THAGHER COTTAGE LEADS IN GRADES Alpha Chi Omega and Tri Delts Second and Third HIGHEST RATING IS 2.52 Sigma Pi Tau First of Men’s Houses On List Thacher Cottage, with an average of 2.52 leads all living organizations on the campus in grades, for the spring term of the school year 1922-23. Alpha Chi Omega with an average of 2.735; Delta Delta Delta with 2.739 and Alpha Phi with 2.91 were second, third and fourth re spectively. Sigma Pi Tau led the men’s organizations with an average 3.02, and is in eighth place on the list of house grades recently given out at the Registrar’s. It has not as yet been decided which organization among the wom en’s houses won the silver loving cup which is awarded by the Portland alumnae association of Chi Omega sorority to the women’s living orga nization having the highest average of grades for the year. Alpha Chi Omega won tho cup in 1921-22 for the third consecutive vear. The complete list of the house grades is as follows: Thacher Cottage _ 2.52 Alpha Chi Omega____ 2.735 Delta Delta Delta __ 2.739 Alpha .Phi .....,...„ 2.91 Kappa Alpha Theta _ 2.92 Alpha Delta Pi ... 2.95 Tau Nu ..*_ 3.01 Bigma Pi Tau .... 3.02 Pi Beta Phi ....... 3.052 Delta Gamma __*__ 3.057 Alpha Omicron Pi ..». 3.071 Gamma Phi Beta . 3.074 Busan Campbell Hall ... 3.089 Delta Omega .*. 3.10 Beta Theta Pi ___ 3.16 Friendly Hall .». 3.17 Alpha Xi Delta . 3.203 Hendricks Hall ....*. 3.209 Delta Zeta ..... 3.21 Phi Sigma Pi ___*___ 3.222 Kappa Kappa Gamma ... 3.226 Chi Omega ... 3.25 Alpha Tau Omega ...». 3.29 Bigma Chi ..... 3.32 Phi Kappa Psi ... 3.40 Phi Gamma Delta .. 3.41 Alpha Beta Chi ... 3.43 Bigma Alpha Epsilon ... 3.48 Kappa Sigma .„.. 3.50 Kappa Delta Phi . 3.575 Bachelordon, . 3.578 Sigma Nu ..... 3.63 Delta Tau Delta ... 3.66 Clii Psi . 3.665 Phi Delta Theta . 3.70 Delta Theta Phi .. 3.77 MORE THAN 60 FR0SH REPORT FOR FOOTBALL Nearly Twenty-five After Backfield Positions. Some Good Punters And Passers Are Out Over 60 freshmen were out for the first official football practice, Mon- 1 day afternoon. Although preliminary practice has been going on during \ the past week only about 30 men have . been out. The chief purpose of the work during tho week has been to - got the men in condition. The work 1 consisted of blocking, punting, and e falling on the ball. The first scrim- s mage will bo later in the week When] the squad gets organized. “Baz” Williams w’ill have charge of the line and Bill Reinhart, the back field. Close to 25 men are trying out ^ for backfield berths, and judging by: the way some have been showing up in punting and passing it will be dif- i ficult to keep them off the team. The team this year will not be ex ceptionally heavy but well balanced. A heavy schedule has been outlined for the yearling aggregation which means that they will have to work throughout tho season. The freshman teams of other colleges and prep schools have from one to three weeks more practice than the frosh squad. Coaches Williams and Reinhart will probably put the team through still practice as soon the squad is picked. There are too many out now to start real work. COACHES LIKE SHOWING (Continued from page one) •played worlds of fight and a rud imentary knowledge of the game that a few weeks of hard work will build into real varsity ends, claimed the coach. Vic Risley and Frenchy DuPaw are two others who were tried out at t end and they bid fair to give both Mautz and Williamson real competi tion for the permanent berths at the ends of the line. All Isn’t Praia* All wasn’t praise for the struggling candidates. After relieving one dusty linesman Bart was heard to say, “Now don’t feel bad because I took you out, I wanted to give another man a chance. You were going good. All you did wrong in that last play was: yon were off side, you didn’t pivot, you cut inside the tackle and you hit the wrong man. Other than that you were all right." That varsity aspirant was heard to remark, “Being a foot ball hero has its depressing moments." Coaches Huntington and Spellman both said they were pleased with the fight the team displayed and espe cially with the fact that they were going as strong or stronger at the fin ish than at the start, in spite of the dust and heat. “The next two weeks will be devoted to real football fun damentals, now that we have that game off our mind,” Shy told the men. The next conflict for the varsity will be October 13, on Hayward field with the team of Pacific University furn ishing the opposition. l SINGERS WILL TRY OUT FOR GLEE CLUB PLACES All men, new and old, are invited and