Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 13, 1923, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Officials Predict Final Figures
Will Greatly Exceed Those
of Previous Years’ Records
Class Charges Remain at One
Dollar; Non-resident Taxes
Higher for New Students
Total enrollment in the. University
for the fall term is expected to reach
2200 within a few days, according to
Carlton Spencer, registrar, who an
nounced last night that 2195 study
cards had been filed at his office by
closing time.
Yesterday was the last day allowed
for the filing of graduate cards and
undergraduates have been paying a
late filing fee since Monday, when their
cards were due.
Cards Received Daily
A comparison of last year’s regis
tration figures with those for this term
shows there are five more students reg
istered to date than were enrolled all
during the corresponding term a year
ago, and this indicates that the total
figure for the year will exceed that
of last year considerably, as cards are
being received daily at the office from
students who have arrived late on the
Fees are all payable on Monday,
and from then until October ' 22, in
clusive. Late registration fees are be
ing collected now and the amount due
for filing a card today is $4.00. Grad
uates are also requested to pay a fee
of a dollar for delay in filing and
are subject to a cumulative fee of
twenty five cents per day thereafter.
Class dues remain at a dollar. The
regular registration fee of $11.25 and
all laboratory charges and non-resident
taxes will be collected at the same
time. The non-resident tax amounts
to $50 a term for students entering
this year, and $35 a term for those
who entered last year under the old
Non-Resident Fee $50
Both the registrar and E. P. Lyon,
University cashier, expect that the
final enrollment will greatly exceed
that of any other year in the history
of the University, since additional
cards are being filed every day in spite
of the fine3 imposed.
Alpha Chi Omega Banks Second;
Returns Are Expected to be
Complete Today
Delta Omega reported 100 per cent
subscription to W. A. A. membership
at the end of the campaign last night.
So far this was the only organization
reaching 100 per cent, although all re
ports had not been turned in.
Alpha Chi Omega, with 22 subscrip
tions, came second, in proportion to
members. All other organizations are
turning out well, according to Mary
Hathaway, who is in charge of the
The first meeting of the term will
be held next Tuesday, October 16. At
this meeting nominations will be made
for the heads of swimming and canoe
ing, positions made vacant by the fail
ure of Elizabeth Garrett and Helen
Cantine to return to the University.
The heads of the various sports will
also give reports on their activities.
Today Last Chance
to Check Address
for New Directory
Today’s your last chance to make
corrections of your name, address,
or phone number for the new stu
dent directory. “Change it now
or forever hold your peace,” says
Jack Benefiel, graduate manager
who has charge of putting out
the directory. In othKr words,
don’t cry afterwards if you’re
catalogued as Mary, instead of
Mary Jane, or if they’ve got you
down as coming from Portland in
stead of Skilamook, ^our home
town. It’s your own fault this
time if errors still remain.
The new student directory will
appear about next Saturday and
all signs point to its being a good
one. It is to contain all the nec
essary information; the phone num
ber of the administration offices,
standing committees and officers
of the A. S. U. O., faculty, living
organizations, and students will
be listed, as well as each person’s
name, home and University ad
dress, phone, class, and major sub
ject. In fact, the directory will
be quite complete as to information J
about people connected with the
University, and also convenient in
form. There will be one column
to a page and the telephone num
bers may be listed first, though
this has not yet been decided.
Invitations Issued to Faculty
and Eugene People
The annual formal reception given by
President and Mrs. P. L. /Campbell to
the faculty of the University will be |
an event of this evening in the alumni
hall of the Woman’s building. The
affair will be in honor of Mrs. Murray
Warner of Eugene, Mrs. Virginia? Judy
Esterly, dean of women and Miss
Florence McGowan, Y. W. C. A.
secretary. All members of the faculty
and their wives are invited to meet
these honor guests and a number of
out of town guests are expected. About
450 invitations have been issued to
faculty members and friends of the
University throughout the state.
Mrs. F. G. Young and Mrs. W. G.
Hale will pour and Mesdames H. D. i
Sheldon, Colin Dyment, E. C. Bobbins
and J. F. Bovard will act as assistant
hstesses with Mrs. Campbell. Among
those who will be in the receiving
line in addition to the honor guests
are President and Mrs. Campbell and
Mrs. George T. Gerlinger, regent of
the University.
