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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1923)
Oregon Daily Emerald VOLUME XXV UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1923 NUMBER 43 CAMPUS ALL SET FOR HOMEGOMINE i Freshmen Bonfire Workers Encouraged By Early Morning Refreshments PARADE TO START AT 7 Noise-Making Machines Will Insure a Raucous Affair; Rally at Eight By Kathrine Kressmann Homecoming is here. Today the grads will be pouring in on every train and tonight will view the big rumpus, bonfire, rally and noise parade. . The bonfire is rearing its head to ward * the sky.- The frosh started work at noon yesterday and are supplied with more material than they will need. Every known sort ^ of conveyance was in use to bring in material to the fire. Horses, trucks, autos and even a Ford bug with a wagon tied on as a trailer were seen tearing through the streets. Hammering is Loud All night the noise of hammering kept the neighborhood of Kincaid awake. At 1:30 the freshman wo men served coffee and food to the workers. The frosh show an excel lent spirit, says Jack High, who is supervising the fire. Several fresh man men were excused from work because of other activities, but they did not want to leave the job and stayed there, working on the pile. Clifford Zherung, the freshman in charge of the fire has been on the job every minute. His methods of organization are proving successful and the frosh are working with a will. At 6:30 tonight when the fire is touched off it will light the scene of the mobilization of the entire University. Everyone is expected to be out early for the fire. The noise making machines will be gathered at the Sigma Chi corner. Every house must have its noise maker on hand by 6:45, says Eddie Edlunds, in charge of the parade. i TrucKB Provided All students should be in line for the parade by 7:00 o’clock sharp. It is necessary that all girls be out on time in their old clothes. There will be trucks for them to ride on among the howling monsters the men are providing. “It is going to be the biggest, and noisiest parade ever held,” says Edlunds. A big silver cup is the prize for the most raucous noise combination. Every man in charge of a house noise-maker must report the name of the organization and type of racket machine before noon today, in order to have a place as signed to them in the parade. Ed lunds warns the houses that unless he has this report there will be no space for their machines in the competitive line-up. Men in charge of noise machines jnust stay on the machines during the bonfire, says Edlunds. This is absolutely necessary in order that the parade may get under way as soon as the fire is over. The foot ball team is to ride near the front of the parade on a truck. There will be no grads in this year’s parade. March Order Told The line of march is as follows: Start at the Sigma Chi corner, 13th (Continued on page three) o--;—o ALUMNI ARE GREETED Homecoming and the big game—what more could the campus ask? The old graduates back and the ancient football foe on the field! The event is in the laps of the gods. May the omens be propitious! The adopted alumni are coming, too, in large numbers. Their letters of acceptance have been full of warm loyalty to Oregon. Far from their own college homes, they are transferring a part of their affection to the University of their adopted state! How heartily they are welcomed into the family by Old Oregon need not be told. May each year strengthen the ties which bind them to us. The old classes are coming back, bringing a benediction with their coming. They knew not football in those early days; but then was born, in spite of such handicaps, the old Oregon spirit which has served so well to give quality and distinction to the University. We are proud of their achievements and boast of their records as the full justification of all the faith the state has had in the work of education. May their Homecomings be many and full of joy! A cordial “Hello,” together with the more dignified “Wel come home,” goes out to every son and daughter of Oregon returning to the old home scenes today. Whether by birth or by adoption, all are members of the same great family, and all loyally dedicated to the high cause of an ever finer civilization and an ever greater state. P. L. CAMPBELL. Hello, Grads and Adopted Alumni. The University is yours with a hearty welcome. The doors of every organization swing wide for you, and every younger member of the Oregon family is happy for the opportunity to greet and entertain you. Home again, wo ‘unite to fight for Oregon.” CLAUDE E. ROBINSON. SIGMA CHI TEAM WINS GAME BY TWO POINTS Phi Sigma Pi Defeats Sigma Pi Tau By Good Score The Sigma Chi team defeated the Oregon club squad yesterday by the close score of 19 to 17. For the entire first