The Sunday Emerald VOLUME XXV UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1923 NUMBER 30 ROUND and BOUT “SPEAK LOW!—I PUT IN WOMEK LITTLE TRUST ’’—ORESTES L. L. J. had an argument with us the other day. We put it that way because there was no argument at all on our side. ..We simply stated our position and there was an end of it. Women were the cause of our ar gument. We speak frankly. We tried to convince L.' L. J. by word of mouth and wlifen that failed we wrote him a letter which stated our position concisely. Below we pre sent to you for your judgment both our original letter and his reply. Dear L. L. J.: We are in a free and democratic country which guarantees education for both sexes. We cannot shut the women out of this University then, hut we can herd them apart and make them run by themselves. The fact is brutally true, that as far as the intellectual life and scholastic re cord of the men is concerned, the cur rent of University life would run deep er, far deeper, if the women were not thrown in pell-mell with them. For three years I have watched these fair co-eds in classes, and in few, very few cases, were they able to answer ques tions or enter into a discussion of a general sort in little more than a high school fashion. The average man, while far from be ing perfect, at least gives a thoughtful answer worthy on some degree of a col lege man. I would not state that the mind of woman is shallow and that of man, deep, but I would say that they are of different types decidedly and there fore worthy of separate educations. Under the present regime the women are little more than the social playthings of men. Men students regard the soror ities as a sort of haven of refuge from the cares of the pursuit of ever-elusive knowledge. And they are not far from right. But these minutes grow and soon does the “social life” become the dom inant factor in any university life. If there is ever a marriage bureau situated on this campus, instead of an intellectual well-spring and seat of learning, whose fault will it be? C. N. E. A GALLANT TO THE RESCUE! Dear C. N. H.: I notice that you admit in your letter that you have been ■watching the women in classes for three years. So have the rest of us, old fellow! After three years of this you should realize that watching the women in the class room is not the most bene ficial practice. If you want dates so bad, try the telephone. Yes, we humble men are here for scholarship and education. I cannot admit, however, that you are correct in your assumption that women are responsible for our failures along this line. If a man cannot spend his time with won^an companions, he will waste it in the pool hall or squander it about the fire-place session. It isn’t the women that cause men to be incompetent—it’s man’s own in efficiency. The man that pigs when he should be pursuing philosophy, Greek and Outlines of the Ancient Whiz Bangs is so weak-willed that he would otherwise be wasting time, anyway. I am afraid, C. N. H., that you have been going to those naughty movies again. If this is a marriage bureau, as you suggest, then many of us are wasting our time here, if it is to be a “well-spring and seat of learn ing," as you desire, we will have to leave anyway; hence, C. N. H., I fear that I shall have to be depart ing pronto, and as you suggest, “Whose fault is it?” L. I*. J. * » * HERE’S A WOMAN WHO DARES TO SPEAK OUT. STRIKE ONE FOR OPPONENTS OF MY LADY NICOTINE. The daring member of the fair sex who wrote this notice and posted it on the public bulletin board has our sincere regards for her out spoken manner. THIS OFFICE IS NOT A POOL HALL! SMOKE YOUR CIGAR ETTES UNDER THE NICOTINE TREE; ASHES SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. I REFUSE TO BE incriminated. (This co-ed will probably have no more troubles with violations of the University fire ordinance.) P. S. Does she smoke? CERTAINLY He: Two-thirds of the women are certainly dumbbells. She: Two-thirds of the men are certainly ‘syncopated idiots.’ Both: Of course, we belong to the one-third over and above. O. N. H. Studying People is Fad Of Mrs. Barnes By Margaret Morrison An unusual opportunity was given the reporter yesterday in talking to Mary Watson Barnes at home, the en vironment into which she seems to fit as easily as into the classroom, where students are accustomed to seeing and talking over with her their ambitions and discouragements. A Saturday in any well-regulated household is usually a time of read justment and setting in order for the following week, and this home proved no exception to the rule. However, there was a dignified calmness about it all which is characteristic of any situation in which Mrs. Barnes has a part. She very graciously paused in her house-wifely tasks and sat down for a half hour’s chat. “What is the thing which you enjoy doing most, outside of your home and class work?” I asked. She thought a moment before she spoke. “I believe that studying peo ple gives me more pleasure than any other one thing,” she answered. “One meets so many interesting types in a position such as I hold. I think that it is the greatest pleasure in the world to give young people an understanding of literature and of all the joys it holds for them.” “Do you believe that the type of student here at Oregon is improving t from year to year in scholarship,” was the next question asked. Mrs. Barnes has practically “grown up” with the University, having graduated here in 1911 and acted in the capacity of in structor ever since except for one year spent at Columbia. “I planned to spend the present year there to complete work for my Ph. D., but matrimony has changed those plans,” she said smiling. “As for Oregon’s student body,” she continued in answer to my question, “I believe it is becoming stronger, but there is an intellectual^ docility about the student of today that is hard for me to understand. Perhaps,” she added, “we of the older generation expect too much in the way of original think ing, but still, I believe that there is more of it done at Oregon now than there was, say five years ago. At any rate, it is not a criticism which I am making, but merely an expressed hope that the future will bring forth .more of independent thought.” Proof that she is succeeding in her desire to give her students an under standing of literature is shown by the attitude with which they regard her. “She has made me see that there is something interesting in literature after all,” says one of them, “not just (Continued on page three) Football Played Long Time Ago Article in Living Age Describes Sport A game of football two hundred years ago! Most modern sporting enthusiasts probably don't think of the game as having existed so far back in the olden days. However, a description of the event two centuries past is given by I. A. Williams in the October “Living Age.” The picture was taken from a poem published in 1721. “There were six players on a side,” said Mr. Williams in the article. “One of the first incidents was the preliminary speech of a master of ceremonies, or per haps the referee who announced the prizes. “ ‘Six Holland caps, with ribbanda bound to the winner, and six pair of gloves to the losers. Besides our'squire, the conq’ours hearts to cheer, we’ll treat them with a cask of humming beer. ’ ” “Then the players came on the field. Men of one side wore blue ribbons and those of the other side, red. The play began, not by kicking off, but by the ball being thrown into the midst of the players by a master of ceremonies. The ball was made of leather stuffed with straw, which conspired at once to make it firm and light. “The object was to drive the ball through and not over the goal. The game was a handling one, but wrestling and tripping played, a greater part. At times one member of the team would en gage in single combat with one of the other side while the rest of the players stood by and watched the fray. There was some modem scrimmage in the game. “It was considered quite fair play to tackle a player who had not the ball but who was showing signs of trying to get it. After scoring the goal the sides changed ends. In the game there was seemingly only two goals scored, but in stead of the match being drawn it seemed to be a win for one side. The first half may have been regarded as a mere trial and the match always went to the side that scored the second goal. Perhaps some sporting antiquary could solve this conundrum,” says Mr. Williams in the conclusion of his article. Aggies Capture Soccer Contest The Aggie soceerites defeated the Oregon hooters yesterday in a rough contest, 4 to 1. The game was harder fought than the score indicates. Ore gon with not much time to get in first class shape gave the Corvallis kickers a fight. Oregon scored in the first two min utes of play when Richau booted one past the Aggie goal. The Orange and Black came back strong and made two points before half time and added two more in the second period. Lau and Series, on the Oregon for ward line, played a strong brand of soccer. The game was witnessed by about 500 people at the Aggie Home coming. It is likely that a return game will be played between the two institutions here daring the Home coming festivities. 