Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 18, 1923, Image 1

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    The Sunday Emerald
§b 8.%4f<r
Once a scholar met a student
Going toward the town.
“Hie you home, young man,” said he,
“And stop your gadding round.”
Once a student met a scholar
On his way to class,
He thumbed his nose at him and said,
“You are an awful ass!,”
The poor little prof has lost his specs
And doesn’t know where to find them
Let them alone and they’ll come home
Dragging his brains behind them!
No, no, Dora Lynn,
Freddie’s not in.
He is out some cash to take,
So that he can keep your date.
Helen Dampus
Walked on the campus,
In a shower of rain.
She stepped in a puddle
Up to her middle,
Which gave her a very bad pain!
LATE TO CLASS (in the Oregon Bldg.)
Tiptoe to the door
And peek in!
* * (antistrophe) * *
Open the door
And walk in.
Molly, my sister, and I fell out
And what do you think it was about?
She loved Jack and he loved me,
And that was the reason we couldn’t
Molly, my sister, and I made up
And she around the town does strut,
Now Jack loves Molly and I love me,
And that’s the reason we all can agree.
The man in the moon
Came down too soon,
And ashed the way to college;
The students laughed
And thought him daft,
Because he wanted knowledge.
“I was a goof in college, I’m goofier
now, and I’m coming back to the Uni
versity of Goofville (Oregon) for the
big rally.”
“Is the University still (was it
ever?) a land flowing with (censored)
and honeyies?”
“I suppose that one of the reasons
why the Alma Mater still lags behind
in radio magnavox improvements for
lectures is that they have Jimmy Gii-i
bert—dear ol’ Jimmy.”
“My son tells me that you no longer
hear the whispering gallery in the
library, due to the strict enforcement
of the silence rule, but that the galaxy
of stars is still there, now appealing
mutely-—Gosh, he just came home for
a six months’ vacation at the invita
tion of the Dean.”
Some of us were sitting about the
other day, smoking over a pleasant
pipe and discussing the cosmos, a
most excellent word of which we learn
ed the proper use from Doctor Rebec.
We also discussed! (per usual) cos
metics and the users thereof.
It chanced that one of the group
had lately been reading “Nicoma
chean Ethics” and fell hard for that
“old boy, Aristotle.” And he men
tioned the quotation that happiness
is not an end in itself, but that the
honorable life is happiness in itself.
So we all approved his quotation with
one accord. This is college!
And now, my serious friends, wo
found this the other day in our read
ing. While it is far from being
Mother Goose in style, yet we throw
it at the campus, that those who like
it may chew on it.
“Par does the n^n, all other men excel,
Who, from his wisdom, thinks in all
things well,
Wisely considering, of himself a friend,
All for the present best and for the
Nor is the man without his share of
Who well the dictates of the wise
But he that is not wise himself, nor can
Hearken to wisdom, is a useless man.”
—Hesiod, Op. et Di.
* * *
C. N. H.
“Doings of the Dollar,” a moving
picture depicting the work of the Y. W.
C. A. both in the United States and
foreign countries, will be shown free to
all Universitv women, Monday after
noon at 4 o’clock in Villard hall.
Every phase of the Y. W. C. A work
will be illustrated, and leaders of the
campus association urge all women to
turn out to see the picture.
A Guide On The Path
Of Journalism
By Margaret Morrison
It is an unusual day in the school of
journalism when Professor George Turn
bull does not spend the greater part of
his time in giving advice to some as
piring young cub reporter, or in helping
the more advanced members of the
staff to smooth over the rough places
in an embryo masterpiece.
“An ever present help in time of
trouble,” is putting it mildly, for,
figuratively, he has saved the life of
many a student, and helped many
another to an insight into his own abil
Small of stature, with sympathetic
blue eyes and an even temper that
never arouses itself under the most try
ing circumstances, George Turnbull
has made a host of friends not only
about the campus but in every part
of the country. Particularly in his.
own department, where the students
meet him day after day, his sympa
thetic understanding helps to tide over
many tense situations and change bit
ter discouragements into optimistic atti
tudes toward the problems that beset
the average student striving for an
He is severe in his criticisms and
generous with his praise, but happy is
the student who succeeds in winning
his praise, for it is not idly given. Only
real effort calls it forth.
