I The Sunday Emerald VOLUME XXV UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 34, 1923 NUMBER 12 ROUND and BOUT Limericks are always enjoyable, and doubly so if we know the persons about whom they are written. As there are all kinds of people, so there are all sorts of limericks. There are two kinds of limericks, also, as to Tythm; Most of the following are out of rythm. If you don’t like what I say about you in this colyum, you can lump it, because if you come over to the “Shack” the office boy will tell j'ou I am in con ference, or Mexico, or China, or any place which is out of your reach. If you believe him you are a fool. There is a professor named Gilbert, Who’s pithy and dry as a filbert; Since lecture he must He does it with crust, This hardboiled old cynic named Gilbert. »* ** ** There is a young lady named Nancy Who’s struck a good many men’s fancy When she runs up the stairs Her feet work in pairs And she sure ain’t no shrinking young pansy. * ** •« •• There is a smart fellow named Hale Who shows how to haul in the kale By being a lawyer Instead of a sawyer ’Cause law brings it in by the bale. ** ** •• Dear rather: The people that manage the Co-op Have taken all of my dough, Fop For brazen-faced nerve Toward the students they serve You can’t beat this “student owned” Co-op: Your disillusioned son, AVERIE GREENFBOSH. 0 ** «* •• There is a young fellow named Carter Who begs where he will not barter; He shakes a keen dance Inside corduroy pants And wears a mean Boston garter. ** #* •• There is a senior B. T. P. Who sure would drown at sea He crossed the race And missed the pace ** *» ** Ho! ho! ha! ha! he! he! We all know a senior named Kosebraugh Of nobody stands he in awe; He shoves out his chest And spouts forth his best Like young cacaphonous buzzsaw. ** »* •• There is a young barber named Dyer Who’s filled with the devil’s own fire; Mustaches she cuts Off long and short mutts With results that are many and dire. ^ • » * * • »■ PUIS LA RAISON NE CONNAIT POINT! A blush rose up on the youth’s white neck As he answered the questions of Dean Rebec; His heart came up into his throat For Dean Rebec had his goat! TO F There is a young lady named Runes Who feeds upon rice and sweet prunes; She’s sweet and she’s tart She’s nice and she’s smart This remarkable young lady named Runes. • * * » • We had a great deal of trouble get ting the proper degree of rhyming sen timent into the third and fourth lines of the above poem, and we don’t like it very much yet, but we think the young lady gets our meaning. A young' lady who read our handwriting the other day told us that we had been in love since we were fourteen years old. We agreed that there had been two women. “Two - ” she looked at us in astonish ment. “You are in love with women en masse and you like to pay them each and all well-turned compliments.” Ah, well, we let her have her way. To F-, then, OUR COMPLIMENTS, and don’t take our addresses too seriously. • • • • • STUDYING FOR P(hilosophy of) H(istory) D(—ms) If you ain’t no dumb-bell you be in class If you’re downright smart and willing’ to sass I’ll talk for days on the cosmic void The infinite by the finite annoyed And woe be to you when at last I find An infinite void within your small mind. ARE B. A. AND BACHEDOfe OF ART THE SAME THING? The School of Business Ad ministration Is like a wayside filling station They shovel the students through in a mass And fill them up with business “gas” —C. N. H. MEDICAL SCHOOL SETS $200,000; GIFT OF ESTATE Late Frank Doernbecher of Portland Provides For Gift in Will NEW HOSPITAL PLANNED Need for New Library Stressed at Regent’s Meeting by President The gift of $200,000 for use by the University of Oregon school of medi cine in the construction of a general hospital for children on the campus at Portland, was announced here yester day, following a meeting of the Uni versity board of regents. The gift was made by Ada Doernbecher of Portland and Edward M. Doernbecher of Seattle, heirs of the late Frank Doernbecher, former head of the Doern becher Manufacturing Co. of Portland, a pioneer furniture manufacturing con cern. Mr. Doernbecher requested in his will that the sum of $200,000 should be given to some important institution or cause, and empowered his heirs, jyho are also the executors and trustees of his estate, to select the beneficiary. The University of Oregon school of medicine was chosen because of its record of usefulness in the state. Regents Accept Gift The board of regents, acting on the recommendation of President P. L. Campbell, accepted the gift