Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 02, 1923, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Suspicion Directed at Oregon;
Robinson Makes Disavowal
in Message to Barometer
Aggie Student Head States He
Will Try to Prevent Like
Act on University Grounds
“Keep your cows in your own barn
yard,” “Moo, Moo for O. A. C.,” and
similar signs appeared in and around
the O. A. C. campus yesterday morning
as the result of the work of Hallowe’en
pranksters, according to word received
from Percy Locey, president of the
Oregon Agricultural college student
body, yesterday.
Locey Talks to Bobinson
In a telephone conversation with
Claude Bobinson, president of the A.
S. U. O., Locey said that suspicion had
naturally fallen upon Oregon, and he
asked if Bobinson was sure that Oregon
was keeping its agreement of a few
years ago to respect the property of
its sister institution. Bobinson as
sured him that the act was absolutely
unofficial and unheard of here. Later
in the day he telephoned the following
statement to the O. A. C. Barometer:
The Associated Student of the
University of Oregon absolutely
dls-avow the depredations com
mitted on the O. A. C. campus
Wednesday evening. We consider
such acts as cheap and /of the
"small town” variety, and wnoiiy
destructive of the true sportsman
ship and clean rivalry that should
exist between the sister institu
tions of Oregon.
We do not believe that the of
fenders are students of this Uni
versity, nevertheless we wish to
lend all possible assistance in run
ning down the offenders; and if
they are apprehended we will
prosecute them with all the vigor
at our command.
wi earnestly desire to promote
clean and sportsmanlike relations
between the two institutions and
mutual respect for the campus of
each; and we stand ready to co
operate to the fullest extent with
the O. A. C. student body in Hunt
ing down the trouble makers who
seek to destroy the mutual good
wUl that has been built up during
the past few years.
Several upperclassmen spent most of
yesterday investigating on the Oregon
campus to see if anyone knew of the
depredation, and in no case did they
find any reason to believe that the
action was taken by Oregon students.
Students had not even heard that the
painting had been done.
Locey assured Robinson that he
would do all in his power to prevent
a similar oecureince on the Oregon
Regrets are Expressed
In view of the regrets that have
been expressed and the lack of evidence
that the vandalism was the work of
University students, it is thought that
no trouble will arise between the two
In 1917 a pact was made between
the two institutions in regard to de
predations and retaliations. In 1919,
rather as a coincidence, on No
vember 1, trouble arose over the steal
ing of the O. A. C. “Iron Woman,”
by some Washington students. In the
Emerald of November 1 statements
from both student bodies were printed
supporting the previous pact and
agreeing that the peace should con
tinue. At that time meetings of cam
pus organizations on both campuses
had sentiment at fever heart, and a
bad break was narrowly averted by
sane action on the part of both sets
of student officials.
Annual Event for Freshmen Women
Will Be In Woman’s Building
The annual Kwama tea, to which all
freshman girls are invited, will be an
event of Saturday afternoon, from 2 to
6, in Alumni hall.
Kwamas who are juniors and seniors
will serve, and the sophomores, the ac
tive members, will meet and entertain
the freshmen. This affair, for which a
musical program has been arranged,
affords an oportunity for the new girls
to become acquainted with each other.
About 350 invitations have been issued,
says Phyllis Coplan, who is in charge of
the tea.
Assisting Mise Coplan with arrange
ments are Virginia Owens, Elizabeth
Rauch, Katherine Slade, Helen Gripper,
Anna DeWitt, and Margaret Boyer.
Sleepy-Eyed Gang
Gives Oregon Team
Rousing Send-Off
Six-thirty in the morning is ear
lier than the average student
around this institution ordinarily
climbs off the excelsior mattress,
but when a football team leaves on
a seven-thirty train and a rally is
called for seven, then things are
neither ordinary nor average.
So yesterday morning the gang
collected at the library and ser
pentined to the Oregon Electric
station to give the varsity a final
send-off on its journey to Pullman.
It was an ideal morning for a
rally, the crisp air acted as a splen
did stimulus, and it was really a
wideawake crowd that furnished
the team “oskies” as the train
pulled out.
