Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 04, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    Picture Mounting to Begin
Within Short Time
Many New Departments Are
Added to Issue
Actual work on the 1924 Oregana
is starting in earnest with the be
ginning of the winter term, accord
ing to Freda Goodrich, editor-in
chief. The staff organization is
complete and several new sections
are being used for the first time
this year.
During the fall term the time
was mostly spent in making plans,
adding sections and making the
“dummy” for the book as it will
look when completed. With the
addition of the new sections the
book will contain 480 pages, an in
crease of 16 pages over last year’s
A particularly interesting and
artistic feature of the new book,
says Miss Goodrich, is the section
headed “Oregon Women,” which
will contain pictures of representa
tive women from all the different
college activities open to women in
the University of Oregon.
Feature Section Mystery
The feature section, in charge of
Lyle Janz and Knute Diggerncss,
will remain a mystery, until the
appearance of the book; but campus
celebrities and near-celebrities may
expect to bo exposed, and their
methods of obtaining recognition
fully analyzed.
The junior “write-ups” which
have been the cause of much con
cern to junior classes in the past
are to bo abolished this year for
various reasons and pictures are
to be mounted in full page groups
on an art background.
Long lists of faculty members
and instructors which have been
run in former years will be eliminat
ed and short comprehensive write
ups substituted, giving an outline of
the work of each school. Two pages
will be devoted to each department
with snapshots of the deans and in
structors. “In this way it is hoped
to cover the faculty in a more in
teresting way than in former
years,” says the editor.
The literary section, in charge of
Katherine Watson, is to contain
six pages of poetry and descriptive
prose done by well-known campus
authors, such as Grace Edgington,
Nancy Wilson and Margaret Skav
lan. These selections will bo print
ed on an art background to
harmonize with the rest of the
book. Phil Berg, who has charge
of the art work has planned a
consistent period design to be used
throughout the book with new sec
tion heads and page borders.
Pictures Must be Taken
Picture mounting is to start at
once and in order to have no de
lays, the elitor asks that all living
organizations see that their mem
bers are prompt in having their
pictures taken. Time has been
extended to the 15th of January
to take care of entering students
who have not had an opportunity
to be photographed before. This
date is positively the last time at
which pictures will be accepted for
use in the year book. Students are
reminded that no pictures taken
last year will be used, as all photo
graphy is being done by the Ken
nell-Ellis studios in order to insure
uniformity of size, finish and back
The circultation drive will be
started during this month, accord- j
ing to Myron Shannon, business
manager. There will be 1,600 copies
of the Oregana printed this year
and the book will be out early in
(Continued from page one)
January 31—Mrs. Beck’s opera,
“The Hour Hand.”
February 1—Frosli glee.
February 2.—Open to men. Kap
pa Sigma formal. Alpha Tau
Omega formal. Phi Sigma Pi
February 6—“The Hour Hand”
opera in Portland.
February 8—Student body dance.
Basketball, Oregon-O. A. C., at
February 9—Basketball, Oregon
O. A. C., at Eugene.
February 14—Orchestra concert.
February 15—Open for men’s
February 15—Basketball, Oregon
W. S. C., at Pullman. Phi Mu Alpha
and Mu Phi Epsilon dance. Cali
fornia club dance. Craftsmen club
dance. Kappa Sigma underclass
dance. O. A. C.-Willamette-Oregon
women’s debate.
February 16—Open for women’s
formals Gamma Phi Beta formal.
Alpha Chi Omega formal. Delta
Delta Delta formal. Basketball,
Oregon-Whitman, at Walla Walla.
February 20—Guild hall play.
February 21—Guild hall play.
February 22—Basketball, Oregon
How About Your Clothes
During the rush of social engagements during vacation
your clothes worked overtime. Take time out now and
have your entire wardrobe renovated. Send us your
suits, overcoats, dresses and gloves—we’ll make them
like new.