Mrs. Warner has recently returned
to Eugene after a summer spent in
travel during which she has collected
a number of additions for the Murray
Warner Art Museum which will be
reopened early in November.
Mrs. Eaterly comes to the University
from Berkeley, California and is al
ready a familiar figure to the student
body although many facutly members
will meet her for the first time this
evening. Miss McGowan is the new
Y. W. C. A. secretary.
The largest American literature class
that has ever been enrolled in the Uni
versity, now numbers about 200 stu
dents. The class, which is ordinarily
taught by Miss Burgess, is being given
by Miss Ruth Benson, a senior in the
English department pending Miss Bur
gess’ return from Europe. Miss Bur
gess is expected to return home ia
time to teach her class Monday.
Journalism Gang to Convene
at Grand Jamboree Tonight
Tonight the Knights and Ladies of
the right royal order Hunt and Peck
will grease their galoshes and gambol
gleefully over the maple skidway in
Hayward hall. A great gob of journal
istic talent is expected to convene
around the cider tank, and gurgle over
a few glasses and masticate a dozen
This is the night that) the news
hounds forsake their chosen profession
and indulge in enough revelry to last1
them for the entire year. Editing, law
of the press, and all the rest of the
journalistic curriculum is going to be
forgotten in the mad rush to the tune j
of the heathenish saxaphone, the vil
lainous violin, the beating tom-toms
and all the rest of the equipment used ,
in enticing dips, pivots, catchsteps and
glides out of a pair of pedals.
Theta Sigma Phi and Sigma Delta
Chi, ancient Greek orders of news
gleaners, will officiate at the ankle
ambling and the ruffians of the latter
order will receive the guests at the
door, and separate them from a thin
dime (good coin of the realm). This
monetary donation will go toward pay
ing the feed bill of the conclave.
A special feature of the type hounds’
tramping will be the edition’ground out
bv the young Greeks taken in by
Sigma Delta Chi.
The youngsters will issue bulletins
explaining all the happenings to the
mob, because the mob has left its ears
for news at h6me in anticipation of the
stepping stampede.
The clothes worn for the occasion
will depend on the temperament of
the wearer. If he be a harsh egg,
he will wear a red shirt, stagged^
trousers, and boots. If he be other
wise he may cavort in knickers and
if he be real tough he may come as
(Continued on page four.)
One Man Selected From Each
Campus Organization; Two
Picked From Friendly Hall
Freshmen Student Offenders
Punished by Organization
Thursdays on Library Steps
Oregon Knight’s chapter of Intercol
legiate Knights, yesterday elected to
membership the following: Tom Mahon
ey, Harry Hemings, „ Fred Lockwood,
Walter Brown, Sam Herrick, Alan
Woolly, Stuart Boswell, Milton Rice,
Clifford Powers, Alan Button, Peter
Ermler, Morton Coke and Bob Coffee.
The Intercollegiate Knights was ori
ginally a local organizatien, establish
ed at the University of Washington for
the purpose of handling crowds at col
lege functions and guarding campus
traditions. The idea soon spread to
other colleges and the chapter was
made the first in national organiza
tion. Oregon chapter, established as
a local in 1921, became a part of^he
national in 1922. Other colleges hav
ing a chapter are Washington State,
University of California, Idaho and
University of Iowa.
Election Rules Changed
Each year, in the past, the Oregon
chapter has selected two representa
tive men from each house on the cam
pus but this year the rules were
changed in order to make the work
depend on fewer men. One representa
tive is now chosen from each house
and two from Friendly hall. A man
who is not prominent in athletics is
usually picked in order that he may
devote most of his time to his duties
in the society. The men are selected
by the presidents of their respective
houses and by the alumni members of
the organization.
The green sweater with the lemon
yellow helmet, so prominently dis
played at campus activities, is the
chief mark of distinction of the order,
their pin being a small gold shield with
a red stripe diagonally across it, a silver
helmet in the center and the letters
I and K, meaning '“Intercolleigate
Knights” imprinted on the surface,
knights Guard Traditions
Since the Oregon Knights have been
established it has tfeen their custom
to carefully watch for any breaking
of campus traditions. These are
promptly reported to the Stunt Duke
who arranges for severe punishment,
usually meted out on the library steps
Thursday mornings before assembly.