half and for over 10 minutes in the second half, the Oregon club quintet was in the lead. The extda burst of speed that the winners put on in the last part of the second half saved the day for them. In the first of the game the Oregon club team had a 7-point lead. The game was comparatively fast, but the Sigma Chis lacked the fight and accurate basket shooting that characterizde their playing in the first games of the tournament. Their shooting was bad and although the ball was under their basket and in their territory a large part of the game ,they missed a score of easy shots. Oregon club was handicap ped by the loss of Taylor, one of the best centers in the league, and McGinnis, their best forward. Stoddard and Palmer did the heavy scoring for the winners, as Stoddard made eight points and Palmer four. Morelock, playing guarl for the Oregon club team, was the big gun for the losers, scoring seven points. WestermanL looped four. The Phi Sigma Pi basketball team won an easy victory over the Sigma Pi Taus by the score of 16 to 7, in a game played last night. The players were noticeably lacking in team work and accuracy in shooting. The game was rough and was fairly fast. Starting out in the first half with a small lead, the winners kept ad ding to it until they were 10 points ahead of the Sigma Pi Taus at the end of the first half. Hoar starred for the winners with six joints, and Huston and Johnson looped a total of four each. Miller, the center for the losers, was high point man on his team and scored five counters. Dean Straub Coming Back to Rest in Quiet at Home Bean John Straub, “Oregon’s Grand Old Man,” will return home today. For the past six weelcs Dean Straub has been confined in a Port land hospital, where he underwent a serious operation over a month ago. His condition, the doctors say, will now permit him to leave the hospital and return to his home, but not to his official duties on the campus. The dean’s many friends cannot ' »r- 1 yet. The doctors forbid it. bus condition, they say, is such that he ( annot be visited by even his best friends. Because the dean suf fered very intense pain for a long period following his operation, he is still nervous and the physicians fear that if he were excited the shock might be serious. Notice will' be given his friends when they may visit him, but until they receive such notiee it would be far better if he were not disturbed. Prof. O. F. Stafford, Dean Straub's son-in-law, says the dean will prob ably be in condition to resume his duties as dean of men by the be ginning of next term. His recovery from now on should be rapid, Pro fessor Stafford said. He declared that when the dean had fully re covered from the operation, which (Continued on page three) TOPIC FOR ASSEMBLY Murray Warner Collection Will Be Dedicated “American-Chinese Relations” will be the subject of the address of Dr. E. T. Williams at assembly in the Woman’s building this morning at eleven o’clock. At this assembly there will be the formal dedication of the Murray Warner collection of Oriental art and the announcement of new gifts to this collection by Mrs. Gertrude Bass Warner. The definite content of Dr. Wil liams’ address has not been made public, but it is assured to be in teresting. Mrs. Warner says that he is an expert on China and Chinese .affairs in this country. Dr. Williams has spent much time in China in connection with the United States legation and in special work for the department of State. He was former secretary of Far Eastern affairs. Dr. Williams is reputed to be a very good authority on Oriental art and it is particularly appropriate that he speak at this assembly since it concerns the reopening of the art collection given by Mrs. Warner tc the University. He was a very warm friend of the late Murray Warner, for whom the art collection js named. The position that Dr. Williams holds now is that of professor ol Oriental languages andj literature in the University of California. He is very well versed in the Chinese language and customs, having spent nine years in missionary worl among the Chinese people. Aftei this he became interpreter to the Am erican consulate-general at Shanghai Later he held important positions with the Chinese government and then with representatives of tht United States government in China, Dr. Williams was a delegate to the peace conference in Paris in 1919 and was on the committee on armaments. He is also noted foi his work as an author, having written several books and articles on the affairs in the Far Fast. Other features of the program ol today’s assembly include, beside th« dedication of the art collection, a vocal solo by Frank Jue, Homecom ing song, “Come Back to Oregon,’1 sung by the Glee elubs, an address by Seid G. Back, well-known Chin ese merchant of Portland. Home coming plans will