Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 01, 1923, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Wade Will Manage Orchestra
Baker Girls’ Glee Club; Rudd
on Publication Committee
Income Estimated at $14,254
With Expenses $10,015;
Co-op Situations Considered
Appointments of student managers,
consideration of the 1923-24 Emerald
budget and of committee reports, dis
cussion of the basketball coaching sit
uation and of the student body’s re
lation to the Co-Operative store were
among the matters brought up at a
meeting of the Executive Council last
Snight. |
The Council decided to have a com
mittee confer with directors of the
University Co-Operative store in the
matter of closer cooperation between
the A. S. U. O. and campus mercantile
enterprise. The Co-Op board has in
vited the Council to take any action
it considered necessary and-has signi
fied its willingness to submit to any
plan or change that might be thought
advisable. The suggestion was made
that the A. S. U. O. might look to tak
ing the Co-Op over as a wholly student
enterprise sometime in future years.
The Council will await the report of
the finance committee before consider
ing any sort of plan.
Appointments Are Approved
Appointments were approved that
made Lester Wade the manager of the
University orchestra, James Baker, the
manager of the girls glee club, and
Arthur Budd, a member of the publica
tions committee of the associated stu
The Council was informed that the
athletic committee has been working
on the problem of the new basketball
coach and that definite steps are be
ing taken to secure a satisfactory ar
Hicks-Chatten Gets Contract
Hicks-Chatten Engraving company of
Portland was awarded the Oregana con
tract for this year upon the recom
medation of the publications commit
The Council was informed that lack
of interest had made it impossible to
go ahead with the football school. The
possibility that it may be taken up
again in the future was voiced.
The budget for the Oregon Daily
Emerald for the year was taken up and
passed. The prospective income was
set at $14,254 and the expenses at
$10,015 with the profit estimated at
$4,239. These figures were based on
'the best estimates obtainable.
Esther Booth and Melville Jones Marry
at Albany Parsonage
Among the unexpected events of
Wednesday was the marriage of Miss
Esther Booth, daughter of Dr. J. C.
Booth of Lebanon, to Mr. Melville
Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour
Jones of Salem. The wedding took
place in Albany, at high noon, at the
parsonage of the Albany Methodist
church. Only the immediate families
of the bride and groom were present.
Miss Booth is a member of Chi
Omega fraternity, and a senior on the
campus. Mr. Jones attended the Uni
versity law school, and is a member of
Delta Tau Delta and Phi Delta Phi.
The couple will be at home after No
vember 5j at the Osburn apartments.
Rooters Display
Lack of Spirit for
Impromptu Rally
Last night the Oregon spirit was
supposed to run wild, but the spirit
of Hallowe ’en seemed to have full
sway. Credit must be given the
loyal little band which gathered
in Yillard and listened to the
coaches and some of the team. Two
hundred—out of more than 2000.
Not so good, when a team is going
to journey several hundred miles
to battle one of the hardest foes of
the season.
True, the rally had not been
planned ahead, but it was one of
those rallies where you drop the
books, grap the coat and hat and
dash out for the serpentine up the
street, through all the houses and
gather everybody up.
What would we say if the
coaches and the team laid down
that way in the game Saturday?
We’d feel rather down on them,
wouldn’t wet Well! What do you
think they said to themselves when
they looked out over the crowd of
vacant space?
Meeting This Afternoon Open
to All Campus Women
To present the Seabeck conference in
song to the University women, is the
purpose of the Y. W. C. A. meeting
which is scheduled to be held at 5
o'clock this afternoon in the Bungalow.
The songs will be given to tell what the
Oregon delegation learned at the con*
ference of Y. W. C. A. women held at
Seabeck, Washington, last June.
One of the features of this after
noon’s meeting will bg the presentation
of the silver cup won by the University
representatives at the conference, for the
best original song sent in by the dele
gations attending the conference. This
is the second year that the Oregon wo
men have won the trophy.
