Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 24, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    Obak’s Kollege Krier
OBAK Wallace, Publisher_L.L.J. Office boy and editor
Volume 3
Number 6
Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued
daily except Monday, during the college year.
Editorial Board
Managing Editor ... Don Woodward
Associate Editor . John W. Piper
Associate Managing Editor . Ted Janes
Daily News Editors
Taylor Huston Rosalia Keber
Junior Seton
Velma Farnham Marian Lowry
Night Editors
Rupert Bullivant Walter Coover
Douglas Wilson
Jack Burleson Lawrence Cook
V. I. N. S. Editor _ Pauline Bondurant
Sunday Editor .. Clinton Howard
Sunday Assignments ..^ A1 Trachman
Leonard Lerwill
Day Editor _ Margaret Morrison
Night Editor . George Belknap
Sports Editor ___ Kenneth Cooper
Sports Writers:
Monte Byers, Bill Akers, Ward Cook.
Exchange Editor . Norbome Berkeley
News Staff: Geraldine Root, Margaret Skavlan, Norma Wilson, Henryetta
Lawrence, Helen Reynolds, Catherine Spall, Lester Turnbaugh, Georgiana Gerlinger,
Webster Jones, Margaret Vincent, Phyllis Coplan, Kathrine Kressmann, France
Sanford, Eugenia Strickland, Frances Simpson, Katherine Watson, Velma Meredith,
Mary West, Emily Houston, Beth Fariss. Marion Play ter, Lyle Jans, Ben Maxwell,
Mary Clerin, Lilian Wilson, Margaret Kressmann, Ned French,
Business Staff
Associate Manager
Foreign Advertising Manager
Lot Beatie
James Leake
Advertising Manager ----....l*laurice Warnock
Circulation Manager ..._---- Kenneth Stephenson
Assistant Circulation Manager —..— ---— --- -——— Alan Woolley
Specialty Advertising ....,.- Gladys Noren
Advertising Assistants: Frank Loggan, Chester Coon, Edgar Wrightman, Lester Wads
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription
$2.26 per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application.
Editor... 655
Daily News Editor This Issue
Might Editor This Issue
Home Again to Oregon
“Home again,” the glad cry which wells up in the heart of
every returned son or daughter of Old Oregon is duplicated in
its intensity in the feelings of 2224 undergraduates who are now
citizens of the Eugene campus. The day of glad greetings, of
happy memories revived, of old class rivalries brought again to
the front and of the realization of how the University has grown,
is here again.
A great many Oregon students of classes long since gradua
ted from the institution were directly responsible for a great
many of the improvements which have come about in recent
years. Virtually everyone who has- ever taken work here has
done something to make a Greater Oregon.
The spirit of appreciation of the advantages enjoyed by the
present student body because of the work of those who have
gone before us is a big factor in prompting the homecoming
idea. We Oregon students are glad to see the old grads be
cause they are a part of us and we do want them to know that
the work they began is being carried on.
Although Oregon is nearing the status of a big University,
the alums still find the same brand of fight that has made
Oregon mighty and that has kept alive such traditions as that
of the “Hello.”
Outward changes are necessary to progress, but Oregon
students are still taught the essentials of real Oregon spirit that
came into being when the campus population was less than two
“Unite to Fight for Oregon”
When the whistle blows at 2:30 this afternoon on Hayward
field,—a field made famous by great battles and great players—
two crowds of rooters will thrill as they have seldom thrilled
before. Oregon and its grads will watch for the victory that
has usually been theirs, while the mass of Orange and Black
will pray for the breakdown of what they please to call a
Despite the long string of Oregon victories there will be no
over-confidence on the part of Lemon-Yellow supporters. The
spirit of support which will back Shy’s men in every play will
be a spirit that realizes that a strong team must be downed be
fore Oregon can nail another Beaver skin to the flagstaff.
This is a year when pride in Oregon spii'it should be at its j
highest. The season has not been particularly successful for,
us, yet the men are fighting as never before. Never a word of
grumbling has been heard from the team or the rooters. It
is always so. Even in actual games when scores are heaped
against us there is never a tendency to let down.
Let that spirit of fight ever be linked with the name of
Oregon, and today when the Beaver cries for victory let every j
man and woman “unite to fight for Oregon.”
Closely associated with Oregon and its traditions is the;
character and personality of our grand old man—Dr. John
Straub. Despite his recent illness the love for his boys and girls
has brought him back to the campus for the Homecoming. Of
necessity he cannot take too active a part in the festivities;
but he will be here, and his spirit—that indomitable spirit which
has ever been a part of Oregon and its students—will be a real
factor in this, our greatest Homecoming.
freshmen to report on
The following freshmen report to
Otto Manthe on Kincaid field at
8:00 a-m. Saturday: W. Hayden, 0.
