Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1923, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Closed Organization Decided
Upon by Men at Meeting
in Y. M. C. A. Last Evening
Increase of Interest Declared
Motive Back of Change of
Policy of Campus Society
The men’s Oregon club, an organiza
tion which formerly admitted to mem
bership all men not living in any
Efraternity or hall of residence, was
made a closed group in a meeting held
at the Y. M. C. A. yesterday evening.
"While definite plans were not made as
to the membership requirements, it was
decided that all members would be
taken in by a vote of the society in
the future.
The purpose of this action as out
lined by those who were back of the
movement was not to make the club
an exclusive society but was merely an
endeavor to bring about increased in
terest in the Oregon club activities. It
was thought that members who were
elected to the society would give it
more whole-hearted support than those
who merely came in of their own free
Plan to Increase Interest
It has been found by Oregon club
officers during the past three pr four
years that men would drift in and join
the club only to attend some social
function and would then lose interest in
,the organization. It was pointed out
that the election of members would tend
to increase the interest of students in
the club and make a club membership
card a thing to be sought after rather
than a thing of no particular value,
as it was alleged to be under the old
open organization.
Constitution Considered.
At a meeting two weeks ago a com
mittee of Ernest Henrikson, Harold
Karo, Leonard Lerwill, and Hershel
Kidwell was appointee! for the purpose
of investigating a closed organization
and drawing up a constitution.
The motion for a closed organization
was put before the meeting last night
by Charles Spear and at once a dis
cussion was started. The final vote
stood 30 to 10 in favor of a closed
Speaking of the changing of the
club from an open to a closed organiza
tion, Louis Carlson, president of the
club, said, “The changing of the Ore
gon club to its new form, necessating
election to become a member, marks
a new epoch in the history of the club.
"We hope that this will not arouse any
antagonism on the campus, as the only
motive we have is to promote the ac
tivity of the ciub and make its work
on the campus more effecient. We look
forward to an unusually active year.
“The interest already taken by the
men in do-nut athletics is very grati
fying. About 30 men were out for
basketball and a large number for
track and rifle team. We also have
men out for do-nut debate.”
Success Predicted
Dean Walker, acting dean of men,
spoke at last night’s meeting regard
ing the activities of the Oregon club,
saying that the success of the organiza
tion in the past had been only moder
ate, and that he hoped to see a display
of energy on the part of the club in
the future. He stated that it was his
opinion that a closed organization
could be worked out that would in
crease its effectiveness.
The only concrete plan for the elec
tion of members as yet is that each
student outside of a campus living
organization obtain the signature of
two members of the club on an applica
tion card, which would be brought up
before the society for a vote. It was
pointed out by many at the meeting
that every effort should be made to
make those who are eligible to become
members feel free to ask for member
Final plans were made for the dance
which will be given by the men’s and
women’s Oregon clubs on November 2
at the Anchorage. All men not in a
campus living organization will be wel
come at this dance whether they are
members or hot. It is understood, how
ever, that only girls who are regular
members of the girl’s Oregon club are
expected to attend.
The Y. W. C. A. membership drive
• among the women outside the halls of
residence and living organizations, has
scarcely been started, Lois Easter
brooks, assistant secretary of the Y.
W. C. A. reports. All women who live
in town are urged to come in and sign
the cards as soon as possible. It is
hoped that the entire drive will be
ovw by the end of this week.
Seven Is the Hour
for People to Wake
Thursday Morning
All Eugene must wake up at
7:00 o’clock Thursday morning.
That is the edict of yell king,
Jack Meyers and the alarm clock
is to be The Thundering Thousand.
Seven a. m. is the hour! Thurs
day is the day! The library
steps the place! When every
man, woman and child in the Uni
versity is invited, urged and re
quested to be among those present
for a pep rally.
The rally will precede the de
parture of the team for Pullman,
Washington, where they will play
W. S. C. Saturday, November 3.
Everyone will leave the library
and serpentine down Eleventh and
Willamette streets to the Oregon
Electric depot. At 7:15 the men
will leave for Pullman to meet the
team that held California to a 9
to 0 score last Saturday.
