Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1923, Image 1

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Vonder Ahe, Chapman, Sax
and Latham Out of Team
for Next Season’s Work
New Passing Combination
of Harrison and Jones
Promises Fine Results
By Monte Byers
Oregon loses several football men
this year, men whose places will be
hard to fill. Chapman, Latham,
Vonder Ahe and Sax have played
their last for the Lemon-Yeftlow.
This means new men to fill the gap.
and we think that they will be
fr und.
There were several men on the
freshman squad who will make it
tough going for the holdovers of
this year to win a berth' in 'the 1924
campaign. The entire first yeir
backfield looked great and from end
to end very little fault can be found
in the line. Thanks to Baz Wil
liams, Reinhart and Ea a, the
yearlings got a fighting spirit.
New Quarter Needed
With holdover lettermen and the
first year string of this season, Ore
gon ought to have something big
next year. Spring practice should
put the new men right in line for
varsity play next fall. '
Chapman’s passing from football
circles means that the varsity
mentors will have to develop a new
pilot. Mimnaugh and Harrison will
be eligible next year. Both show
great promise and the kicking of
Harrison was on a par with that of
conference booters. ’The Harrison
Jones pass combination looked all
as good as the Chapman-Latham
machine. Jones, by the way, is
that human catapult who rammed
every line he went against, for
^ yardage.
Agee and Socolofsky make a nice
pair of backs, who will certainly
be in line for the varsity. Vitus,
Kiminki, Post, Leavitt and Stone
breaker have the earmarks of var
sity timber. • Against the Washing
ton yearlings Post looked very
Many Line Prospects
Dills, Brooks and Adolph will
give next year’s ends something to
v worry about. Dills was shifted to
guard late in the season and proved
a demon there. Kerns and Kjel
land stand out in the line. Both
had all the fight in the world and
were barriers to the enemy’s offen
sive. Their rushing tactics gave the
yearlings one touchdown in the last
game of the season. Carter, John
ston, Belshaw, Barbur, Dashney and
Stearns will make it tropical for
candidates going out for their spe
cial positions next year. They are
all big men who will develop a
great deal in the spring session.
The center job found one man
holding it all season. Johnson play
ed bangup ball and never had to
be jerked for mediocre work. He
has an accurate spiral pass which
may be adopted by the coaches
next fall. Johnson is the same
type of center as Jake Risley, and
if the reader will turn back the
pages of sport history, he will find
that Risley was some center.
Dr. Straub’s Home
Becomes Classic
Center of Campus
Alpha-Beta-Gamma-Delta ....
The Greek alphabet will have a
new meaning today to members
of Dean John Straub’s Greek
classes which will eagerly con
vene for their first lesson with
the dean since his return to the
campus. The class will be trans
ferred to the professor’s home
until January, when normalcy will
be regained with the establish
ment of Dean Straub in his regu
lar room in the administration
“A day among my boys and girls
is better than a week away,”
declared the dean in commenting
on his enjoyment at being back
The classes may not continue
the full hour, for if the dean be
comes tired, students will be dis
missed. Although the progress of
the dean is favorable, yet these
precautions are being taken not
to fatigue him by further exer
Inasmuch as both the ten and
eleven o’clock Greek classes are
small, no one will be crowded out
of the new elassroom. The ar
rangement is deemed very accept
able in the opinion of both the
dean and students.
Robinson and Rosebraugh
to be Candidates
Try-outs for the selection of a
Bhodes scholar from the state of Ore
gon will be held in Portland on Sat-.
urday, December 8.
Candidates from the University of
Oregon are Claude Robinson and Ar
thur Rosebraugh, both seniors. Bob-1
inson is a major in economics, and
Rosebraugh in law.
President Campbell is chairman of
the committee to select the candi
date for the scholarship. Other mem
bers of the committee are President
R. F. Scholz of Reed college, secre
tary; Professor J. B. Harrison of
the University of Washington, and j
Professor W. C. Barnes of the Uni-1
versity. All of the members of this1
committe except President Campbell j
attended Oxford. President Scholz
received a degree from Worcester col
lege of Oxford in 1904, Harrison re
ceived his degree from Lincoln col
lege of Oxford in 1910, and Barnes
received his from Lincoln also in 1913.
