Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 16, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued
daily except Monday, during the college year.
Don Woodward . Managing Editor
A1 Trachman . Assignment Editor
Business Staff
Associate Manager . Lot Beatie
Foreign Advertising Manager .-. James Leake
Advertising Manager ......... Maurice Warnock
Circulation Manager ............ Kenneth Stephenson
Assistant Circulation Manager . Alan Woolley
Specialty Advertising .v~. Gladys Noren
Advertising Assistants: Frank Loggan, Chester Coon, Edgar Wrightman, Lester Wade
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription
rates, $2.25 per year. By term, 75c. Advertising rates upon application._
Editor ... e&O
| Manager . vox
Contributors to this issue include: Lyle Janz, Catherine Spall,
Josephine Rice, Lillian Wilson, Margaret Vincent, Marion Playter,
Margaret Skavlan, Kathrine Kressmann, Monte Byers, George Belknap,
Harold Kirk, Kenneth Cooper, Theodore Janes, Emerett Delgrave, Bat
Morrissette, Junior Seton, Harold N. Lee and Lon Woodward.
Proofreaders.Joe Brill, Leon Byrne
Daily News Editor This Issue Night Editor This Issue
Margaret Morrison George Belknap
A Sermon in Music
The last strains from the great pipe organ were (lying away.
The crowd was quietly dispersing in tlie twilight of the winter
evening. The 1922 St. Cecelia mass had just been sung by the
University choir. As! President 'Campbell and John Stark
Evans, director of that splendid choir, stood on the platform
and watched the crowd as it disappeared, the president turned
to the man who had made the presentation such an achievement
and said, “John, when you give these students something like
that we don’t have to preach to them.”
Today the St. Cecelia mass, the singing of which has become
almost traditional, will be given again at the Methodist church.
Only those who have heard it in past years know the great
emotioinal appeal of the famous creation of Charles Gounod.
Coming at this time of worry and hurry over examinations,
the mass will serve as a true inspiration. The student who makes
it a point to hear this and other good things, no matter how
rushed or harrassed he is, has an additional side to his educa
tion that is bound to mean a fuller and happier life.
The End of the Trail—I 923
This is the last Emerald in the year 1923. Friday morn
ing, January 4, will be the date of the first issue next term.
The splendid cooperation which the staff has accorded the
editor has been a great factor in the publication during the
past months. The presentation of a seven-column Emerald has
been the main achievement.
The editor feels that a special word of commendation is due
to the staff for their work on this, the final edition. Despite
the fact that examinations are pressing everyone for time, the
work has gone on steadily.
The spirit of the “shack” and the love of the University
promotes such self-sacrificing as this.
The editor wishes the staff the happiest kind of a vacation
and the best of luck in the examinations. To the whole campus
the same wish is extended by the Emerald organization as a
The College Ball, to be held in Portland December 27, de
serves the support of the entire student body. Oregon man
agement, Oregon music and an Oregon crowd assure a good
time. The members of the Women’s League, who have taken
their time to promote the enterprise, have done so without
thought of credit to themselves, but with the idea of keeping
up the excellent work of bringing foreign students to! the
University campus. What they are doing is along the line of
making the University less provincial.
Let’s all help.
“Power,” “Heat”
New Art Panels
Two decorative panels represent
ing “Power” and “Heat,” have
just been completed by Professor
Avard Fairbanks, of the department
of sculpture, and will be placed on
the front of the new power plant.
The panels have an Aztec decora
tive quality, a new thing in the
Professor Fairbanks is familiar
\ ith archaeology, having studied i
Aztec monuments in the natural His- |
tory museum in New York City, and
in the Smithsonian Institution in
Washington, D. C.
The left panel has a central
figure symbolic of power, facing the j
central figure of the companion panel
representative of heat. Power is
in a kneeling position, turning a
groat wheel which forms an arch '
at the top of the panel, thus tying
the whole composition together. The
toeth of the great wheel interlock
with the plume on the man’s helmet,
anil with two smaller cogwheels
which are decorative features on
the sides of the panel. Prominent
in the design is a dynamo-with elec
trie wires coming from it and cross
ing the panel.
Heat, on the right, is sculptured
in the front of a furnace arch which
corresponds to the wheel arch.
Steam pipes on the sides harmonize
with the cogwheel arrangement on
the left panel. The conventional
ized steam which is represented as
coming from the lips of the man
is symmetrical with the treatment
of the electric wires.
The words “Heat” and “Power”
are near the base of the composi
tion, and a part of it.