be outlined by Haddon Bopkhey, general chairman of the Homecoming committee. Beverend E. V. Stivers of the Christian Church will pronounce the invocation. CAMPUS GROUNDS CLOSED AT REGENTS’ SUGGESTION At the suggestion of the board of regents, the drives through the campus are closed this fall, because of the past carelessness of car drivers. Much time and care is spent on the up-keep of the grounds under the direction of H. M. Fisher, superintendent of grounds, but this did not deter the cars from being run and parked on the grass. WARNER MUSEUM TO REOPEN TODAY Many New Gifts Add Beauty and interest; Oriental Library Has Rare Books COLLECTION PRICELESS Lighting Effects Arranged to Lend Atmosphere; Gifts Have Rich Associations By the Post Grad Priceless relics of a civilization that had a sophisticated apprecia tion of line, color, and decorative symbol long before America was discovered will be on display today an the Woman's building. The reopening of the Murray Warner memorial collection of Oriental art works is a milestone in Oregon and Pacific coast artistic and intellectual development. A comparatively young people will see and appreciate examples of the im pressive work of artists, decorators and craftsmen who lived in the bril liant creative periods of Chinese age-long history. The museum in the Woman’s building will be opened to the pub lic at 1 o’clock this afternoon. The addition of two large exhibition roofs, one of which was set aside for museum purposes because of the interest of the Woman’s league, pro vides an opportunity for adequately showing the relics and curios of a great civilization. Those who have been privileged to see the collec tion, augmented as it is by many new gifts from Mrs. Murray Warner, have not found it possible to describe the beauty, charm and in terest of the collection. Library is Given The visitor today will see, first of all, as he enters the northdoor of the Woman’s building, the statue of the God of Mercy. This has unusual historical value. On the upper floor bf the building the visitor enters the Oriental library, stocked with rare books on Chinese and Japanese art, history, folklore, and tradition. The library is also the gift of Mrs. Warner. The visitor obtains in this room a glimpse of rare Chinese paintings in black and white. Some of the ancient Chinese artists, dis taining to use a brush to paint their creations, applied paint direct with £heir fingers. Curiosities—nol Ex amine the three paintings executed in this fashion that hang in the museum library and note the fine craftsmanship, the exquisite techni que. Artists’ Work Seen The room adjoining the library, formerly the meeting place of the •Women’s league, is now a treasure chamber. Casually the visitor goes from cabinet to cabinet, examining the old bronzes, the antique brasses, the gay and colorful arm bands, the embroideries, the tapestries, the Chinese lacquer. The full significance of all this splendor comes when the visitor haB looked into the last exhibit case. Suddenly he realizes the glory of it all—the color, the delicacy, the fine taste and discrimination, the workmanship. And there steals upon him the realization of the univer sality of art, and the enduring quality of the wprk of the artist. What of the deeds of the ancient Chinese warriors! What of the rich man and the statesman Their work forgotten. But here is the artist’s legacy, two beautifully earv ed incense burners, here a sun flaked vase, there a cabinet con taining choice blue and white china, and across the way an antique bronze temple bell. The eye re vels in the treasures. The mind attempts to bridge the gap between fhe ancient times of the brilliant Manehu period and the mundane present. Case Contains Vase The choicest bronzes are in a cabinet in the middle of the room. This case contains a particularly valuable lotus vase, the bronze dogs, jrhich were placed on guard in the temples generations ago. The brasses are at the north wall. One of the exhibits is an interest ing Chinese mirror. The artist de signed it to frighten away evil spirits. The spirit looked in the mirror and fled at the sight of his image. A small case contains the old and (Continued on page three) PROGRAM FOR HOMECOMING Friday * vo p. m,—.Registration at the Ad building. All Oregon alumni and visiting Alumni must regis ter in order to secure tickets to events. 6.30 p.m.—Ceremony and lighting of frosh bonfire on Kincaid field. 7:15 p. m. — Start of the noise parade from corner of 13th and Alder. All participants are asked to be in line at 7 o’clock. Parade route down Alder to 11th, 11th to Willamette, Willamette to 7th to Eugene Armory. 8:15 p. m.—Rally at the Armory. Alumni and rooters ’ section down stairs. University girls and towns people upstairs. Snappy musical program given by the Glee clubs and Varsity quartet, also Jack Myers’ Mid-Night Sons featuring college songs. Saturday 8 a. m. to 1 p.m.