The Rhodes Scholarship is given.
for a three-year period and is tenable
only at Oxford. The scholarship is
usually 300 pounds a year, but until
further notice the successful candi
date will receive a bonus of 50 pounds.
This, however, does not cover all the
expenses while attending Oxford.
About 50 pounds additional is nec
A candidate to be eligible must be
an unmarried citizen of the United
3tates with five years residence in this
country preceding the examination.
He must have passed his nineteenth
birthday but not his twenty-fifth.
The successful candidate for 1933
will enter Oxford in 1924.
Selection of the candidate is. based
on the folowing points: (1) qualities
of manhood, force of character, lead
ership (2) literary and scholastic
(Continued on page four.)
Dean Allen Is Nearing Home
After Several Months Abroad
Eric W. Allen, dean of the school
of journalism, will be back in
Eugene, with Mrs. Allen, from their
European trip on December 6. In
formation to this effect has been
received by President Campbell.
Dean Allen arrived in New York
several days ago. On the way home,
according to present plans, the dean
will visit several universities and
schools of journalism.
A letter just received from Dean
Allen, dated London, November 2,
makes a comparison between the
somber conditions prevailing in
London, reflecting the all pervading
fog, and the brighter, more comfort
able state of affairs in France and
“Good old foggy London,” he
writes, “is rather a letdown when
you come to it too suddenly from
Paris. Paris is gay, prosperous, ac
tive, beautiful, and optomistic. Lon
don is under the fall of a great
national problem with the world,
learning to get on without the high
priced English goods. Many are un
employed, hundreds of thousands. It
is hard to see how people live at
the scale of prices charged here. As
a little instance, I got some grease
on my trousers and had them cleaned
and pressed in Paris for between
twelve and eleven cents. Then Sally
got the idea that the coat needed
cleaning around the collar and I
had the coat and vest cleaned and
pressed in London. It cost about
$1.50, about 13 times as much as
the trousers.
“Our meals in Paris, delicious
(Continued on page three)
Three Persons Yet to be
Selected for Student
Volunteer Convention
0. A. C. WILL NAME 15
Groups From Washington,
Oregon, Idaho to Have
Special Train to Meet
Eight students have been chosen
by the convention committee as dele
gates to the student volunteer con
vention to be held at Indianapolis,
December 28 to January 1. Three
others will be chosen this week, one
from the Baptist church and the
other two from the student body
Delegates who have been definitely
decided upon are: Arthur Everett,
Helen Andrews, Arthur Gray, Paul
Krausse, Charlotte Winnard, Lovisa
Youngs, Lester Turnbaugh and Ruth
Harvey. Registration fees have al
ready been sent in for these eight
delegates, as well as for the three
who remain to be chosen. It is al
most certain, according to tjie com
mittee, that the University will be
represented by at least eleven dele
Others to be Chosen
A committee from the student
council is at present considering the
names of several prospective dele
gates. They are expected to have
a definite report for the convention
committee by tonight. Members of
the convention committee here on
the campus have expressed their ap
preciation of the interest various
organizations have taken in the
work, both for their help in choos
ing delegates and in helping finance
Reports from other institutions in
the state indicate that Oregon will
have a good sized delegation, which,
with the Washington and Idaho
groups, is to make up a special train
from the northwest.
Interest Shown at O. A. C.
“Interest is running high at
O. A. C. for the coming student
volunteer convention at Indian
apolis,” is the report that comes
from that institution. They plan
to send at least 15 delegates. Last
jweek their student body had a tag
day and raised over $300 to send
student- delegates. Other campus
organizations are also putting on
stunts and features to raise money
for the same purpose. The fraterni
ties and sororities are lending their
enthusiasm and financial support.
At most of the colleges in the
state they are stressing the fact that
this convention comes only once in
four years, and are bringing the
students to realize what it will mean
to their college to come in contact
with all the colleges of the United
States, and with men who are world
leaders in religious, social, economic
and political fields.
