Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 28, 1923, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
All But One of Squad Return
for Basketball Season;
Prospects Look Bright
Shooting, iScrimmages and
Development of Team
Work, Basis of Training
With the closing of the football
season, interest is being turned
to basketball. The lemon-yellow
basketeers were moulded into a
championship team in 1920 and
carried off the northwest title, with
such stars as Chapman, Durno, the
Latham brothers, Bellar and the
present varsity coach, Billy Kein
The next year, 1921, saw most of
these dependables gone, and Bohler
.was forced to begin anew with
green material and consequently
Oregon won very few of her con
ference games. Last year these new
men began to deliver and Oregon
began to show signs of another
strong team of championship cali
Many Old Men Back
This year all but one of last
year’s squad has returned to school
and will be on hand at the start
of the season. Latham is the only
one remaining of that 1920 team.
The other lettermen back are Gow
ans, Shafer, Edlunds, Altstock,
Bockhey and Chapman. All but
Latham and Chapman are working
out daily.
Thus seven varsity men are on
hand to form the nucleus of this
year’s aggregation and in addition
to these there are a number of men
of varsity caliber who are battling
for a berth on the team. Such men
as King, Hobson, Frazer, Stoddard,
Gillenwater, Myers, Martin, Tuck
and others who have shown up well
either on the freshman team or in
do.ugtnut competition are turning
out. _
Players Begin Work
Bill has been putting the players
through their paces and paying
special attention to the fundament
als of the game, such as pivoting,
shooting, checking, dribbling a|nd
the like. Next week the practise
will start in earnest and will be
composed of shooting practise,
scrimmage and the development of
teamwork. The squad will be re
duced to a first lineup and the sub
situtes, just before the Christmas
holidays, in order to determine who
will be taken on the barnstorming
trip that is being planned for that
The indications point to a com
paratively light but a fast, scrappy
five which will represent Oregon
this year 'in the conference games.
It should be a team which should
be up in the running at all times
and capable of giving the best of
them a hard battle.
G. and M. society announces the
election to full membership of
Manuel. E. Souza, of Eugene.
Mary Lou Burton
Tells of Position
in San Francisco
Mary Lou Burton, *23, a former
student in the school of journalism,
tells, ‘in a letter received recently
by Katherine Spall, of her work
in San Francisco. Miss Burton,
who is employed by the Associated
Oil company, is secretary to the
director of the industrial relations
department of the company.
An extract from the letter
reads: “The main reason for my
taking and keeping this position,
is that it pays much better than
journalistic work does at first.
Getting and keeping a journalis
tic job in San Francisco is rather
strenuous, in fact it requires quite
some time to go at start if you
work for some of the bigger
“There is quite a group of Ore
gon people in San Francisco,”
says Miss Burton. “Among those
mentioned in her letter are Alta
Chenoweth. Mabel Gilham, Claire
Turley, Tracey Byers and Helen
Miss Burton is a member of
Theta Sigma Phi and was on the
Emerald and Oregana staffs.
Head List of Student Union
Fund With $2,000 Gift
- •
A bond for $1,000 has recently
been given towards the fund for
the student union building by the
Kappa Sigma fraternity. This new
gift brings the Kappa Sig donation
up to $2,000, as their ten Eugene
alumni gave an equal amount last
spring. . The total amount which
has been pledged to this fund is
now $16,000.
The student union fund was
started last year in an attempt to
secure the means for building a
student union building. Fourteen
campus organizations then pledged
to the fund, getting the drive well
under way. They were: Delta
Gamma, Hammer and Coffin, Phi
Kappa Psi, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha
Phi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Phi Sigma
Pi, Alpha Chi Omega, Pi Beta Phi,
Hendricks Hall, Susan Campbell
hall, Friendly Hall, Delta Tau Delta
and Kappa Sigma Eugene alumni.
The Kappa Sigma donation is the
largest that has yet been given by
one organization, the next being
those of the lia^ls of residences
which were $1,500 each.
Members of Extension Classes on
Campus at Homecoming
Two students who take work
through the correspondence division
of the University, Helen Norris, of
Medford, and George K. Wilshire, of
Lakeview, Oregon, were on the cam
pus Homecoming.
Miss Norris has been on the cam
pus before and Mr. Wilshire hopes
to come here next year to study med
icine. He is spending a few days on
the campus at present, visiting the
different classes.