The chief offenses are the cutting of
frosh caps, or eliminating them al
together, walking on the Oregon Seal,
failing to say “Hello, or breaking of
other campus customs.
Initiation for the new pledges will
be held sometime after Christmas.
Officers of the organization include
Ed Tapfer, Stunt Duke; Franz Drink
er, Royal Scribe and Charles Norton,
chancellor of the exchequer.
Voices Are Excellent and of Unusual
Quality, says Evans; Third
Trial Will be Oct. 16
Twenty-six women were successful in
the second try-out for the women’s glee
elub. The third and last tryput will
be on Tuseday, October 15, at 3:30 p. m.
At this time they will try-out with
the old members of the glee club for
part singing and voice blending.
John Stark Evans, of the school of
music, said yesterday, that the reason
of there being so many chosen from
the second try-out Was that the voices
were excellent and of unusual quality.
Those that were successful are: Eliza
beth Nelson, Margaret Hiatt, Fred
ricka Shilke, Neva Service, Lois Lock
hart, Olive Merry, Flavia Ritter, Edith
Driver, Gayle Roberts, Frances Burn
ett, Mildred Berkley, Helen Burfield,
Mable Madden, Alta Putman, Charlotte
Winnard, De Lores Pearson, Harriet
Ross, Wolfer, Katherine Flood, Eunice
Parker, Marion Phy, Dorothy Drake,
Claudia Broders, Mildred Dedman,
Bernice Myers, and Lola Manciet.
Dean John Straub is slightly bet
ter according to advices received
from Mrs. P. L. Campbell, who
returned from Portland last even
Mrs. Campbell accompanied Dean
and Mrs. Straub to Portland when
it was found necessary to remove
the Dean to that city.
A slight operation was perfomed
Tuesday morning as the prelimin
ary step to the major operation
which will probably take place
next week.
Sophomores and Frosh
Vie Today on Kincaid in
Annual Underclass Mix
The annual underclass mix, this year
in charge of the juniors, and, as usual
attended by the senior cops in full
regalia, will start promtly at ten
o’clock this morning on Kincaid field.
According to Jack High, general chair
man jbi events, everything is in readi
ness for the biggest and “squarest”
mix yet.
Posters appeared at an early hour
this morning to warn the frosh of the
impending fray. Programs will be dis
tributed at the mix, containing the
order of events, and guarantees of a
“square mix” by prominent campus
officials. Judges will be Bill Hayward,
“Shy” Huntington, Bart Spellman, and
Baz Williams.
As there is much good material in
both classes, competition this year will
be unusually keen, according to those
who have charge of events. The push
ball contest, a brand new feature of
the mix, promises to be the main event.
For this contest an excellent push
ball has been sent from Multnomah'
club in Portland.
Points are to be given for attendance |
in each class, and the yell contest will |
be given its usual number of points.
Jack High will bo assisted in managing,
events and listing points, by Jack Day,
Lee Hoskins, Henry Sheldon, Del Fin
negan, Doc Cook, Chuck Jost, Dick
Carruthers, Russ Burton, and Bill Peek.
Spectators aije urged to be on the
minute, for tho mix is to start promt
ly, beginning with the parade of the
senior cops, who will’keep order, and
decide punishment ,each wearing a new
star, and big sombrero. From tho
opening event, contests will follow in
rapid succession, until the flag rush
the grand finals to the morning’s pro-,
The “fracas,” as the annual under-,
class mix is termed by those in chargo, |
is promised to be tho largest and
roughest one yet. “There will be time
out between events for grave-digging
and burials”, said the chairman.
Two Campus Instructors Are
Among Those Elected
Five new members have been added
to the alumni council of the University,
Grace Edgington, alumni secretary,
announced yesterday. The new mem
bers are Kasper K. Kubli, ’93, of
Portland, James H. Gilbert, ’03, Eu
gene, Mary Elizabeth Watson-Barnes,
’09, Eugene, James S. Johns, ’12; of
Pendleton, and Nicholas Jaureguy, ’17,
The members who retain office are
Judge Ralph T. Harris, ’93, of Salem,
Dr. Fred Zeigler, ’02f Portland, Ed
Bailey, ’13, Junction City, and Jean
nette Calkins, ’08, who is now in
Paris. The council meets several
times a year, and passes on resolutions,
which are presented to the association,
which meets twice a year. The next
meeting of the association will be held
during Homecoming week-end, Novem
ber 24.
