Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 28, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    Nearly 400 Vacationers in
Eugene This Week
Among the students that plan to
spend the Thanksgiving vacation in
Eugene, are:
Alpha Chi Omega: Henrietta Han
son, Edith Wilson, Mildred Le
Compte, Lillian Dale, Maurine
Buchanan, Mary Jane Dustin, Mary
Hathaway, Annebelle Denn.
Alpha Delta Pi: Olive Merry,
Esther Jeffers, Partia Kidwell,
Verna Pickell, Bertha Berger, Vir
ginia Bryant, Elinor Ely, Gwendolyn
(Lampshire, June Dalton, Dora
Hyrup, Flavia Ritter, Eloise Mc
Pherson, Beulah Smith, Mildred
Alpha Phi: Irve Dale, Frances
Sanford, FlOrinda Brown.
Alpha Omieron Pi: Margaret Sey
more, Evelyn Hogue, Isabel Lundy,
Francis Dodds, Wave Anderson,
Edna Biles.
Alpha Xi Delta: Enid Sonnichsen,
Virginia Broughton, Helen Denham,
Vivian Harper, Florence Huntress,
Beatrice Kidd, Augusta Hamilton.
Chi Omega: Clara Wheelhouse,
Miariam Schwartz, Marion Lay,
Beatrice Harden, Katherine Lauder
Delta Delta Delta: Helen Slier
wood, Delia Sherwood, Alma Law
erence, Margaret FitzSimmons,
Mabel Spoon, Velma Meredith.
Delta Gamma: Martha Wade,
Marion Phy, Ethel Prather, Mary
Clarin, Helena Pittelkau.
Delta Omega: Katherine Ash
mead, Margaret Inabnit, Louise
Inabnit, Dorothy Dixon, Helen Dur
field, Alice Olson.
Delta Zeta: Nell Miller, Margaret
Duerner, Doris Parker, Beulah
Wright, Kathleen Wright, Eileen
Fargher, Page Westwood, Mae Mor-'
doff, Dorothy Newman.
Gamma Phi Beta: Grade Cobb,
Janet Fenstermacher, Areta Little
john, Esther Setters, Margaret Mor
rison, Wenona Dyer, Margaret Mc
Gowan, Georgia Shipley, Virginia
West, Betty Nelson.
Hendricks hall: Wilna Manly,
Myrtle Baker, Ruth Powell, Eugenia
Strickland, Dorothy Riordon, Beat
rice Loenpig, Ilo Merrill, Grace
Sullivan, Alta Knips, Grace Murfin,
Rhona Williams, Ruth Melsome,
Katharine Summer, Myrtle Lee Am
brose, Arliene Butler, Clara Meador,
Gladys Roberts, Irene Perkins, Abby
Adams, DeLoris Pearson, Lola Man
ciet, Gladys Gallier, Theresa Robin
ette, Anna DeWitt, Hazel Mills,
Vesta Scholl, Marian Lowry, Daisee
Leffler, Margaret Small, Lois Lock
hart, Helen Mayer, Dorothy Bly
berg, Lucie Oatman, Ethel Johnson,
A colored campus or
mill race picture for
“on the comer”
10th and Willamette
513 East Ninth Phone 1180-L
Home Cooked Meals,
Country Style
Special Rates for Regulars
* (i
The more care
you give them—
the more wear
they’ll give you.
Sigrid Martinson, Mary Best, Nel
lie Best, Milderd Onslow, Genevieve
Spear, Anne Runes, Freda Runes,
Connie Miller, Margaret McCul
Kappa Alpha Theta: Anabelle
McKenzie, Edna Murphy, Betty
Belle Wise, Margaret Beattie, Mary
Hardy, Grace Duysing, Marcella
Berry, Marion Playter, Genevive
Phelps, Helen Stoppenbach, Doris
Kappa Kappa .Gamma: Dorothy
McKee, Florence McGillivay, Doro
thea VanBerg, Elizabeth Stowbridge,
Gretchen Clenens, Penelope Gehr,
Mildred Johnson, Neva Service,
Elizabeth Donald, Katherine Slade,
Florence Allen.