Heek, R. Hock, A. Hedger, C. Hed
man, H. Hemming*. F. Hendricks, S.
Herrick, K. Hoisier, T. Vau Hines,
L. Hoblitt, H. Houser, H. Huiiuieutt,
C. Irian, W. James, D. Jeffries, A.
Johnson, C. Johnson, J. Johnson, J.
Johnston, E. Jones, H. Jones, R.
Jones, F. Joseph, E. Knit-era, B.
Kerns, W. Kidwell, O. Killam, H.
Kilham, II. Kimball, A. Kimiuki, O.
Kingman, H. Kirk, E. Kitto, T.
Kjelluml, A. Korn, M, Koupal, E.
Lambert, E. Laugblin, R. Laughlin,
I*. Laura, H. Leavitt, B. Lee, II.,
Lewllyn, F. Lockwood, B. Lombard,;
W. Long.
Delta Tau Delta announces the
pledging of Steel Winterer of Me-!
Minnville, Oregon.
o—.— —-— -
Campus Bulletin
Notices will be printed in this column
for two issues only. Copy must be
in this office by 6:30 on the day
before it is to be published, and must
be limited to 20 words.
Newman Club—Informal social,
Newman club house, Friday, 4:00 to
5:30 p.m.
Sigma XI—Business meeting Sat
urday at 9:30 a.m., 107 Deady. Pub
lic meeting 10 a.m., 105 Deady.
Oregana Pictures—Must be taken
by December 1. Make appointments
now with Kennell-Ellis studio, 1697.
Oregana Pictures—Must be taken
by December 1. Make appointments
immediately. Kennell-Ellis studio,
1697. ,
The University Library—Will be
closed frem 1:30 to 5 p.m. Satur
day, on account of the O. A. C.
Honor Organizations—Checks for
space in -924 Oregana due NOW.
Bring or mail to Oregana office im
Eegular Assembly—Usual Thurs
day morning assembly will be held
at 11 o’clock Friday morning. Spe
cial features.
Campus Clubs—Checks for space
1924 Oregana due NOW. Bring or
mail immediately to Oregana office,
journalism building.
Coos County Students and Guests
—Invited to attend an informal at
home by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fay
Eddy at 1134 Ferry street, Sunday
afternoon from four till six.
Letters to the EMERALD from stu
dents and faculty members are
welcomed, but must be signed and
worded concisely. If it is desired, the
writer’s name will be kept out of
print. It must be understood that the
editor reserves the right to reject
-O - — --<£>
To the Editor:
The Oregon spirit, as the older
men on the campus know it, requires
every Oregon student to be a gentle
man and a sportsman. It wins foot
ball games by clean playing and
clean rooting. It treats opponents
with courtesy, applauds when they
play brilliantly, and all the while
it inspires Oregon men to triumph
through sheer merit. It never gloats
over victory, but is only happy. De
feat it takes without alibi, and
smiles with a resolution to excel in
the next encounter.
The Oregon Spirit lives in every
Oregon man and woman on the
campus I
| Some High Points in Oregon
| Emerald of November 24, 1922
■■■ ■ —--— 1 --^
Alex Andrieff has been elected an
associate member of the Condon club.
Latest reports emulating from the
office of the registrar show that 254
members of the senior class have ap
plied for degrees.
Race suicide among the educated
classes will ultimately cause the
downfall of civilization, according to
B. F. Irvine, editor of the Oregon
Journal, who spoke at assembly yes
At a dinner held at Dean Walker’s
home last night a cane was presented
to Colonel Leader by former members
of his officers’ training camp.
Forty men under the direction of
Captain James Meek are turning out
for an additional drill hour each
The University Ad Club has been
admitted into active membership in
the associated advertising clubs of the
Gillespie butte will be the goal of
the Condon club hikers when they
undertake their tramp next Sunday.
Pence Kicks Ball 55 Yards for Field
Goal in Drake-Coe Grid
iron Contest
Coe College.—John Pence, Coe Col
lege back, made a 55-yard drop kick
for a field goal in the Drake-Coe foot
ball game, establishing a record for
drop kicks for the season.
Records show that the longest drop
kick in the history of football was
made from placement by Maxwell of
Princeton in the Yale game of 1882.
He kicked the pigskin 65 yards. Mark
Payne of Dakota Wesleyan Univer
sity made the longest drop-kick last
year when he booted the ball 63
For Our Student Trade (
with home-made mince meat. g
Everything made by our efficient employes.
The real stuff!
First class service.
Ye Towne Shoppe
ERNEST SEUTE, Proprietor
Open from 6:30 A. M. to 1 A. M.
