 per Cent
Wade Brothers
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Hi Top Boots
The suggested stvle of footwear for the school year is the HI CUT
ARMY OFFICER’S boot and PACK Boots. 11. O. T. C. students
are especially urged to secure III CUTS for they are most practical
for WET WEATHER wear and permission lias been granted to
wear them with the uniform in lieu of wrap leggings.
Secure Special Discount Cards at R. O. T. C.
and present them at the
Army Goods Department 30 East 9th Avenue
Where a saving of several dollars a pair will be
granted you.
fiu.fiieg—[a/.'--.r g-;
Printer, journalist, diplomat,
inventor, statesman, philoso
pher, wit. One of the authors of
the Declaration of Independ
ence and the Constitution,
author of Poor Richard’s Al
manack; and one of the most
eminent natural philosophers
of his time.
Electrical machines
bearing the mark of the
General Electric Com
pany, in use throughout
the world, are raising
standards of living by
doing the work of mil
lions of men.
But nobody bad
thought to do it
By bringing electricity down from the clouds
over a kite string, it was a simple thing
to prove that lightning was nothing more
than a tremendous electrical flash.
For centuries before Franklin flew his kite
in 1751 philosophers had been speculating
about the nature of lightning. With elec
trified globes and charged bottles, others had
evolved the theory that the puny sparks of
the laboratory and the stupendous phenom
enon of the heavens were related; but
Franklin substituted fact for theory — by
scientific experiment
Roaring electrical discharges, man-made
lightning as deadly as that from the clouds,
are now produced by scientists in the Re
search Laboratories of the General Electric
Company. They are part of experiments
which are making it possible to use the
power of mountain torrents farther and far- *
ther from the great industrial centers.