Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 04, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued
daily except Monday, during the college year.
Editorial Board
Managing Editor . Don Woodward
Associate Editor . John W. Piper
Business Staff
Associate Manager . Lot Beatie
Foreign Advertising Manager ......... James Leake
Advertising Manager ..... Maurice Warnock
Circulation Managar ._... Kenneth Stephenson
Assistant Circulation Manager ... Alan Woolley
Specialty Advertising ....-.... Gladys Noren
Advertising Assistants: Frank Loggan, Chester Coon, Edgar Wrightman, Lester Wade
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription
rates, 82.26 per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application.
Editor . 655 | Manager . 951
Daily News Editor This Issue
Leon Byrne
Night Editor This Issue
Jack Burleson
Beginning the New Year
Christmas vacation 1923 is now history. The “scandal
sheet” told the story of the work accomplished during the fall
term or told it as well at least as any humanly devised mech
anism could. Grades, any way one looks at them, are a make
shift. Under the existing system they are all we have.
The amount of red tape the new system of registration is
avoiding has permitted students to get right into the swing of
things without mucli loss of time. Unless something unforeseen
arises the change is all for the best. Students who are in the
habit of wasting the first week are putting their shoulder to
the task of the new term.
Hundreds of freshmen who never went through a Univer
sity examination period are beginning to realize the shortcom
ings of their high school education. The high school system
of excusing high point students from final examinations is a
bad one, under our existing University system. Many of those
who were excused in high school paid for it in the recent exam
ination period. They were so unused to being examined that
their results suffered.
With the new year and the new term here let us take a
flying start. To keep up with each day’s scholastic schedule
is the secret of successful scholarship. The students who learn
this early in tlicir University career find themselves ahead
when the time comes to plan for graduation.
Fighting the Flu
“Remember, it doesn’t pay to fight the flu. Bed is the
place for sick students.’’
This is the salient point in the instructions which are being
sent out by campus health officials as a part of a worthy cam
paign to prevent the usual epidemic of coughs, colds and sub
sequent influenza, which seems to follow a vacation period.
Rather crowded living conditions on the campus, the present
state of the weather, and the tendency for students to continue
their class work no matter how poorly they feel, are reasons
why infections, contracted during the recent vacation days and
brought back to the campus, are likely to be spread.
Specific instructions from the health service, which may
well be followed, are :
1. Avoid people who have the “flu”.
2. Avoid people who cough and sneeze.
3. Treat a cold or sore throat in the early stages.
4. If you have flu, give up to it. Remember, it doesn’t
pay to fight flu.
5. Isolate yourself to protect others.
6. Dover nose and mouth to prevent exposing others.
The faculty can cooperate with the movement to keep influ
enza down by being lenient to those who are forced to miss class
work on account of illness. It students know that they will be
given help and encouragement in making up back work there i
will not be the tendency to continue class room activity at a
time when they should be in bed.
Two Meetings af Student Advisory
Committee Concern Unfair
Conduct in Quizzes
There is one element of the
campus life this year which would
indicate that the world is not on
tirely on the way to ruin. 1‘root
of it rests in the fact that an al
most uieglignble amount of discipline
has been carriod on officially by tin
faculty since January 1, 1U23.
During the past year there have
been only four meetings of the stu
dent advisory committee of the
faculty. These meetings were called
to deal with cases which were not
of major importance. Two of them
vi ere called in the fall term to in
vestigate cases of students who were
found guilty of unfair conduct in
a quizz, and assessed a certain
penalty accordingly. No discipline
concerning the N.S.F. check ques
tion which caused so much disturb
ance on the campus a year ago was
found necessary last term.
y '
This would seem to give the
optimists a Infest >aml discourage
the cynic who avows -that the-'col
lege year is yet young. It is ;
matter of conjecture us to whether
these facts have something to <lo
with the apparently tranquil state
of student temper and whether the
present generation has really taken
another step and is able to take
care otj itself to such an extent.
We wonder what I’ollyuuua would
I Oregon Knights Sponsor Affair
in Woman’s Building
Tonight the Woman’s building
will be the sceuo of the first all
campus dance of 19U4 in a student
body dance, s[>onsored by the Oregon
Knights. An attractive feature has
been promised by the committee. I
The Mid uite Sons will furnish the
music and the regular 85 cent ad
mission will be charged.
Patrons and patronesses for the
j affair will be IVau and Mrs. Colin
Dement, Dean and Mrs. Allen, Dean
Ksterly, Mr. and Mrs. Rosson and
Mr. and Mrs. John Stark Kvans.
Campus Bulletin
i Notices will be printed in thi3 column
1 for two issues only. Copy must be
I in this office by E:30 on the day
before it is to be published, and must
be limited to 20 words.
Philosophy of Music—Class meets
today, 4:30.
Mu Phi Epsilon—Meeting, Satur
day, .1 Mu Phi room.
Oregana Staff—Important meet
ing, 12:45 today, editorial room,
journalism building.
Luncheon—Meeting of day editors
and upper staff at luncdieon at
Anchorage, noon, today.
Men’s Physical Education—Stu
dents registered in P. E. must re
port and fill out registration cards
Emerald Staff—Meeting of staff
and those wishing to try out in
editorial room, journalism building,
today at 4:45.
English A Students—Make ne
cessary arrangements for winter
term course between 9 a.m. and 12
a.m. today, room 204 sociology.