yesterday. The sum will be used both to con struct and equip the hospital, which will be known as the Doernbecher Memorial hospital for children. The institution, which will be located on Marquam hill, where the other medical school structures stand, will provide for the most scientific and modern care of patients. In the admission of pati ents, preference will toe given to resi dents of Oregon. The new hospital will afford facili ties for the instruction of medical stu dents, and will also contribute, through research and study, to the general knowledge of the prevention and care of diseases of children. Further terms of the gift provide that children of indigent parents shall be admitted free of charge and shall pay according to the financial ability of their parents and the judgment of the hospital man agement, Expected to Aid Children It is predicted that the new hospital will encourage the various counties of Oregon to further utilize the crippled children’s law. These children will find an institution giving especial at tention to their needs. “Nothing has been more needed in the northwest than a children’s hospit al,” said Prsident P. L. Campbell in ac cepting the gift. “This splendid mem orial will not only contribute to the cure of children in its care but will provide for investigation of how to prevent their diseases and will add greatly to the clinical resources of the medical school. We all owe a great debt of gratitude to the donors for their thought of making this mem orial gift take the form of a children’s hospital.” The gift is the third large sum re ceived by the school of medicine. Two (Continued on page three) Richard’s Game Far Too Tame By X.. L. King Richard, who, with' haughty ways, ruled England in her former days, was held a sport of great renown by men from every farm and town. When “Old Dick’’ wished to have a time, he’d summon men from every clime to turn out with their steed and tent ar.d hold one grand tournament. The Knights would come from miles around and stretch each other on the ground; with spear, and sword, and ! arrow too, they’d show the best that | they could do. Till late at night they’d rip and roar while king and courtiers cplled for more until at last when the blood was spilled and half the Knights were maimed or killed; the one who fought with most renown would seek the king to bow him down and get a fig leaf on liis head— he was the guy that knocked ’em dead. I?ut Dick lived many years ago and his stunts are far too slow; if he could see the old game now he’d blink his eyes aird wonder how so much that’s rough and mean and cruel could get into one teeming gruel. When frosh met soph yesterday morn) when shins were peeled and locks were shorn; they showed the faint-heart Knights of old what it means to fight and kick and hold. The fighter who could win the fray in the contests of that early day as a token of the high esteem he got as leader of the team would sometimes get from King the leave to wear his lady’s pleated sleeve. But the frosh or soph who slays the mob gets much more for the dirty job than the noblest Knight that ever rode—on horse, or mule, or cow, or toad. In fact, if a sleeve were the only prize for broken bones and blackened eyes; in view of the modern trend of style, the effort would scarcely be worth while. But all who like the smell of blood, who chew raw meat as their daily cud; who want to see a hard hot fight with victory going to the right; they’re the ones that bravetl the jinx to see this hard fought underclass mix. PRESIDENT HAS RECEPTION Annual Affair Given by the President Held in Alumni Hall Over four hundred and fifty mem bers of the faculty and the University staff were entertained by President and Mrs. P. L. Campbell last night in the Women’s building at the annual President’s reception. In the receiving line with President and Mrs. Campbell were Mrs. Murray Warner, Dean Esterly, Mrs. G. P. Ger linger, and Miss Magowan. EXTENSfbN DIVISION HAS 1827 ENROLLED From Oct. 1, 1922 to Oct. 1, 1923, the total enrollment in the University extension division at the Portland, center without duplicates, was 1827, according to the records kept by Miss Mary Kent, secretary. The Portland center following the campus plans, has four terms during the% year. Records of the Portland class for this fall have n6t been turned in "'yet, as registration did not start until Oc tober 1. Last year the fall term reg istration showed a record of 1413 stu dents enrolled. DEAN STRAUB RESTING EASY, IT IS BELIEVED As no further information as to the oomdition of Dean Straub has been