Men were there with caps pulled
tight over uncombed hair, women
had rushed to the rally without
the customary hesitation in front
of the mirror. The band played
“Oregon” in three keys. The team,
safely seated in their car, grinned
from the windows, but refused to
make speeches. And it was a
good noisy rally.
True enough, some sleep was
lost; it may be admitted that
townspeople living on Eleventh
street were disturbed, maybe some
students had to go to eight o 'clocks
without breakfast. But when that
train pulled away the team and the
coaches were wearing happy, con
tented smiles—that’s what count
Vice-President and Emerald
Heads Leave Saturday
Oregon will have three representa
tives at the Pacific Coast Intercollege
iate conference, to be held November
8, 9, and 10, on the University of
Southern California campus, Los An
eles: Art Rudd, editor of the Emer
ald; Leo Munly, Emerald manager, and
Prank Carter, vice-president; of the
student body.
Each year this conference is held and
attended by the president and vice
president of each Pacific coast student
Doay association, ana mo omwi
manager of its daily or weekly publi
cation. Owing to especially heavy du
ties, Claude Bobinson, president of the
A. 8. U. O., will be unable to attend.
Oregon’s three representatives will
leave at 5:40 a. m. Saturday, Budd to
attend the Inter-collegiate Editors’ as
sociation; Carter the Pacific Coast Stu
dent Body Officers’ conference, and
Munly, the Association of Inter-col
legiate Managers.
Art Budd has been asked by the
president of the association to speak
at the conference on “The Sunday Em
erald,” as a Sunday edition is a new
thing in campus journalism. Copies of
the Sunday Emerald will be taken for
inspection. While on the campus of
the University of Southern California,
Oregon delegates will be guests of that
student body at the annual classic foot
ball game between U. S. C. and Uni
versity of California.
The trio will spend Sunday afternoon
and Monday after their departure on
the campuses of Berkeley and Stanford,
to meet the student body officers there
and confer upon student body news
paper problems. It will be a sort of
pre-convention, before the convention
proper at Los Angeles. From Stanford
university the delegates will take the
"daylight route” along the coast, ar
riving at the conference on November
8. They will be joined at different
points by other delegates from Pacific
coast colleges.
The meeting of the association will
be devoted to the discussion of prob
lems vital to college student associa
tions, in (which all delegates will take
part. The convention will close No
vebzer 10.
Mary Lee Andrews Chosen President;
Duties of Society Outlined
The new officers to carry on the work
of Thespian were elected Wednesday at
the regular meeting. Mary Lee An
drews, was chosen president, Constance
Vance, vice-president and Marion Horse
fall, secretary-treasurer.
Before the election, Marcella Berry,
secretary of the student body, outlined
some of the duties which she depended
on the Thespians to carry out. Maurine
Buchanan, last year’s president, gave
suggestions for the coming term’s ac
The Thespians were organized to assist
the student body. A freshman from each
organization is/choeen by the retiring
sophomore member to carry on thg work
through out the year.
Athlete Must Carry 12 or More
Hours of Regular Studies
to Maintain His Eligibility
Players Barred When Failures
Have Been Given in All
Work at Other Colleges
No changes were made in the rules
of the Pacific Coast Intercollegiate
Athletic conference in the meeting held
this fall in Portland, except the rule
forbiding scouting and the inducing of
players. The rules in regard to eligi
bility of players were not changed.
Much misunderstanding has been
shown concerning the eligibility of
players. The University of Washing
ton press at Seattle ublishedi last
year a complete list of rules of which
'e half of the list was concerned
with elgibility. The main function of
the conference it appears is to determine
eligibility. The conference rules bar
from intercollegiate competition a man
who is not carrying at least 12 hours
in a regular or special course as de
fined in the curriculum of his school
or college.
aaho iicia ueeu tue DugDear oi many
an athlete because he could not go to
college and compete in athletic events
alone. Also men who have not suc
cessfuly completed 24 semester hours or
36 quarter hours of scholastic work are
barred. This clause bars freshmen
from varsity competition. In addition
a man must have five times as many
passing hours as he has failing or con
ditioned hours. In this particuliar in
completes count neither for nor against.
He must have passed two thirds of the
normal jwork of the curriculum in,
which he iB enrolled for the semester
or quarter of residence previous to his
entering any intercollegiate event.
