Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 05, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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(Continued from page 1)
Oregon . 592
Opponents . 280
Games won . 26
Games lost . 12
Games tied ... 6
After graduation, J3hy entered the
Marine Corps and played ' on the
famous Mare Island team of 1917.
On the following year he returned
to the Oregon campus and took the
football coaching job at a time
when the conditions were anything
but favorable for a winning foot
ball team. Old timers will remem
ber that 1918 was the year of the
S. A. T. C. and that the personel
of the school, and consequently the
football team, was constantly
changing under government orders.
They wrill also remember that this
was the year that the ’flu epidemic
was at its height. In his first year
Shy turned ou^ a team that won
four out of six contests, losing to
California and Multnomah.
Shy’s second year was his biggest
year as it will be remembered that
it was during this season that his
tejm lost to the big Harvard team
by the scant margin of one point.
His other loss of the 1919 season
was in Portland when the W. S. C.
Cougars slipped over a 7 to 0 victory
on Oregon. His wins of that season
consisted in two over Multnomah,
and one each over Washington,
Idaho and the Aggies. The season
of 1920 resulted in three victories,
two losses and one tie for Shy’s
teams. In 1921 Huntington’s teams
added five victories to their list,
while they were beaten once and
tied three times.
Last year is in the memory of
most of the student body, but for
the benefit of those who do not
remember, let it be said that Ore
gon’s football squad under the
mentorship of Shy hung up a record
of six wins, one defeat, and one
tie. 1'he defeat was at the hands!
of the Multnomah club, while the
tie was a three to three affair with
Washington at the end of the sea
This year’s record is to well
known to need recapitulation in this
story. Suffice it to say that Ore
gon won three games, tied one and
lost four. The summary of the
whole affair is that, during the time
that Oregon’s football fortunes have,
been guided by Shy Hungington,
the Lemon-Yellow has won 26 out
of 42 cntests, 12 have been lost and
six tied. During this six year period,
Oregon teams have ammassed a
total of 592 points, while the teams 1
that have opposed them have suc
ceeded in scoring 280 points. Shy’s!
teams have won three games from
O. A. C., tied. two and lost one. S
Insufficient Excuses and Failure
To Postpone Gomes Will
Cause Forfeiture
As a result of the fact that
Women’s basketball teams are far
behind in their games, the program
is especially heavy for the next two
weeks, in the schedule announced
by Florence Baker, head of basket
ball. Any house wishing to post
pone a game must notify her by
noon of that day or the game will
be forfeited. Insufficient excuses
will also result in a forfeiture.
The schedule for the next two
weeks is as folows
Wednesday, December 5—Deita
Zeta vs. Oregon club; Kappa Kappa
Gamma vs. Alpha Xi Delta; Kappa
Alpha Theta vs. Susan Campbell, 2.
Thursday, December 6—-Gamma
Phi Bela vs. Alpha Chi Omega; Pi
Beta Pni vs. Delta Delta Delta; Chi
Omega vs. Hendricks hall, 1.
Friday, December 7—Thatcher
cottage vs. Delta Delta Delta; Hen
dricks hall, 1 vs. Gamma Phi Beta;
Kappa Kappa Gamma vs. Susau
Ompbell, 1.
Monday, December 10—Susan
Campbell, 1 vs. Alpha Delta Pi
Pi Beta Phi vs. Kappa Alpha
Theta; Oregon club vs. Alph i Xi
Tuesday, December 11—Chi Ome- j
ga vs. Susan Campbell, 2; Alpha
Chi Omega vs. Hendricks hall, 1;
[s the science of restoring
health, through the nerves.
Chiropractic eo-ordinat.ing
with the principles of Elec
trotherophy is getting re
sults that is safe, sane and I
Dr. Geo. Simon
Phone 355J 916 Willamette
Over Ludford store
I fiamma Phi Beta vs. Thatcher cot
j tage.
Wednesday. December 12—Delta
Delta Delta vs. Kappa Alpha Theta;
Alpha Xi Delta vs. Susan Campbell
I (11; Hendricks hall (2) vs. Oregn
' club.
Thursday, December 13—Pi Beta
■ Phi vs. Gamma Phi Beta; Alpha
Chi Omega vs. Thacher _ cottage;
Alpha Phi vs. Delta Zeta.