0. A.C. Wishes To Keep Pact Aggie Notice Pleads for Better Feeling In order to check retaliation by the students of O. A. C. for offenses com mitted on their campus last Wednesday night of which Oregon was suspected, everything is being done by Percy Locey, president of the O. A. C. student body. The following bulletin was issued to O. A. C. students Thursday morning: Last night a number of the campus walks were painted, and green ink was spilled on the Lady of the Fountain. Rumors have it that this is the work of students from the University of Ore gon. Feeling is running high on the campus over this occurrence, and many feel that we should adopt like measures in return. However, let us consider. Communica tion was established this morning with Claude Robinson, president of the As sociated Students of the University of Oregon, and he has denied any knowledge of the affair, and has promised immed iate action on his part in apprehending the offenders, provided they are mem bers of the University student body. An agreement between the students of the University and O. A. C., -^existing since 1919, provides as follows: 1. Members of the student body of the University shall not carry away the “Iron Woman,” paint letters, numerals, or words on sidewalks and buildings, or in any way deface or mar permanent property on or about the campus of the Oregon Agricultural college. 2. Members of the student body of the Oregon Agricultural college shall not paint the cement “O,” place letters, fig ures or words on Bidewalks or buildings or in any way deface or mar permanent property on or about the campus of the University. 3. Should any of the acts herein de scribed be committed, and there is rea son to believe that students of either of the two institutions are involved, each, student body shall do its utmost to make known the offenders and punish them as prescribed. Associated Students of the University have denounced this action of last even ing and have expressed a willingness to cooperate under the terms of the agree ment. It is only good sportsmanship on the part of all loyal Beavers to up hold our part of the agreement, and help to promote a better spirit between the two institutions. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF O.A.C. OREGON KNIGHTS RESTORE PAINT TO “O” The Oregon Knights climbed Skin ner’s butte and painted the “O” in its own yellow color after the emblem had been marred with a coat of black tar earlier in the day by some pranksters. DEAN STRAUB UP AWHILE IN WHEEL CHAIR Dean Stranb sat up In a wheel chair Friday, and made a trip around the upper floor of the hospital, Mrs. P. L. Campbell, who has just returned from Portland, reports. She says: “The dean is more like himself now, jolly and full of fun, and says he Is planning on being with his be loved students Homecoming.” Class of 1893 ! Reunion Will Bring Grads Students of 30 Years Ago Will Gather at Homecoming Distance Is no Bar j By Marian Lowry , Homecoming and a class reunion are too much to miss even though it takes miles of traveling to be at both. So all the way from Indianapolis, from California and Oregon cities, mem bers of the class of *93 are making plans to come back for a first re union at Homecoming, and to chant with the old and new University, “Unite to fight for Oregon.” When they meet at their reunlo: headquarters, the home of Mrs. L H 'Johnson, permanent class secretary , Vbl.?. gam? al,d the many week-em festivities will be side-topics when i comes to talking over the days of ’9c That time was the period of Uni versity history when there extendei around the campus a high board fenc painted white. "‘Our campus some what resembled a prune orchard,” sail Mrs. Johnson, “as the University offi cials at regular intervals planted smal evergreen trees, the most of which have since grown into the beautiful shade trees now on the campus. With the exception of the Condon oaks, there were no trees on the campus at that time.” Mowing tall grass was then a regular summer iob for the campus caretaker. And, if the class members wander over to Peady hall, in the northeast room on the first floor, where once was the first library at the Univer sity, the Eutaxian-Laurean societies library, they will find the physics de partment lab room. In ’93 the room was carpeted and boasted of long heavy drapes at the windows and a small wood stove as the “perfect” heating system. To some of the returning graduates of the class, there will be a few sur prises when it comes to looking over the University buildings. For in their day, Deady hall, Villard hall, Friend ly hall (then known as the men's dor mitory), and the old men’s gymnasium which was burned in the University fire in the summer of 1922, were the only buildings. “Our most treasured memories of those days are those of our associations with our faculty members,” said