Between songs there will be a nnmber
of talks given by Mary Clerin, Katherine
Watson, Helen Andrews, Mary Bartholo
mew and Florence Buck.
Seabeck conference is a meeting held
every year at Seabeck, Washington and is
under the supervision of various Y. -W.
C. A. associations of the northwest.
Last year the conference was conducted
from June 26 to July 6. Various religi
ous problems are taken up at the meet
ings as well as the problems of the stu
dent associations, and discussions are
lead by prominent local and national
leaders, in the Y. W. C. A.
Delegates at the conference from the
University of Oregon last year were,
Mary Clerin, Florence Buck, Eloise Buck,
Claudia Broders, Helen Andrews, Wini
fred Andrews, Edith Howe, Mary Bar
tholomew, Katherine Watson, Lois East
erbrooks, Marjorie Flegel, Virginia
Keeney, Deloris Pearson, Josie Milliom,
Miss Lois Gray, Mrs. W. M. Case and
Mrs. George Bohler.
Harold Michelson of ’23 Passes Away
Following Long Illness
Harold G. Michelson, Oregon alumnus
of the class of '23, died Thursday eve
ning at Lebanon, his home town, fol
lowing an illness of over a year.
Michelson was forced to withdraw from
school the latter part of the fall term
last year on account of sickness, and
during the winter underwent two op
While in the University, Michelson
majored in law and was a member of
Phi Delta Phi national honarary law
fraternity, and of Chi Psi.
“Green Goddess" First Night
Impresses Critic Favorably
By Leon Byrne
“The Green Goddess,” showing for
the first time last night opened the
Winter season of the Guild hall. Press
agents heralded the play as a stirring
melodrama, and stirring it is. In the
performance of last evening, the action,
slow at first, rose steadily in intensity
throughout the second and third acts,
reaching a climax where the Bajah an
nounces his intention of pursuing the
doctrine of an eye for an eye and de
mands the lives of the Englishmen, and
seems to lose vigor, to reach an an
teclimax in the fourth and last act.
Darrell Larsen, as the Eajah of Bukh,
dominates the play in all stages with
his interpretation of that remarkable
personage, the Eajah. He has the per
fect suavity of a cultured man of the
world and his rather unusual voice,
here softly insinuating, adds much to
his portrayal of the Hindu.
Who would deign to criticise Char
lotte Banfieldf Her work as Lucilla,
heroine of the play, is done with the
expected spirit and fine interpretation
of role. To watch a scene between
Mias Banfield and Larsen, one forgets
that he is watching an amateur uni
versity production—their work seems
Virgil Mulkey and David Swanson
are both in ^good character. Bernard
McPhillips, as Watkins, valet to the
Rajah, must also be singled out for
mention where limited space prohibits
a review of the entire cast. McPhil
lips is excellent and furnishes much
agreeable humor.
The settings and the atmosphere
(Continued on page three)
University Life, Traditions and
Spirit, Subject of Address
at Today’s Assembly Talk
Judge Hamilton of Roseburg
Will Introduce Speaker
Glee Clubs to Lead Music
“As a student of the Univer
sity which is maintained by the
people of Oregon, I heartily ac
knowledge the obligation I owe.
The opportunities open to me here
for securing training, ideals and
vision for life, I deeply appreci
ate, and regard as a sacred trust,
and do hereby pledge my honor
that it shall be my most cherished
purpose to render as bountiful a
return to the Oregon people and
their posterity, in faithful and
ardent devotion to the common
good, as will be in my power... It
shall be the aim of my life to la
bor for the highest good and glory
. of an ever greater commonwealth.”
Governor Walter M. Pierce will be the
speaker at the thirteenth annual cele
! bration of University Pledge day at as
! sembly this morning in the Woman’s
building. His address will include
some of his observations on the life,
spirit and traditions of the University
and students may doubtless expect to
hear some message from the state’s
executive concerning his attitude
towards the institution. This has al
ways been friendly from all indications
in the past and as the governor has
a daughter on the campus his interest
is doubly fortified.