Friday, December 14—Chi Omega
vs. Kappa Alpha Theta; Pi Beta
Phi vs. Thacher cottage; Hendricks
hall (2) vs. Susan Campbell (l).
°Saturday, December 16—Alpha
Chi Omega vs. Kappa Alpha Theta;
Delta Delta Delta vs. Chi Omega.
(Continued from page one)
Westergren with six and Calloway
were the stars for the winners.
Harding, with 10 counters and Rice
scintillated for the losers.
S. A. E. came back with a bang
in the division “B” contest last
evening arid defeated the Bachel
ordon team. 28 to 18. The game
was fast' throughout, with the win
ners leading at all stages of the
contest. The passing and shooting
on both sides was fair, and the
teamwork of both aggregations was
such as to keep the fans excited at
all stages of the game. Kiminki,
King and Parley showed up to good
advantage for the winners, while
Martin and Meyers were the out
standing players for the losers.
Phi Delta Theta won from the
“dark horse” Friendly hall five
Monday afternoon by a score of 16
to 10. The play was fast irnd was
featured by a determined comeback
on the part of the losers in the
second period. The winners held
such a lead, however, that it was
impossible for the Friendly hall
players to overtake them. Hobson
and Gerke played nice ball for the
winners and Woods and Reed for
the losers.
(Continued from page one)
big league baseball team can go
through a season with two pitchers
and one utility man each for the in
field and outfield. We actually tried
out nine men at center this year, j
Some were hurt—three dropped off
the squad entirely—others were
used to patch other holes in the |
team, and we wound up with Wilson j
in the game and McMullen the only
substitute on the bench, in case Wil
son had to be taken out, as in the !
Stanford game.
We had four men battered to j
pieces backing up the line, and had;
to send in a fifth, an untried man |
to finish the last game. By a miracle,,
we only had to use two quarter- j
backs, with Anderson in reserve inj
case both were out. But he went
out first, and if anything had hap
pened to Sax at Seattle, there was
no one else to call the plays.
We are not only playing a hard
game every week now, but we are ^
playing opponents who have much j
larger lists of available players,
than any okltime coach, even Dobie,,
ever had. All our coast conference
oppenents, except Idaho, have two,
three, or even four players of var
sity calibre on the bench, waiting
to replace each man on the team.
We must have more players, to
haVe winning seasons. Why don’t
we? Is it the coach,’s fault, or
the graduate manager’s, or the
Get the Classified Ad habit.
r •" uv'ICAN BE
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Clean Portieres M
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the indoor nff
(Continued from page one)
have ever been commended for
their clean playing and good
sportsmanship. Nor have I used
hired men. No University of Ore
gon player in my time has ever
been subsidized. Perhaps that is
one reason we have lost a few
games; but I could not bring my
self in this University, nor could
I bring myself ever, to subsidize
college players.
Be that as it may, I now de
sire to, get out as soon as my
present contract expires, and in
order that you may have plenty of
time to find a successor , I give
you my resignation now. I sin
cerely hope you may find a good
coach to fill my place. One that
will please the alumni, and mie
that they will support, for it is
only through solid support from
the alumni that Oregon athletics
can be built up and maintained.
In going out I want to thank
you personally for the aid and
personal friendship you have
given me.
Sincerely yours, (Sgd.),
Although he has let it be known
that he will not be a candidate for
coach of next year’s varsity, he will
continue in his present capacity ds
an employee of the student body and
of the school of physical education
until his contract expires with the
close of the University year.
No statement has been issued as
to prospects to fill the now vacant
2>osition of football coach. It is
assumed that the athletic com
mittee of the executive council will
take steps at once to fill the place.
The date of the committee’s meet
ing has not yet been set.
His letter was held by those who
gave the the story of the resigna
tion to the reporters as being fair
to a student body which has been
friendly to Mr. Huntington.
Occupations Cover Variety of Fields;
More Earned This Year
Than Ever Before
Approximately $10,895 has been
earned by men students of the Uni
versity working at regular and odd
jobs so far this term. “This is
more than $1,000 better than at this
time last year,” says Mrs. C. B.
Donnelly, Y. M. C. A. employment
secretary, who gave out the report.
Of those men working at regular
jobs, 61 are making board and room
or more, 28 are making board or
better, and 11 are making more than
room rent. Fellows working at odd
jobs usually earn enough money to
defray minor expenses.