Kenneth Cooper Takes Byers’
Place as Sports Editor
Kenneth Cooper has been appointed
to take the place of Monte Byers as
sports editor of the Emerald, according
4o Arthur Budd, editor.
Byers, who is University sports
writer for the Oregonian, was forced
to resign as he felt he did not have
time to handle both positions. He will
continue to write for the Emerald,
however, as his work will permit.
Cooper, who formerly was a sports
writer on the staff, is a senior in the
school of journalism, and has been con
nected with the staff for two years.
Lyle Janz, business manager of the
Emerald last year, has been appointed
to the news staff. Alfred Erickson
has been added to the list of sports
Jeanne Gay, who has been covering
the registrar and business office beats,
has withdrawn from the staff for the
remainder of this term as she is en
gaged in outside activity work.
Eugenia Strickland, a member of the
news staff, is leading in the number of
tips turned into the Emerald. Only
those actually used aTe counted this
year. Of these, she has 36 credited.
Ben Maxwell, University correspon
ant, is second with 32, and Georgiana
Gerlinger is third with 27.
Changes in the staff will be made
every few weeks, according to
the editor. There are several va
cancies, especially on the sports and
general reporting staffs. Those wish
ing to tryout for these or other posi
tions are requested to see Don Wood
ward, managing editor, in the Journal
ism building.
Building Committee to Take Matter
Up; Bids for Structure’s Cost
Expected This Week
The matter of installing an elevator
in the library will be put before the
building committee of the board of
regents which will meet some time next
week. A shaft has been in the building
ever since it was constructed and only
lack of finances has made it impossible
for the elevator to be installed before.
As books and stacks are now all moved
by hand from the five floors, the ele
vator would prove a time and labor
saving device. Measurements were tak
en Friday by a construction man who
is here installing an elevator in the
Hoffman hotel, and estimates of cost
will be turned in some time this week.
“An elevator should logically be in
stalled before the stacks” explains
M. H. Douglass, librarian “Then the
iron and steel for the construction
of the stacks could be taken up this
way. Otherwise it will have to be
carried up through the building.”
The elevator, if installed, will prob
ably not be for general student use,
but for stack purposes only.
The consideration of bids for instal
ling new stacks and the discussion of
means and ways for relieving the con
gested conditions at the librarjr will
also be taken up by the building com
Thirty-five new sweaters have been
ordered by the student council for this
year’s band, says Colonel W. 8. Sin
clair, under whose supervision the
band’s activities fall. It is planned to
have the new outfits within two weeks
so the band may be recognized at the
Stanford game in Portland, November
10. The band will be the official
music-maker at the Homecoming game
November 24.
Varsity Teams to Contest With
0. A. C. and Reed to be
Chosen on November Third
Conference With Pacific Coast
League to be Big Event on
Oregon’s Forensic Calendar
At a meeting of the forensic council
yesterday a partial schedule for the
year’s forensic activities was made out
which includes several important
Saturday has been selected as the
day for the tryouts to choose the var
sity teams which will represent Ore
gon at the O. A. C.-Reed-Oregon de
bate December 8. This will be the
first contest for the men debaters. The
question is “Resolved that the United
States should immediately recognize
the Soviet government of Russia.”
Twenty men have been working on
the squad from which the teams will
be selected Saturday.
One Veteran Back
But one man, Ralph Bailey, has par
ticipated on the Oregon varsity teams
before. Several others have done ora
torical work, high school debate work,
or varsity work at other universities.
Besides Bailey, the squad is composed
of Erenest Henrikson, Herschal
Brown, Marion Dickey, Joe Frazer,
Ted Larsen, Ted Baker, Walter Mal
com; Felipe Gamboa, Oscar Wilcox,
Joseph Brill, Bob Creamer, Armond „
Abramson, Martin Moore, Oscar Winn
gard, Johnny Dye, Elam Amstutz, Tom
Chatburn, Rupert Bullivant. All are
doing splendid work, said H. A. Ros
son, debate coach.
Two Triangular Meets On
The old international triangular de
bate between the University of British
Columbia, the University of Idaho and
the University of Oregon was ratified
by the council and scheduled for the
latter part of January or the first
part of February. The Stanford-Wash
ington-Oregon contest which is one of
the big forensic events of the year has
been set for the second of March.