O. A. C. Student President
Lauds Oregon Sportsmanship
The associated students have re
ceived a letter from Percy P.
Locev, president of the O. A. C.
student body, congratulating Oregon
upon the spirit and loyal sports
manship displayed during the Home
coming week-end.
“The students of the University
of Oregon are to be congratulated
on the fine demonstration of true
institutional spirit and loyalty given
at their Homecoming last week-end,”
the letter reads. “This spirit and
loyalty was in evidence at every
turn. Visitors from the Oregon Agri
cultural college deeply appreciate
every courtesy shown them and will
look forward to the time when they
may returir the hospitality extended
on every hand.”
It is the general opinion among
the Oregon student body officials
that a better feeling between the
two schools is being made manifest
of late. “The student body officers
at O. A. C. have made every effort
to cooperate in trying to preserve
a good spirit between the two stu
dent bodies,” says Claude Robinson,
A. S. U. O. president.
The O. A. C. letter continues:
“Not only the students, but the
members of the University football
team are to be congratulated for
the true sportsmanship displayed on
the field of battle. They were not
lacking in ‘Oregon Fight.’ It is
our sincere hope that in the game
with the University of Washington,
Oregon will be victorious.”
This sort of inter-college attitude
has been the aim of the student
body leaders for a long time. With
the growth of the two institutions,
friendly relations become more ne
“They have shown a splendid
spirit of sportsmanship over there,”
says Claude Robinson. It is his
hope that the Oregon students will
emulate it in every way.
Various Organizations to
Entertain With Dinners
and Thanksgiving Affairs
Faculty Urge Students to
Return for First Classes;
Special Trains to Be Run
With students staying over the
Thanksgiving vacation and having
a homesick feeling for turkey din
ners and the old homestead, several
social events have Been planned for
those remaining in Eugene. In Port
land, of course, the inter-collegiate
dance on the night of November 29
in the Multnomah hotel will be the
big feature.
Many Events Planned
The women of Delta Gamma and
the men of Bachelordon will be
guests of Professor and Mrs. F. S.
Dunn for dinner and the evening
on Saturday. The Bachelordons are
making tentative plans for a Port
land get-together as .well.
Ten Alpha Delta Pis and three
Alpha Phis will give an informal
dance at the Alpha Delta Pi house
on Friday night.
Mrs. Arthur Miner and other
alumnae of Alphi Omicron Pi will
entertain the members of that
sorority with Thanksgiving dinner
at the Alpha O house.
Because of numerous dinner en
gagements for Thanksgiving, the Pi
Beta Phi girls will have their house
Thanksgiving festivities on Friday
instead of Thursday.
The girls of Hendricks hall plan
a Thanksgiving dinner, but are
not planning any entertaining.
With exams so near, it is expected
that many of the houses will com
bine forces to enjoy themselves
while they may. Then will come
“the calm before the storm,” and
all social events will be taboo.
Specials to Be Bun
The faculty have expressed the
hope that students will be back on
time, in order not to miss the be
ginning classes on Monday. The
Southern Pacific railroad and the
Oregon Electric are both running
special trains which leave Portland
Sunday night. Special rates are of
fered, both for round trip and other
Efforts Made to Organize Hooters
For Oregon-Washington Game
Arrangements are being made to
place those going to the Oregon
Washington game in machines, so
Jack Myers, yell leader, is anxious
to locate all persons desiring to at
tend the game at Seattle. Every
one going should let him know im
mediately. It is hoped that a large
crowd will make the trip. If there
is a large enough number going, the
rooters may get together in Port
land, said Jack Myers. Two-dollar
and fifty cent tickets will be sold
for $1.00 and there will be reserved
seats for Oregon students. The team
will leave at 4:12 Thursday and will
stay at Gowman’s hotel, the old
Washington hotel annex. The game
starts at 2:15 on Saturday. Every
body who can, should turn out, as
it will be a game worth seeing.
Jack Benefiel will be at the Gow
man hotel with the team, and any
Oregon student wishing to get a
ticket for the game can do so by
getting in touch with him.
Annual Thanksgiving Intercollegiate
Dance Set for Nov. 29
The inter collegiate hop, which is
: held each Thanksgiving vacation in
i Portland for the purpose of creating
i a friendly spirit between Oregon
1 and O. A. C. students has been
j scheduled for November 29 at the
Multnomah hotel. Eay Graham’s
; orchestra, a campus musical group,
I will furnish the music and Miss
Camille Burton, an Oregon fresh
' man, will do a feature dance.