Governor’s First Appearance
The program for the assembly this
morning will open with a musical se
lection by the University orchestra and
an invocation to be given by Rev.
H. W. Davis, pastor on the campus and
Y. M. C. A. secretary. Judge J. W.
Hamilton, president of the Board of
Regents of the University, will come
from his home in Roseburg especially
for the occasion and will introduce the
governor for his first appearance on
the campus this year.
At the conclusion of his address
Governpr Pierce will read the pledge
to Oregon. A change in the method of
response -will be that the student body
will be asked to sing the pledge song
instead of repeating thjp pledge as
has been the custom on former occa
sions. All singing will be lead by
♦the mens’ and girls’ glee clubs under
the direction of John Stark Evans of
the school of musis. ^
Classes Dismissed on Time
Since this is the first opportunity
that the University community has this
year to hear Governor Pierce, students
are urged to 'assemble promptly at the
Woman’s building. To make this pos
sible professors have ^been asked to
dismiss classes promptly this morning
at 10:50 and students will for once be
privileged to leave their lectures before
the last echo of overtime professorial
wisdom is ended.
Governor Pierce will arrive on the
campus this morning and will be the
, guest of the University during his
■ brief visit here today. At noon he
i will be entertained at luncheon at the
Eugene Commercial club, where he has
been asked to speak before its mem
bers. _
i Examination of Dr. Straub Indicates
Pain Caused by Nerves; Not
by Complications
Because the pain which Dr. John
Straub has suffered since his opera
tion continued beyond a period during
which it could be normally ascribed
to mere nervous condition, he was re
cently taken back to the operating
room where a thorough examination of
| the operation was made. This examin
1 ation revealed everything in good con
dition and no complication was found.
Since this is the case Dr. Straub’s phy
sicians have returned to their original
theory of accounting for his distress
on the basis of his weakened nervous
me days ai me ruruanu ourgicai
hospital pass fairly comfortably for
the University’s “grand old man” for
distraction is offered by frequent vis
itors, messages and evidences of the
widespread thought and sympathy that
are his from thousands of admirers
and friends all over the state. Al
though it will be some time before
his recovery is complete, he is re
ported resting with some degree of
improvement and is receiving every
possible attention and care.
Dope on Game Hard to Foretell
With Little Known About
Linfield Eleven’s Strength
Struggle Will Polish up Babes
For Fierce Combat Against
Aggie Rooks November 9
Coach Williams and his clan of pigskin
artists are priming for their little fiasco
with the Linfield eleven, Saturday.
Scrimmage was in order last night, with
the second stringers on the ball part
of the time. The youngster varsity
looks good, but as little is known of the
McMinnville invaders, it is difficult to
compare the two teams.
The go with Linfield will give the
coach an excellent chance to perfect the
line play and possibly get a ling on
some men, who have not had a chance
to show yet. The Columbia game was
a hard one for the opening of the sea
son, but it brought out the Oregon fight
and also some future varsity material.
Practically every man who saw service
against the Portlanders looks like varsity
timber next year.
Harrison Replaces Mlmnaugh
Harrison surprised the fans Saturday
when he replaced Mimnaugh and played
a cool, heady game, his long kicks aid
ing the yearlings several times. The
backfield as a whole worked nice and
will be a outfit to stop when they get
on the field with the visiting eleven. The
line is showing improvement every night,
and with the polish gained by the coming
struggle, will be ripe for the game of
their lives against the Aggie Books,
November 9.
In scrimmage the regulars lined up
about the same as in the mill with the
Columbia team, except that Harrison
was at quarter and Socolofsky at half.
Although no definite lineup has been is
sued by the coaches, it is probable that
the same backs will open against Lin
field. The line may be the same as that
used last Saturday. Stearns worked in
Kjelland’s tackle last night and may
start the fracas.