Pi Beta Phi: Dorothy Delzell,
Betty Manning, Josephine Rice,
Mable Madden, Florette Janelle,
Janet Wood, Katherine Ulrich, Doro
thy Eakin, Dorothy Oschanger,
Mavis Breeken, Ruth Holmes, Con
stance Vance.
Susan Campbell: Cornelia Robert
son, Adah Harkness, Mariette Beat
tie, Bernice Myer, Florence Baker,
Margaret Jameson, Caroline Clark,
Eunice Jonsrud, Dorothy Jonsrud,
Katherine Kayne, Lurline Coulter,
Virginia Owens, Thama Barnard,
Hester Smith, Charlotta La Tour
ette, Hilda Jones, Rilda Guerrant,
Andree Pellion Geneva Foss, Kath
ryn Owen, Marie Malmgren, Alice
Darman, Vera Hughs, Golda Boone,
Emelia Burrell, Eleanor Hascall,
Alice Carran, Leola Ball, Adna
Spencer, Maude Schroeder, Chris
Tau Nu: Helen Igoe, Pauline Bos
ton, Geraldine Troy, Lelia Wade,
Pauline Rice, Grace Chapman, Dot
tie Crummett.
Thacher Cottage: Belle Thegart,
Beatrice Fisch, Wanda Templeton,
Ida Belle Tremayne, MaTy Brent,
Helen Johnson, Minnie Johnson.
The girls do not seem to be alone
in staying over to cram for exams
or because of a flattened purse, but
are rivaled by the men in numbers.
Alphav Beta Chi: Walter Coover,
Peyton Burton, Kenneth Rew, Eric
Norman, George Horsfall, Leonard
Niemi, Arthur Gale, Victor Creech.
A. T. O.: Morris Bacock, Sam Her
rik, Stanley Smith, Harold Lund
burg, Jason McCune, Charlie Daw
son, Morris Clark, Vern Folts, Ted
Gillenwaters, Jim Baker, Bill Short,
John MacGregor, Len Jordan, Frank
Short, Ben Jordan.
Bachelordon: Bill Hopkins, Ed
Tapfer, Bert Halloway, Harold Day,
Charles Norton, Hugh McCall, Al
bert Skinner, John Garner, Chuck,
Kenyon, Paul Patterson.
Delta Tau Delta: C. A. McClellan,
George Mansfield, Heinie Heerdt,
Will Improve the Action
of Any
!Pfflii|iiiP<!j Fountain
"The Ink Tkat Made
The Fountain Pen Possible”
Mason Dillard, John Stimpson, Bus
sell Gowans, Horace Vincent, Abbie
Green, Carrol Hays, Wade Ruther
Friendly hall: Sylvester Stevens,
Lyle Baird, Joe Benson, Roland Eby,
Robert Walker, Everett Jones,
Everett Delgrave, Alva Adkinson,
B. E. H. Ogle, J. R. Lowe, Thiran
S. Sousser, Ed Haney, James H.
Bogan, Herschel J. Brown, Fred
Michel, Paul A. Sayre, J. B. Rogers,
H. C. Gerber, E. Veazie, T. G.
Hubbard, Lowell Baker, O. Krapier,
Harry F. Rulac, Raleigh Read.
Kappa Delta Phi: James Powers,
Hugo Reed, Henry Tetz, Wayne An
derson, Frank Troutman, Ted Tamba,
Lawerance Robertson, Arthur Hed
ger, Ferdinand Kruse, Gilbert
Hermantz, Joseph Saari, Joseph
Boyd, Woodbridge Geary, Charles
Kappa Sigma: Alva Vernon, Ray
(Continued on page four.)
A universal custom
that benefits every*
Aids digestion*
cleanses the teeth,
soothes the throat.
& good thing
to remember
Sealed in
its Purity
Unruly Hair
Neatly combed, well-kept hair it a
business and social asset.
STACOMB makes the hair stay combed
in any style you like even after it hat
just been washed.