A number of local students have
been placed on tte committee to
boost the affair here and they say
evidence points to a sizeable dele
gation of lemon-yellow supporters
at the festivity.
Gay Old Shawls
to Be Shown by
Mu Phi Mothers
Famous Counterpanes
in Exhibition
Shawls our grandmothers wore
—what memories and associations
they bear of gay and festive
colonial dances in which our
grandmothers took part, wrapped
in the folds of some elaborately
embroidered fabric. v „
They will do their best tp
speak next Saturday, when the
Mu Phi Epsilon Mothers’ club,
gathers them all together for a
showing in the alumni room of the
Woman’s building. Among the
contributions will be a shawl that
is an exact copy of the one which
Abraham Lincolp wore and which
is being exhibited by Mrs. W. E.
Osburn. Another which has been
in existance over 100 years is be
ing shown by Mrs. Marian Mc
The affair is to be in the form
of a silver tea, the proceeds to
go to a Mu Phi Epsilon scholar
ship. A musical program will
also be a part of the afternoon’s
entertainment. The hours are
from 2 to 6 o ’clock.
Large “O’s” Given to Girls
Who Win 1,000 Points
Awards for achievements in Wo
men ’s athletics were presented by
Dorothy McKee, president, at the
mass meeting of W. A. A. held yes
terday afternoon in Villard hall.
Three large “O’s” for 1,000 points
and 19 small letters for 500 points
were given. The white sweaters
which are to accompany the large
“O’s” have not yet arrived, but
will be distributed as soon as they
get here.
Those on the campus this year
who received the award for 1,000
points are: Theresa Robinette, Flor
ence Baker, and Dorothy McKee.
Graduates who are entitled to the
honor are Winifred Hopson, Char
lotte Howells, Lois Barnett and
Wilma Chattin.
The small “O’s” were awarded
to Harriet Veazie, Vernetta Quinlan,
Lynetta Quinlan, Marion Nicolai,
Mildred Crain, Augusta DeWitt,
Christine Heckman, Grace Sullivan,
Maude Schroeder, Golda Boone,
Hilda Chase, Maude Graham, Adah
Harkness, Marjorie Read, Grace
Murfin, Harriet Howells, Winona
Dyer, and Janet Woods.
Students, not on the campus, who
are entitled to these (letters are
Elizabeth Garret, Margaret Alex
ander, Florence Jagger, Pearl Lewis,
Dorothy Lewis, Esther Pike, La
Velle Barger, Mildred Brown, Dor
cas Conklin and Marjorie Flegal.
The question was raised as to
the wearing of the small “O’s” on
white sweaters, some of the girls
feeling that the white sweaters
should be reserved for only those
who have earned them with their
1,000 points. The question was left
Dorothy McKee announced to the
members that O. A. C. will be un
able to meet U. of O. women in
inter-class sports this year, on ac
count of finances and of then
heavy program. She expressed the
hope that under this arrangement,
greater stress may be placed on
local campus athletics.
An announcement w-as made that
Miss Stupp will hold practice
dancing periods for those who are
trying out for dancing honors. The
hours she has set are from 4 to ti
o’clock on December 4 and 11, and
from a to 6 on December ti and Id.
Points are given in W. A. A. to
those who have secured dancing
The Graduate club of the Port
land center will meet Saturday,
December 1, at the Y. W. C. A. so
cial hall in Portland, at 5:30 in the
afternoon. Dr. Clarence E. Ayres
of Reed college, will address the
group. The faculty is invited to
Friendly Hall and Delta Zeta
Take Trophies; End of
Do-nut Series at Hand
Patterson Declares Meets
Are Successful; Promising
Varsity Material Shown
Friendly hall and Delta Zeta were
winners of the men’s and women’s
debates, respectively, in the semi
finals held last night to determine
possession of the cup offered by
Zeta Kappa Psi and the shield of
fered by Tau Kappa Alpha. Other
contestants were Susan Campbell
and Hendricks hall, and Beta Theta
Pi and Psi Kappa.
As a result of tonight’s contest,
J)elta Zeta and Friendly hall will
meet within a week or so to decide
the possessor of a third trophy, the |
Tap Kappa Alpha cup offered to
the best do-nut team on the campus.