> Coach Has Many Reserves
The rest of the line looks intact and
any change will probably be made at
the last minute. Williams has a big
squad to pick from and if the game goes
favorable to the freshmen, he may send
in a number of his reserves and save,
the regulars for the hard go with the
Books next week.
Dean Lewis from U. of W. Will he Main
Speaker; Plana Made for Foreign
Expansion of Society
Unless there is some change in pres
ent plans, Pan Xenia, national honorary
foreign trade society, will hold a con
vention in Portland November 17 and
18. Dean of the school of business
administration at the University of
Washington will be one of the principal
The selection of Dean Lewis as
speaker is a particularly good one, ac
cording to Prof. A. L. Lomax of the
school of business administration here,
for Pan Xenia was organized at the
University of Washington.
Since 1916, the date of its organiza
tion, the society has expanded consid
erably. Last year a program of ex
pansion was instigated, with the result
that new chapters were installed in
the universities of Oregon, California,
New York, and Stanford. Foreign ex
pansion was made by the granting of
chapter in Canton Christian college,
and colleges in Shanghi and Tien-tsin.
It is probable that in the near future
chapters will also be installed in some
Japanese university and in the Philli
pines, thus making the society even more
far-reaching in its scope.
Stephenson Urges Everyone to Be Out;
Meet at Woman’s Building
Kenneth Stephenson, sophomore class
president, requests all sophomores to
assemble outside the Woman’s build
ing tomorrow immediately after as
sembly, when a group picture of the
class of ’26 for the Oregana will be
Stephenson urges that every sopho
more get in the picture and declares
that only a few moments will be con
sumed in taking the picture if all mem
bers of the class will make it their
aim to assemble, and comply with the
directions of the photographer as
quickly as possible.
Coach Who Is Sending
Team Against W. S. C.
Shy Huntington
Oriental Decorations Will be
Feature of Gay Event
Elaborate pi aba are being made for
the sophomore informal that is to be held
in the armory on Saturday, November
17. The dance is for the entire student
body and will be formal for women and
informal for men as in past years.
Decorations are to follow an oriental
plan. A feature dance to be given by
Gladys Noren and Katherine Jane Seel,
will carry out this idea.
Paul Krausse is chairman of the dec
oration committee and has as helpers
Freda Runes, George Mansfield, Charles
Norton and Bud Pearson. They promise
something original and entirely dif
ferent from anything that any other
class has given.
The refreshments are to be kept a
secret and all that can be learned about
them is that “they’re not of the usual
sort but will be satisfying nevertheless.”
Mabel Madden, Katherine Reade, Mike
Goodell and Joe Frazer have charge
of this part of the evening’s plans.
Excellent music is being arranged for
by Bob McCabe and Ben Calloway, who
have promised to have the best music
from the eampus at the Armory that
Herman Blaesing, Phyllis Coplan and
Arnold Southwell are in charge of the
The list of patrons and patronesses is
not complete but many people popular
with campus students are to be asked.
Maurine Buchanan, Dorothy Myers, Ed
na Murphy, Edith Pierce and Otto Mau
the compose this committee.
Steele Winterer is chairman of the hall
committee, and will have as assistants
Bart Kendall, Paul Ager, Ben Jordan,
Joe Saari, Tom Graham and Oscar Mc
All members or committees are urgea
to be in Dean Straub’s office at 7:00
o’clock tonight to discuss preliminary
planB for the hop.
Committees Appointed to Arrange for
Annual Portland Dance
The Christmas college ball, under the
auspices of Women’s League, will be
given at the Multnomah hotel in Port
! laud us usual during the Christmas va
J cation.
Jeanne Gay has been appointed head
I of the committee in charge and is
| working out definite plans. Georgians
| Gerlinger, in charge of publicity; Vir
ginia Pearson, of tickets; and Betty
Kerr, patroness.
