OREGON DAILY EMERALD Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued daily except Monday, during the college year. ARTHUR S. RUDD ... EDITOR Editorial Board Managing Editor . Don Woodward Associate Editor . John W. Piper Associate Managing Editor . Ted Janes Daily News Editors Taylor Huston Rosalia Keber Junior Seton ' Velma Farnham Marian Lowry Night Editors Bupert Bullivant Walter Coover Douglas Wilson Jack Burleson Lawrence Cook t. I. N. S. Editor . Pauline Bondurant Sunday Editor . Clinton Howard Sunday Assignments .... A1 Trachman Leonard Lerwill Day Editor . Margaret Morrison Night Editor . George {Selknap Sports Editor .... Kenneth Cooper Sports Writers: Monte Byers, Bill Akers, Ward Cook. Exchange Editor . Norborne Berkeley News Staff; Geraldine Root, Margaret Skavlan, Norma Wilson, Henn^etta Lawrence, Helen Reynolds,' Catherine Spall, Lester Turnbaugh, Georgiana Gerlinger, Webster Jones, Margaret Vincent, Phyllis Coplan, Kathrine Kressmann, Frances Sanford, Eugenia Strickland, Frances Simpson, Katherine Watson, Velma Meredith, Mary West, Emily Houston, Beth Farias, Marion Playter, Lyle Janz, Ben Maxwell, Mary Clerin, Lilian Wilson, Margaret Kressmann, Ned French. LEO P. J. MUNLY ....A-.-. MANAGER Business Staff Associate Manager . Lot Beatie Foreign Advertising Manager .»-. James Leake Advertising Manager . Maurice Wartiock Circulation Manager .-.— Kenneth Stephenson Assistant Circulation Manager . Alan* Woolley 8pecialty Advertising .-... Gladys Noren Advertising Assistants: Frank Loggan, Chester Coon, Edgar Wrightman, Lester Wade Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates, $2.26 per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application. Phones jsaitor ODD manager ifui Daily News Editor This Issue Velma Farnham Night Editor This Issue Lawrence Cook Let’s Know the Facts Shy has resigned and Oregon is without a football coach. There are those who are inclined to sit back and say, “Well, it’s all over, let’s go ahead and be champions again.” There is a lot more to the situation than that. The whole policy of future athletics at Oregon is to be determined. Sane thinking and deliberate action are needed. “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” So says the old adage. Each year the reputation of the University is in jured by the squabble over the football coach. Usually those who do most of the talking know the least about the case. There has been some tendency in recent years to suppress the real facts, and this has led some to believe that dark and evil methods were being pursued when in reality those who had to do with hiring Oregon’s football mentor were really working hard for the best good of the institution. The Emerald is printing Professor Howe’s articles in order that the students may know as much as possible about the coaching situation. It intends to print clippings and articles giving as many phases of the case as possible. What it prints it does not necessarily endorse. As a student body publica tion it welcomes opinions from the student body, the faculty, or the alumni. Fairness to all concerned is its aim. Oregon is fortunate in having a man like Professor Howe who has studied the case. His opinion is based on facts—not gossip. He has watched football teams for years, and he knows the inside of Coast athletics. Every Oregon student owes it to himself to read the facts, presented and consider them carefully if he wishes to discuss the matter. If you don’t know the facts, your opinion is of slight value. More harm is done to Oregon’s reputation by j our athletic troubles than we on the campus realize. Alumni are probably worse offenders than students when it comes to making rash statements. Oregon owes much to those alumni who give their advice and help with some real knowledge but the former Oregonian who speaks on the strength of a wild rumor is injuring his alnur mater. Fairness first. A student body meeting is scheduled for 11 o’clock today. Although attendance at meetings of the A. S. U. 0. is not compulsory those who arc interested in campus affairs and want to have a part in good student government will be there. Activities of the student body play an important part in the lives of every one of our campus citizens. As a good Oregon student be on hand when the gavel falls at 11 this morning. At the Theatres o REX “The Eagle’s Feather,” it Metro pictumation of Katherine Kewlin Hurt’s famous story of the sumo name is the feature attraction at the Hex Theatre today only. Those who have read the story will remember the thrilling cattle stam pede, the great fight between John Trent and his accusers, the delightful banquet scene, the torest. tire and many other incidents which mad© “The Eagle’s Feather” one of out standing short stories of the year. A fine east, headed by .Tames Kirk wood and Mary Alden, serve to make “The Eagle’s Feather” a great en tertainment. CASTLE TTlase Broadway that laughed tor fifty some odd weeks at Ernest True* in that remarkably successful stage comedy “Six Cylinder Love,” which shows at the Castle Theatre today, is due to repeat the experience. Elmer Clifton, the director, who will be remembered for his making “Down to the Sea in Ships,” has the good fortune to have the assis ttuioe of Donald Mock, tlio original Riclmrd Horton of tin' Broadway pro duction: Ralph Sipperly and Berton Churchill. HAMMER AND COFFIN INSTALLS AT CHICAGO Five Chapters of Naitonal Humorists Plan to Publish Joint College Publication The Chicago Phoenix, recognised as one of the loading college comics ofl the United States, was installed as a Hammer and Coffin publication last week by Carl Slump, of the Stan ford chapter. This makes the fifth chapter of the national publishing so ciety. and it is expected that, several charters will be granted at the next •onveution. Plans are also being made for a joint publication of all Hammer and ’offin publications. Those included n this issue will be the Stanford haparral. the 'Washington Sundod ger, the Oregon Agricultural College Orange Owl. the Oregon Lemon Punch, and the Chicago Phoenix. Bead the Classified Ad column o ^ Campus Bulletin Notices will be printed in this