Competition for Squad Positions
Will Start Next Week
Preliminary competition for the
regular University rifle squads will
begin nest week and continue until
February 1, when the teams will
be picked. This is the statement
made yesterday by Captain J. T.
Murray, officer in charge of firing
at the local R. O. T. G'.
All men who took part in the
doughnut matches or who have been
actively interested in target shoot
ing in previous years are urged to
get in touch with Captain Murray
at the barracks and arrange to try
out for the regular squad.
Twenty-one dual meets, exclusive
of the Hcarst trophy match and
the Ninth Corps Area match, are
scheduled to tako place during
February and March. The first
match will bo February 8 and will
be followed by the others at the
rate of several every' week. Ten
matches have been arranged so far
for the girls’ team.
No Masthead to be Run Until Next
Tuesday or Wednesday
No masthead of the news staff
will be run until next Tueslay or
Wednesday, according to a state
ment made by the editorial board
of the Emerald. At that time a
complete reappointment of the staff
will be made.
A meeting will be held today for
members of last term’s staff and
any others interested in trying out
for positions in editorial hall of the
journalism building at 4:45.
Witcomb, Former Varsity Grappler,
and Ford, of Frosh Squad,
Boost Prospects
Wrestling prospects were greatly
| increased with the return of Walter
j Witcomb, former member of the
I varsity team, and William Ford,
who held a place on the frosh team
last year.
The first match of the season will
be staged here on February 9, with
O. A. C. With tlie return of these
two men Coach Widmer has more
of a chance to whip out a strong
aggregation before the opening of
the season.
Witcomb formerly wrestled at
128 pounds and it is expected that
j he will work down to this mark,
although he will go over that mark
now. Two years ago Witcomb en
i tered the Pacific coast champion
ships at Portland and reached the
semi-finals before he was pinned to
the mat.
Coach Widmer will start putting
his squad through stiff workouts so
that the men will be in condition
for the Aggie meet. O. A. C. has
only two lettermen back this year,
which means that the Corvallis lads
are somewhat weakened by the loss
of some of their veterans. Although
Widmer will not have lettermen to
work with, all of the men, with the
exception of one will be back from
last year’s squad.
In the workouts held before the
Christmas vacation several strong
freshman turned out. It is ex
pected with the doughnut basket
ball schedule completed, that more
grapplers will turn out. A schedule
has not been made out for the frosh
Resolution of Association Calls for
Two Years’ Preparation in
Liberal Arts
Dean William G. Hale, head of
the law school, recently lectured at
a joint meeting of Josephine and
Jackson county bar associations, on
the subject of “Increased Require
ments for Admission to the Bar.”
A resolution passed at the last state
bar association meeting requested
Next to Co-op
hi the front rank of style
successes is this new
model of Ixtg Cabin Ooze,
as made bu Queen Quality
with flexible sole and Paris
Louis heeL
Satisfaction—the Essence of
“Queen Quality” Service
IN the making and fitting of Queen
1 Quality shoes, your satisfaction is al
ways the aim. Correct style, perfect fit,
perfect service, are insured when you
choose Queen Quality—and the Trade
Mark will be found on every pair as your
guarantee of value. Prices $5.50 to $10.50
to your assurance ot'
Perfect Fit
Fterfed Stvtco
kFfcrtevJ Sitisiadion *
the supreme court to change the
.present admission rules to the bar
so that two years of college work
will be required for entrance instead
of just high school work, as now is
the ease. Before the meeting ad-1
journed, a motion was passed to
indorse the action of the state bar:
association on the proposed measure.
Since Dean Hale actively started
to support the movement four years
ago, the subject of the increased
requirement has been given some at
tention, but this year is tne first
time the state bar association has
authorized an active campaign to
put the measure across.
The movement is said to be gain
ing ground rapidly. Buies for ad
mission to the bar are under control
of the supreme court. The plan is
at present to canvass the state and
then put the question before the
supreme court in the form of a re
quest. Present indications show
that the state bar association will
probably be able to succeed with
the proposal within the next year.
In case it does, Oregon will be the
third state to increase bar entrance ,
requirements, Kansas and Illinois [
being the only two at present. The
question is being given serious con
sideration in Canada.
Meetings to further the advance
of the movement will be held by the
state bar association in Oregon
City, Salem and Eugene at some
future date. Dean Hale has been
asked especially to lecture at these
meetings and to aid the association
in presenting the matter.
Shorthand and typing are both valuable assets to a
college student. If you haven’t got it, get it now.
Reasonable rates Efficient Instruction
Phone 666 ° 932 Willamette
A. E. Roberts, President
Myers Mid-nite Sons
CoSlege Side inn
Saturday, Jan. 5th
Dancing 8:30 to 12 Admission 85c
The Most Astounding Drama in Years!
I hate all men!
“I ain’t dacent, but you drove me to
it! Will you believe me when I tell
you that love for you has made me
clean? Like H— you will. You are
like all the rest, D— you.”
Sweet as
Anna the
Eugene O’Neill’s Pulitzer Prize Play
Today and Saturday
Yours for Enjoyment
A new policy for your convenience: Continuous performances every day
from 1:30 p. m. to 1 p. m. Continuous music from opening to closing.
Coming Soon—
Warner Fabian’s “Flaming Youth”