All-Star Players
Selecter by Staff
(Continued from page one)
and Schmeer stands out and gives
them the edge. Hobson is a tower
of strength on defense and a wicked
shot when in range.
Much of the success of the Fiji
basketeers was due to the guarding
of Schmeer. He was powerful and
kept his opponents from getting
many clean shots at the basket.
There were many other good men,
but their work was not up to the
standard of the live selected. These
men started the season playing good
ball and continued through to the
The St. Cecelia Mass
By Josephine Rice
A mass with melodies simple and,
at the same time lofty, with har
monies voluptuous and penetrating;
a mass full of devotional fervor
and dignity and yet a touch of
mysticism—this is “Messe Sollen
nelle” to St. Cecilia, by Charles
Gounod, which is being sung by the
University Choir this afternoon.
It was the custom, on the feast
day of St. Cecilia, patron saint of
music, to present original composi
tions at the Church of St. Eustaehe,
in France.
It was on such an occasion that
Gounod’s “Messe Sollennelle” was
first sung. Its beauty and. its per
fect workmanship won instant
recognition and its popularity has
increased. Gounod says, in his me
moirs, “About the same time I com
posed a solemn mass for St. Cecilia’s
day, which was successfully per
formed for the first time on No
vember 22, 1855, by the Association
of Artists Musicians, in the Church
of St. Eustaehe, and has often been
given since. I dedicated this mass
to the memory of my father-in-law,
Zimmerman, whom we lost on
October 29, 1853.”
There are in this mass, seven
numbers, the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo,
Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei.
It is sung in the original Latin. The
Kyrie is a touching prayer, full of
religious emotion. Follows the
Gloria in Excelsis Deo, one of the
most stirring Glorias that has ever
been written. The Journal Des De
bats of Paris, in speaking of the
Gloria, said, “No other musician has
ever succeeded in depicting better
the depth of feeling contained in
the words ‘Gloria in Excelsis Deo’
than Gounod has in this ‘ Messe Sol
lennelle.’ ” The Credo is a sublime
- • I
expression of faith which truly de
picts the reverence and the joy of
the true believer. It starts with the
simple “Credo in unum Deum” (I
believe in one God) and works up
(to the powerful climax—“Et expeoto
resurreetionem motrurorum, et vitam ,
venturi saeculi” (and I await the ,
resurrection of the dead ami the
everlasting life that is to come), t he ,
next number is perhaps the best
known of all the Sanetus. It is
written fer the tenor s>' and the ,
chorus. The tenor b.'gunr with a •
singularly beautiful melody with
the chorus subordinate; and later
the tenor leads up tc the jubilant
repetition of the first theme with
the chorus singing fortissimo and
ioe organ thurdering out the ac-i
com] sniment. The sopri io and
chorus sing the Benedietus and last ■
comes the Agnus Dei—a masterpiece ,
of execution and skill and a fitting
climax to this beautiful Mass...
Charles Francois Gounod was one
of the greatest French composers.
Of his dramatic music, “Faust” and
“Romeo and Juliet” are the best
known, and the Messe Sollennelle is',
perhaps the best expression of hisj
I sacred Work. Ilis melodies havd j
! grace and freshness and his harmony
is exquisite, but he is always the
finished artist.
This will be the fourth annual ;
presentation of the Messe Sollon
nelle by the University Vesper
| Choir; but this year students will
take the leading voices, a departure
from the ordinary. The leading parts
are very difficult and require both
perfect vocal control and deep musi
cal interpretation. Ruth Akers
takes the leading soprano part, Roy
Bryson the tenor, and Aubrey Furry
the basso. John Stark Evans, choir
master, will accompany on the
Childhood Dream is
Finally Culminated
(Continued from page one)
tion used to meet at these inns and
talk over questions of legal interest.
In England of today, they are
passe in that respect, but every
j student of law is now required to
'take a few meals each month at
! the Inns of Court before they are
entitled to be admitted to the Eng
lish bar. Rosebraugh will do this
inasmuch as lie desires to hang up
on his wall an “English shingle.”
The novelty of the affair also ap
peals to him.
Rosebraugh will finish his Uni
versity work in tho spring, take his
bar examination soon after, brush
up on his Latin (’tis even said Ox
ford examination questions are
sometimes written in the Latin
language), and -will leave some time
in the fall.
Oxford begins in early October. A
peculiar system of school attendance
prevails in tho English institution.