A member of the team is scholastically
eligible for the season in question when
he is carrying saitsfactorily one week
before the first game, two thirds of
the normal hours in the curriculum in
which he is enrolled. Players are
barred when they have total failures in
their previous records in any other
institution which they attended in ex
cess of one fifth of the total number
of hours carried.
jjosos f ormer Residence
No student shall represent any in
stitution in the ^eonference in ianjy
contest until he shall have been a stu
dent of that institution for at least two
full semesters or three full quarters.
In addition a student who has estab
lished his residence in one institution
loses it upon entering another and only
regains it when he shall have passed
one season of each sport thereafter.
It was in this position in which Moe
Sax was placed when with his residence
established at Washington State col
lege, he transfered to Oregon and could
only -compete in varsity competition
when he had passed one season of each
sport here and had made his required
number of hours.
The minor rules of eligibility bar
from varsity competition men who have
participated in any one intercollegiate
sport for three seasons of that sport;
students who have received their
bachelor’s degree; any players who re
ceive any gift, remuneration or pay
for their services as manager or player
on any college team. Any person who
is employed by the university or stu
dent body in any capacity in excess of
fifty cents per hour. Students wto
have registered later than three weeks
after the first day set for registration
in the semester or quarter in which he
wishes to compete.
Penalty is Disbarment
The penalty for breaking conference
rules concerning eligibility shall be dis
barment of the student from athletics
for one year from the close of the sea
son of the sport in which he partcipated
in violation of the rule. His illegal
playing shall also count as a year
participation in that sport. In regards
to amateur standing the conference can
at any time hear appeals for the re
instatement of players who have lost
their amateur standing.
The teams in the Pacific Coast con
ference include the eight largest col
leges and universities on the coast;
University of California, University of
Washington, University of Oregon,
Oregon Agriculture College, Leland
Stanford University, Washington State
College, University of Idaho and Uni
versity of Southern California.
Each year the institutions in the
conference send two delegates to the
annual meeting where they decide on
all questions concerning intercollegiate
competition within the conference.
Oregon was representatcd by Prof. H.
C. Howe and Graduate manager Jack
Students Will be Actors in
Reform, States Governor;
Energy Necessary in Work
Discouragement Should Not
Deter Youth of Nation, Says
Chief Executive of State
“As the world has in the last 100
years improved strikingly in methods
of transportation of freight and in
telligence, so in the future will there
be a marked improvement along other
lines. I believe that the most con
spicuous of these will be a vast im
provement in social conditions,” de
clared Governor Walter M. Pierce, in
speaking before the students at the an
nual Pledge Day assembly yesterday.
The governor spoke of the strong
similarity between means of trans
porting men and messages at the battle
of Themopylae in 191 B. C., and those
used when Napoleon was defeated at]
Waterloo in 1815, pointing out that
despite the great lapse of time between
the two, the methods were essentially
alike and no increase in speed of trans
mission had been accomplished.
However, once started, improve
ments in such methods were made so
rapidly that in a little more than 100
years the whole system has been revo
lutionized and changed by the inven
tion and use of steam engines, railway i
system, paved roads, and the telegraph.
America Must be First
As old fields are conquered* the gov
ernor explained, the civilized world
turns its attention to other vital issues
at hand. The most desirable offense
at the present time is social reform.
He believes America must be first in
such a movement.
“America is a land of opportunity,”
said the Governor, “a land of oppor
tunity without class or caste. It must
ever remain so, or its institutions and
government will fail. The test of this
will come in the next few years.”
The part which present day college
students will play in social reform was
emphasized by Governor Pierce.
“You are going to be actors in it,”
he said. “It is going to be your op
portunity to assume this responsibility, I
a responsibility of seeing that the work j
of the world becomes an equitable dis
tribution of human toil. No group of j
men should have more than they need, j
at the same time shutting out the needs
of others. _ |
“Take energy in your work, and you
will be given an opportunity to ex
pend it and do good.
“What’s the use of letting discour
agement deter you? Remember that
the world belongs to the young manj
or young woman who says ‘ I will, ’ and
11 can. ’ Don’t give up. Keep coming |
back. Get up every time you’re
knocked down.
“'Don’t think there is no chance for
you; that you belong to the under class
and will have to stay there, for that
is not true. There has never been in
America caste or class.”