Mr. Turnbull has not always been a
college professor. Many is the time
when he has gone out on a cold, dark
night in pursuit of some big “scoop”
for his paper, shivering with apprehen
sion, that some rival sheet would print
the news before he succeeded in get
ting the story in. Narrow escapes
have often been averted by his quick
intuition that a certain story would
“break” at a certain spot at a certain
time, and seldom was he wrong.
“The newspaper game” has held him
for many years and he has traveled
from coast to coast, holding positions
on most of the big papers ef the
country. But it is the consensus of
opinion, particularly around the
“shack,” that he came into his'calling
when lie decided to instruct others • in
the art of writing for the press.
Bor it couldn’t be “the shack” with
out George Turnbull around. The news
in the Emerald would be flat and insi
pid and “cutting classes” would be a
common occurrence instead of just an
occasional necessity.
Yokohama—Harbor Of Dead
A Smuggled Tale Of Horror
The harbor of the dead—Yokohama!
Bodies, blackened and burned, floated
upon the water. A foul stench mingled
with the odor of the oil that slimilv
sprawled over the harbor and sluggishly
moved with that shapeless, pulpy mass
that was onee humanity. Such was
the sight that met the on-coming re
lief stpanier, the West O’Rawa.
“We steamed by the ports demolished
by the fire and earthquake into the
water filled with the dead, with oil and
darkened with cinders. It was awful,”
said Horace Kilham, University student.
“When we went into the shallow
inner harbor, we had to drop lead.
There were no launches left in the bay,
and in onr relief work we used our own
small boat. Going toward land we
literally had to push away the bodies.
They knocked against the boat—
crowded against it.
“On our first trip we cared for the
Chinese only. They had been segre
gated in one part of town by the Japan
ese when the first efforts of relief
were begun. Starved wretches! They
tore at the cans of milk and meat we
handed out. They had crawled to the
water edge and were drinking ;the
stinking water. They had not had any
for days. The water supply was gone
with the earthquake.
“In that steamer, built for 48, we car
ried back to Kobe 150 Europeans, 1,236
Christians and 38 Japanese. All decent
quarters were turned over to the 30
women on board.”
After the return to Kobe, the
steamer was refitted with hospital sup
plies, food, huge rice steamers for
cooking food, and gasoline for the
American navy. Orders were received
to take care of 3,000 on the next trip.
From the notes of his diary, Kilham
told of the method of getting ashore
on the second trip to Yokohama. Tow
els were saturated with antiseptics and
used as primitive gas-masks. On shore,
the crew took pictures of the grue
gome scenes. These were later confis
cated by the Japanese government.
“Three thousand Japanese were
packed away in the ship. Then we
struck a typhoon. The wind was}
blowing 100 miles an hour. We made
no progress. The sea was running
heavy and we ran into rain squalls.
“The refugees were sea-sick. The
next day the wind was terrific. Dr.
J. Bentley Squier was splendid in his
work of treating broken heads, legs
and arms and burned backs.
“I was a sort of hospital steward.
I apportioned supplies, attended to the
disinfecting of the ship.”
The oil, he explained, at the request
of the reporter, came from huge con
crete tanks built beneath the bay. The
containers cracked during the earth
quake and the oil which was stored for
use of the Japanese oil-burners flowed
“The oil extended 12 miles out into
the sea and seemed fully six miles
Chinese rice had disturbing effects
upon the Japanese.
“Chinese rice, though you may not
know it, is different from Japanese rice.
When the Chinese rice was imported
for the refugees, they became ill on
eating it. At least that is what the
refugees declared to the interpreters.”
Kilham sailed from Portland on the
West O’Rawa as a seaman. After
making two ports in Japan, four in
China and eight in the Philippines,
the steamer returned to Kobe two days
before the fire. When word of the
destruction was received, the steamer
was taken over by the American gov
ernment and sent in as a relief ship.
It was one of the two ships to reach
Yokohama first. Kilham was compli
mented for his work by the relief com
mittee in their public reports. He is
at present enrolled in the school of
business administration.