There are six weeks of school, fol
lowed by six of vacation, with a
longer vacation occurring in the
summer, during which the Oxford
scholars generally travel in Europe.
The alternated six weeks of vaca
tion are not wasted, the Rhodes
scholar stated, for it is then that
most of the work is done, time dur
ing the six school weeks, being taken
up with attendance at lectures.
Jtosebraugh’s plans for the summer ,
vacations are rather indefinite yet,
but he hopes to travel in Europe,
to observe political institutions, view
the lives of the people there, and
see the art treasures.
“Do I like tea?” he shot the quiz
zical look and typical gaze of a
lawyer as he answered the query,!
after having made certain he was
not being jested with. “Yes, very
much.” However, the English boil
it too long, making it a little too
strong, he continued, feigning the
countenance of one’ who was re
signed to cultivate the “stronger”
taste, or else make his own.
Discussing the subject of whether
the income would cease provided the
scholar married an English girl, the
Rhodes man smiled and declare 1 he
believed singleness of the candidate
for the scholarship was a require
ment for admission only, but he
committed himself in the statement
that he didn’t believe in interna
tional marriages as a tlxeorj’, al
though they might turn out all right
in practice.
Arthur Rosebraugh was born in
for Eastman Kodaks
Christmas Gifts
Greatest Assortment |i
in Boxes
Solo Agency for
Droste’s Imported
Chocolate Pastillas
Chocolate Apples
English Plum Pudding Fruit Cake
Do Your Buying Now
Ye Towne Shoppe
ERNEST SEUTE, Proprietor
'pitland, but attended grammar i
.chool in Tillamook, and high school
n Salem, where he now resides. He !
entered the University in the fall of i
’19, leaving at the end of the first !
juarter to attend O. A. C., where;
le remained a year. In January, ’21,!
le returned to the University, from
which he will graduate from law
n the spring, at the age of 21.
Although he admits being a
ittle more dreamy than a lawyer
mould be, Oregon’s honored repre
;entative is not content to limit,
limself to the practice of law ex
clusively. He intends to enter dip
omatic service, work on some com
nission, or ally himself in the gov
'rnment service on matters of in
ernational concern.
Donut Shooting
Contest Finished
(Continued from page 1)
’5 entrants and the average in
lividual score was 175.1, more than
’our points more than the average .
nen’s score.
An average score of 170.3 was
nade by the 50 men competing. The
wo highest scoring men were Fred
Michel, Friendly hall, with a score
>f 187, and Rufus Sumner, Alpha
fau Omega, with 186.
The Scores were as follows;
Women’s team—Susan Campbell,
199; Alpha Xi Delta, 893; Hond
•icks hall, 889%; Alpha Phi, 889;
Delta Omega, 880; Alpha Omicron Pi,
174; Delta Zeta, 874; Oregon club,
161; Alpha Delta Pi, 855; Alplisf Chi
Dmega, 849; Sigma Beta Phi, 844;
Thacher Cottage, 686.
Men’s teams—Phi Sigma Ti, 884;
(Alpha Tau Omega, 880; Oregon
club, 863^Friendly hall, 853; Sigma
Chi, 846; Kappa Delta Phi, 845; Phi
Kappa Psi, 835; Bachelordon, 793.
If You Cannot
Be at Home
this Christmas with the ones
you love, why not send them
flowers. Even though you
send them other gitts, turners alone, can Dest express to
them innermost thoughts.
We are a member of the Florists Telegraph Delivery
Association, if you can order early we can dispatch by
mail and save telegraph costs.
The University Florist
993 Hilyard Street Phone 654
Free Until After
the Holidays
If you purchase your handkerchiefs or anything
in art-needlework at our shop, we will stamp free
of charge, initials to suit customer.
We have a large assortment of Pongee and Linen
Handkerchiefs for men and women. Also many
useful gifts for any member of the family.
Phares’ Baby Shop
632 Willamette Street Phone 432-R
For the Men Folks
OUR SPLENDID Christmas display of Men’s Furnish
ings offers you more than one reason why you should
shop here for “Dad’s Gift,” or ‘‘Son’s Gift,” or “Brother’s
Gift.” For, it takes in virtually every article of merchan
dise the average man has need for and which, we know,
will be “doubly welcome” as a Gift.
Let us give you a few suggestions:
SILK .ONES—and NECKTIES, 3000 of them.
And you’ll be agreeably surprised what other Gifts a personal visit to our .
store will reveal.
green Hlerrell Co.
men’s wear
‘•one of Eugene’s best stores”