Team Members Given
The Delta Zeta team was com
posed of Dorothy Newman and May
Helliwell, affirmative, and Dorothy
Abbott and Mary McCullagh, nega
tive. Friendly hall debaters were
Harold Hoflich and Truman Sether,
affirmative, and Larry Cook and
Herscliel Brown, negative.
This year Tau Kappa Alpha has
had to purchase a new shield, which
has been ordered but not delivered.
The Zeta Kappa Psi cup cannot be
kept permanently after any certain
number of victories, but is to go to
the winning team each year.
“The do-nut debate series this
year has been an unusually success
ful one,” declared Paul Patterson
last night after the contests were
over. Patterson has had charge of
the series this year, selecting the
judges and doing routine work in
connection with the debates.
“We are very much encouraged
by the promise of varsity material
which has been found among the
,do-nut debaters, and hope to see a
great many of them out for the
varsity tryouts a week from Sat
Judges Names Given
Judges for the matches last night
were: W. W. Snyder, Karl Onthank,
J. H. Gilbert, W. F. G. Thaelior, W.
D. Smith, Dean Esterly, R. J. Wil
liams, C. D. Thorpe, A. B. Stillman,
Mrs. George Fitch, Miss Fitch, H.
G. Tanner, G. T. Turnbull, Lurline
Coulter, M. K. Cameron, Paul Pat
terson, Margaret Woodson, and W.
|B. Kikesell.
i _____
Plan to Have Game as "Curtain
Raiser” for Varsity Matches
The Cosmopolitan club of thfl Uni
versity of Oregon has accepted a
challenge from the O. A. C. club to
; pi ay a game of basketball in Jan
uary, on the Eugene floor. The for
| eign players plan to practise undei
the coaching of some varsity man
It is hoped to have the game as
!a “curtain raiser,” according to
G. S. Pil, athletic manager of the
Oregon club, at the time the varsity
teams play here. Mr. Oarroll Hamlin
managing the O. A. C. players
j writes that there are some thirty
five members in their club, a num
ber of whom are interested in fur
titering athletic contests between the
] two clubs.
Zoological Victims Travel a Distance
of 2,500 Miles to Campus
The University depot received a
shipment of three dozen turtles thb
morning from Chicago for the Uni
versity department of zoology. Nine
| dozen more to be used for experi
mental purposes will arrive within
' the next two or three days.
A large shipment of frogs was re
ceived Saturday by the University
depot to be used for similar pur
poses. Both the turtles and frogt
made a 2,500-mile journey in a box
in an express car before reaching
Eugene and often several in each
shipment fail to survive the trip
They are purchased from a firm in
Old-Fashioned Box
Social to Furnish
Thrill for Bidders
l un, plenty of good eats, anil
a thrill of surprise are promised
those who will attend the old
fashioned box social scheduled for
Saturday evening, Dec. 8, in the
^. M. C. A. Memories of tho
good old days when you puzzled
over the problem of asking dad
for a dollar or two, and later the
exultant, indescribable feeling
that swept over you when you
learned you had bought Mary
Smith’s box and would have the
inestimable pleasuro of eating
with her, will be recalled, if the
committee, with Louisa Young as
chairman, know University folk.
The proceeds of the box social
will be used to assist in defray
ing the expenses of a delegate to
the student volunteer convention
to bo held at Indianapolis during
the Christmas holidays. Details
of the social have not yet been
worked out in full, but the com
mittee have said invitations will
be given to all those who desire
to come and enjoy an evening of
fun in the old time way.
Plan to Foster Formation of
Girls’ Leagues
In addition to the conferences
for high school student body officers
and editors to be hold January 11
and 12, it was decided at a meeting
of the managing committee yester
day, to add a special conference for
high school women. The delegates
to tlds meeting wifi be, in the main,
presidents of high school girls’
leagues. In the event there are no
such leagues the student body sec
retaries will come to the campus. A
separate program will be worked
out for this conference, the com
mittee decided, and the main topic
for consideration will be the forma
tion of more girls ’ leagues in the
high schools and the general ad
vertisement and expansion of the
Officers of the University Wo
men’s league have expressed their
desire to cooperate in tho move
ment to got the high school girls
here on the campus and interest
them in discussion of problems per
taining to the part of the girl in
high school affairs. Such subjects
as participation in athletics, girls’
social organization, serviceable
modes of clothes for school, activi
ties, writing, and many others, offer
possibilities for discussion.