The University’s Beginnings
* * * * * * *
Deady Hall, A Pile O’ Bricks
Down the muddy country roads to
the little town of Eugene came a man
leading a cow to be butchered. Down
another road came rumbling a load of
hay. It was on a Friday in the early
days, and the bricklayers who were
building the University of Oregon must
be paid on Saturday.
Fifty years ago, when money was
scarce and when Eugene was a town
of less than twelve hundred people/
the state of Oregon awarded the loca
tion of the state University on the
condition that a $50,000 building be
erected. The spirit of learning had
long been a part of the town’s tradi
tion, for it had always held schools
since the days of Columbia college.
Nine years after the cabin of the first
settler appeared at the base of Skin
ner’s Butte, this college was founded.
The 130 students who attended it, be
fore the exigencies of the Civil war
caused its end, became leaders in the
University movement.
A grade school with a few higher
courses was all that Eugene had when
she set out to secure the University. It
was a brave undertaking for the little
group of men who met in the district
school house by the lij*ht of a tallow
dip, but they set out determinedly to
carry it out.
The site, when selected, was a half
mile east of the town. A pioneer’s
cabin had held the space under the
oaks in the early ’50s and had been a
trading place. Thirty thousand dollars
that the county court was to have ap
propriated through taxation was not
secured and the whole burden of the
$50,000 fund fell upon the town and
The people were whole-heartedly
with the movement and every imagin
able sort of money-raising scheme was
advanced and tried. Enough was se
cured to build the brick walls and roof
before the rain set in in the fall.
Then the difficulties began in earnest.
Money was almost impossible to find
and more than once it was thought that
everything would have to be given up.
The workmen had to be paid by the
week, and when Friday came without
(Continned on page two.)
.i /"V ■
Frosh Humble
Northern Men
by 20-2 Score
Youngsters’ Line Does
Good Work in Final
Game of Season
__ i
Many Passes Tried
_ ^az ^ illiams freshman gridsters j
finished up the season yesterday after-1
noon in a sensational manner when!
they tromped on the first year men
of the University of Washington by
a score of 20 to 2. The features of
the game were the passes from .the
Harrison-Jones pass combination, the
punting duel between Harrison and De
laney, and the magnificent holding of
the Oregon line. The weakness of
the Washington offense is shown by
the fact that they made but one first
down from scrimmage and that was
on a single play, when Delaney skirted
left end for 10 yards.
Washington won the toss and elected
to kick, Harrison received the kickoff
on his 12-vard line and returned the
ball 18 yards before he was downed.
The rest of the first period saw a
punting duel between the two kickers,
with Harrison having the distinct ad
vantage. On several occasions in the
latter part of the first quarter, the
Oregon babes opened with their line
smashing offensive, but Harrison stuck
to his percentage football and punted
when things looked dangerous.
Continue to Kick
Oregon stayed with the kicking dur
ing the second period and during this
time the local frosh put the game on
ice by scoring two touchdowns. Just
before the end of the first quarter,
the Oregon forwards broke through
and blocked Delaney’s kick, which was
recovered by Brooks on Washington’s
16-yard line. At the beginning of the
second quarter, Harrison hurled a 10
yard pass to Lynn Jones, who smashed
his way across the line for a touch
down. He was tackled on the one-yard
line but his impetus carried both he
and the tackier over the goal. Harrison
converted goal.
After an exchange of punts follow
ing the kickoff, the ball was in Ore
gon’s position on her own one-yard
mark. Harrison’s attempted punt was
blocked, but he recovered the ball him
self, giving Washington a safety for
two points and her only score of the
game. After this the ball was put in
play on the 30-yard mark and from
then on Oregon’s goal was never in
danger, Harrison’s lusty boots keeping
the play in Washington territory.
Punt Crosses Goal Line
Oregon’s score came after the ex
change of punts had been in Harrison’s
favor. From his own 39-yard line, he
kicked a long, low spiral which looked
as though it would roll over the goal,
and the Washington safety decided to
allow it ot go in order that it might
be brought out to the 20-yard line. An
Oregon frosh fell on the ball on the
one-yard line and Delaney was forced
to kick from behind his goal. His* at
tempt was blocked and the ball went
straight in the air, coming down in
a mass of outstretched arms. When
Beferee Mike Moran had split thje
tangle the ball was between Kerns
and Kjelland, the two Oregon tackles.
