Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 06, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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University Choir Has Three
Student Soloists
Rendition orr December 16
is Fourth Occasion
'fhe fourth annual presentation of
the St. Cecilia mass by the Univer
sity choir will be given on Decem
ber 16, in the Methodist Episcopal
church at 4.30 p.m.
The mass is sung in old iclassical
Latin, and is one of the finest things
in sacred music. Soprano and tenor
solos will be sung by Ruth Akers
and Roy Bryson; Aubrey Furry
will sing the baritone parts.
Chorus Work Good
There is beautiful chorus work
throughout the whole mass which
rises to tremendous climaxes. This
is especially true of the Gloria and
Credo. The Sanctus, which is sung
by the tenor and chorus, and the
Benedictus, sung by the soprano and
chorus, are exceptionally fine.
John Stark Evans, of the school
of music, will again direct the
choir. Mr. Evans, in an interview
yesterday said that it is not often
that student soloists can do the
work that these soloists are cap
able of accomplishing.
Change Not Desired
In previous years outside soloists
have had the parts. The choir was
assisted last year by Madame Rose
McGrew and John B. Siefert, of the
school of music, and John Claire
Monteith of Portland.
At a committee meeting recent
ly, composed of both faculty and
student members, the advisability
of giving something different was
discussed. However, it was their
unanimous opinion that the St.
Cecilia mass was so fine that every
student generation should be fami
iliar with it, and for that reason it
is again being presented.
(Continued from page 1)
it is also unfortunate from the
standpoint of the university coaches,
for their material comes to them
greener than the material sent up
from the schools ten years ago, when
every school had its team coached
by some old intercollegiate football
hero. A coach who has not played
the game can give his team plays—
which does not help here—but he
cannot teach the fundamentals of
the game, tackling, blocking, charg
ing, line work especially.
But if some almnus finds good
material, and writes to the coach,
or graduate manager, what can we
do? No one connected with the Uni
versity can write and offer a high
school man a job. In the first
place, the rules of the conference
forbid. In the second place, there
is no job to offer. Taken year in
and year out,'there are about twenty
jobs in Eugene that can be obtained
by athletes. All these are taken,
thank you. Twenty jobs are not
many ho go round among the
athletes in four branches of major
sports. The coach cannot very well
write to a promising athlete up in
the bunch grass, “I hear you may
become a football man sometime. If
you come to Oregon, we’ll take
Hunk Latham’s job away from him,
and give it to you,” can he? The
most the coach could promise if
the rules allowed so ^nueh would
be, “If you come to Oregon, and
(5 chairs)
Give Us a Trial
833 Willamette Street
BERT VINCENT, Proprietor
m Khmmmammm
make a place on one of our teams,
you can then compete with the other
boys for one of the jobs the var
sity men are now filling—when
they get through with it.”
We lose half the material we get,
either on account of scholarship,
or on account of finances, and we
do not in the first place get what
we could ,if we could find places
where all the boys could work their
way through college. Eugene is a
' small town. It has not the limit
less opportunities for jobs of Berke
ley or Los Angeles or Seattle, neither
has it a big college farm with lots
of part time jobs for unskilled men,
i such as the agricultural colleges
have. Here’s the real problem. Sup
pose we had Dobie here. What
could he do? What can anyone do
to solve Oregon’s football famine?
(Continued from page one)
chosen as team members they have
been doing' excellent work. ’ ’
New System Given
Oregon will at tonight’s debate
have its first taste of the open forum
plan now coming into rather general
use among the more progressive in
situations. Reed college has already
tried the plan, and declares it has
worked splendidly. By this system
there are three judges as usual, and
they hand in a sealed verdict at the
close of the contest just as is cus
tomarily done. But before the jud
ges’ votes are opened, the members
of the audience are permitted to ask
of any of the debaters any question
they may choose to ask about the
subject of the debate. After these
questions have been discussed, the
votes are pened and the victory an
Judges for the campus branch of
the triangle will be R. J. Kirkwood,
a business man of Portland, and two
Portland attorneys,Charles E. Lenon
and Frank Hilton. Hopkin Jenkins,
principal of Jefferson high school
in Portland, and H. H. KeVdman,
member of the Portland Safety
league will, with another man
whose name has not been sent to
Elam Amstutz, forensic manager,
act as judges at the Beed-Oregon
debate, which will be held at the
Lincoln high school auditorium in
The names of the O. A. C. men who
will come over to meet our affirma
tive, are Blair Stewart, and Robert
Local Publication May Reappear
After Holidays
Two jokes taken from Lemon
Punch decorate the College Humor
page of this week’s edition of Judge.
A great many of the Lemon Punch
jokes have been used by Judge this
fall, indicating Lemmy's high
Plans are now being made by the
Oregon chapter of Hammer and
Coffin, of which Frank Short is pre
sident, to issue three or four edi
tions of Lemmy this year, starting
after the Christmas vacation. An
edition of an all-coast college humor
ous publication is also being plan
ned. This publication would be the
joint work of the staffs of the
Washington Sun Dodger, the O. A. C.
Orange Owl, the Stanford Chaparral
and the Oregon Lemon Punch.
G«t the Classified Ad habit.
Pleating and Buttons.
Pleated skirts a specialty.
Phone 1158-L 89 E. 7th Ave.