received since yesterday, it is believed that, the Dean is still resting easily and is in no serious condition. President Campbell is leaving for Portland today, and will remain there with the Dean until about Tuesday. Sophomores Annex Honors in Vicious Underclass Mix By Lyle Jam Outside of the fact tha% the president of the sophomore class was carried off of Kincaid field by a group of modest friends when he was torn asunder from many of his important garments during the flag rush yesterday, there were ■ no casualties in the “Annual Squareet Underclass Mix.” One mustache and two rather imagi nary ambitions were shaved from the lips of anxious seniors by Class Barber Wenona Dyer and her assistant, Kath erine Pinneo. These young ladies, equipped with a corn razor, a highly colored bottle of eczema lotion and a huge mug of lather, officiated in due regard to their dignified positions. Miss Dyer enacted her part splendidly. ■ She was as talkative as a real barber and ! didn 't squeal a bit when she ruthlessly removed the pride of the summer vaca tion from the suffering men. Bill Hayward, Shy Huntington and almost a hundred senior cops supervised the mix and insisted upon absolute squareness during the entire contest. There is positively no question in the minds of all of the judges, that this was the squarest mix this campus has .ever witnessed. The victory hung at a balance until the close of the last event; for with this counting 25 points and the score standing 40-20 in favor of the sophomores, it was anybody’s contest until the sound of the final gun. The crowd stood tense and eager. Co-eds forgot to powder their noses; cigarettes burned themselves out and remained forgotten in the mouths of awed juniors—five minutes of grim bat tle—the flash of a gun and the mix was over. The sophs had successfully de fended their somewhat imaginary flag from the mad onrush of what the judges estimated to be about fifty members of the class of ’27. The feature of the mi* was the push ball contest. The game is new on the Oregon campus and following the play (Continued on page two.) DEAN Allen Tells of Old World Art Geneva, of All Foreign Show-Places, Liked Best by Head of Journalism School, Who Is Touring European Countries Geneva, September 26, 1923. Dear President Campbell, Every place we go we like better than the place before and against all expectation we have found our climax in Geneva, It is a wonderful place, a sparklingly beautiful place and a very noble city. One of the finest things we have seen in Europe, we— the Bates and the Allens— wandered -into unexpectedly today on the cam pus of the university, here. It was the great Monument de la Reformation and left us with the feeling that the Twentieth Century might yet hold up its head with the other ages that have done fiae things. The great obstinate reformers—Erasmus, Mlelanc.thon and the compromisers conspicuously omitt ed—stood up in gigantic stone — not marble—against the massive city wall of the same material, and most strik ing inscriptions were there in French, German, English and Latin. And over it all in immense letters the motto of the city which through Calvin and his compeers overthrew ecclesiasticism and, through J. J. Rousseau, monarchy —“Post Tenebras Lux”— a motto lived up to and fulfilled in a way that shook the world. Along with Calvin, Beza, Knox, and Farel stood William, the Prussian Elector, who turned the scale for the early reformers, Coligny, FUTURE WAR SEEN IN EUROPE BY DEAN REBEC Clearest Manifestations of Peril Found in Italy All the elements of future wars are fatalistically active in the present Eu ropean situation, in the opinion of Dr. George Rebec, clean of the University of Oregon graduate school, who returned to the institution this fall after a year’s study and observation abroad. Wars will come, he thinks, unless European character, aided by the character of the American people, discovers how to cir cumvent them. Dean Rebec was intent while abroad upon finding the reality rather than the romance of European life. He spent five months in Great Britain, five months in France, more than a month in Italy and six or seven weeks in Czecho-Slo vakia. There, are two great dangers in Eu rope, says the University dean. The first danger is that every European chancellery is pursuing its own selfish ends, and the other is the economic sit uation. “Not only all idealistically inclined men in Europe, but the plain bulk of the population of the different countries are utterly averse to war,” he said. “They long for reconciliation, international good