Students Special
To Portland Wednesday, November 28th
Leaves Eugene 4:00 P. M.
Use the train—it’s safe, comfortable, dependable
Low Round Trip Fares for
Thanksgiving Holidays
Pare and one half for the round
trip to all other Southern Pacific
Stations where one way fare does not
exceed $45.00—minimum 50c.
On sal Tues., Wed. & Thurs. (Nov.
27, 28 & 29) final return limit Tues
day (Dec. 4th).
leaves Portland for Eugene
Sunday, December 2nd, 7:00 P. M.
Regular daily trains leave Portland 1:00 a. m. 8:40 a. m.
9:30 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 9:00 p. m.
Standard sleeper daily between Portland and Eugene
leaves Portland 1:00 a. m. (cars open for occupancy
9:30 p. m.) Ask agents for further details.
John M. Scott
Asst. Passenger Traffic Manager
Portland, Oregon
Dramatic Club Gaining Proficiency
For Big February Production
A short one act play, “My Lord
in Livery,” was given at the Univer
sity high school yesterday afternoon.
The members of the cast belong to a
dramatic club which is divided into
six groups, each group giving one
short play. This play was put on by
the fir?t group.
By February the best players in the
club will have been selected through
their acting in these little skits and
will put on a large play representing
the entire club.
Yesterday’s skit was a comedy, laid
in England, with a plot something
First-The Girl!
Then-the Pin
and then—
Last time today
Playing Till Saturday Nite
•Clair Windsor, Norman
Kerry and a host of favorites
Other Heilig features and
20c too.
| like that of the well-known “Come
Out of the Kitchen. ’ ’ Miss Wake
field directed the play.
The main purpose of thg develop
ment of the club was the opportunity
for voice work that it offers its
Bead the Classified An column.
Following freshmen report at the
downtown armory immediately after
game today: Fred Hendricks, Walt
Simpson, Pete Lanrs, Pete Brooks,
Jerry Extra, Bob Hart, A1 Sehmeer,
Joe Bates, Ben Lombard, Ted Norton,
Bob Neighbor and George Mimnangh.
Old Timers Gather and Dis
cuss Shady Past
The proverbial, traditional Home
coming rain isn’t dampening the
Homecoming spirit at Obaks the least
bit. Hundreds of old timers, men
representing several generations of
college life, conducted the annual
rally at Obak’s Kollege last night.
Perhaps it was the slogan: “Away
from the wife, Obaks is the life,’’
that brought so many back, but there
were a good many among those pre
sent that had sneaked away from “the
wife’’ just before the rally and joined
the gang at Obaks regardless of later
It hasn’t been a matter of “say
hello first’’ at Obaks, for everybody
is saying “hello” at the same time.
Conversations here are not being
based upon higher standards of edu
cation, stocks and bonds, insurance
rates, the cost of coal, Mailing food
or any of the other things that one
might expect from a group of died
in the wool alumni. On the contrary
the atmosphere is filled with stories
of the past: stories of the times that
deal with the sidg of university life
that is never mentioned in the cata*
logne; stories of life of things that
were done before “What will the state
think?” became the phrase that gov
erns all actions.
It is Homecoming week at Obaks
and the alumni know it. If you arg
trying to find a certain gTad call 48
and ask Obak—headquarters are here
—there’s a rally going on 24 hours
of the day at the Kollege that all
alumni return to.
“Red O’Flanagan, ’05 stood silent
on the street in front of Obak’s Kol
legt and looked things over; he was
thoughtful and reflective. Slowly he
turned his head and gazed up Willa
mette, gazed long and steadily; then,
just as deliberately he looked down
Willamette. His mood was plainly
sorrowful, lonely and reminiscent.
“Fat” Brown, ’06 approached him
and a greeting followed. It was the
usual sort of greeting that embodied
all of the various exchanges of confi
dences that men who have not met for
years will exchange. The wives, the
kids, the price of hay, the dope on
the game, the bonfire, Jimmy Gilbert,
the income tax—all of these were in
cluded, but still O’Flanagan main
tained a downcast attitude.
Brown, sensing the situation, in
quired. “Red” failed to reply for
a time, but finally, “Oh, I’m getting
old I guess, but I cannot help but
think how things have changed—
there’s nothing the same as it used
to be, the buildings seem different,
the kids are strangers, the town has
grown, the profs are more reserved,
“You old fossil”, cried Brown, and
he grabbed him by the arm and
dragged him into Obak’s Kollege.
“Downhearted are you? Homesick
and think your old? Well, put this
cigar in your mouth, grab one of
those cues and I will show you that
college life has not changed one
darned bit and that no matter how old
a man may get that Obak’s Kollege
revives him. ’ ’
"Mac”—The Old Reliables—“Jack”
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