National Convention of Sigma Delta
Chi Recognizes Worth of
Humorous Society
Hammer and Coffin, national
humorous publication society, was
recognized as a worthy organization,
and was commended for its work
during the past year by Sigma
Delta Chi, national men’s journal
istic fraternity, at the national con
vention held last week at the Uni
versity of Minnesotta in Min
neapolis. »
In a resolution unanimously
adopted by the fraternity, it was
stated that Hammer and Coffin was
found to be filling a real need in
the Universities in which it func
tions, and the delegates present
voted to allow members of Sigma
Delta Chi to hold full membership
in the publishing society.
Hammer and Coffin now has five
chapters, Stanford, University of
Washington, Oregon Agricultural
college, University of Oregon, and
the University of Chicago. The so
ciety was founded at Stanford in
1906, and the Oregon charter was
granted in 1920. The Oregon
Lemon Punch, which is expected to
resume publication early next term,
is the offiei&l organ of the Oregon
! Ten Minute Limit
for Parking Is
New Regulation
I City Administration to
Enforce Rules
“In the interest of the safety
of University students it has
been found advisable to close
Thirteenth avenue from Abler
street to University to parking of
automobiles except for ten minute
intervals. Repeated violation will
necessitate police action.”
So reads a bulletin issued by
the police committee as a result
of action taken by city adminis
tration last week.
“There has been some talk,”
says H. M. Fisher, superintendent
of buildings and grounds, “of
using the east end of Kincaid
field for a parking space. The
city has offered to furnish the
gravel to cover the plot if the
University will furnish the space.”
The ten-minute-limit signs
which appeared during the
Thanksgiving vacation were well
observed yesterday and the lessen
ing of traffic congestion was
Varsity Aspirants Showing
Up Well in Workouts
Oregon’s wrestling team will
meet the University of Idaho at
Moscow on February 15. Although
the match is more than two months
off, the Vandall coach has 30 men
from whom to pick his team, in
cluding three lettermen.
Coach Widmer has no lettermen
to form his squal. All of the men
of last year are back, with the ex
ception of Bradway, who wrestled
at 165 pounds. Terjesen, a 'main
stay of last year, has an injured
foot which may keep him from the
mat. Sumption, Chatburn, Robert
son are turning out every night and
have been showing up well.
Wrestling is a major sport at
Idaho which has a tendency to at
tract more men to the sport. Babe
Brown, grappling mentor at Idaho,
formerly held the amateur heavy
weight championship of Idaho. Two
of his lettermen, Frank Kinnison
and John Vesser, have been playing
football and are ready to take their
turn on the mat. Kinnison is a mid
dleweight and Vesser will probably
be Idaho’s light heavyweight entry.
Idaho’s third letterman is Wesley
Phillippi who is a lightweight. Er
roll Hillman, a member of the squad
of last year, is a promising basket
ball candidate and will not par
ticipate in wrestling.
Wrestling at Oregon has never
been developed extensively and only
a few men have earned their letter
at the sport. Tire squad this year
will have a year’s experience and
should show up better in inter
scholastic matches.
Francis D. Curtis Made Treasurei
of Educational Club at
Teachers’ College
Francis D. Curtis, a graduate oi
1 the University of Oregon, where he
(received his B. S. degree in 1911
! and his M. A. degree in 1923, ha:
been elected treasurer of the Sec
ondary Education club of the
Teacher’s college in New York city
, The Secondary club is one of the
i three most important clubs in the
j college.
The members of the Secondary
| club are principally graduate atu
j dents who are interested in high
j school education. The purpose of
the club is to combine social and
Educational advantages for the
members and to produce a frmTid'.v
i spirit of cooperation between the
; faculty and the students. Educa
I tional speakers are engaged to speak
i to the club. Social affairs are
held and the club often provides
tiips to spots of interest in or neai
New York.
Mr. Curtis is now engaged :e
graduate work at the Teachers
college, which will lead to a doc
tor’s degree. He is registered in
the major course for high school
Huntington Respected by Faculty and Team
for Clean Sportsmanship; One-Year
Basis Necessitated by Law
[The following is the first of a
series of articles on the local
athletic situation written at the
request of the Emerald, by Pro
fessor H. C. Howe, Oregon’s
representative at the Pacific Coast
conference and a close student of
Oregon’s problems.—The Editor.]