Mr. Kubli, familiarly known as
“Cap”, was born in Jacksonville, Ore
gon. He attended Harvard, after hav
ing completed his course at Oregon.
He has been a member of the legisla
ture since 1917.
James H. Gilbert, head of the Uni
versity economics department, received
a two year scholarship at Columbia
university after leaving the University
of Oregon. When the two years were
completed, Mr. Gilbert received the
Garth fellowship, which enabled him
to complete the third year. It was
at Columbia that he received his Ph.
D. in 1907. He has written many
books and articles along the line of
banking, economics, taxation and simi
lar topics.
Mjary Elizabeth Watson-Barnes has
been a member of the University fac»
ulty since 1911. She graduated with
honors, and received honorable men
tion for her Master’s thesis. She is a
member of Phi Beta Kappa.
James S. Johns, is connected
with the Hartman Abstract company
of Pendleton. While in the University,
Mr. Johns was a member of Beta Theta
Pi, Order of the O, and Friars, fie was
accepted for the officer’s training camp
during the war but the Armistice was
signed before he was called into actual
The last of the appointees is Ni
cholas Jaureguy, whose law office can
be found on the 13th floor of the
Northwestern bank building, in Port
land. At Oregon, Mr. Jaureguy was
president of the student body, and
winner of the Koyle cup, the alumni
debate medal, and the Beekman prize.
After leaving the University, he went
i to Harvard to study law. There, he
; became associate editor of the Harvard
Law Review.
i -
Coach Expresses Approval of Progress
Made at First Practice
A small turnout in soccer is reported
by Rudolph Fahl who is coaching the as
pirants to the kicking squad. There
were but 11 men at the last practice
and tf necessity, the work was con
fined to the learning of the funda
mentals. In spite of thd small squad,
however, Coach Fahl expressed his ap
proval of the progress made by his men.
In other years, soccer has been nearly
on a par with tennis and wrestling as
far as student interest was concerned
and a good]) crowd used to watch the
Oregon-O. A. C. soccer contest. Of late
however, interest in the sport seems tc
have died down.
Five Dollar Prize is Offered
for Best Contribution
All students and faculty members
with a knack at putting words to- i
getlier in an expressive way, are urged
to sit down at a typewriter, or grasp |
a pencil, and send in as many con
tributions as possible for the annual
Homecoming slogan.
A snappy slogan is one of the prime
essentials of a successful Homecoming
week-end, declares Haddon Rockliey,
general chairman for the annual event.
Into a few words it is hoped that the
famed Oregon fight, spirit, and wel
come to all Homecoming graduates and
former students will be crammed.
In addition to the honor that will
accrue to the slogan maker who sub
mits the most acceptable wording, two
grandstand seats will be awarded.
Should the winner be a student, he may
exchange his prize for five real dollars,
announces Rockhey.
The slogan should be as short as j
is consistent with what it is to ex
press, and should be easy to say and
remember. It will be put on all Home-1
coming letters sent out, and will be
broadcasted over the state wherever j
word of the great annual event is
Students and faculty members are'
allowed to submit as many slogans as
they desire. Contestants should write
their expressions plainly on a piece of
paper, and take or mail them to the j
office of Grace Edgington, alumni sec:
retary. The judges for the contest
will be Mary Watson Barnes, Karl
Onthank, Grace Edgington, and Paul (
Contributions will be received until
November 1, says Rockhey, and the
prize winner will be announced as soon
as the judging can be completed.
- I
Organization Has Oood Material For
Do-nut Sports; Social Affairs
Planned for Year
All men not in living organizations,
and who are interested in do-nut sports,
may have an opportunity to participate
in their favorite sport, by becoming
members of the Oregon club. A meet
ing was held yesterday at four o ’clock
in the Y hut, to conduct try-outs for
the do-nut basketball team.
According to L. H. Carlson, president
of the club, some good material is al
ready out, but more men are needed, i
The Oregon club will enter all the do- j
! nut sports, including wrestling, track,:
and cross-country, this year, so every j
man will have a chance to choose the j
sport he wishes.