STACOMB—iht original—hat been
used for years by stars of stage and
screen—leaders of style. Write today
for free trial tube, -
Tubes—35c Jars—75c
Insist on STACOMB—in the black,
yellow and gold package.
For sale at your druggist or wherever
toilet goods are sold.
Standard Laboratories, Ine.
750 Stanford Avenue Los Angeles, California
Send coupon for Free Trial Tube.
ffifiaiSS kffftHSSLfr***. D.p«. 1
PleaM land dm tt— trial tub*.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Table D’Hote .... 75c
Regular dinner .... 50c
served from noon to 8:30 p. m.
Ye Campa Shoppe
Special Street Cars
will leave the campus today at 3:38, 3:40, 3:48 P. M.
connecting at the Southern Pacific depot with the spec
ial student train for Portland leaving at 4:05 P. M., mak
ing few steps and fast time.
Large spacious steel coaches insure comfort and sat*.sty.
A. T. Gillette, agent.
Stetson hats have that crispness of line
which i6 so truly the hallmark of the
smart hat. They are distinctly—
Famous Gold
Diggers of History
100 B. 0.
The first of the big league
shekel sirens.
100 A. D.
Second of the well known
human cash registers.
Queen Elizabeth
Who swiped the key to the
Royal Cellar when King Fer
die was pounding his ear
and lifted the crown jewels
and the King’s favorite In
gersoll to help a sea-going
friend out.
Empress Catherine
Like her intriguing descen
dant, the Gold Digger of to
day, Catherine dug while
her shovel was sharp and the
digging was good.
Nell Gywnn
Who used her wiles so suc
cessfully on Charles the
Twice, that the national an
them soon became, “You
Got to be Good to Our Little
Camille was the original
gold digger with a nasty
cough. She coughed her
wav to success and put the
Smith Brothers into busi
ness. But there came a day
when she got into a merry
mix-up and tried to give the
air to her little friend Ar
mand. This made the at
mosphere so cold that the
dear lady coughed her way
past St. Peter and got a solid
gold harp next to Little Eva
who was plunking away on
a gold-plated one.
" 1923
These babies all had their in
nings, but following the sev
enth, we can all stretch and;
take a look at pretty little
Jerry Lamar, who concentra
ted her major operations on
Little Old New York. Jerry
used a pick as well as a sho
vel and could dig up more
hats and jewelry in a day
than could an energetic
’49er in a lifetime.
—and now comes the
cleverest of them all
Based on the play by Avery
HopAvood Avith
Hope Hampton
and a fine cast including
Windham Standing
Louise Fazenda
in arrangement Avith
David Belasco
• «
“Pick while the
spade is sharp and
the digging good.”
« *
Motto of the energetic gold
iigger of today.
# *
A comedy of the beautiful ladies with the gimme habits
and taking ways
Be good to yourself
this Christmas. Your
appearance will thank you
for a good-looking Kuppen
heimer Overcoat. Your com
fort will thank you for its
loyal and faithful service.
We’ve a store full of these fine over
coats, and every one is a store
house of splendid style and quality.
$35 $45 $55
KF OSouanfrMsfthtiTtn p Hfan
—the house of Kuppenheimer good clothes
11th and Alder
Mac”—The Old Reliables—“Jack
Hair bobbing a specialty
Special $1.25
Thanksgiving Dinner
Consomme Brunoise in cups
Cream of Chicken with Croutons
Celery Olives
• * •
Tenderloin of* Sole Sauce Tartar
Saratoga Chips
• • •
Choice of
Roast Young Turkey, Chestnut Dressing
Stuffed Oregon Goose, Currant Jelly
Roast Suckling Pig, Baked Apples
Prime Ribs of Beef an jus
• • •
Candied Sweet Potatoes Whipped Potatoes
Early June Peas in Cream
• • •
Combination Vegetable Salad
• • •
Choice of
Pumpkin or Hot Mince Pie
English Plum Pudding, hard sauce
Ice Cream
• • •
Coffee i
SERVICE FROM 12 to 9 P. M. I
Make Your Reservations Now •
Ye Towne Shoppe