column for two issues only. Copy must be in this office by B :30 on the day before it is to be published, and must be limited to 20 words. <•>--—“^> University Orchesra,—Rehearsal for “Hour Hand,” Sunday, 2:30 at Villard. » Crossroads — Meeting Thursday evening at 7:30 in the Woman’s building. “Hour Hand” Cast — Full re hearsal, 7:15 Thursday evening, Music building. P. E. Majors—Dr. Warner, head of child hygiene in Portland, will speak to all P. E. majors Thursday, 7:30, P. E. library. Zeta Kappa Psi—Important meet ing tonight at 5:00 o’clock, room 5, Commerce building. Every mem ber must be there. Campu3 Clubs—Checks for space 1924 Oregana due NOW. Bring or mail immediately to Oregana office, journalism building. Beta Alpha Psi—Important meet ing noon today at the Anchorage. Eutaxian — Meeting tonight at 6:00, in the Y. W. bungalow. Women’s Forum — Meeting to night at 7:15 in Woman’s building. Meeting of Women’s league execu tive council immediately following. Tone year ago today^ I Some High Points in Oregon | Emerald of December 6, 1922 <£* - ■ ■ ■■■ ■*" Varsity debaters will meet the O. A. C. forensic machine on Decem ber 11. The campus campaign for the European Student Relief fund will begin tomorrow. Phi Gamma Delta have won the do-nut debate series for both men’s and women’s organizations on the campus. They defeated the Susan Campbell hall team last night. Scroll and Script will petition Mortar Board at once, according to LeLaine West, president of the or ganization. * * * Gounod’s St. Cecilia mass will be sung by the University choir in the Methodist church next Sunday even ing. A movement has been started by Gerald Barnes to amend the con stitution of the A. U. S. O. in such a way as to permit the giving of letters to participants in the minor sports. o COM MM UNICATIONS ^ Letters to the EMERALD from stu dents and faculty members are welcomed, but must be si Kited and worded concisely. If it is desired, the writer’s name will be kept out of print. It must be understood that the editor reserves the right to reject communications. O—-—— -O THUMBS DOWN! To the Editor: Tlio time is hundreds of years ago. The scene is in a Roman stadium. The Roman emperor looks around. The thumbs of the people point down, and they call for the blood of the champion. The em peror’s lustful eyes, turn to the scene, below. The champion of recent years lies in the dust of defeat. Above him his victor stands with ready sword, waiting the signal of the emperor. Again the cry of the multitude arose. Their champion has failed them. Death to him! Forgotten are his great victories of last year, lie has met defeat once, so he must die. Thumbs down! Tho fallen gladiator is a “Shy” man. He is too much of a champion to cite to them his good records or' the handicaps under which he has] fought. One disastrous year— thumbs down! What matter past: records ? Seek a new champion. The j sword falls. The multitude depart,,: talking as they go of the possible j new champion. Yes, human nature is the same, whether it be regarding the dying gladiator or a football coach. We ore like the Roman multitude, we cannot take defeat. Thumbs down; T. P. O. To the Editor: Why is it that man’s attitude to ward his fellow men, who has achieved to the best of his ability, is oftimes likely to be marked be ingratitude rather than by an em bracing fellowship and words of on couragement? It is a matter of small comfort to the weak and sentimental, who are content to be lieve the general idea that a man meets with just the degree of suc cess that he deserves. The univer sal acceptance of such a cold prin i-ipie would do much to discredit the belief, commonly held by the unsuccessful that merit and virtue seldom meet their just rewards. The attitude of a part of the alumni of this institution against Varsitv Coach ••Shy” lluutiugtou in the matter of the football eontrq versv which has recently come to a head is in the main one of personal animosity. The spirit of these in dividuals has been one of tearing down rather than of building up Oregon’s football machine. They have failed to give constructive suggestion on the football situa tion. Quite the opposite they have been for the most part voicing destructive criticism about Hunt ington’s coaching methods and his ability to coach. The term “hypocrites” is odious to most of us and we don’t usually jlike to be thought of in such con-1 nection, but certainly there is a faction of the alumni who by their actions cannot be thought of in any other position than just that. They j have “hand-shaked” Huntington and have extolled his abilities as a coach and have praised him before the student body; but behind the scenes they were ready and waiting for the opportunity to throw him down the back stairs so to speak. The whole situation has been one of unpleasantness and “backbiting” all the way through. The late ex-President Roosevelt voiced a sentiment more truthful nt hair it t Neatly combed, well-Kept hair it • business and social asset. STACOMB makes the hair stay combed in any style you like even after it has just been washed. STACOMB—the original—has been used for years by stars of stage and screen—leaders of style. Write today for free trial tube. Tube*—35c Jars—75c Insist on STACOMB—in the black, yellow and gold package. For sale at your druggist or wherever toilet goods are sold. Standard Laboratoriea, Inc. 750 Stanford Avenue Los Angeles. California Send coupon for Free Trial Tube. Dent, a Dl» ataiuuiu — Please send mo froo trial tube. Address. LEARN SHORTHAND AND TYPING IT IS A GOOD INVESTMENT We are prepared to conduct classes in all commercial subjects. Our rates are reasonable; our methods up-to-date. EUGENE BUSINESS (COLLEGE A. E. ROBERTS, President Eugene, Oregon 992 Willamette St. Phone 666 WE ARE ALWAYS READY to supply you with LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES and SLABWOOD Phone 452 Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. Formal Opening of the College Side Inn Friday, Dec. 7th Dinner Dance 6 to 8 p. m. $1.00 Table D’ Hote Dinner Informal Dance 8:30 to 12 Music by Jack Myers Mid-Nite Sons Seven Piece Orchestra “Everyone Will Be There”