—Registration of alumni at the Add building. 9 a. m.—Delt-Betn frosh tug-o’-war, mill race. 9:30 a. m.—Laying Sigma Nu corner stone at their new location on 11th, between Alder and Hilyard. 10 a.m.—Annual alumni meeting, Guild Hall. 10 a.m.—Oregon vs. O. A. C. soccer game on Kincaid Field. 11:00 a m.—Reunion class ’93 at home of Mrs. L. H. Johnson, 1284 E. 13th street. 11:30 to 1:30 p.m.—Campus Lunch eon. Alumni and upperclassmen at men’s gymnasium. Underclass men and visitors at the outside gym. Music will be furnished by the University Band and the Var sity quartet. 2 p. m.—Oregon, O. A. C., Idaho cross-country run. Start and fin ish on Hayward field. 2:20 p. m.—Order of O Parade on Hayward field. 2:30 p. m.—Annual football classic, Oregon vs. O. A. C. on Hayward field. 6 p. m.—Order of O banquet at the Campa Shop. 8:30 to 12 p. m.—Annual Homecom ing dance. Alumni and Upper classmen at the Woman’s Build ing. Special musical entertain ment will be provided in the Alumni Hall for those not desir ing to dance. Underclassmen and visitors’ dance at the Armory. The Warner Museum will be open for inspection at the following times: Friday, 1:30 to 10:30. Sat urday, 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sunday, 3 to 5. DELTA ZETA DEBATERS IN RUNNING FOR CUP Elimination Contests to Be Held Tuesday Night As a result of the debate last night' between Delta Zeta and Alpha Pi, Delta Zeta will be the third member of the triangular debate to be held next week. The other con testants will be Susan Campbell and Hendricks halls, who took first and second places, respectively, Wednes day night. The contest last night was for the purpose of working off the tie which existed between Delta Zeta and Alpha Delta Pi after Wednes day night’s round of all entrants in the league. Yesterday afternoon representa tives of the winning men’s and women’s teams met in Villard hall to decide the dates of the semi-final ^and final debates. The schedule as worked out at the meeting calls for the elimination contests for both /nen’s and women’s teams next Tues day night, November 27. At that time Susan Campbell, Hendricks and Delta Zeta will compete for the Zeta Kappa Psi cup, and Friendly hall, Psi Kappa and Beta Theta Pi for the Tau Kappa Alpha shield. The winning men’s house will meet the winning women’s house at a date yet to be determined, but prob ably within a week or so afterward, to debate for possession of the Tau Kappa Alpha cup offered to the best do-nut debate team on the campus. At the meeting there was considerable discussion regarding whether or not the question, which is on he severance tax, should be limited to apply only to a sever ance tax which should be either a lieu or a super tax, or whether the question should be left to apply to either, at the discretion of the team itself. A vote was taken, and by the results of it the question will remain open as it has been. Memners or tne ueua ,r.eia ream which was victorious last night are: Affirmative, Dorothy Newman and May Helliwell; negative, Dorothy Rbbott and Mary McCullagh. The scores for the debates were: Delta Zeta (affirmative), 3; Alpha Delta Pi (negative), 0; and Alpha Delta Pi (affirmative), 1; Delta Zeta (negative), 2. Thus, with the one point added to the scores of the winning teams for the victory, the total score made by Delta Zeta was seven points, and by Alpha Delta Pi one. TICKETS FOE HOMECOMING DANCE ON SALE AT CO-OP Tickets for the Homecoming dance are on sale at the Co-op for $1 a couple. Students are urged to get their tickets now. The tickes for the game are not being claimed very fast. It is imperative that students exchange their student body tickets for these special game tickets. Students will enter the field by gate number 11 at the north ! east corner. ’ PLAYERS LEAD WOMEN HOOPERS Five Games Run Off Last Night By Leagues LEAGUE I Houses W. L. Pet. Hendricks (1) . 5 0 1000 Susan Campbell (2) 4 ^ .800 Chi Omega . 2 1 .666 Pi Beta Phi . 2 1 .666 ' Kappa Alpha Theta 1 2 .333 Gamma Phi Beta .... 0 2 .000 Delta Delta Delta 0 2 .000 Alpha Chi Omega .... 0 3 .000 Thacher Cottage .0 3 .000 LEAGUE II Hendricks (2) . 4 0 1000 Alpha Phi . 3 1 .750 Oregon club . 3 1 .750 Delta Zeta .. 3 2 .600 Susan Campbell (1) 1 1 .500 Alpha Delta Pi . 2 3 .400 Kappa Kappa Gam 0 4 .000 Alpha Xi Delta . 