The jobs that the men work at
cover a variety of occupations.
Some of them are as follows: load
ing and unloading freight cars of
shipments and automobiles, painting,
carpentering, sign-writing, window
decorating, rug-making, window
washing, cooking, waiting on tables,
etc. One fellow has a job as cir
culating agent for the Portland Tele
gram, another has a job as an oil
station attendant, still another has
a job out on a farm.
Mrs. Donnelly says that many of
the boys freely admit that If it
wasn’t for the opportunity of work
ing on the side they would be obliged
to leave the University.
Canada Leads With Twenty-One,
Philippines Next; One
Born in Iceland
Ninety-five students attending:
the University of Oregon were born '
outside of the United States pro
per, statistics compiled by the reg
istrar’s office show-. These are
divided among 28 different coun
tries, with Canada leading with 21
of the 95 being born in that coun
The Philippine Islands rank next
to Canada with 16 students claim
ing them as their birthplace. There
wTere seven born in England, one in
Scotland, and one in Wales.
Russia has six who wrere born
there and India has five. Germany
is the birthplace of four students
and Austria-Hungary of three. Four
students were born in Sweden, two
in Switzerland, three in Finland,
and two in Norway.
There were three students born in
China and three in Korea. Japan
is the birthplace of one and Syria
of another. Hawaii is the birth
jdace of three and France of two.
Greece, Iceland, Holland, Egypt,
Italy and South Africa each have j
one student who was born there.
In the countries with several stu
Minimum charge, 1 time, 26c ; 2 times, ^
45c ; 3 times, 60c ; 1 week, $1.20. Must
be limited to 5 lines : over this limit
5c per line. Phene 951, or leave copy
with Business office of Emerald, in
University Press. Office hours, 1 to
LOST—Pen and Eversliarp pencil
at 0. A. C.—Oregon game. Please
return to 1370 Beech St. Reward.
D 4-5 |
LOST — A brown silk umbrella j
with ivory knob handle in Com- j
merce building, room 7. Finder j
please return to Ellen G. McClellan,!
Hendricks hall.
FOB SALE—Japanese prints, in
destructible Oriental pearls* and
many other Oriental things suitable
for gifts. Prices reasonable. Tues
day /and Saturday at 592 West
Seventh. D-5-7
“Mac”—The Old Reliables—“Jack”
llth and Alder Hair bobbing a specialty
A CROWN.) rv
lOilliam tox' presents'
Jjvm the stage success by ‘William JnthonyWQuin
A Roar of a Comedy, “MONKEY MIX UP”
dents whose birthplace was there,
many different parts are represented.
In the Philippines several islands
were mentioned.
“Leaves of Knowledge’’ Among
Those in Oregon Collection
A little group of books for the
Oregon collection of the library has
recently been received. The Ore
gon collection consists of books by
Oregon authors, books about Oregon
and proceedings o£ Oregon organi
Among the new books are
“Leaves of Knowledge,’’, by Elma
MacGibbon; “Laws of the City of
Portland in 1886’’; “Where Flows
the Hood River,” by Marion Cook;
“Preceedings of tho Second Meet
ing of tho Oregon Medical As
sociation,” which was held in
1875; Several copies of tho Portland
Blue Book; “The Blaziug Way,”
by Wr. WYan-Dusen; and “The
Centinal History of Oregon from
1811 to 1911” in four volumes by
Joseph Gaston.
"The Ink That Made
The Fountain Pen Possible
Opening Display o f
Christmas Greeting Cards
T''\0 not wait for the Christmas
rush—come in now and take
time to look over our unusually at
tractive lines. Each card has been
selected with the utmost care.
The line comprises beautifully en
graved cards ranging in prices from
5c to 25c. They are just the thing to
remember your friends with; make
up the list and get the cards NOW.
Also Christmas seals, ribbons, and
holly paper.
Let us order your Christmas books
Buy Manhattans
for Style and Quality
They’re styled better, made better,
priced better than any other shirts
we know of; that’s why we buy
them—pretty good reason to in
terest you.
Manhattan Shirts $3 to $8.50
Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
! Featuring
Our new line of always fresh
French Pastry
and it is worthy of being featured
Strictly Fresh Candies
And say!
i Can you think of a nicer way to make your girl happy
^ than to take her some of it?
Honestly! You should try it
Ye Campa Shoppe