Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 16, 1923, Image 1

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    I / ' • • I
Hg The Sunday Emerald
By Stander
College Life
Freedom of Thinking
The Officers’ Hop
University Clubs
Chaste Prose
_By C. N. H._
There is something relentless
about college life. If you don’t be
long here you won’t stay—very
long. That is something which
frosh, particularly, and new men
should learn. A term is very near
ly past, but that is all, and three
months at any institution is not
enough to judge it correctly.
* * *
Here is another excellent idea.
Every institution has an individu
ality of its own. We have all heard
of Oxford’s famed atmosphere,
which is nothing more than in
stitutional personality.
In private life we enlarge our
own personality, often by great de
grees, by temporarily submitting it
to a master, a superior character.
A mind in a state of flux, with
out its ideas too firmly set—a mind
which -will temporarily rest waiting
the stamp of the Alma Mater, is a
mind highly desirable in a college
student. So we have “Yale men”
and “Harvard men.” and need we
say to the dumb critic, that this is
not an attack on freedom of
» * »
Dean Allen brought back an Ox
ford gown with him. It was form
erly in the possession of Kirby Mil
ler, 1920 Rhodes scholar from Ore
gon. The garment is practically
torn to rags in the back. We con
clude that Miller was caught in the
act by the dignified University
proctor, who at once put his ser
vants upon his trail. In the en
suing race, the servants must have
caught the gown first, and Miller
afterwards.1 This latter was achiev
ed by simply holding onto the gown
(even though it tore) until they
caught up sufficiently to touch Mil
ler on the shoulders!
Mind you now, b ’gosh, this is all
# # *
Delighted, don’t yrou know, that j
the Officers ’ club is giving a hop. ■
We hope for the success of the dance
that the hosts won’t polish their
vaunted Sam Browne belts with
shoe polish. Ask the boys o’
* « *
Speaking of clubs, we wish that
we had a little more originality on
this campus. The University of Ore
gon seems to be badly afflicted with
the “national” bug, just at pre
sent. Every club, or organization
which forms, even in the profession
al and honorary field feels it ne
cessary to secure the prestige of
national backing as s®on as pos
sible. It is not from such a spirit
that mother chapters and Univer
sity fame grows.
Chaste prose! To those writers
on the campus who follow the Muse
for her own sake, the term appeals.
Classic prose, a splendid handling
of the English language, our birth
right long neglected, is one of the
hardest things in the world to
write. Good prose is one of the
great means and it brings about
even greater ends! Recall only
Gettysburg and the Epistles of
Saint Paul!
* * «
It might not be a bad idea, from
the student’s point of view at least,
for the University to require that
members of the faculty who have
to do a great deal of lecturing, at
tain some proficiency in the art,
either before appointment or as
soon after as possible.
Nothing is more deadening to the
student (who of course constitutes
only one-half of the problem) than
to listen for two or three or four
hours a week to a . and so
.... that is . . . .” sort of lec
Compliments having passed now
to the faculty; remember that, also,
nothing is more deadening than a
lifeless class.
* * *
At last Lemon Punch is dead. The
hub bub on the campus at his death '
is like an Irish wake. Four years j
ago, Lemmy was born and started -
promisingly, as most young publica
tions do. But at the last he was
stabbed in the back by commercial
ism. The little fellow’s best in- j
terests were lost and his finances
On to Oxford; Visions
Of Youth Realized
By Catherine Spall
A dream of a youth in high
school, a rosy dream, though over
shadowed by an “if,” and then a
dream of a college man, materialized
and realized. The youthful dreamer
whose dreams came true, is William
Arthur Bosebraugh, the Oregon
Bliodos scholar to Oxford.
Mr. Bosebraugh, who measures
over six feet in height, weighs 155
pounds, has cliestnut-brown hair,
and blue-gray eyes, strikes one as
exemplifying a typical American
college man. He walks with dig
nity, is well-groomed, and displays
his poise.
“How did I feel after examina
tions were over?” he removed his
pipe, and mused as he prepared to
answer the question. “I was pretty
low just before hearing the results
of them. Why, it didn’t sink in
for a couple of days. I thought
it might be a mistake,” his reply
was almost boyishly unaffected.
Bosebraugh wasn’t informed of his
being chosen until a relative who
had read the decision ■ in a paper
phoned his congratulations.
The Oregon track star expressed
the desire to win his “blue” (Ox
ford 's blazer is blue) in track in
which Oxford competes in athletics
against Cambridge for one school.
“I intend to try out all English
games, soccer, tennis and rowing.”