0 0 .000 Both Hendricks hall teams stand at the top of their respective leagues, neither team having suffer ed defeat so far this season. In case each remains undefeated during the entire season, the basketball cup will be awarded to Hendricks hall, and the usual championship game will not be played. One of the fastest games of the season was played last night be tween Susan Campbell (2) and Gamma Phi Beta, with a score of 11 to 5 in favor of Susan Campbell. It was an exciting game, the count standing 4 to 4 at the end of the first half. With especially good work on the part of the Susan Camp bell guards, Charlotte LaTourrette and Muriel Paul, and their centers, Winifred Munz and Dorothy Houk, they were able to advance in the last nan. Virginia Wilson, guard, and "Winona Dyer, center, starred for the Gamma Pbis. Pi Beta Phi beat Alpha Chi Omega with a score of 20 to 2, in a hard-fought game. Janet Woods, forward for the winners, and Mary Hathaway, center for the losers, were very good. Another game played last night was that of Hendricks hall (1), and Thatcher cottage, which resulted in 1 a 38 to 0 victory for Hendricks. Beatrice Pish showed up well for Thacher in her position of center. Grace Sullivan starred for the win ners. Oregon club defeated Alpha Delta Pi in a 59 to 2 game last night. The Quinlan sisters and the Overmire sisters, for the winners, were the outstanding players. Alpha Xi Delta suffered a defeat at the hands of Delta Zeta with a 16 to 4 score. Ellean Fargher star red for the winners, making all their baskets. Virginia Broughton played I a good game in her position of Alpha |Xi Delta guard. Tie With Washington State Bolsters 0. A. C. Hopes For Victory Tomorrow OFFENSIVE HELD WEAK Coach Rutherford Devotes Week to Giving His Men Practice in Charging By Clifton Booth, Sports Editor, O. A. C. Barometer All Aggie football fans are look ing forward to the O. A. C.—U. of O. clash with great expectancy. While neither team is in the race for con ference honors, the coming melee is expected to shade many of the championship games of the past is fierceness of play. The Aggies have been showing improvement since the beginning ot the season, and since they played s 3 to 3 tie with the Washington State Cougars, have been conceded n chance to hand a defeat to the Ore gon team. While “dope” would in dicate that the Oregon team has s slight edge over the Beavers, fol lowers of the two teams realize that many of the annual scraps have not run true to predictions. Lack of offensive has been the failing of the Aggies in the past games. While exhibiting a strong defense in all their contests, the orange and black gladiators have been unsuccessful in penetrating the inner works of the opposition. To correct this fault, Coach R. B. Rutherford has been drilling hie men on offensive playing since the return from Tacoma. Backfleld Named Many shifts have been made ie the backfield, but the combination that showed so well in the fracae against the Cougars will probably start against the Lemmon Yellow. Price at quarter, Gill and Boykin at half positions, and Snider at full, seem to form the smoothest working backfield the Aggies have put in the field this season. “Luke” Gill does the kicking for the Orange and Black, and in every game played has had an edge on the opposing booter. His 40-yard boot in the game against 'Washington State gave the Beavers the throe points that enabled them to tie with the enemy. “Luke” is also one ot the best open field runners in the conference, in the opinion of those who have seen him perform. Ray Price is playing his first year pn the team at quarter, but is show ing up in big league style. He is a sure tackier and can be depended jipon to keep a cool head at all times. Boykin is another valuable player, his total yardage being made up mostly through his line plunging. Snider was moved to fullback front end and is showing worlds of “stuff* in that position. Injuries have slowed the squad up Considerably during the present year. Garber, one of the hardest hitting backs on the squad, was lai4 out in the California game and han not been able to play regularly since. It is not expected that he will be able to play against Oregon, al though he may be able to break into the game for a fow minutes. Scott Still Out Captain Scott suffered two broken riba in the Idaho contest and has not been able to play since. From present indications “Scotty” is lost to the squad for the rest of the season. Hin loss caused a big gap in the line, as he was rated one of the best (aeklers in the conference. Johnson has been filling in at tackle, and al though a hard player, lacks the ex perience of “Scotty.” All the Beaver players have been working hard for the last week and! are confident of giving the Web footers a hard battle in the annnal classic. The morale of the team has been raised by the showing against the Cougars and the men feel confident that if they are de feated, it will be only because the opposition plays better football. BAND MEMBERS ASKED TO REPORT FOR DUTY Friday, 6:30 p.m.—In front of Administration building. Wear regular O. D. trousers with rooter’8 cap and blue sweaters. Saturday—At barracks at 11:30 a.m. Wear white trousera and regulation band uniform.