Oratorical dates inelude the Old Line
contest in March, the peace contest in
April, while the Northwest, Oregon
Idaho-Washington triangular contest
will be held on the Oregon campus this
year some time in May. Nine state
colleges compete in the Old Line con
test, and the peace orations are held
as a state branch of the national con
test which comes some time later. The
winner of this contest represents the
state in the national contest.
« Women Debaters Out
lfte women debaters are working |
this week on the varsity squad, in
preparation for the Oregon-Willamette
O. A. C. debate to be held the latter
part of Febrauray or the first of March.
The question for this contest is “Re
solved that, the state of Oregon should
have a severance tax on timber.” This
is the first time Willamette has par
ticipated in the debate conference.
In May the women hold a triangular
debate with the University of Cali
fornia and the University of Washing
ton. This is one of the most repre
sentative contests to work on. The
question has not yet been chosen.
Conference Meet Here
November 15 to 16 are the big dates
in the Oregon forensic calendar this
year because it is then that the Pa
j cific coast forensic league meets on
the Oregon campus for the first ses
sion since its organization last spring.
The outstanding feature of this con
ference will be the extempore speaking
contest in which each of the twelve
coast institutions represented at the
conference will have a candidate.
A general subject for this contest
has been chosen, and the representa
tive from each institution will pre
pare on that subject until the time of
the final contest, November 16, at
which time he will be given some
phase of the subject one hour before
the final speeches which are to be
ten minutes long. The subjeet selected
is “the criminal syndicalism laws.”
Mrs. Virgiaia Judy Esterly, dean of
women, will be at home to all women
j Btudents as usual from four until si*
o’clock on Wednesday afternoon. That
| Mrs. Esterly’s informal teas are prov
i ing very popular with her many friendB
among the students and are a welcome
interruption to the week’s campus ac
tivity, is shown by the large number
who attend the affair each week. All
i students are cordially invited. The tea
Iwill again be held at Mrs. Esterly ’»
home at 607 East 12th avenue.
Governor of State Will be Here
Thursday For Ceremonies in
Annual Pledge Assembly
President of Board of Regents
Will Arrive From Roseburg
to Introduce the Speaker
Walter M. Pierce, governor of Ore
gon, will administer the pledge at the
Thursday morning assembly, in ac
cordance with the annual ceremony in
observance of University Pledge Day.
He will also make a short address. In
stead of repeating the pledge verbally
after the governor, as has been the
custom in former years, there will be
a change in the procedure,, the entire:
assembly singing the pledge song in
The singing of the pledge song will
be led by the men’s and women’s glee
clubs, voider the (direction of John
Stark Evans. In addition to the sing
ing there will be a selection by the
orchestra, under the leadership of Bex
B«gent to be Here
Judge James W. Hamilton of Rose
burg, president of the board of regents
of the University, who will come to
Eugene for the express purpose of tak
ing part in the ceremonies, will intro
duce Governor Pierce to the students.
The invocation will be given by Bev.
H. W. Davis, student pastor and sec
retary of the campus Y. M. C. A.
The observance of Pledge Day had
*been originally planned for Oct. 25th,
but was postponed because of the in
ability of the governor, to attend on
that date. The governor of the state
of Oregon has always been the speaker
at the Pledge Day ceremonies.
Pledge Song Given
Below are the words of the pledge
song which will be sung by the student
body following the reading of the
pledge by the governor:
Old Oregon, we pledge to thee,
Qur Honor and fidelity,
Both now and in the years to be
Our never failing loyalty.
Old Oregon, thy name shall be
Written high in liberty.
Now uncover’d stands thy ev’ry son
A pledge to Oregon.
Membership Drive to Obtain Girls
in Sympathy With Purpose,
Says Miss Magow&n
“We wish to secure as members of
the Y. W. C. A. a group of women who
understand and are in sympathy with
our purpose,” said Miss Florence Mago
wan, secretary of the association, when
discussing the membership drive of the
Y. W. which is in progress this week.
“For that reason we are trying to
get away from the idea of girls signing
because it is the thing to do,” she
This year each University woman
when she signs the membership card
will be given a certificate which is in
the nature of a guarantee stating the
purpose of the organization. No money
payment is made at the time of sign
ing the membership cards, but later
all members may pledge an amount
which they want to give, and state
the time they will pay it.