understanding and cooperation. Even the diplomatists and the politicians, it may be said, would like these good things if only they did not have to pay the price for them. The government of each and every country is holding what it has and is not inclined to be benevolent about world agreements. Each country is willing that the other fellow intrust his own interests to the League of Nations or High Court, but is unwilling itself to do so because of a fear of being ‘squeezed’ as the final outcome. “We Americans must not indulge our selves in the belief that we are more righteous than others. An American cannot fail to come away from Europe without a feeling that we missed an op portunity to do a constructive part such as we alone could do. Only th© United States had the prestige and financial power to work its will as an impartial arbiter. The finest moral sentiment in Europe is arrayed behind th© program of the League of Nations. The best thought in Europe earnestly supports the league. Those representing this feeling are grimly resolved to go on with out the United States, but tacitly it is genuinely felt that without us in some sort of genuinely responsible coopera tion, the situation is all but insoluble.” Europe does not know how to find the way out, Dean Rebec continued. Eu ropean powers are encumbered with a thousand years of rivalries, encroach ments and hatred, which seem fore doomed to be a source of ware to come unless some path of reconciliation and arbitration is found. The economic disquiet takes two ex (Continued on page three) William the Silent, Roger Williams, Cromwell and an Eastern IJuropean I didn’t know. And among the panels was one showing our own Pelerin Peres. Tliip interuojt.ianalisa^ of the city in times past was impressive to us Coming as we did from the sessions of the League of Nations. Every ono here, including the traveling Ameri cans, most earnestly wishes well to the League of Nations and to the fine men who are trying so hard to establish it. Dr. Nansen was the principal speaker today. We passed Mr. Asquith on the sidewalk, and we see dozens of widely known people. The city is extremely interesting, filled as it is with people of (all races and nations. The flags of 46 coun tries flutter from hotel windows where the delegates have rooms—or 47 if you count the Stars and Stripes, for some one is displaying it though the coun try has no formal part in any of the activities . French is, of course, the universal language, though speeches are repeated in English by the inter preters, who take down in shorthand the fluent French of the delegates then immediately jump to their feet and repeat it in English (or vice versa) from their shorthand notes with never a hesitation and often with consider able eloquence. I had quite a conference today with the head of the information section of the League, and was given the privileges of the press gallery. I got seats in the other balcony for Mrs. Allen and the Bates. The meetings, with their bilingual character, are a great help to improving one’s French, if the slight amelioration of a French as bad as mine can be dignified by such a term as “improvement.” I had a very interesting long inter view in Paris with M. Stephaul Lau sanne, the editor of Le Matin, and also a fine time with one of the editors (Continued on page three) journausnuIboree PROVES GALA OCCASION Costumes From All Parts of Earth Are Present The annual journalism jamboree— that refreshing evening’s entertain ment when all members of the school of journalism meet and while away the hours in ridiculous costume took placo l last night in the men’s gymnasium. They were from all nations and climates on the face of the earth. Heart break ing sheiks from the desert sands of Arabia—fierce natives from the isle of Borneo—untamed Indians from the early forests of America; all gathered and romped through an evening of un bounded glee. As for order—there never was a more orderly event on the campus. With some half dozen hard boiled westerners walking the floor armed with shooting irons which they hesitated not a min ute to use there was no chance for anyone to overstep the bounds of prop er decorum. Bandits—they were there by the dozen but according to latest reports the police have not succeeded in capturing any of them. Miniature newspapers containing the latest choke bits of scandal were de livered to the assembled throng. It was charged that the neophytes of Sigma Delta Chi were the chief in stigators of the bits of newspaper atrocity contained therein. / SEVERAL ARTICLES FOUND Cases in Vlllard and