Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 09, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member of Pajlfic Intercollegiate Press Association
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued daily
except Monday, during the collage year.
. Editorial Board
Managing Editor .....—..-. Don Woodward
Associate Editor .5.. John W. Piper
Associate Managing Editor ...-.— Ted Janes
Daily News Editors
Taylor Huston Rosalia Keber
Velma Farnham Marian Lowry
Margaret Morrison Junior Seton
Sports Editor . Kenneth Cooper
Sports Writers:
Monte Byers, Bill Akers, Alfred Erickson
P. I. N. S. Editor _ Edwin Fraser
Associate ..... Ben Maxwell
Night Editors
Rupert Bullivant Walter Coover
Douglas Wilson
Jack Burleson Lawrence Cook
Sunday Editor .. Clinton Howard
Sunday Assignments _ A1 Trachman
Day Editor . Leonard Lerwill
Night Editor.. George Belknap
Exchange Editor .. Pauline Bondurant
Associate ..;... Norbome Berkeley
News Staff: Geraldine Root, Margaret Skavlan, Norma Wilson, Henrietta Lawrence,
Helen Reynolds, Catherine Spall, Lester Turnbautfh, Georgians Gerlinger, Webster Jonaa, :
Margaret Vincent, Phyllis Coplan, Kathrine Krcsamann, Frances Sanford, Eugenia Stnck- ,
land, Frances Simpson, Katherine Watson, Velma Meredith. Mary West, Emily Houston, ;
Beth Farlss, Marlon Playter, Lyle Jans._
Advertising Managers..
Circulation Manager --
Assistant Circulation Manager.
Advertising Assistants
Business Staff
.James Leake Maurice Warnock
...Kenneth Stephenson
______Alan Woolley
■Herman Blaealng, Frank Loggan
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates,
92.2t per year. By term. 76c. Advertising rates upon application._
655 | Manager
Dally News Editor This Issue
Marian Lowry
Night Editor This Issue
Jack Burleson
Victory or Not Victory
Crimson is the horizon. Rumbling in the distance are the drums
of battle. The phalanxes are gathering to quell the onrushing host.
Into the valley of doubt marches the “Thundering Thousand.” As
the clarion call rings through the ether, the heart of each one of us
beats more rapidly.
In Portland lurks the foe. When the classrooms pour forth their
volunteers, then will Majordomo Myers marshal his forces, assemble
them in array for combat, and entrain for Multnomah field and the
conflict of the ages. There, away in the distance farther than the eye
can see, the silent sentinels of the Great Stanford wait. Patiently
and wonderingly they watch, mindful of the morrow’s impending
There on foreign sawdust the Cardinal will meet the Lemon-Yel
low. In Portland the alumni have already stirred up feeling and
spirit. Graduates of both institutions have prepared a mighty recep
tion for the teams of both colleges. There will be competition to see
who can effect the largest demonstration. Oregon in this respect
should have the advantage since students by the hundreds are going
to make the trip.
They say there is a jinx to be broken. Oregon has been known
to hold jinxes over other teams, but she knows that no foibles are to
prevent her emerging victorious from a game. Perhaps the team is
weakened. But in any event, week or strong, she will display her
old-time unrivalled fight.
The team as it stands is not overconfident. In fact, if there is
any confidence, it may be called underconfidence. The outcome now
is not to be predicted. The team will scrap and the rooters will yell.
The students and the alumni will boost, and it is up to the great Un
known to do the rest.
The Hello Is Contagious
From its one outstanding tradition, the University of Oregon
is commencing to gain notoriety in the collegiate world. The Daily
Northwestern of Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, con
tains editorial comment on the attempt at a hello week on the North
western campus. The men are not consulted or included in the move
ment as yet, but are expected to join later. The editorial of the North
western is:
“ ‘Hello, hello, hello,’ is the password for all girls on the campus
this week. Speaking to the people who go to school with you is a
small courtesy which should not be too much bother. If this week is
a success it will completely answer the criticisms of snobbishness at
Northwestern. '
“ ‘Hello’ walks are popular features at the Universities of Ore
gon and Maine. Let us go them one better and make this a ‘hello’
campus. ‘
“Three women’s organizations, the Big Sisters, Y. W. C. A., and
Frosh Commission are trying to start ‘hello’ week as a tradition at
Northwestern. The men are not included at present, but many of
them have expressed an opinion that they would like to join the
movement. '
“Whether this week will be a failure or a success is up to you.
The Northwestern errs in designating ours as hello walks. We
have no hello walks or lanes, nor do we have a hello campus. We
have a hello University and hello student body which says “Hello.’’
Northwestern, your plan will succeed only when everybody speaks
not the men or women alone. And each student must Say Hello
Susan Campbell Downed by 24-8 Score;
Alpha Delta Pi Wins Also
The basketball game played last
night between Hendricks hall, team 1,
ami Susan Campbell, team 2, was not ,
us exciting as had been expected,
neither team playing up to its usual
form. The scare was 24 to 8 in favor
of Hendricks. It was a fairly fast
game, with a great ileal of fouling.