♦ $
The Spanish Dancer
Every student’s work appreciated
Eugene Steam Laundry
Donald Woodworth, Campus Agent
1 78 Eighth Ave. West. Phone 1 23
Kappa Delts Take Contest
From Phi Sigma Pi
The A. T. O. five won a. close
game from the Kappa Sigs in divi
sion. “B” yesterday afternoon, 23
to 18. The winners took the lead
early in the game and led at the
end of the first half 11 to 5, as
the result of a basket-shooting
spree by Carson. The Kappa Sigs in
their turn, went on a rampage at the
start of the second period and from
then on the contest was give and
take. The Kappa Sigs scored 13 I
points in the last half while the,
| winners made 12 counters, to show j
'the evenness of the play in that!
In the second game of yesterday’s
[schedule, Kappa Delta Phi took a
j rather loosely played contest from
Phi Sigma Pi by an 18 to 13 count.
, At mid-time the Kappa Delts were j
! leading seven to five and during j
; the second period the score see- j
[sawed with the winners finally pull-'
ing away in the last few minutes'
of play. Norton was the star for:
the winners while Hoar and Johnson I
| starred for the Phi Sigs. Norton
i looped three baskets and five fouls i
for a total of 11 points. Last night’s |
; contest leaves the Kappa Delt five i
in position to fight it out for the
, leadership of league “B.”
The Fijis will tackle the fast
| Friendly hall five this afternoon
| and a lot depends upon the out
icome of this battle in regard to the
j title winner. The Fijis must dis
! pose of the Friendly team in order
i to again go into a tie with the fleet
ing Betas, who went into the lead
by defeating the strong Phi Psi ag
Should the Fijis win today they
are almost certain of finishing in
at least a tie with the Betas, for
their other games do not present
such a formidable outlook, while the
Betas also must play the Friendly
team (before they close the sea
son., If both aggregations should
finish the season with six wins and
one loss then in all probability a
post season game will be played to
settle the championship.
The games for today are:
Phi Gamma Delta vs. Friendly
hall, at 4 p.m.
Delta Tau Delta vs. Sigma Chi,
at 7 p.m.
(Continued from page one)'
and is sweeping in his condemna
tions (though to reasoning, re
searching radicalism Oxford is prob- [
ably much more hospitable than we i
are); not the rough diamond with
out any family background; not the I
overmodest chap who surrenders his '
views too easily- How’s this for j
the positive side—character, ability i
rind sensitiveness. Oxford teaches r
by hints, by reserves, by ironies. No- t
body ever exhorts or expounds, 1
though there is much deceptively I'f
simple explanation in which one 1
must notice kjeenly the shift; of 'i
emphasis and the deliberate omis- c
sions. It came to me at Oxford v
that nothing there is quite what it c
seems and if a man is npt a little, j
keen to cut below the surface he _
can stay there three years and never
see Oxford at all.
“I attended a lecture at Oxford—
in a great medieval hall with stained
glass windows, stone floors, stone
svalls and temperature ten degrees!
above zero—no heating arrange- j
meats. The don read for fifty min-!
iites from a manuscript nicely cal- \
culated to be meaningless to one |
who wasn’t reasonably well “up”j
in the subject. The students sati
on benches about tables like those
in the Woman’s building, protected j
from the cold by “gowns” about 30
inches long—I got one to bring home i
to show our seniors is their mag
nificent flowing robes what the j
“gown” is in its medieval place of j _
origin. It isn’t considered good
form at Oxford to attend many lec-;
tures. The tutor advises you not to
and the don who lectures would
think it strange if you did. But
the examinations are a terror. You
have • to work hard during the six
months of the vacations.”
The Washington club, in a meet-;
ing last night in the Oregon build
ing, decided to hold a hard-time, no
date dance on Jan. 18 in the hall
A La Tausca
Pearl Necklace
Will make her Christmas
radiantly happy. And in
choosing it, let us show you
some of the highly lustrous
and beautiful strings of
pearls we have on display.
Use our installment plan of
Jewelry Store
“One Price to All”
Double Main Event 10 Rounds
(in each event)
(130 lbs. Salem) (130 lbs. Portland)
(147 lbs., Eugene, (130 lbs., Portland)
Two Fast 4-Round Preliminary Bouts
New Armory, Friday, Dec. 7th
Seats on Sale at Obak and Club Cigar stores
Ringside Seats $1.65 Geueral Admission $1.10
(Includes War Tax)
Doors Open at 7 :30 p. m. Preliminary Bout at 8:30 Sharp
Don’t Waste
Your Vacation
by doing your Christmas shopping after you get home
but do your shopping now
We have
Ludford & Caswell
922 Willamette Eugene
t Coberg Bridge. The members of
ie club and all students of the
niversitv who have graduated
rom a high school in the state of
Washington, are invited to attend,
rucks will be provided as a means
f transportation to the dance. Plans
ere also discussed for a dinner
anee to be held some time in
larch at the College Side Inn.
A Portrait
Kennell-Ellis Studios
Budget Your Gift-Giving
If ever you sighed for an elastic purse, it’s around Christ
mas time. Since purses won’t stretch to order, the next
best thing is to get as much as possible for your money.
When you start out to buy men’s
gifts this Christmas, consider before
hand how much you can spend—
then go to the shop that offers the
best values.
^ For $40 you can buy a beautiful
) Overcoat
A gift that every man appreciates
«■ V
If you have $7.50 to spend select a
handsome and practical lounge
$5.95 buys a fine quality silk shirt
—neat stripings or plain colors
For $2.50 you’ve a choice of gloves
felt hat or a handsome cap
Spend $1.00 to $1.50 and get a
silver belt buckle, or belt complete
And 35c to $1.50 buys ties, silk
socks or linen handkerchiefs
—the house of Kuppenheimer good clothes