Oregon Pledge Given
At the conclusion of his speech, he
repeated the Oregon Pledge, and the
student body responded by singing the
“Oregon Pledge Song,” by John Stark
Judge J. W. Hamilton, president of
the board of regents, introduced the
governor; and anticipated the gover
nor ’s speech by urging members of the
student body to be tireless, patient and
loyal in working for the good of the
University and the nation.
Close Game Is Marked by Good Playing;
McMonles and Wilson Star
The first tie game of the women’s
basketball season was played last night
between Gamma Phi Beta and Delta
Delta Delta with a score of 10 to 10. It
was a close, fast game throughout, both
sides showing good teamwork. Alberta
McMonip, for the Tri-Delt, and Virginia
Wilson, for Gamma Phi, starred for
their teams with excellent guarding.
Susan Campbell, team 2, beat Thacher
cottage last night with a score of 13
to 4. The game was marked by fair
playing on both sides, Chris Heckman
standing out for her accurate basket
shooting for Susan Campbell. Both
sides put up a clean consistent game.
The girls of Susan Campbell hall en
tertained the members of the Emerald
upper staff at dinner last evening.
About 30 of the journalists were pres
ent. Following the dinner a half hoar
was spent ia dancing.
Peruvian, English
Names Listed in
Alumni Hall Book
More than 850 names have been
recorded on the guest book at the
Alumni hall in the Woman’s build
ing since August 8. These signa
tures represent only a small por
tion of the visitors to the hall,
says Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, who
is in charge of the room. Many
more persons examine the hall, but
fail to sign in the guest book.
Among the latest signatures is a
fine, exact one from Paris, Prance.
Vying for honors in distance are
signatures written in angular Brit
ish hands. From the west, New
Zeland and Australia are the most
distant countries represented. Peru
is the farthest country recorded
from the south.
The Pacific coast states predom
inate in the number of signatures
with the Rocky mountain states
second. Illinois leads among the
states of the middle west. Ohio
and Iowa are also well represented.
New York is the most, frequently
noted state on the Atlantic coast.
Every state in the union has
been registered in the guest book
since the opening of the Woman’s
, building, says Mrs. Wilson. Lavish
praise comes from all the visitors.
People from Chicago are unanimous
in admitting that the similar hall
in the University of Chicago is
larger, but that it is not so fine
and exquisitely furnished, she says.
Lavish Setting Gives Distinct
Tone to “Green Goddess”
By Nancy Wilson
The vibrant intonations of a deep- j
voiced gong as the curtain rises be- j
tween each act, the odor of incense
drifting over the room and the dis- j
play of Oriental beauty and luxury in1
the stage setting, give to “The Green;
Goddess,” being shown for the last time |
tonight in Guild hall, an atmosphere;
that is distinctly in keeping with the
play itself. The difficulty of creating
Boftinrra n a In vnrimia and n a A a.
manded by a production of this type, j
The scenes in the interior of the'
Rajah’s palace ^ are lavish in their.
beauty; tapestries ■ and panels wiih
intricate designs that give almost the
effect of embroidery, soft lighting ef-j
fects and the dominant figure of a
Rajah in impeccable evening clothes j
and a colorful turban complete the j
subtle effect of the Far East.
The suave, cynical, and withal in-,
explicable, character of the Hindu
prince is well portrayed by Darrell j
Larsen in the role of the Rajah of
Rukh. The part is one that calls for!
the finesse of an artist and Mr. Larsen 1
handles it well. The almost mealy quality
of his voice seems suited to the por
trayal of an imperturbable, , politely
insinuating Indian prince.
The blustering English major who j
dies heroically is well done by |
Virgil Mulkey, and David Swanson as
Captain Traherne is manly and hand
some and quite worthy of the heroine’s
Charlotte IB airfield's part is done
with her usual finish and interpreta
tion. Hers is the only part in the play
that borders on the melodramatic, but
she keeps it safely within bounds with
out losing any of its dramatic in
Bernard McPhillips as, Watkins, the
Rajah’s valet, is a most humorous,
though consummate, villain.
For a small part the Hindu priest,1
as played by Paul Krausse, manages
to stand out as an excellent piece of
work. The few words spoken are in
Hindu, but the gestures and attitudes
show exceptional interpretation.