urged to appear at Music hall on Wednesday, Octeber 3, for the annual tryouts of the men’s glee club. A great year is in store for the orga nization if present plans and prospects materialize, for with several old men jf note back for duty and an equal number of new singers entering the jniversity, a near-perfect club should result. John Stark Evans, director CLASSIFIED ADS Minimum charge, 1 time, 25c; 2 time*, 46c; 6 times, $1. Must be limited to 5 lines, over this limit, 6c per line. Fhone 051, or leave copy with Business office of Emerald, in University Press. Payment fci advance. Office hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Lost—-Red Parker pen without liold r. Finder please call 835. 2021 Lo8t—Gold fouutian pen with initials j. A. P. Finder pleaso call 851. 1-0-2, Found—Near Journalism building -pair of men’s glasses, nose clip, orn rim in case. Finder may have ame by calling on Mr. Hall, Univer- i ity Press and paying for this ad. 3-0-2 j WELCOME OREGON A skypiece FREE to every Frosh Headquaters for Adler Collegian Suits and Overcoats and a complete line of gent s furnishings >f the club, will conduct the tryouts, md every man who reports there at 1 o ’clock tomorrow afternoon will be jiven a fair chance. Bead the Classified Ad column. TODAY LAST DAY to>See the Dainty VIOLA DANA in “ROUGHED LIPS” with Tom Moore The story of a girl with a musical comedy soul. • • * “HER DANGEROUS PATH’' Filled with interest for all. Each installment complete. COMING Elinor Glynn’s Sensation— “SIX DAYS” The most thrilling love story ever pictured Continuous music from opening to closing. THE CASTLE Showing only the pictures shown in the best theatres throughout the country. Oregon Students Welcome! University Pharmacy ^ 1 1 th and Alder Frosh Lids, 25c Oregon Seals Oregon Pennants Oregon Rings Laundry Bags for Mailing Oregon Belts Oregon Fobs Cigarette Cases You will find your favorite toilet preparation here. Mavis .. -.$1.00 Three Flowers . ....... __$1.50 Ploza . . ... .. $1.50 -Fleur __... ....$4.50 Du Barry .i... ... . .L. .$1.50 Djerkiss ....... . .,$1.50 Mary Garden __ . ... . . .$1.50 L’Origon . . . . .... . ... . .... .$4.50 Kutch Wisteria t... . . . .,. .$2.00 Enchantment .. ..... ...,.$1.00 La Trifle . -f.t.t...r.„_$1.75 Loose Leaf Note. Books and Fillers Fountain Pens, All Kinds Eversharp Pencils Index Cards Erasers Gum Patches Paper Clips , Thumb Tacks Blotters Remington Portable Typewriters We carry a full line of drugs. A competent registered pharma cist is always on duty to fill your prescription. Special Sale on OREGON MEMORY BOOKS Up to $5.00 books ...,. $3.25 Now is the time to start your Memory Book, and this is your opportunity. I Heilig Announces Big Feature Pictures and Reduction of Admission on Regular Programs A PERSONAL MESSAGE TO EVERY STUDENT FROM THE HEILIG MANAGEMENT The limited space demands briefness, so we will say a few words that through the greatly increased purchasing power of the Heilig organization we welcome you back to Eugene with a wonderful line of new quality attractions and at new low prices. Hereafter admission prices to all shows with the exception of super-attractions with a fixed box values, will be 20--Cents--20 Following are a few of the big new attractions booked for showing soon: “THE COVERED WAGON,” HAROLD LLOYD IN “ WHY WORRY,” THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME ” A LADY OF QUALITY” / NOW SHOWING The astounding new drama of modern society and butterfly existence whole country is talking about it. “TEMPTATION” with Eva Novak and Bryant Washburn Monte Blue, Marie Prevost in “MAIN STREET” James Oliver Curwood’s “JACQUELINE” Priscilla Dean in ‘The STORM DAUGHTER’ Baby Peggy in ‘WHOSE BABY ARE YOU’ and “THE BURGLAR’S KID” Conway Tearle and Corrine Griffith in “THE COMMON LAW” “TEA WITH A KICK” “RUPERT OF HENTZAU” with huge cast Priscilla Dean in “WHITE TIGER’’ J. Warren Kerrigan in "THUNDERING DAWN" Mary Philbrin in “MORALITY” HOOT GIBSON in “BLINKY” and “THE RAMBLIN KID” Reginald Denny in “MAN ABOUT TOWN” and “SPICE OF LIFE” Victor Hugo’s “TOILERS OF THE SEA” Also the new Ben Turpin, Will Rogers, Mack Bennett, Monty Banks and Century Comedies, and many other short features of quality. COMING ROAD SHOWS JULIE NE EL TINGE and Six Brown Brothers —in— “BLACK AND WHITE REVUE’’ “CAT AND CANARY” COMPANY EUGENE O’BRIEN (in person) ED WYNN A COMPANY in “THE PERFECT FOOL” MAY ROBSON in “MOTHER’S MILLIONS” “IRENE” and many others STARTING THURSDAY “RUPERT OP HENTZAU’’ Sequel to the “Prisoner of Zenda” With 20 noted stars in the cast