Reviews of Books I ARLIE GELSTON Something different than the ob jective technical method of Dreiser, the totally subjective style of Sher wood Anderson, or the hard satire of Ben Hecht is the strikingly natural istic style of one Roger Sergei, whose “Arlie Gelston” is one of the newest contributions to first books by young authors. “Arlie Gelston” has a technical finish and competence rare in con temporary novels. It is the history of the love-life of a girl whose life is spent in that vast obscurity in which plain people usually exist. Hers is not a large inarticulate dumbness—nor huge spiritual out lines. She does not depict the flap per type or the emancipated modern. She is merely one of a large aver age who make up both small-town ;.nd city. She symbolizes the type in whom the senses vitalize the soul. A wonderful bit of artistry is the thin etching lines that compose the char acter drawing in this novel. Dialogue is one of his ablest tools in the sculpturing of the product that is “Arlie.” The family fight that arises over a discussion of what Arlie shall buy with her first money is very well done. And the book is a chain of such commonplace epi sodes. Sergei does no-t resort to pity to make us feel Arlie—but the entire book is pervaded with the pathos of everyday exhaustion. The male characters that make up the book are as average and as well drawn as the central figures. They are not ingrown, introspective heroes of Sherwood Anderson, nor the ridicu lously unthinking Main Street types. They aro the Great Average. There is no sex-consciousness in Sergei’s artistry. And he docs not indulgo in scathing irony. The book appeals. It is a first one. We shall await results—but this one has the right to live.—K. W.. * # # HORSES AND MEN In Sherwood Anderson’s new book, “Horses and Mon,” “tales, long and short, from our American life,” there is manifest a now Shor wood; a Sherwood surprisingly free from young girls coming home with suit cases and psychoses and middle aged men, corked by inhibitions. Just what it is that has brought about thiB change so manifest in the stories that make up the book, it would be hard to say. Some critics have had the theory that Anderson began to write as a means of relief for the soul-sickness that a crowded lifo in a city brought him. If one cared to accept this theory, then one might believe that his “Triumph of the Egg,” “Wjnesburg, Ohio,” and I_ I “Many Marriages” acted as a catharsis. He no longer seems to be allowing his untutored, creative urge free rein. His characters are something more than names, mere disembodied emotions. Sex is no longer the entire nucleus for all the emotions, actions and reactions of the people whom he puts on display. The sense of the grossly physical is not so dominant in these later stories. He is beginning to concern himself a little more with what peo ple say and do in a given situation, rather than attempting to express the meaningless and chaotic mum ble-jumble of instincts, inhibitions and dimly felt emotions that char acterize sdme of his other books. In the story “Unused.” a tale that is almost a short novel, there is a revelation of the psychological ef fect upon a young girl of a miser able sex experience. But the sex experience does not dominate the story, nor is the girl a mere formless medium for the expression of strug gling and conflicting feelings. She is real,, as ^eal as the flagrant plumed hat that she is clutching in her hand when they drag her out of the bay. She is real, and the homo she lives in is real and her two sisters are real, and human, de cidedly human. That’s it, partly. Sherwood Anderson has become hu man in a sort of every-day, !^ain Street way, without being conquer ed by the drabness of dull reality. In “Milk Bottles,” another of the stories in the group, he has (proved himself able to express the inarticu late articulately. He has given ex pression to the unrealized thoughts and emotions which underlie the conscious and presumably deliberate actions of his characters, without losing himself jin word^ without , meaning, as he once had a tendency to do. Sherwood And^rsonl is fijiid to have a prayer, “With these nervous and uncertain hands, may I really feel for the form of things con cealed in the darkness.” We can say of him truly now that his hands are no longer uncertain. He can reveal to us many things of beauty and significance, long hidden in darkness, and make them visible to us in the light of his own vision. For this he was groping before, but when we had followed him into the darkness, oftimes he lost us.