Varsity Slightly Weakened by
Injuries to Players; Vio
Risley is Unable to Play
By the time- this edition of. the
Emerald is thoroughly perused the foot
ball team will be well on its way to
Pullman where the Washington State
Cougar will be baited in its lair, on1
Saturday. The California game is sure
evidence that the Webfooters are going
to have a cat-clawing time of it with
the Pullman team, which after a dis
asterous start is finding itself and
will press the varsity hard.
Every game from now on is a cru
cial game and this will be no exception
to the rule, as the Cougars with a
foxy coach in Exendine are planning
to smear the Oregon offense and crush
the defense. In the Washington State
hleven, Oregon goes up against the
famous Warner system, and followers
of football will recognize that as one
of the best in the country.
Mills Has Infected Foot
Slightly weakened by injuries, the
yarsity will give the Cougars all the
baiting they can stand. Mills, regular
guard, is not in the best of shape,
having an infected foot. It is likely
that he will see service at some stage
of the game, possibly see all of it
through. With Bailey and Mills going,
ypregon has a nice little guard com
bination, all fight and no laydown.
Bliss and Shields worked at tackle
and guard in the scrimmage last night
and are sure to get a chance. Shields
will fill Mills’ niche if the regular
does not start. Wilson and Sinclair
are making the trip to handle the
center berth. It is likely that Wilson
will draw the assignment, with Sin
clair ready to step in.
Vonder Ahe and Campbell will offici
ate at tackle. Beed, regular tackle,
played end during the first of the week
and he might be seen at a flank dur
ing the go with the Cougars. Campbell
is rounding into shape and will be a
valuable help against the heavy Pull
man squad.
Kinney Good at End
In Kinney, Huntington has a new
end, who may surprise the fans up
north, if he gets in the struggle. He
is big and somewhat faster than the
regular flankers. It is likely that
Mautz and Williamson will open on the
wings with Reed and Kinney in re
serve. Bisley did not make the trip
due to a bad skin infection. He has
■Been going good during the practice
season and would have been a great
help to the varsity Saturday.
Terjesen, Sax, Latham and Chapman
are sure to start in the backfiled with
Anderson, Poulsen, Kirtley and French
in reserve. The backs have been going
good during the nightly workouts.
Latham is getting his kicking down to
a science now and adding distance all
the time. He will have strong op
position in this department as Zaepfel,
Cougar back, has handled the kicks for
the last two years and looks as good
as Jenno. Chapman will hoof the
place kicks, if opportunity offers.
Webfooters Have Edge
Idaho best the Cougars, but the Pull
fnanitcs outplayed them and looked
like the best team at the finish. Ore
gon outplayed the Vandals, but did
not score. This gives the Webfooters
(Continued on page three)
Clever Ones Open Eyes Upon
Last Day to Pound Out Slogan
If any of you denizens of this insti-1
tution of higher learning wish to glom
them five kopecks, or scamper off
with those pasteboards for the Home
! coming game, you had better do an
! Iberian one-step on the keys of some
one-lunged typewriter and then dash
over to the little annex to the Ad
building and deposit therein a slogan,
; fitting and proper for the Homecom
ing festivities before this day fades
into the dewy and starry night.
. Three hundred or more beckons to
' the old grads are already in and more
came yesterday, but do you know
what? Some of these old grads have
decided that they might just as well
gather the sheckels unto themselves and
they have written in some few vol
j urnes of slogans.
What would we think if some old
timers would roll up to the prize win
dow, brush back his flowing beard
(the one he started when a senior in
’88) and say, “Pass over the paste
boards, sonny. I wrote that Home
coming handle.” No, we just^an’t
think of letting those sheckels sbp out
of the student body.
The judges will gather today, this
afternoon, and ‘then the slogans will
fly. Someone will have to get ener
getic, forget their classes for the day
and dash off a web or two of slogans.
Idea? Sure, we’ll give you one—
Oregon spirit, game with Aggies, bon
fire, noise, crowd, and anything else
that you want to take a chance on.
Here’s one—“Back again, Boot Again,
Fight Again, Broke Again, Gone Again,