At the meeting of the committee
it was decided to enlarge and im
prove on the entertainment phase of
the high school conferences. The
usual programs will be outlined for
tho discussion of questions which
have a direct bearing on the high
school student. But it is felt that
one of the most interesting fea
tures of the two days’ conference
for the visiting prepper is the in
! sight he gets into university life.
| Floyd McKalson has beon placed
in charge of College Night, which
will be held on Friday of the con
ference week-end. At this affair
there will be presented a lively pro
gram for tho amusement and diver
sion of the visiting delegates.
John Piper, in charge of the ar
rangements for tho conferences, says
that the success of the conferences
will depend largely upon the as
sistance given by the student body.
The week-end is to be given over
entirely to playing host to the
visitors. It is to bo an all university
New Filing System in Journalism
Newspaper Room Convenient
Fou. racks, similar to those used in
the newspaper room in the library,
have arrived for use in the newspaper
room in the journalism building.
Two of the racks will be used to hold
the eastern exchanges, one for thg
state papers, and one for the college
exchanges. The sticks for holding
the papers have not yet arrived, but
will be here in a few days.
The racks will make the reading
room much more convenient for the
students, since the papers have here
tofore been stacked cn tables, making
their classification very difficult.
Scrubs Fight But Revamped
Varsity Plows Through
for Hard Earned Gains
Second Stringers in Last
Battle Tonight; Season
Was Hard But Men Stuck
With the cards atacked against
them, numerous defeats behind them,
and the strongest team of the sea
son facing them, the football squad
is working with a grim ferocity
that bodes ill for the opposing play
ers next Saturday.
Last night’s scrimmage was car
ried through with a sullen vicioos
ness that shows the men are fight
ing as men fight who have their
backs to the witll, fighting as men
fight who have nothing to lose and
everything to gain.
Varsity Lineup Changed
Three near battles were stopped!
by the coaches during the fracas,
and the entire varsity was charging
with ferocious drives against the
stubborn defense of the scrub line.
Big Hunk Latham carried the ball
a good deal and was driving with
that old speed that made him a star
last year; he also showed improve
ment over his work last Saturday,
in backing up a defensive line.
Chapman and Sax alternated at
calling signals and halfback posi
tion. Ike Mills was dragged from
his position on the line and tried
Dut as fullback, while Sinclair work
ed at guard. Mills played fullback
on the freshman eleven last year.
Taken all together it was a re
vamped outfit that fought against
the scrubs last night, but they fought
and they made yardage.
Vonder Ahe hasn’t taken part in
any scrimmage yet, but is working
out hard to get in shape in case
he gets an opportunity to go against
the Huskies. Gooding and Warren
have been alternating on the var
sity at tackle, but have little
chance of wresting a position from
either Dick Reed or Cogs Campbell.
Mautz Work Improved
Mautz and Williamson are the
best bets for ends ^ and after
the good work they did in the
O. A. C. game there is little chance
for any of the wing aspirants to
nose them out of their regular jobs.
Mautz’s work in the game Saturday
is of the class that those who
watched him battle on the freshman
eleven last year were expecting to
see him display earlier in the sea
son, but now that lie has found
himself there is little doubt that
ho will continue to perform in tho
same steller manner.
Scrubs Will Finish
Tonight the second stringers will
celebrate their last practice of tho
year. It has been a long hard grind
for these men who never receive any
recognition, other than abuse, yet
thoy stuck, and the roll shows that
putside those claimed by injuries
there are as many now as started
the season. This is a record of Ore
gon fight that doesn’t receive much
publicity, nevertheless it is there
and of the stuff that makes Oregon
fight something tangible.
Government Issues Made-to-Order
Outfits to Upperclass
Student Officers
Thirty men, cadet officers in the
local It. O. T. C., blossomed out yes
terday in as many brand new
made-to-order uniforms. Colonel W.
S. Sinclair, commandant of the
■R. O. T. C., stated last evening that
the government has allowed $30 for
each member of the junior and
senior classes here in the Univer
sity for the better uniforms. This
is the first year that the advanced
students have been issued anything
except the regulation stock uniforms
and the change is welcomed by all
the men affected.
Colonel Sinclair announces that
£here will be a special examination
for second lieutenants in the U. S.
army held during the week begin
ning April 14, 1924.