Included in those with which he
will probably experiment will be
rugby and cricket. Students at
Oxford are required to spend three
or four hours each day with sports,
ho declared.
Oxford, England, is about 50
miles out of London. Bosebraugh
plans to commute back and fortli
frequently, spending much of his
times at the “Inns of Court,” in
London. Seeing an uninformed look
appear on the reporter's face, he
hastened to explain that when the
legal profession ip England was like
a guild, apprentices to this oceupa
(Continued on Page Two.)
Annual Portland Ball
Will Be Dec. 27
Present interest in the fourth an
nual Christmas college ball, to be
given at the Multnomah hotel in
Portland, Thursday evening, Decem
ber 27, indicates that this will be
the largest of the kind ever held.
It is to be an Oregon dance, for
Oregon people, with Oregon music.
“The dance can’t help but be a
huge success,” said Jeanne Gay,
general chairman in charge of the
affair. “The new ‘pep’ committee
is working up lively interest among
the men and the regular committees
have almost completed all plans for
the ball. I believe that the splendid
backing everyone is giving us will
make it a real dance.”
The “pep” committee consists of
Haddon Rockhey, Ed Tapfer, Rod
ney Keating, Jack Day, Don Peek,
Ben Reed, Doug Farrell, Otto Mautlie
and Claude Robinson. Serving with
the general chairman of the ball
are, Georgiana Gerlinger, head of the
publicity committee; Betty Kerr, in
charge of patrons and patronesses
and decorations, and Virginia Pear
son, who is handling the sale of
Hand-made and printed posters
have adorned the mantles of the
men’s living organizations for the
past week. Groups of University
women expect to call upon these
organizations at the dinner hour to
day to remind them of the event.
Tickets are on sale at the Univer
sity Co-op, and at Spaulding’s and
Sherman & Clay’s, in Portland. They
will also be sold at the door on
the night of the dance.
Time Cures All
the Ills of Man!
Of the several elements represent- |
ed by the ancients none is to be
wondered at more than Time, j
Shakespeare wfote, “Gome what,,
tome may, Time and the hour runs j
through the roughest day.” Time |
never hurries, yet it surely arrives j
in the end as we sometimes find to ;
iur dismay toward the end of a
term. Time smoothes all differences,
lieals all personal wouuds, corrects
all errors, ends all wars.
It buries cities with the desert
lust so that the beast of burden
aow travels where kings once sat
Ln purple robes. It cures all ills,
forgive all sins, and gently lays it
land in death. The cruelties of the
)ld-world tyrants and even of our i
ate enemies in the recent world j
’onfliet have been softened by
rime. One may believe with cer
:ainty that whatever problems are
iresent in the world today, all will
ie well in time. One of the minor
vriters of the Romantic Age said,
‘We should count time by heart j
;hrobs. He most lives who thinks
nost, feels the noblest, acts the j.
lest. 1]
News Contest Planned
for Winter Term
A contest for finding the most
efficient day editor, the night editor
that puts out the cleanest paper, the
person handing in the most un
assigned stories, and the one hand
ing in the most tips, will be started
by the Emerald at the first of next
term. Cash prizes will be awarded
to the winners at the annual Em
erald banquet at the end of the
spring term. Awards may be made
for the best feature and best gen
sral news story.
A certificate, or Emerald award,
will be given with the cash prize.
(Continued on page three)
All-Star Team
Selected For
| Do-nut Sport
Westergren and Fuzzy
Carson Are Chosen
As Forwards
Flynn Is Center
0 -O
I -
j Carson . Forward
| Westergren . Forward
] Flynn ._... Center
1 Hobson . Guard
Schmeer . Guard
By The Sport Staff
Now that do-nut basketball has
been scrubbed off the sport calendar
and the Fijis are rejoicing over their
i well-earned championship, it might
be plausible to pick a mythical five.
This year a number of good men
were discovered in do-nut ranks
and the wedding process was diffi
cult before the best-looking five was
selected. New men in the sport
showed to advantage and some of
the old-timers put up a great brand
of ball.
The forward jobs were the easiest
to select men for. Two men stand
out head and shoulders above the
rest of the field. Fuzzy Carson and
Westergren were both brilliant play
ers, clever floor men and dangerous
■when in range of the basket. Car
son probably excelled in hooping
the ball, but Westergren was a won
der in getting down the floor and
checking an opponent.
Though not so flashy as some,
Flynn of the Fiji quintet, is billeted
for the pivot job. He was good on
the tip-off and a quick thinker when
in a pinch. A hal'd man to keep
track of, lie was always under the
basket when a close shot meant
There were several good guards
this year, but the work of Hobson
(Continued on page two.)