Harrison failed to kick goal.
Washington chose to kick again and,
in returning the kickoff, Agee made one
of the most sensational runs of the
day. He took the ball on his own 18
yard line and raced 42 yards behind a
smashing interference before he was
forced out of bounds. It was at this
pojnt or me game that Harrison de
cided to open fire with the offensive
guns and a heady mixture of passes
and off-tackle smashes put the ball on
the Washington 20-yard line. Here,
however, Washington intercepted a pass
and kicked out of danger. The first
half ended with the score 13 to 2 in
Oregon’s favor.
Offensive Taken Again
During the third period, the punting
battle was waged again with most of
the play in the Washington end of
the field, but, in the final quarter,
the Oregon babes again gave an ex
hibition of their offensive power. They
started their march in midfield with
Agee and Poit smashing the tackles
for substantial gains and Jones taking
the ball when a couple of yards were
necessary for a first down. A 15-yard
pass from Harrison to Jones placed
the ball on the Washington 12-yard
line. From there, Post and Agee alter
nated and carried it to within three
yards of the northerners’ goal, and on
the fourth down, Jones plowed through
right guard for the remaining three
yards and a touchdown. Harrison con
verted goal . The score: Oregon frosh, ■
20; Washington frosh, 2.
With but a few minutes to play,
(Continued on page four.)
So Many of This and
So Many of That
By Leon K. Byrne
"Ho expressed a desire for a system
in which sutdents would not have to
take courses, but instead do a great
deal of reading, thoughtfully and
with insight.” ‘‘He,” in this case, be
ing none other than our own Dean
Colin V. and the desired system being
just the one we haven't here at Ore
Well, well, well, Dean! Congratula
tions! How long have you harbored
this notion that our educational sys
tem isn’t perfect. Personally, we
agree with Lewisohn’s characterization
of it ns “pulpy and sapless,” but—let
us see what the dean says further.
“Education cannot be measured in
terms of hours.” Truer words were
never spoken.
Our good friend, Dean Rebec, has
correctly termed the “hour system” a
barrier to the attainment of an educa
tion. But what is this “hour system”?
It is what exists, in an aggravated
form, at the University of Oregon. It
is the system which says, “In order to
graduate, a student must have 186
hours,” so many of this and so many
of that. And with what result?
The result that the cry of the multi
tude is, “But we haven’t time to go
into problems, to work them out as
they should be worked out—we have
seven lessons to prepare for tomorrow.”
And, at the end of four years, some
of us manage to amass 186 hours, a
condition bordering on mental derange
ment caused by running back and
forth, hither and yon, and—a smatter
ing of facts which we term a college
So much for the “hour system”—it
is an evil which exists in the majority
of American universities, and it is
recognized as an evil by students and
the more enlightened of the faculty.
Sometime in the future, American uni
versities, even American education, will
cease worshiping this fetish of “hours”
and, as the advanced institutions of
Europe have already done, will make
the schools a placo for the “pursuit of
knowledge,” rather than the “pursuit
of hours.”
Such an advance is inevitable; the
inadequacy of the present system to
produce thinkers proves that. Some day
the “hour system” will go by the board.
Wouldn't it “make” Oregon intellectu
ally if we were admittedly one of the
pioneers in the movement? You have
pointed the way, Mr. Dyment, now let’s
see some action.
Races Are Held
Bachelordon Takes First
in Track Event
Bachelordon stepped out ahead of
the field in yesterday’s doughnut cross
sountry meet and took first place 'with
23 points. A well-balanced team kept
the score of the winners 12 points
under total of their nearest competi
tors, Sigma Chi, who finished second
with 35. Friendly hall and the Fijis
were tied for third and were close on
the lipels of second placfc with 36
Keating t*ok first place by a good
margin and Tetz of the Kappa Delta
Phi team took second. The first eight
men who finished yesterday will meet
Wednesday afternoon, according to Bill
Hayward and have a tryout over the
long course to determine whom of that
group will represent Oregon in the Ag
gie cross-country mleet Homecoming.