Mrs. Johnson. “We were all, students and faculty alike, very closely associated, and we remember as some of our best friends the early University heads who wjre President J. W. Johnson, Profes sor Thomas Condon and Professor George H. Collier. The only faculty members of that time who are now liv ing are, Professor E. J. Hawthorne, then head of the department of psy chology, and now living in Eugene, Dr. John Straub, at present dean of men, and Dr. Luelle Clay Carson, then dean of women, who now resides in Los Angeles.” Twelve members of this class gradu ated. Of this number, 11 are living, six of whom have given definite word that they would be on hand at Home coming. There were 10 men and two women in the class. The two women, who will attend the reunion, Mrs. Mae (Continued on page three) Cougars Capture Game; Score 13-7 Frosh Win By Score of 46-0 Straight Line Punches Tactics Employed Bill Reinhart’s freshmen fo.und the going easy with Linfield college yesterday afternoon and plowed through the Baptist eleven for seven touchdowns and a 46 to 0 victory. The yearlings were in possession of the ball three-fourths of the time, despite the fact that almost the entire squad was used in the fracas. Using nothing but straight line bucks with an occasional end run and few forwa^l passes, the frosh gridders con tinually bowled over the lighter colle gians. Not once did they have to re sort to a punt. Sixteen first downs to two for the McMinnville team is an attest of the kind of showing the first year men put up. The freshmen kicked off at the start. Linfield showed evidence of having a tough team by making first down right off the reel but on their second at tempt they were forced to punt. The babes received the ball on their 30-yard line and here began their pile-driver tactics. Jones, Socolofsky and Agee each hit the opposition for long gains. Four first downs in a row and Agee went over for the first touchdown. From then on it was a repetition of Sherman’s famous march through Georgia with the Linfield lads repre senting Georgia and the yearlings play ing Sherman's role. The visitors seemed unqble to withstand the plunging of the frosh backs and three more touch downs followed in the second quar ter. Mimnaugli barked the signals un til the middle of this quarter, when Harrison was substituted. Before the ?nd of the half an entirely new back field and a practically new line went n for the frosh. The half ended 26 to 0. The second half opened In the same manner as the preceding canto. After the Baptists tried ineffectively to ad vance, the freshmen took the ball in midfield and scored a touchdown in six plays by the line-plunging route. Soon afterward Brooks caught a nifty pass from Harrison and ran 20 yards for a touchdown. At this juncture Coach Reinhart began sending in numerous reserves with the result that a goodly portion of the yearling squad received their baptism of fire. Some thrill was furnished in this quarter by Kratt of Linfield intercepting a pass and going 15 yards before he was downed; but the rally was short lived. Only in the fourth quarter when most of the second string were in the frosh lineup did, the visitors show any re sistance. The Baptists fought stub bornly in this frame and it was not un til the final few minutes that the babes were able to score. For the first yeai eleven; Harrison and Mimnaugh both showed up well is the quarterback position, the former featuring with a 50-yard run after catching a punt. Jones, Agee, Socolof sky and Post came through with good gains when needed. The line men re peated their excellent performance at the Columbia game, proving almost in vincible. For Linfield, Kratt showed (Continued on page three) Male Scores Feminine Folly ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Cleopatra’s Adventure Fatal By A Mere Man The women have been thinking about the men again, according to one of our feminine contempiraries in the Sunday Emerald last week. Well, the question is, do the women do very much resides think about the men? It is really unfortunate in this day of sh.ngled locks, modern ideals of self expression and masculine character istics that the supposed more at tractive sex should have to even trouble their busy little bobbed heads about tnese “syncopated idiots” that they attempt to hold in. such low es teem. This is an old, old controversy around here. Ii seems that every year the women burst forth with miscellaneous arguments on just what they want to tell the public they think about the males. We’d like to see the diaries of some of these women and find out what they really confide to themselves about members of the masculne gender after they have been out on a date. It is