A Cynical Meditation
on General Things
By Lyle L. Jane
Forboding thoughts of Christmas,
tho penalty that tho human must
pay for finding out that after all
there really is no Santa Claus.
With Christmas only a week and
'a half away, and the gruelling dis
aster of examinations intervening,
the collegian finds himself faced by
the perplexities of life. House bills
|payable and overdue; downtown
clothing dealers more than a little
anxious about that October state
ment, and the mortgage upon the
old homestead causing considerable
trouble, while taxes have long been
^ et downtown there is a beaded
something or other in jado and
j primrose with solid gold plate chain
I combinations and patent pending
j thumb screws, that she has expres
sed more than a little desire to
I have dangling from “tho pearly
j lobs” of her ears. Smuggled in
I from China, the clerk says, and a
. ..
-eal bargain at a price just a little
•uuler the market quotation on old
Dobbin, the remaining asset of the
farm back home.
Such is the outlook of Christmas;
a give ’till it hurts arrangement,
with the utter certainty that the
only returns will amount to a couplo
of pre inventory sale neckties with
yellow stripes, and a pair of cream
colored sick socks with pale choco
late clocks.
No doubt a flood or so too, that
will handicap the train connections
for home. Then countless dinner
engagements with people that ask
too many questions; dances that
bore you and parties that injure the
Long sessions with father, and the
very difficult explanation of just
why theme paper this last term cost
over $97. A more tearful discus
sion with mother concerning heavy
underwear, loss of sleep and the ut
(Continued on page throe)
Susan Campbell and
Phi Sigs Winners
Susan Campbell hall and Phi
Sigma Pi were declared winners of
the permanent cups given each year
by the military department for the
organizations making the highest
scores in doughnut rifle shoots.
The women’s team made a total
of 899 out of a possible 1,000 points,
while the men’s team made 884.
Alice Jeannette Dorman, of Susan
Campbell hall, made the highest in
dividual score, 193, and Paloma C.
Randleman, Alpha A'i Delta, ranked
second with a score of 191.
In the women’s contest there were
(Continued on page two )
Across the wastelands that are dreams I view
The caravan that brings a gift from you.
Gold, frankincense, myrrh—three kingly gifts
Were brought with love from far-off eastern lands.
Three bearded strangers knelt, their burning eyes
Adored. Up-raised in worship were their hands.
Are gifts not strangely sweet? The thorn-crowned King
Who bore His bitter cross, despised of men,
Could know the gleam, the scent of kingly things,
Know, too, “They loved me then.”
The weary camels rest, while dream-sands blow
They rise, and back into the night they go.
—Margaret Skavlan
Men Singers to Appear
at Home January 8
“The home concert on January 8,
will have the best program ever
presented by the glee club,” Ted
Baker, manager of tho men’s glee
club, says of the coming an
nual concert. And from hints
gicaned from John Stark Evans,
who is somewhat socretively plan
ning the program, there promises to
bo a wide range of ontertainment.
i here will be some serious num
bers, some appealing, somo humor
ous, and of course some local hits.
They always wonder what tho local
song hits are going to be, you ■
know,” Mr. Evans says, smiling ,
knowingly. “And this year, we—
well, wo have sevoral.”
Ronald Reid, Aubrey Furry and
Roy Bryson will be tho chief solo
ists. Si Muller and Dale Colley will I
furnish the comedy, and Lylo Palmer
will perform something new in tho
way of dancing, Mr. Evans states.
The male quartet, Evans, Karpen
steiu, Furry and Adam, will also
come in for their share in the even- :
ing’s entertainment.
Late in the wintor torm, it is
planned, tho two glee clubs and the
orchestra will give joint concerts 1
in Salem and Portland. Tho pro
gram is being worked up now. “We
intend to make it novel and unique,”
Mr. Evans explains, “and yet
tremendous.” <
Along in February, the men’s
glee club will probably take part
in tho Pacific coast intercollegiate
glee chib contest in Portland. The
student body tickets will admit stu
dents to the two concerts by tho
men’s and women’s glee clubs and
tho orchestra this year. The wo
men’s concert will be held on Febru
ary 26.
Art Exhibition
Is Postponed
The exhibition of paintings by
Prof. Alfred H. Schroff, head of ,
the fine arts department, which
was scheduled for December 15, has '
been definitely postponed until after J
the beginning of next term. Tho
artist will spend his vacation pre
paring canvases to send to the \
Pennsylvania academy. Ho recently IJ
font three to the Corcoran gallery
n Washington, D. C.
