I ■ 1 * V.4 Sports The Sunday Emerald VOLUME XXV__UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1923-NUMBER 60 HAYWARD PLANS 1 FIELD APPARATUS Track Men Work Indoors This Winter; Equipment Resembles County Fair CALISTHENICS IN FAVOR Bill Estimates Character and Recommends Effort to Secure Good Grades “We haven’t any natural track | stars,” Bill Hayward said, “so we are going to work this winter to develop some.” And to that end Bill has had his inventive powers working overtime until he has de vised enough apparatus to fit out a one-ringed circus. He is going to establish his county fair in the main section of the outdoor gym; so next term the athletes will have an op portunity to train under the shel ter of a roof for the first time for years. Bill has managed to secure a can vas sack from somewhere which he claims requires 11 bales of hay to fill. This isn’t a bed for an ele phant, but is a mat for the pole vaulters to light on, and that isn’t all the equipment for the jumpers —a long rubber running mat has been confiscated and Bill has built a great wooden block with cork cleats to hold the pole at the take off. The shot-putters will really have (Continued on page two.) RETURNED LETTERMEN, TO PLA Y FOR OREGON AGAIN THIS SEASON Gowans, Forward Chapman, Guard Latham, Center Stage Set for Basketball Barnstorming Contests The stage is all set for the grand opening of the 1923-24 basketball season, with Coach Reinhart busy putting the finishing touches on his squad of basketeers, getting them in shape to take the regular barn storming tour during the Christmas holidays. The material which he has to work with this year is most en couraging and points toward tho prospects of having a very strong aggregation built around the nucleus of letteianen ^ptufning from the fast team of last year and the large number of promising candi dates which have turned out for the squad. Bill has had a squad of some fif teen men working out regularly dur ing the past threo weeks and has devoted the majority of the practice to the necessity of securing a thorough knowledge of the funda mentals of the game. As a result, in the scrimmage of the past week, the men have shown a vast amount of improvement in their floorwork, and have developed considerable skill and accuracy in their passing, dribbling, pivoting and shooting. Having mastered these details, more time can be spent by the coach in developing the framework for the plays ho will use and perfect during the barnstorming trip. The close of the doughnut seasoif will leave more available time for (Continued on page three) Shafer, Guard WEAKNESS LAID i TO LOCK OF MEN I Failure of Oregon to Win Track Meets Is Due to Scarcity of Material STARS ARE NOT NEEDED Hayward Wants Men to Place Second and Third in Championship Events Football material for future Ore gon elevens is in demand. With that point settled, that we need material hero to build lip winning machines, wo might turn to track and glimpse the situation. At present wo have no football coach. We have a track coach and a track coach with a repu tation for developing teams, yet it has been somo time gince Oregon throw cinders in the eyes of another team and took a meet. Is that Bill Hayward’s fault? We don’t think so. In fact we’re certain of it You can’t blame the man who won track meets in the past and de veloped, men like Kelly, McClure Payno, Nelson, Boylen, Tuck, Loucks, Fee, Muirhead, Foster and a host of other stellar cinder performers. These men . used to win track meets for Hayward. Just a few short years ago Bill Hayward had Hank Foster in a track suit. With a handful of lesser lights and Foster, Hayward went out and won his meets. Hank was always good for two or three firsts and may continued on page four) Look Here, Folks! A good old fashioned Christmas dinner calls for a de licious stuffed Turkey roasted to a crisp brownness, with the trimmin’s and everything. Surely that’s the kind of holiday feast you’re looking forward to. You can have it too, if you select the Turkey from our fresh and carefully selected Poultry offerings. D. E. Nebergall Meat Co. Two phones, 36 and 37 66 East 9th REMINGTON r======-- 1 ; ,,-...i-\nss.SL., -.i Portable “The Gift of Gifts” for those who write. The Typewriter supreme for • students ’ use. Full standard key board. If you haven’t the cash to make full payment, ask us to explain our term payment plan —payments like rent, and you’ll soon own the machine. Christmas Cards Oriental Gift Articles Fountain Pens Oregon Seal Jewelry Gold and Silver Pencils Fine Gift Stationery CO-OP