Librarg^feontaln Pen, Pencil, and Other Things The Villard hall janitor has a Water man fountain pen, two hats, and a cap which were lost by students last year and have never been called for.. A new Eversharp pencil , which was found this term is also in the “lost” collection in Villard. In the case at the entrance of the Library is a pair of shell rimmed glas ses, several umbrellas, one of which is blue silk, and some rubbers and gloves. The owner may have these articles by calling for them. PLEDGING ANNOUNCED Sigma Nu announces the pledging of Harold Harden of Lebanon, Oregon. OREGONCOPTURES FIRST HOME CAME WITH 357 SCORE Chapman, Sax, Terjesen, Star in Offensive Playing Against Badgers FIRST QUARTER THRILLING Several Veteran Players Out on Both Sides; Line Does Good Work Shy Huntington’s football machine, composed partly of veterans and part ly of untried men, thrilled the fans yesterday by turning in a 35 to 1 victory over the fighting Badgers of Pacific university. The game showed a quality of football that is rarely seen in the first game of the season on the home field. Chapman, Sa^, and Terjeson were the big guns on the Lemon-Yellow offense which has aroused the admiration of the sport critics throughout the Northwest. The speedy Forest Grove aggrega tion gave the fans a thrill in the first part of the game by taking Chapman’s kickoff on their two yard line and by a series of shift plays and end runs placing the ball on Oregon’s 38 yard line. Here the Oregon line stiffened and held the red shirts for downs. Oregon took possession of the ball and on the first play Sax ploughed through the center of the Badger line for a nine yard gain only to lose the ball on the next play via the fumble route. Jessee Plays Aerial Game Taking the ball on the Oregon 45 yard line, Jessee, the Badger signal barker, elected to play an aerial game and, 12 minutes ufter the kick off, hurled an 18 yard pass to Tucker who raced the remaining 27 yards across the Lemon-Yellow goal for the first score of the game. Jessee converted goal. The first quarter ended with the score seven to nothing but the ball was in Oregon’s possession on the Pa cific one yard line. Chappy opened the second quarter in an auspicious manner 'by plunging over the Pacific goal on the first play and a few second later evened the count by booting the pigskin between the up rights. From then on the,Oregon goal was never in any very serious danger and Shy’s men succeeded in punting two more touchdowns across. The first was made after a succession of line bucks which featured Chapman, Sax, and Terjesen, Hal finally taking it across the line and coverting goal. The third touchdown was made possible when the completion of a 12 yard pass from (llianninn to "Pniilann nn/1 n mighty 14 yard smash off left tackle by Terjesen placed the ball on the six yard mark. Poulson then carried it four yards and Terjesen pushed over on the following play. Punting Duel Held During the remainder of the quarter, Chapman and Pintella engaged in a punting duel with honors about even. When the half ended it was Oregon’s ball exactly in midfield. It was in the third quarter that the diminutive Mpe Sax smashed twisted, and tore his way into the admiration of the spectators. The first occasion which brought the stand to its feet was when “Gunny” took the kickoff on the two yard line and ripped off 28 yards before he was downed. On the socond play after that, the ex Cougar skidded off left tackle and twisted his way through a broken field for a 35 yard gain. Ball Changes Hands Then followed a period in which the ball changed hands several times. Oregon took possession of the ball on Pacific’S 28 yard line and again Sax broke into the limelight by being on the receiving end of a 17 yard pass that was hurled by Chappy. With the ball on the 11 yatd line Chapman and Terjesen alternated ' at cracking the line, Chapman taking it over for Ore gon’s fourth score. Pacific kicked off after the score 'to Oregon’s 5 yard mark and again Mr. Sax did his stuff by returning the kick to the 42 yard line for a gain of 27 yards. Sueessive plays drove the ball ten yards farther and the quarter ended. At the start of the last period, the Oregon backs started to pounding Coach Frank’s line with the force of a gang of runaway triphammers and marched straight to the Badger goal for the last score. Latham Ont of Game Both teams were forced to play with out the services of some of their vet erans. Blackman and Devlin were out of the P. U. lineup and Hunk Latham was off the Oregon list. Terjesen’S J (Continued oa page four.)