Emil Jacques, a Belgian painter, i,
:emporarily in Portland, will hold!,
m exhibition of bis work in the f
ittle museum in the arts building ;'
m January 9, according to Dean;,
KUis P. Lawrence, head of the |
ichool of architecture and allied ]
irts. He lias recently exhibited
with the Portland Art association.
A number of industrial pictures 1 s
lave been completed by Jacques on i
urge commissions for bis govern- 1
nent. A series of pictures on the \
'lax industry is especially notable, | (
iccording to Dean Lawrence. |s
Aides Chosen
For Week-end
by Chairman
Junior Fete Groups
to Commence Work
Winter Term
Vod-Vil to be Big
Lil Tapfer and Don Woodward,
junior week-end chairman and presi
dent of the junior class have an
nounced the personnel of the group
which is to handle junior week-end
this year. The directorate of com
mittee chairmen was given out last
week. This large group will handle
the detail work which the director
ate will outline.
The whole junior week-end com
mittee now includes the following
persons: General chairman, Ed Tap
fer; junior prom committee, Mary
Jane Hathaway, chairman; branches
of the prom committee, decorations,
Ivan Houser, chairman, Edgar Bohl
mnn, Ralph Hamilton, Josephine
Evans, Georgia Shipley and Hazel
Borders; feature, Dick Carruthers,
chairman, Penelope Gelir, Bill Poul
son and Josephine Ulrich; music,
Prank Wright., chairman Bernice
Foo; programs, Warren Ulrich, chair
man, Norman Wilson, A1 Sargent,
Batherine Spall; floor committee,
Russjel Burton, chairman, Willard
Marshall, Marie Myers and Genevi
eve Phelps; refreshments, Mary
Jane Dustin, chairman, Lucile
Douglass, Jack Rogers and Joe
Rllis; patrons, Edwina Riehen,
■hairmnn, Junior Seton.
Luncheon Head Chosen
The campus luncheon will be
inder the chairmanship of Maude
Bhroeder. The rest of the com
nittee are: Augusta DeWitt, Melba
3yron, Wava Brown, Laverna Spit
:enbcrger, Marguerete McCabe,
Mary Griffin, Eston Humphrey,
lonry Tetz, Elam Amstutz and
liowoll Angell.
The junior Vod-Vil which takes
dace shortly before junior week
snd and provides the- funds for the
mnual event is in charge of Jack
Ugh. Dave Swanson, Pauline
Jondurant and Elizabeth Robinson
nake up the committee. John
iimpson and Hilda Chase are in
:harge of properties for tho Vod-Vil.
Hesdo'n Metcalf is chairman of
;he canoo fete. Tho committees
inder him are: Floats—Tod Gillen
vater, Wave Anderson, Alice Tut
lill, Elmer Petorsou. Lighting— .
^aul Iloppe, Henry Wostell, Delbert
finnigan. Bleachers—Jack Day,
3ert Gooding. Features—Chuck
lost, Winifred Graham.
Park is Guest Chairman
Entertainment of guests is to bo
;aken care of by Don Park. His
mmmittec is: Gladys Du Bois, Flor
mce Blake and Betty Tillson. Ste
vart Sawtell is chairman of the
tampus day committee, with Clyde
Sollars and Henry Heerdt.
Kathrine Kressmann is in charge of
jublicity. Bon Maxwell will help
vith the work. Bruce Curry, who
ins charge of programs has as a
■ omrnitttee, Rupert Bullivant and
liawrence Robertson, Athletics for
ho week-end will be handled by
Jordon Wilson, chairman, Jens Ter
jesen and Truman Yates.
So far nothing has been done
rtlier than appointing committees,
lunior week-end does not come until
he spring term and plans will be
'ormulated over the holidays. The
’irst of next term the directorate
vill meet and outline the work.
Special problems of the various
ommittees will be dealt with and
he general work of the week-end
vill be gotten under way.
No Definite Plans
No definite plans have been laid
,s yet except that an effort will
re made to limit the guests to high
chool seniors who plan to enter
ollege in the fall. Junior week
nd -will help the greater Oregon
ommittee’s plan to secure the right
ort of preppers for the University,
’hey will be given a taste of Uni
ersity life in all its aspects.
Sometime Friday night, prank
ters made the “O” on Skinner’s
utto a part of the word “Fords,”
y painting on the ground with
irhite paint, the letter “F” on
ne side, and the letters “R,” “D”
nd “S” on the other side.