Grace Sullivan, forward, anil Alda
Knips, guard, starred for the Hendricks
team. Susan Campbell stars were Mar
jorie Hondo, center, and Chris Heck
man. forward. Emma Waterman refer
Alpha Delta l’i defeated Alpha Mi
Delta, in a game played last night,'
with a score of 24 to 7. Both sides
played a fair, consistent game, Dora
Hyrup starring for the winners and
Edna Largcnt for the losers. Mildred
Le Compte was referee.
Notices will be printed in this column
for two issues only. Copy must be in this
office by 6:30 on the day before it is to
be published, and must be limited to 20
words. .
Tennis Men—Matches must be run
off by Friday.
Girls* Oregon Club—No meeting Mon
day, November 12.
One Year Ago Today
Material gathered by the frosh for
the homecoming bonfire was ignited
early this morning. Speedy action on
the part of frosh living in nearby houses
saved the pile from being prematurely
• • •
The campus luncheon, homecoming
event, will be served in the men’s gym
nasium Saturday morning at 11:30.
Dr. C. A. Gregory’s new book,
“Fundamentals of Educational Measure
ments With the Elements of Statistical
Methods,” has appeared in New York.
* • .
The varsity is ready to battle the
Cougars this Saturday.
A South Sea island setting has been
chosen for the homecoming dance.
An early overthrow of the Fascist!
regime in Italy is predicted by Profes
sor F. S. Dunn.
meanor to have any firearms 'in one’s ,
possession on the university grounds.
Charles Stillman, ’82, of New York
City, has established the James Bay-,
mond Goodrich Memorial Scholarship
fund,at Yale by a gift of $100,000. This
gift provides for 10 scholarships of
$500 each and will be awarded annuallv.
# * *
The tones of “Old Main” bell of
Colorado university were transmitted
from the university wireless broadcast
ing station after one of their football j
victories recently, to be picked up by
Colorado alumni in all parts of the
The winner of the Stanford-Califor
nia game will represent the West
against Notre Dame, according to the
present plans of the San Francisco j
chamber of commerce. The contest will
be held on either Christmas or New
Year’s Day.
• • •
The extension division at the Uni
versity of Wisconsin has announced a
correspondence course in football for
the benefit of coaches, members of
high school teams, and others interested
in the sport.
The freshman class of Willamette
university has chosen, as its first gift
to the university, to donate a cement
walk leading to the new gymnasium.
Work has already been begun that it
may be ready for Homecoming and the
dedication of the gymnasium on No
vember 10.
* • •
Definite plans are being made to use;
a portion of the $15,000 gift made to;
Oberlin college by William A. Galpin
for the construction of a club field (
house, to be erected on the women’s;
athletic field.
The Other Campus
Broadcasting courses at Springfield
by arrangement with University exten
sion in Massachusetts, is possibly the
first step towards a radio college,
whose students will take notes in their
own homes on lectures given miles
By order of the women’s upperclass
committee, all women students at the
University of Nevada must carry
pennants to football games. Women
without pennants will not be allows'! in
the bleachers.
New blue and buff vests are being
displayed by members of the sophomore
class at O. A. C. The class of ’26 is
the first to depart from tradition in
the adoption of colors for its vests.
Assembly Bill No. 425, which passed
both houses of the legislature and
which designated Stanford university
as a game preserve, has been vetoed
by the governor. If this bill had been
passed it would have been a misde
Letters to the Emerald from students
and faculty members are welcomed, but
nust be signed and worded concisely
If it is desired, the writer's name will be
kept out of prints It must be understood
that the editor reserves the right to reject
To the Staff of the Oregon Daily
Emerald as a Personal Matter:
Yesterday we happened with enthusi
asm upon a copy of the Oregon Daily
Emerald. Being, among other things,
an Oregon enthusiast, a former stu
dent and a rather good friend of the
editor, at least in our opinion, we,
therefore dare to risk his wrath by
calling your attention to the editorial
that startled us from our complacent
In the name of a much-suffering
God, my dear staff, is it a revival of
Mid-Victorian sentimentalism or is it
humor? And by the Holy Bull, how
do you rate it?
Sincerely, but despairingly,
A. B.
To the Editor:
Owing to misinformation concerning
the text of the student council’s peti
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MMKI iB.VKWlWKi:a’S:ViWCill;1
tion to tL_ faculty relative to the
granting of a half-holiday Friday, the
petition circulated about the campus
by the ex-service men was worded in a
manner that did the student council
an injustice. The council’s petition
concerned Friday afternoon, and that
alone. No mention, expressed or im
plied, was made of Armistice day in the
petition or by any member of the stu
dent council.
However, the ex-service men who
drew and circulated the petition con
cerning Armistice day were positively
and directly informed that the student
council’s petition was represented in
the faculty discussion as a compromise
measure; Friday afternoon being
granted as a substitute for, or in place
of, the Armistice holiday on Monday.
We hope that this communication
will correct any erroneous impression
of the student council’s petition.
H. T. McCulloch,
Marian Dickey,
F. W. Linklater.
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• •
• •
Students’ Special
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