The town girls involve the greatest
difficulty in the membership drive,
Helen Andrews, vice-president of the
Y. W. C. A., said. For the membership
committee is frying to see each girl
not living in some organized group,
personally, and as there are over 300
it will take a great deal of time and
work to make the rounds. The com
mittee is attempting to do the task,
however, and urges every town girl who
can, to come into the Bungalow and
sign the cards.
Process Slowed by Conditions of Pain
Which Follow Operation
It will be some time before Dean
Straub is able to leave the Portland
Surgical hospital, according to word re
ceived from his physicians there. His
recovery, while apparently sure, is un
expectedly slow.
After his last operation he suffered
severely and the unusual pain was sup
posed to be due to his nervous condi
tion. It has continued, however, be
yond the point where it can be ac
counted for by mere nervousness. The
greatest encouragement lies in the fact
that this may cease at any time and
necovery may then be more rapid.
Bohemianism to Be
Feature of Artist’s
Hallowe’en Party
A Hallowe ’en smook party, with
real bohemian atmosphere is prom
ised by the party given in the
drawing studio by the Allied Arts
league Tuseday night. All students
of the school of architecture and
allied arts, as well as all mem
bers of the society are invited,
according to Mabel Breckon, presi
dent. By a special dispensation
of the dean of women, the hours
will be from 7:00 to 9:00. Frosh
will thus have a chance to leave
the study hall and frolic with the
Smocks will be worn, according
to Penelope Gehr, general chairman
This is to insure the informality
of the occasion, which will have
all the old sports of biting apples
on a string, and the like. A sil
houette contest will have a suit
able reward for the winner, the
silhouettes to be torn from black
paper which will be provided. For
tuno-telling booths will reveal the
future, artistic and otherwise.
Food will be furnished, only a
small fee being charged.
Use of Publicity Envelopes
Urged by Farrell
The first important Homecoming
publicity in which the students can
cooperate, is in the use of the Home
coming envelopes. These are now on
sale at the Co-op at 10 cents for a
bunch of ten. They are decorated with
the head of a football man and a print
of the Administration building.
“From now on every student is ex
pected to use these envelopes for all
letters,” says Douglas Farrell, chair
man of the publicity committee.
This committee, at its meeting yes
terday, asked that all Homecoming
chairmen hand in any material they de
sire published. All Homecoming pub
licity will be handled through the chair
man of the publicity committee.. It is
planned to send out reports of the com
mittees ’ plans to the newspapers
throughout the state. This information
should be in the hands of Douglas Far
rell by Wednesday, if possible.
Pictures of campus preparations for
Homeeoming are also to be distributed
through the state. The constructing
of the bonfire, decorating the campus,
fixing Hayward field and the grand
stand, this sort of thing is asked for
by all the state papers and it is the
plan of the committee to supply it as
soon as possible without having to
use last year’s pictures.
The posters for Homecoming will
soon be out, Farrell says. Other pub
licity plans are brewing but have not
been definitely decided upon. During
the Homecoming week-end, moving
pictures of the events will be taken.
Publicity through organizations and
individuals is urged. Houses that do
not plan on putting out a feature paper
for Homecoming are urged to do so,
by the Homecoming committee.
The publicity committee will meet on
Wednesday at 3:30 to send out in
formation concerning the plans to the
state newspapers. Haddon Rockhey,
Homecoming chairman, announced yes
terday the addition of Kathrine Kress
man, of the Emerald staff, to the
Homecoming publicity committee.
Other members of the committee are,
Douglas Farrell, chairman; Ben Max
well, Mjonte Byers, Nancy Wilson,
Catherine Spall.
Eastern Schools Challenge Oregon to
Several Matches In Year
Do-nut rifle competition has attracted
the attention of thirteen women’s org
anizations with a total of 132 women
and twelve men's organization includ
ing 106 men. Most'of those interested
have started practicing, but there are
several aspirants who have signed and
have made no arrangements with the
officials for practice hours. Any who
have not done this should see that it
is immediately attended to, for every
bit of practice will count when the
final matches start the first or second
week of December. Between now and
then practices and preliminary tryouts
will be held.