Many Requests Received for University
Journalism Rules of Writing
“The Style Sheet,” a phamplet con
taining rules for punctuation, capita
lization and other requirements for
writing, recently issued by the school of
journalism, is still being requested by
schools in the state. Copies were sent
to the different high schools for use
in English classes.
Roy E. Cannon, principal of the
Union high school of Gresham, Oregon,
has sent to the University requesting
150 extra copies of the sheet in order
that each freshman and sophomore in
the school may have individual copies.
Samara announces the election of
Mrs. A. B. Sweetser to honorary mem
bership, and Mildred Brmaton and Ha
zel Hayden to active ntemberibip.
W.S.C. Team, Although Beaten
Three Times, Underrated
by Coast Conference Fans
New Coach Fails to Put Out -
Defense That Stops Pass
Attack of Other Squads
By Ken Cooper
From now till the end of the seaton
or until Oregon should get kicked out
of the pennant race by taking a wallop
ing, every game that she plays will
come under the head of a crucial game.
Oregon is still very much in the run
ning for the conference honors and
will be much more so unless “Chief”
Exendine goes on a rampage with a
lot of new stuff which is being credited
to him. The sport critics throughout
the northwest have maintained sort of
a superior silence about the Washing
ton State mentor but, at the same
time, said critics have assumed a “wait
till he gets started” attitude, lots of
followers of the sport have predicted
that the northerners will bear watching
when Exendine gets his Cougar prote
ges used to his ways.
uougars underlimited
On the face of things, the dope would
seem to point to an easy Oregon vic
tory, but there are several things that
lead us to doubt that the outcome of
the Washington State game is sure to
be good news to the Oregon rooters.
First, however, let’s look over the al
leged dope. Oregon has not lost a
game and although Idaho fought the
locals to a scoreless tie, the superiority
of Shy’s men was apparent throughout
the contost. On the other hand, the
Cougars have taken three beatings and
are eliminated from the scramble^, for
the conference laurels.
The first defeat that the Staters
took was at the hands of the fast
passing Gonzaga team and, although
that game did not affect the conference
standings, it showed an early season
weakness on the part of the Pullman
crow. The next drubbing was handed
out by the Vandals who were 14 points
ahead of the Cougars when the battle
Bmoke cleared. IThe statistics show
that the victory was not a great deal
of credit to the Gem Staters and did
not reflect much on the strength of
the Washington State. Washington
made the more yardage of the two, and
in general, outplayed their opponents but
Lady Luck had a reserved seat on the
Idaho bench.
Game Results Unusual
Next we see the Washingtonians on
the short end of a 9 to 0 score but in
this case wo must consider the fact
that the California Bear was sitting on
the heavy end. California has not been
held to such a low score more than
several times in the past few years
and this is another defeat that does
not make the Cougars look like a
bunch of second-raters. On the con
trary, it showed a vastly improved de
fense ou the part of the northerners.
There is one point that has not been
cleared up and which would seem to
indicate a superiority on the part of
the Oregonians and that is the fact
that Exendine has not yet proved to
the football world’ that he has per
fected a defense against an aerial at
tack. He’s very apt to need such a
defense against Oregon. Gonzaga
threw passes all around the W. S. C.
secondary defense and got away with
it. Idaho fared very well with her
passes but California did not resort to
and aerial bombardment of the Cougar
goal and until after the Oregon fray,
there will be no means of telling
whether or not the Washington State
mentor has devised a means of stopping
a passing team.
No Forecast Given
The worst thing about this year’s
football games is that after the
dopesters have it all figured out just
who will cop off the victory and why
they will do it, the under dog takes a
new lease on life and spanks the sox
off the favorite. The teams this year
are paying absolutely no attention to
dope or predictions so we are making
none about the outcome of the Oregon
game this week. Until Saturday night,
then, we’ll leave it up to the fireplace
circle to decide whether or not Oregon
will return, victorious.
G. and M. Society, geology organiza
tion, announces the election to full
membership of Donald Fraser, Seimoh
Muller, Wilbur Godlove, Donald John
son and Ollie Mercer. Associate mem
bers elected are Eugene Callaghan,
Donald Huntress, Walter Carrington,
Gilbert McAullffe and Balph Tuck.