interesting to note that a few of the co-eds have been origioal enough to experiment with men; they have been using them for a laboratory, a testing station and a plaything. Cleopatra, several years ago, did the same thing, but as we recall our his tory, it seems that she finished by get ting too familiar with a snake. Be awfully careful of the snakes in the grass, girls. Just what is the type of literature that is causing the much heralded “twentieth century” woman to become so beastly independent 1 Surely all of this is not due to the movies, or Cap tain Billy’s well-known best seller. The queer thing about it is that our own very brilliant and self-protecting coeds arc still feminine enough to utter really ladylike and genuine screams when they see mice; they are still very desirous of being one of those seated in the street car; they are perfectly willing for men to‘pay the bills and we will even take the liberty to guess that the larger portion of them expect to get married, and, further than this, that they will be considerably “put out” if the man that they have half (Oe a tinned ea page four.) Varsity’s Chances For First Place Appear Minute California and U. of W. Only Teams Keeping Clean Slate BY H. B. GBEEB Sports Writer on W. S. C. Evergreen STATE COLLEGE OF WASHING TON, Pullman, Wash., Nov. 3.—(Spe cial.)—Failing to withstand the terri fic driving power of the W. 8. C. eleven, the University of Oregon team was defeated by a score of 13-7 this afternoon. Oregon was on the defen sive nearly all of the first half, but made good yardage near the end of the third quarter and again in the lat ter part of the fourth. Chapman and Sax were the outstand ing stars of the Oregon team with Latham showing great form in punting. Hales ploughed through the U. of O. line for consistent gains with both Hickey and Kramer of W. S. C. carry ing the ball for long yardages. Pass Intercepted In the third quarter, with the ball on W. S. C. two-yard line, Oregon at tempted a pass over the goal line, but it was intercepted by Bray of Wash ington, who raced 45 yards before being forced out of bounds. In the last of the fourth period, Chapman returned a punt to W. S. C. 14-yard line. After several plays Chapman carried the ball over for Oregon’s touchdown. Chap man converted the tty for point. Wash ington’s first touchdown came in the first quarter, when Washington blocked a punt and Kramer carried the ball over. uregon rumbles Ball The second., touchdown came in the third, when Oregon fumbled on her own 17-yard line, and, after a series of smashes, Glann carried the ball over. Tho lineup— W. S. C. U. of O. Slater .'..F. Latham W. Kramer.LHR. Sax Hales .RHL. French Zaepfel .Q. Chapman Hickey .LER. Mautz Shannon .LTR. Yonder Ahe Brown .LGR. Bailey Burks .C. Sinclair Wetzel .RGL. Shields Ifjertoos .RTL. Reed P. Kramer .REL. Williamson Substitutes—U. of O., Terjesen for French, Reed for Williamson, Campbell for Reed. W. S. C. made 13 substi tutions. Officials—Sam Dolan, referee; Bill Mulligan, umpire; Dorman, head linesman. Football Dope Upset by W. S. C. Struggle By Monte Byers The dope bucket was tilted yester day and Oregon received her first set back of the conference season at the hands of the fast climbing Washing ton State Cougars. It looks as if this 13-7 beating practically eliminates the varsity from the race for first plsce honors. California and University of Wash ington are the two teams in the Coast conference now with an absolutely clean slate. Idaho stacks rather for-* midable yet, but the tie with the Web foot squad shoves the Qem Staters out of the same category with the other two. Stanford took the count from the U. S. C. Trojans and is out of the running for the time being. Upset Held Possible As it stands now, California and Washington loom to battle for the championship, unless there is a de cided upset to the dope. This is a bad year for the critics and anything may happen, so there is a chance for Oregon yet. Not offering any alibis for the de feat, we might say that Oregon was caught at a time when a certain amount of injuries puts the team off color. That Oregon played a gritty game, we all know, but they ran up against a Tartar in the Pullman team, a team that is up and coming after a early season slump. In Exendine, Washing ton State has a coach of the first mag nitude and one who will be watched with interest from now on. The Cou gars have hit their stride and may play havoc with the conference stand ings before the curtain is rung down. Terjesen’s Work Needed Terjesen’s absence necessitated the substitution of a weaker back and this threw the fast going Wcbfoot back field combination off. Several of the (Ooatined ea page )