—Nancy Wilson. Scribe Disappointed In College Education (Continued fFom page 1) lowed—the weary days that fol lowed. For fifteen years I have pursued my quest, and I have learned many things. I have acquired a hodge podge, a junk shop, of second-hand ideas. And I have learned that these are education. As I sit here, I examine them, scrutinize them, weigh them, and wonder if they are worth the many years I have spent in gathering them. My collection will never be complete. Every day I add to it. Already, it is very large, and contains many strange things. It contains things that are of little value. It contains things that are priceless. In dark corners are hidden things—things I would like to destroy, cast out, forget; but Practical Christmas Presents i n Aluminumware Glassbake Cookingware Carving Sets Cutlery - Flashlights Manicure Sets GRIFFIN-BABB HARDWARE CO. 716 Willamette St. Phone 31 Gift Suggestions nTiniumu a rN << a i t ___ . v nmkniu an v/UVi'o BOOK ENDS CANDLE STICKS DECORATED CAN DLES STATIONERY POTTERY PICTURES BASKETS UAiNUUAUtS INCENSE BURNERS CRUMB TRAYS VANITY ARTICLES GIFT BOOKS BEADED MATS PERFUMES NOVELTIES We have a choice selection of engraved Christmas Cards that will meet your individual needs and convey your Yuletide Greetings. Choosing gifts from our large assortment of distinctive and original articles for your friends will give you the pleasure that comes from knowing they will be pleased. “The Giftiest Place of AW9 Elkins Gift Shop 832 Willamette I can not. I have bought them and paid for them, and they are mine forever. While on this quest, I have met many other people who are on like expeditions. I have asked them why they are seeking this phantom, edu cation; and they have told me it is because they seek happiness, and that education is the key to happi ness. They have told me that educa tion will open the door to power, wealth, position, wisdom—and that these are happiness. I do not under stand this. Before I started on my search for education, I had none of these, and yet I was happy—far hap pier than I ever hope to be again. Simple foods satisfied me. Simple pleasures thrilled me. I did not care for books. For what were books except poor tales of adventures which were mine. So it was with music, painting, sculpture, drama— all of them mean substitutes for the wonderous things which were mine. I did not worry about why things were. It was enough that they were. I asked no more than each day brought. I was content. I have searched for the golden fruit of knowledge, and now I have it in my grasp. I raise it to my mouth. Its fragile shell breaks— and my lips close on nothing but bitter ashes—the bitter, barren ashes of disillusion. The Y. W. C. A. will, this coming week, collect presents, and make ar rangements for taking baskets of food to poor families of Eugene on Christmas day. Christmas Season In New Zealand (Continued from page one) The race is announced, and off the horses start. One horse is ahead, a 'second creeps up, there is a cheer about furlongs. Next to you is a woman with a tiny baby in her arms. She is shouting wildly. The baby nearly falls. A man in front is cheering for “Neptune’s Son,” a horse located somewhere in the backfield, as it were. Nearer and nearer the horses approach the end of the race, the finish line itself is reached. The crowd is mad, but still hoping, each for his favorite. A strange horse has crossed the line. There is a sudden lull, then, a dis mayed shout from many throats. ‘ ‘ ‘ Malaga ’ came in first, ’ ” a friend whispers. An instant later you understand the lull which fol lowed the wild shouting. “Malaga” was an unknown quantity before the race. The crowd flows down the stand toward the totalisator, to watch the computations performed on a black board in the open air, and wonder ing what the dividends will be on the horses taking secnd and third place. For several, days the town talks of how “Malaga” won the Auck land Cup. The newspaper tells the story of a business man who dream ed that “Malaga” would win, and following the hunch placed a 20 pounds wager. The business man re ceived a dividend of more than four hundred dollars. My landlady sighed to me after Christmas holidays were past. “Well, thank goodness, no one in the house got drunk this Christmas. ’ ’ But just the same the United States of America is one of the hap piest places in the entire world. May the glorious holi day bring you no end of Joy, Peace and Con tentment. Such is our sincerest wish. A TREAT FOR EVERYONE The Castle Return Week of Favorites _ *' Six splendid features—a different one every day. The pictures that if you have missed, you have always wanted to see—now is your chance to see them. Check off the ones you haven’t seen an f remember the date. Every Picture a proven success. Each Picture in a Class by Itself. The Year’s Greatest Productions. Starting MONDAY ONE DAY ONLY PKEstMmmr yssss L.usxr Love, ft Laughs and 1 Racing \ Thrills! WALLACE REID flcnoss The Continent* d (Unmount Qidun Then TUESDAY Only Gloria Swanson *My American Wife' The cast in cludes, Antonio An eye-filling romance in a Spanish-American., setting. Dazzling gowns, beautiful wo men and an appealing love Story. One of Gloria’s most facinating features. And on WEDNESDAY fx Ingram Production of John Russell’s story Where the Pavement Ends with Alice Terry and Ramon Novarro Is A* masterpiece of the maher ef "The Four Horse men of the Apocalypse.” A change of brand new Comedies with every show CHANGING THURSDAY TO— The flaming romance of the young American and the Spanish dancer— a saint with painted lips and tapping heels. RICHARD Barthelmess with y Miss Dorothy Gish / Jcsxph HcrytsheimtA / J _ . ___ftomiVihV / \ V A John S. ’JcLvujon Prou.iciion A hu r.cilotua'. TWiu** — L-— '■ — — WHILE FRIDAY SHOWS— D. W. GRIFFITH’S Epic of Screen Entertainment “Way Down East” A true Griffith Picture—with the Grif fith cast and touch. __l !___J and then on Saturday comes the last but not least—Thomas Meighan in: “MANSLAUGHTER”