If we clean it, it’s CLEAN
City Cleaners
Phone 220 44 West 8th
A 4-Feature Rex show
fillejd with adventure, love
and laughter.
is co-starred.
Also Playing
H. C. Witwer’s
“DICK” — in a
modern drama of
k romance and
f youth
on the
•‘I won’t give
you lip for
George 0 'Hara
The Kit
and Saturday
The Golden Age of Adventure
* * *
It's warm as toast—in
Whitman, at Eugene. Guild hall
play. Phi Kappa Psi breakfast
February 23—Basketball, Oregon
Idaho. at Eugene. Beta Theta Pi
formal. Kappa Delta Phi dance.
February 26—Girls’ Glee club
February 29—Basketball, Oregon
O. A. C., at Corvallis. Sigma Chi
underclass party. Girls’ Oregon
eiub formal.
Marsh 1—Basketball, Oregon-O.
A. C., at Corvallis. Oregon Knights
informal. Sigma Xu formal. Sigma
Chi upperclass party.
Marsh 5—Guild hall play.
Marsh 6—Guild hall play.
Marsh 7—Closed for dances.
Guild hall play.
Get the Classified Ad habit.
Y. W. C. A. Secretary Receives
Calls for Part-Tin;e Help
The campus Y. W. C. A. yester
day received two or three calls for
University girls to work for their
I board and room in Eugene homes,
j Miss Florence Magowan, secretary,
! would like to have any girls who
! ure desirous of obtaining the posi
tions see her at the bungalow im
Last term the association on the
campus sent girls out to fill 150
calls. Some of these were for full
time positions, others for “part full
time,” where the work is regular
but for only a few hours a week,
Do You Know
That a great many students eat here
That we specialize in quick lunches.
That we can serve you with' a good
noon meal for 25 c.
That we have a large variety to choose
That we don’t know when breakfast is
over. Drop in any time in the fore
That to please you is our first thought
That we wish you a happy and suc
cessful New Year
Carters Lunch Box
784 E 11th Street
and still others for occasional calls.
Positions for -which, there are most
frequent calls are care of children,
housework and serving. Sometimes
also the association is asked to |
supply girls to do typing and
clerical work.
Depot Restaurant
Open All Night
We’ll treat you right
We extend to the students j
for their fine patronage j
® during the year past and we sincerely hope that this f
% year will bring not only still more of that patronage but ;
j| better business relations than those of last year if that j
■ be possible. *
j We Are
( Anxious
■ to have the Housemanagers
■ come in to see our prices
Jj on canned goods and fruits.
® We are cleaning up a lot of
g such goods, hence they are very specially priced and will |
1 save shrewd buyers A LOT OF MONEY. «
| |
! Table Supply Co. I
i 1 The Food Department Store §
§ L. D. Pierce, Proprietor Phone 246 |
1 !
I Biiiiihiiimiiimiiiimiiiiibiiwimmwibiihibhhimiiiwiiiimuhimiiihiiiimiiiiibiiiimiiimiihiwiiiiwiwihimiibh
Your Dollar
Does Double Duty
When Invested at Home
WHEN you invest in our 7 per cent Gold Notes you
purchase (1 ) Safety (2) A good income (3) Quick
re-sale facility.
But, in addition this investment works for you as a Citi
zen as few other investments can.
Your money is invested in permanent property which
helps to upbuild and develop your own town—not some
other community that you may never see.
Community growth can hardly fail to benefit you in many
ways,t regardless of your business or occupation.
Greater public service and usefulness steadily year after
year is the history of the Mountain States Power com
pany. The construction of improvements, additions, and
extensions will be greater during 1 924 than ever before.
Hundreds of Well Satisfied Investors can testify to the
strength of an investment in this Company, which now
serves more than 40,000 customers.
Ask fcr our illustrated and descriptive literature.
Mountain States
Power Company
Eugene, Oregon
“You Should Be An Investor”