Those eight men, in the order of
their finishing, are, Keating, Tetz,
Crary, Schultz, Robson, McColl, Mul
ler, McCune.
The organizations in their order of
finishing are:
Bachelordon . 23
Sigma Chi . So
Phi Gamma Delta . 36
Friendly Hall . 36
Phi Kappa Psi . 48
Sigma Pi Tau . Cl
Oregon Club . 54
Kappa Delta Phi . 67
Alpha Tau Omega . 66
Beta Theta Pi . 71
No other teams were entered.
Banks Have New
Anti N.S.F. Plan
Apropos of the difficulty which oc
curred last year, concerning students
who cashed N. S. F. checks on local
banks, a new system is suggested to
prevent the reoccurrence of this trouble
this year by a method which has recent
ly been inaugurated in the banks at
Columbia, Missouri, home of the state
university. These banks have origi
nated the plan of furnishing books of
pre-certified checks to students, free
of charge.
These checks resemble regular travel
er’s checks and enable students to
know exactly how much they have, as
they are issued in convenient denomina
tions. In this way, the difficulty which
students encounter in keeping up their
stubs is avoided and the system is evi
dently proving satisfactory from the
point of view of the banks, which are
equally protected.
As yet no report of cases of stu
dents cashing N. 8. F. checks has been
made to University officials this year.
It is hoped that last year's experience
will not be repeated and that no de
mand for discipline in this ditection
will be necessary.
There will be an important meeting
of the Oregana staff at 12:45 Monday
in the editorial room of the Journalism
building, announces the editor, Freda
Goodrich. It is very necessary that
every member of the staff appear
promptly as important announcements
are to be made.
Collection Adds
New Treasures
Mrs. Warner Donates
Chinese Antiques
A bronze memorial tablet dating
back to the third Ming emperor, a
marble statue of the God of Mercy un
earthed in a buried Chinese monastery
of 900 A. D., 19 priceless paintings and
a collection of rare Oriental bronzes,
brasses, and china—these are some of
the new gifts made to the University
of Oregon by Mrs. Murray Warner.
President P. L. Campbell made pub
lic Mrs. Warner’s latest generosity
yesterday in connection with the an
nouncement that the Murray Warner
Memorial museum, which has been
closed since early in the fall to permit
alterations and additions to the __
display rooms, would be reopened next
The reopening of the museum and the
presenting of the new gifts for public
view will be signalized by a special
assembly Friday at 11 a. m. Due to a
lack of space, the Chinese collection
alone will be exhibited.
A number of the Oriental pieces of
Mrs. Warner’s gift go to complete the
Manchu emperor and empress costumes.
A complete Ming emperor’s costume is
included among the new gifts. Mrs.
Warner’s collection of Oriental china,
brasses and bronzes, and her large
library on Oriental art, history, folk
lore and traditions, have come to the
University. One of the bronzes is 1,500
years old.
The marble statue, the God of Mercy,
worshipped by Chinese centuries ago,
will stand in the main entrance hall of
the Woman’s building. American high
way engineers discovered it while un
earthing a monastery that had been
buried in an earthquake. Mrs. Warner
purchased the antique from Gen. Nor
(Continued on page four.)
By Junior Seton
There was a big crowd there, judging
by tho peanut shells.
• * *
The carpenters on the bleachers
worked the whole time — between
A number of prominent campus hand
shakers received a little second-hand
glory by sitting on the bench with
the players. It’s too bad the bench
doesn’t face the grandstand.
Our lover men got a terrible shock
when they saw the mag n a vox ampli
fiers. They thought the faculty had
decided to illuminate the grandstand.
Doc Livingston favored us with a
selection on the clarinet. The boys from
the Bound-up City tell us Doc used to
cut a mean dash in his band uniform.
• * *
Speaking of music—out of respect to
our neighboring institution, the EL B.
U., the band rendered the old favorite,
“When the Boll Is Called Up Yonder,
We’ll be There.” Some of us will be
there, and some of us will be elsewhere.
• • •
A few of the cross-country men saw
the game—the rest of them didn’t get
back in time.