By H. C. Howe
The article in the Sunday Oregon
Journal is doubtless partly based
on fact. It is a fact that the Ore
gon alumni have never given Shy
Huntington the credit he deserved.
Shy is reserved, and does not make
new friends readily. His teams
know him, and like him better than
most coaches are liked. He is well
liked by the Oregon faculty as a
man who has carried on a fine tradi
tion of clean sportsmanship at Ore
gon. His percentage of wins has
been high, until this year. And
this year the respect for Hunting
ton of those closest in touch witli
the difficulties of the coaching situa
tion, has risen, not fallen.
Shy has never had his due ol
credit from the alumni and the
sporting world in this state. It
seems that. the disfavor of tiro
alumni has increased from year to
year, equally in victorious years
like 1922, and in years of defeat
like 1923. It may be, therefore
that Shy is going to resign his posi
tion at Oregon and turn to coaching
somewhere else. No. one can blame
him if he does. If so, it will not
be because he has lost the backing
of his players, or because he is not
(Continued on page three)
Registrar Prepares List of Students
in Readiness for Grades
From Instructors
The registrar is already making
plans for the publishing of the grade
sheet, known among the student body
as the “Scandal Sheet”. The work
is starting earlier this year in order
to make up for the time lost through
the shorter Christmas vacation. This
year Christmas vacation is only ten
days long whereas formerly it was
two weeks or more.
The registrar’s office is compiling
a list of students registered, with the
courses that each is taking. Then all
that needs to be added are the grades
as they are turned in by the instruc
tors. This list is then sent to the
i University Press where it. is set up
and the paper published.
It is hoped to get the grade sheet
out by the time the students come
back to the campus after Christmas
vacation. In order to do this extra
persons will be added to the staff of
workers in the registrar’s office, and
night shifts are planned to spaed up
the work.
Secretary of State Bar Association
Will Address Third Year
Students of Law
Presenting the subject of “Legal
Ethics,” Albert B. Ridgway, mem
ber of the Portland Bur association
and secretary of the State Bar as
sociation, will lecture to the third
year class in the law school on
Mr. Ridgway will devote four
hours to lectures on Thursday, start
ing at 8 o’clock for the first one
and continuing later in the after
noon. The original plan was to
have the talks on two days, but
because he was so busy, Mr. Ridg
way was not able to make the two
trips down.
These lectures are given as a part
of the regular course in administra
tion of justice. They are regarded
as being worth while, due to the
fact that Mr. Ridgway has had a
number of years of experience in
dealing with breaches of ethics
while he was a member of the
grievance committee of the state
Relation of Graduate to Business
Community is Subject
“Your Relation to the Business
Community After Graduation.” will
be the subject of a lecture to be
given by A. S. Dudley, executive
manager of the Oregon state
chamber of commerce of Portland,
to all commerce majors.
Mr. Dudley was on the campus
last April and is considered a very
worth while speaker. He was
formerly manager of the San Diego
chamber of commerce and did much
to promote the development of the
organization. All interested are in
vited to attend the lecture, as well
as commerce students, which is
scheduled at 7.30 in the campus high
assembly room.
Many Organizations PJar
to Erect New Homes
With the construction of the
Sigma Nu and Alpha Phi houses
well under way, and the purchase
of sites by other fraternities and
sororities who plan to build soon, a
period of increased building activity
is forecast for the present year.
Information compiled in the office
of Dean Walker, chairman of the
student living committee, indicates
such a movement.
No University ruling restricts the
amount an organization may spend
on its houses, but the average
amount appears to be about $30,
000. It is better that common sense
govern in this regard than rules
limiting the cost, states Walker. He
added that competition was sc
keen on some campuses that fra
ternities erected sometimes $150>
000 houses, and it is to guarc
against this extravagance that ii
was deemed advisable that estim
ates and plans of the houses be
listed with the student living com
Plans of houses submitted so fui
indicate that they are being buill
very comfortable, yet artistic anc
good-looking at the average cost ol
Phi Gamma Delta fraternity wil
build this year at Nineteenth ant
University streets, and Kappt
Alpha Theta plans to erect its new
home on Alder street. Other sorori
ties which have purchased lots oi
Alder are: Kappa Kappa Gamin:
and Chi Omega. The Alpha Phi:
have already begun on a new horn:
located on the millrace lot adjoin
ing the houso they formerly oc
cupied on Ililyard street. The
framework for the Sigma Nu house
on Eleventh street, next to the
Kappa Sigs, is fast nearing com
The millrace lot on Hilyard stree'
| will be the location for the new
| Gamma Phi Beta house, and Alph:
] Tau Omega is planning to build ii
! the future on its lot at Fourteentl
and Kincaid streets.