Social affairs are already being
I planned by the club. Beside the usual
! smoker, the Oregon club will give a
formal club dance and a picnic in the
; spring, as well as several informal af
: fairs during the year.
Students peed have no fear about
losing their tickets for the football
game this afternoon for, as the
old saying goes, their faces are
| their tickets. This announcement
was made last night by the powers
that be. Due to the fact that the
registration fees have not yet been
paid for the term, the student body
tickets which admit the students
to collegiate contests and enter
tainments on the campufc have not
been iszued.
Coaches Announce Lineups
But Say Little About Result
of This Afternoon’s Battle
Oregon Mentor is Using Strong
Combination for First Fray
of Year on Home Gridiron
JSy Ken Cooper
Oregon's football machine is in fine
shape to make its initial appearance
of the 1923 season on the home grid,
which will take place this afternoon at
2:30 on Hayward field. The Pacific
team arrived last night under the pro
tecting arm of Coach Leo Frank and
registered at the Osburn hotel. Shy
tapered off the Lemon-Yellow gang with
a light signal practice to keep the boys
limbered up.
Badgers Have Good Record
For the benefit of those people
around the campus who think that the
Pacific game is nothing more than a
set up, let us quote a few facts that are
well known to tho old tuners around the
campus: Fact No. 1—Oregon beat Pa
cific two years ago (Coach Frank’s
first year at Pacific) by the small score
of 21 to 7. No. 2—Last year, the red
shirted Badgers hold tho heavier Lemon
Yellow squad scoreless during tho entire
first half of the game. No. 3—This
season Pacific held tho Oregon Aggies
to a 12 to .0 scoro and later hold the
highly touted W. S. C. outfit to 20
points. Consider these facts from the
standpoint of the size of the Pacific
student body, which is less tlian 200
and tho inevitable conclusion hits you
broadside that Coach Frank has instilled
a wonderful amount of speed and fight
into his proteges.
Locals In Good Shape
With the exception of a small car
bunkle on Hunk’s left knee, the Oregon
squad is in good condition and, as sport
writers have said for ages, “every man
is primed for the fray.” Coach Frank
is not as lucky with his team as two of
his mainstays are on the sick list as a
result of their game with Washington
State. Blackman, ono of his stellar wing
men, is out of the game with a broken
nose which necessitated an operation.
Devilin, at guard, was the other Badger
who came home from Pullman to the tnue
of “Tape and Liniment.”
That Shy is not taking the game light
ly is shown by the fact that he is Bbov
ing one of his strongest combinations in
this afternoon’s battle. Shy was silent
as to the possible outcome of today ’s
game, but the followers of the grid
sport give Oregon a slight edge over
the Badgers due to the difference in
weight. Frank expressed the view that
although his men were against heavy
odds they would give Shy’s men every
thing they had and the performance of
Pacific against Oregon teams of other
years seems to bear out his statement.
Lineup Announced
The tentative lineups as announced by
the coaches last night are as follows:
Pacific— —Oregon
Garrigus .c. Wilson
I. Rannow .lgr. Bailey
E. Rannow.rgl. Mills
Schneider (Capt.) .ltr.... Yonder Abe
Wolf .rtl. Reed
Balcom .:ler. Risley
McCoy ....Tel. Williamson
Jessee ......q. Chapman
Adams or Emerson .lhr. Sax
Pintella .rhl. Terjeaen
Tucker .f. Latham
Few°r Men Reporting for Odd Jobs
This Tear Than Formerly; Many
Desire Steady Work
Whether duo to working overtime
during the summer months, to a present
inclination to physical lassitude, or an
unusual willingness on the part of dad
to open his purse strings—in other
words, whatever the cause—men stu
dents are not reporting at the employ
ment desk at the Hut for odd jobs
as they did last year. Ever sinco the
opening of the-fall term small indoor
and outdoor .jobs have been coming in
faster than men seeking that kind
of employment have reported for work.
There are plenty of men students
who desire steady jobs, according to
“Mother” Donnelly in charge of the
employment desk, but there seems to
be an unusual scarcity of men who
call for odd jobs.
Mirs. Donnelly desires that those who
would like to do part time work would
“drop around” the Hut for a. job
whenever they can and thus help her
1 smooth out the present congestion.