Challenges have been received from
several eastern schools for rifle matches
—two with women’s teams and four
with men’s teams. The University of
Nebraska has challenged both men’s
and women’s teams and Rhode Island
State College, Michigan Agricultural
College, and Drexel Institute, of Phila
delphia, have issued challenges to the
local men’s team. It is planned to
hold about thirty intercollegiate
matches during the year, including the
several challenges to be sent out from
Coaches Satisfied With Idaho
Contest but Prepare Men
For Hard Game With W.S.C.
Coach Exendine’s Cougars
Furnish Stiff Competition
For Golden Bear in Portland
With less than a week to practice and
a hard trip to contend with, the Oregon
football squad worked out until after
dark last night preparing for the com
ing invasion of the Cougar lair. The
coaches were more than satisfied with
the performance of the men in Sat
urday’s conflict, knowing that six
green men had their first baptisms of
coast conference fire and stood up un
der the strain like veterans.
Last week Oregon football followers
viewed the Idaho game as the hardest
of the season, and, according to the
dope sheet, it was; but the outcome
of the California, Washington State
contest Saturday put a different aspect
on the situation.
Coach Exendine of the Cougars must
have hung the Indian sign on his
proteges, for his team of hitherto sec
ond raters came from behind and held
the great Golden Bear combination to
a 9 to 0. score, and both of California’s
points were made when the breaks of
Old Lady Luck came their way. Act
ually, the Cougars advanced the ball
142 yards during the game to Cali
fornia’s 143. A fighting aggregation
of that type is what Coach Hunting
ton’s men will face next Saturday.
Team Has Fight
That “Orogon Fight” is a living
thing, was proved by the actions of
the team in Saturday’s conflict. Three
times the men had the ball within
scoring distance of Idaho’s goal line
and each time through either Idaho’s
stonewall defence or a break in the
luck they lost it without forcing
it across—but with the shadow of all
this to break their spirit, did they
quit! In fact in the fourth quarter
the game ended with a successful pass
Chapman to Latham in which the boys
were on Idaho’s 20 yard line and going
stronger than ever for another try at
the goal. It would seem that Oregon,
has a grand combination of fighting
men and with the experience gained
from another game or two will probab
ly revive memories of those flawless
machines of 1916 and 1919.
Latham and Chapman practiced punt
ing for a while last night. Latham’s
punts in last Saturday’s game came
within a yard or two of equaling the
average of the much heralded Fitzke;
and a comparison with Hale of Wash
ington State shows that Latham is
superior in that end of the game. Also
Oregon’s line has a habit of hurrying
the opposing punter which, is a de
cided asset in the winning of football
Injured Back in Game
Bill Hayward had most of his crip
ples back at the grind last night. Mill*
was out in a suit for the first time
for over a week. Dick Reed is nursing
a bad ankle; but in all probability will
be among those present when the
whistle is blown for the next scrim
mage. The rest of the men came
through the fray in excellent shape
which speaks volumes for their con
dition and their trainer’s work.
The remainder of the week will be
spent in ironing out those defects the
inexperienced men found during Sat
urday’s game; for it is only by per
fecting the smallest trifles until the
whole eleven works with the precision
of a machine that a championship
team can be developed, and Oregon's
hopes of a championship aggregation
are much higher now than they were
last fall when the coaches were strugg
ling with a little nucleus of five letter
men and a host of green material.
Successful Candidates In First Tryout
Announced by Director Walstrom
Theodore Price Walstrom, director of
the second orchestra, yesterday an
nounced the following students as suc
cessful in the orchestra tryouts which
were held the first of last week: first
violin, Edna Nelson, Margaret Imwood,
Emily Huston, Harvey Wood; second
violin, Flora Edwards, Georgia Ben
son Charles Heck, Gertrude Keber;
cello, Norm* Soule, Victor Husband;
base, Katherine Imwood; clarinet, Guy
Ferry; trombone, Bart Kimball; piano,
Myrl Allman, Myrtle Jansson, and
Margaret Jamieson.
The first regular practice will be
held today at 5:00 p. m. in Villard hall