Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 18, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Sunday Emerald
Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Association_
Official publication
except Monday, during
Sunday Editor ..
of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued daily
the college year. _____
.Clinton N. Howard
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates,
12.26 per year. By term. 75c. Advertising rates upon application.___
Contributors to this issue are: Monte Byers, Eugenid Strickland, Don
Woodward, Ken Cooper, Ben Maxwell, Leon Byrne, Margaret Morrison, Mar
ion Lowry, Katharine Watson, Ward C ook, Katharine Kressmann, Margaret
Kressmann, Junior Seton, Georgiana G erlinger, Beth Fariss and Leonard Ler
A1 Trachman
Assignment Editor
Daily News Editor This Issue
Margaret Morrison
Nitcht Editor This Issue
George Belknap
It’s a Great Town—Los Angeles
We are recently returned from the far-famed Los Angeles. For
four days we basked in the sunshine of the southland, tasted of the
fruits of the semi-tropics, slept without blankets and saw the spec
tacle of a great, new metropolis in all its fascinating phases.
In a moment of thought—a moment stolen from a hurried Univer
sity schedule—we compiled the following memories of our first visit
to the California wonder town. Here they are:
Millions of flivvers and a traffic jam a minute.
Half that many trolley cars.
Twice that many real estate men gone crazy with the sunshine
and the palm trees.
Forests of oil derricks costing over a hundred thousand dol
lars each pulling supposed millions out of the ground in one
Fifty thousand Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska ex
Movie-mad crowds; Hollywood, million dollar theaters and
glimpses of movie queens and heroes.
Friendly hospitality from U. S. C. journalists.
Acres of studios with disappointing emptiness behind the
Hard faces of money-mad promoters, advertising fiends and
tired show people.
Glistening sunshine on thickly populated beaches; cries of
beach concessions; gaudy finery.
The second greatest harbor in America; unguessable number
of sporty divorcees and church devotees.
Unrivalled murders and plenty of Hearst papers to help them
get their full share of publicity.
Mixture of Riviera, Pittsburg, New York and Florida; Busch
gardens and Beaverly hills; eucalyptus and palms, petroleum and
roller-coasters, stucco and walnuts, eight-cent gasoline and $19
coal, mecca of millionaires and Ford tourists, land of poinsettias
and billboards, acacias and mesquite, peppers and pop bottles,
prohibition and the greatest grape industry in the country, Itali
ans and Indianians, retired Sunday school teachers, sneers for
San Francisco, half hourly editions, beauty, hysteria, boosters,
boosters, boosters—all for Los, and a million population by 1930.
Literary Gossip
Tlie tendency of literary characters
to “revert to type,” either because of
unconscious imitation on the part of the
authors or because of the moronish de
mands of their readers, is still as strong
ns ever. Types as conspicuously uni
form as the "cowboy” (and the lawyer
who becomes prosecuting attorney!) in
the novels of a few decades ago can
be found in the modern literature. Let’s
look a few of ’em over.
First, there’s the “stuggling youth.”
This kid, when he first camo out, was
hailed as the “cry of a new age.” lie’s
been bawling ever since his initial ap
pearance. In his touted struggle for
urbanity, he wrestles manfully with
atheism, socialism, free love, and is
about to start on trial marriage when
the last chapter stops—quite fortunate
ly. For an alternative ending, he is
offered the management of the delivery
department of his father’s butcher
shop, a great mental disturbance oc
curs, and then—if the story is to appear
first in the Atlantic, monthly—he ac
cepts, and is received into the shelter
ing folds of social sanity. This type
occurs in books with the lofty titles
of “Tramping Out the Stars,” et cetera.
» » •
Then there's the “invertebrate child.”
This thing leads a dish rag existence
overpowered bv every human and bio
logical force, and, instead of crying
for a second bowl of mush, like young
David, she exhibits her negative vital
ity by yelling to be removed from life.
And she is. Stories of this type are
invariably called “Poor Nan,” “The
Irony of Fate,” or “The Down-Trodden
The “uplift woman” is rather evi
dent. Tins female first joins the
Women’s club, and then starts “up
lifting”—in the Beconcl chapter. She
doesn't stop until the last one. She
never accomplishes a thing- she’s only
“the spirit of the thing!” But, oh! her
effort! This character is so persistent
that she has ramified nearly every
type of the modern novel, and is gen
erally introduced to represent an “in
tellectual movement.” (Females react
tropistically to “intellectual move
ments.”) She’d as soon pop up in a
novel called “Mr. Felix” as “Cables
of Hair-Nets.”
Tlie “psycho-pathic wreck” occurs in
two genders. In the first chapter the
he-wrock believes there’s something the
matter with him. He wanders from
room to room, etc., etc., thinking, etc.
About the middle of the book someone
discovers he’s not quite right. This, of
course, leads to the climax which is a
variable between insanity, suicide and
murder. There is always an effective
Tho female wreck is not so bad. In
fact, a careful diet of corpus luteum
might put her in condition to end the
story with some idea of logic, but this
sort of stuff is catering to the “happy I
ending” Pollyanas and is always spared
the reader. So her choice is limited i
between strychnine and tho sea. 8he |
never shoots herself.