University Station Will Occupj
Quarters in New Plant
With the completion of the new
power plant, the University depot
which has occupied the white frame
(building at the southeast edge of the
campus, will move into the new
power plant where quarters have
been provided for it.
The office of H. M. Fisher, super
intendent of buildings and grounds
the campus postoffice and the
storeroom, now located in the ole
building, will be moved.
Plumbing and plumbing fixtures
are now being installed in the new
quarters and it is expecteel that the
change will take place in three
weeks or a month. The old builelinf
will be utilized as a reserve store
room and possibly as janitors
Oregon Takes Defeat From
Four Coast Teams and
Plays One to Tie, 0-0
Good Substitutes Needed
to Win; Day Gone When
Eleven Men Were Enough
Bv Ken HonnAr
I With the defeat at the hands of
(Washington, the Oregon football
J season came to a close. During this
[season Oregon has taken defeat from
j four of her five conference oppon
ents, tying tlie fifth. After starting1
in a manner that promised great
things, the varsity hit a stumbling
block in the shape of the Idaho
Vandals and the best the varsity
could do was battle the Oem Staters
to a scoreless tie.
That was the turning point of the
reason. Before that time, Oregon
had not lost a game and after that
game they did not win one. A re
juvenated Washington State team
was the next to take the measure
of the varsity by the scant margin,
of six points and on the following
week-end Oregon fell before the
driving offensive of the heavy Stan
ford backs. The Ags were next to
hang up a victory over the local
Huskies Defeat Oregon
This brings us to last Satusday’s
contest in which a battered Oregon
lineup suffered the heaviest defeat
of the year after outplaying Wash
ington during the first -half of the
game. Oregon's lone score came in
the first period as a result of per
centage football which is the ac
cepted term for keeping the ball
in the opponent’s territory and
waiting for the breaks. The so
called breaks come, sometimes in
the form of a blocked punt as was
the case in the northern game, or
sometimes in the form of a fumble.
The same percentage football how
ever, gave thp Huskies a score in
the second quarter, when a freak
kick by Latham took reverse Eng
lish and rolled behind the Oregon
goal line and was recovered by a
Washington player. During the
second half, however, the Wislung
ton offensive got under way and it
was not to be denied. The first
touchdown came as a result of
straight football, a second was made
possible by a perfectly executed
pass of more than 30 yards, and
the third was due to a long run of
more than SO yards by Abel.
The Washington game is import
ant in that it brought out one of
Oregon’s greatest weakness, that of
a paucity of good substitutes. Some
sport critic wrote a long article not
long ago to the effect that the day
was gone when a team of seven or
eight, or even eleven, good men
could come out at the top of the
coast conference heap. He went
on to state in liis article that it
took about twenty good men to
weather a conference season in
good shape.
Subs Are Help
There is a lot more truth than
sentiment about such a statement
and a glance at some of the squads
in the coast conference will con
vince the casual observer of the
fact. Take the cases of California,
Stanford, and Washington, the three
topnotfhers, and you will see work
ing examples of the stated prin
ciple. Each of these squads had a
wealth of good substitute material
to throw into the fray at any mom
ent. Idaho is another good example
of an eleven-man team. Idaho had
a fine team, but after a long season
had worn down their first-string
men, there^ were no relief men to
fill the boots of the veterans.
An unofficial count shows that
16 men earned their letters this
season. Bisley, Mautz and William
son are the wing men who have
played the required time, while Beed,
Vonder Ahe and Campbell, at the
tackles, will receive the award.
Shields, Bailey, Sinclair and Wilson
are the remaining linemen who axe
eligible for sweaters. In the back
field, Chapman, Latham, Sax, and
Terjesen are the regulars who will
recoive sweaters, while Anderson
and Kirtley complete the list of
football lettermen for the year.