» * »
The “red-blooded hero,” perhaps, is aj
hold-over from Roman comedy. His:
modern presentation is a variation of
Kipling’s “Captains Courageous.” He
is always a “scion of a wealthy fam
ily”; he always reforms, and he always
stupidly insists upon marrying the
heroine. Those stories are nearly always
entitled “Between God's Big Kadapoo
Trees,” or “Widening Out in God's Big
Open Spaces.”
Oh yes. The idealist. An idealist
is a man with an idea that won’t work,
lie potters through 20 chapters wonder
ing why it won’t, and finally con
cludes with the profound belief that
the goal of life is death, or that
honesty is the best policy. Even though
there is a tunnel ahead, these idealists
never pull in their necks. They demand
decisions, etc. Faced with the highway
problem: right or leftf He grasps the |
steering thingumabob and heroically j
chatters: "Steer north, my soul, steer
north! ”
Certainly. We understand the diffi
eultv. But as tho novel is the-most
recent form of literature, etc., this
| trouble may be only the trouble of
j youth (perhaps cfcrs.)
One Year AgoToday
Thirty varsity football men left for
Corvallis this morning and will meet
the Aggies on Bell field this afternoon.
Statistics compiled by the Eugene
chamber of commerce show that stu
dents at the University spend approxi
matey $1,000,000 in Eugene during the
college year.
A reorganization of the University
Ad club was effected last Thursday.
Tho journalism jamboree will be
staged in the men’s gymnasium next
Saturday night.
Early History of
University Related
(Continued from page one)
a cent, Judge Walton, T. G. Hendricks
and their confreres would go out in the
country and solicit from the farmers
sheep, calves or hay to bring in and
sell for the payroll.
A little washerwoman pledged the
earnings of every Thursday for three
months. A poor dressmaker gave part
of her weekly pay. It was from this
sort of spirit and courage that the
building rose.
Then the governor and his officials
came to inspect the structure. It was
not yet finished or paid for, there
were no floors in the basement or on
the third story, but it was accepted
as the University of Oregon in 1876.
Classes started in the fall.
It was an unfinished building of red
brick, but it marked an achievement
for the people of Eugene. The struggles
of the preceding years were a tragic
page, bq,t the actual accomplishment re
paid them. The campus would be un
recognizable, compared to the one to
day. There was only one tall building,
no trees except the oaks by the rail
road track and the surrounding country
was wild and rough. Eugene itself was
quite a distance away.
The hall was not called Deady until
much later, at the death of the first
president of the board of regents, for
whom it was then named. It was
known as the University building. It
was the University, itself.
There were five professors, includ
ing the University president, at the
beginning, and preparatory as well as
’ollege work was given. In 1878, when
Dr. John Straub was elected to the
teaching staff, there were 150 students
ranging from the fifth grade to college
seniors. Of these, only about forty
were taking college work.
Dean Straub relates that there was
little social life on the campus at _ the
tijne. Dancing was taboo because of
prejudice, so the students would give
‘walks.” That is, they would have
several musical instruments and to a
merry tune, they would pair off and
Supper Time
(j| There are crackling
hearth - fires, softly lit
tables and tempting food
Phone 30
for Reservations
For a number of years we have been the students’ head
quarters for shoe shining. We clean, dye and shine any
color shoes. Orders for repairing taken.
(Next Bex Theatre)
The Value of
Optical Service
Are you just as keen a judge of service as you are mer
chandise ?
In buying merchandise you may be quick to appreciate
the value of an article of high quality.
Don’t overlook the fact that there may be as great dif
ference in the value of service as there is of merchandise.
The most important service connected with getting a
pair of glasses is the examination of your eyes. The re
sults vary according to the accuracy of the examination.
Save Your Eyes
*Dl. Sermon Wlfloodu
walk around the room as if out for a
stroll. Then they would change part
ners and go through the same perform
ance. The students were largely seri
ous-minded young people from farms
in the vicinity, although there were
some older ones among them.
Deafly hall is an embodiment of that
persevering spirit which has won for
Oregon the front rank which she holds
today. Her story should be a revered
tradition among the students, for it
sets them a standard of perseverance
and high courage.
National Collegiate Players
“TheDover Road”
You may have
DATES Monday
night by consent of
the Dean of Women.
You will laugh your
self to tears, so come
prepared. Atten
dants will take care
of convulsion cases.
Cast Includes
• • *
Seats on sale at the Co-op
Living organizations and
Heilig Box Office
• • •
Box office open all day Monday to exchange tickets for
reserved seats.
Prices 50c and 75c
A Hot Chicken Dinner
We offer you tender chicken,
cooked in three different styles
—you take your choice. And
the rest of the dinner is as good
as the chicken—soup, vegeta
bles, salad, dessert—all care
fully prepared and daintily
In Your Favorite Style
CjJ On the other days of the
week, beef, pork or mutton—
as you please. But on Sundays
—chicken, every time. It’s the
great American tradition, and
there’s nothing that will take
its place.
Ye Campa Shoppe
Dark Evenings
Require Light
These days, *-hen dark
ness comes early and even
ings are long, make a good
light a necessity.
We can supply you with
most any kind you need.
Coleman Quicklite is a
300-eandlepower lamp.
Flashlights, complete with
battery, 65c, 75c and up.
Electric Light Globes, any
160 Ninth Ave. E.
One Happy Thing—
which we serve.
about our menu is its
variety. Whatever you
order, from our kitchen
or fountain, will be delic
iously prepared and care
fully served.