Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 26, 1923, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
/ . •
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Debater Has Lost But Single
Contest in Four Years of
Brilliant Service
Winner of Northwest Honors to
Assist with Forensic Work;
Wins $100 Award
Paul Patterson, winner of the annual
Northwest intercollegiate contest held
at Moscow, Idaho, last Thursday and
rated as one of the most capable and
eloquent speakers participating in for
ensic activities at the University in re
cent years, according to persons who
have been in close touch with coast and
University of Oregon forensics for more
than a decade of years'. Patterson, who
was a varsity debater for four years
and is a member of Tau Kappa Alpha,
Friars, Alpha Kappa Psi and Beta
Gamma Sigma, has made his final ap
pearance before the public as an un
dergraduate speaker.
Next fall Patterson will return to the
University to act as an instructor in
the public speaking department. He
will teach one of the divisions of the
the extemporary speaking classes, will
act as assistant debate coach, and will
handle all the do-nut debate work. He
will graduate this June from the Uni
versity school of business administra
Was Forensic Manager
Patterson has worked most consist
ently and efficiently in forensic activi
ties through his four years at the Uni
versity, and will be well prepared to
take up his duties as assistant instruc
tor next year. He has been a member
of the Varsity debating team for four
years, and has lost but one contest in
that time. He has acted as forensic
manager for two years. Besides repre
senting the University at the recent
Northwest oratorical contest, he was
also the Oregon orator at the Old Line
oratorical meet held at Albany earlier
in the year. He is a member of the for
ensic council and of the debate order
of the “O”.
In addition to the $100 he won at
Moscow, he was also awarded the $40
prize offered by the public speaking
department to the student winning in
the Northwest tryouts. The Northwest
or Tri-State oratorical contest is con
duced by three institutions, the Uni
versity of Washington, the University
of Oregon and the University of Idaho.
Next year the meet is scheduled to be
held at the University of Oregon. The
prize of $100 is offered by the bar asso
ciation of Seattle.
Idaho Won Last Year
Last year., the University of Idaho
won first place at the contest which
was held at Seattle. Ralph Bailey was
the Oregon orator last year. Ralph
Hoeber, at present assistant in the pub
lic speaking and economics departments
won the first place three yeafs ago.
Patterson’s oration was on “The
Statue of Liberty, Her Back to the
World.” It was an appeal for the
United States to take an international
attitude and to assist Europe in recon
structmg iiiUrope.
Eight Matches Will Be Played Off
with O. A. C. Teams on New Courts
Today at 10:00 o’clock, women’s in
terclaSs intercollegiate tennis matches
with O. A. C. will start, the freshmen
and sophomore doubles being sche
duled to be played off at this hour.
The games will be played on the Two
new courts near the R. O. T. C. bar
racks, which have just been completed,
but in case of heavy rains, the matches
will be postponed indefinitely. The
officials for the matches will be: Mrs.
Irene Campbell Leslie, of the Multno
mah Club of Portland; Grace Snook, of
Salem, and Cora Hjertaas, of O. A. C.
The girls competing in todays’ contests
are: freshmen; Marjorie Vale, singles;
Anna De Witt, Chloe Roberts, doubles;
sophomores: Inez Fairchild, singles;
Augusta De Witt and Florence Hunt
ress, doubles; juniors: Adah Harkness,
singles; Irene Perkins and Florence
Baker, doubles; seniors: Wave Leslie
singles; Mildred Brown and Leah
Greenbaum, doubles.
Following is the schedule of matches:
10 o’clock, freshmen doubles, sopho
more doubles.
11 o ’clock, junior singles, senior sin
2 o’clock, freshmen singles, sopho
more singles.
3 o ’clock, junior doubles, senior j
Wins Oratory Laurels
in Tri-State Contest
Paul Patterson
Senior Teams Start Series at
10 o’clock on Diamond
The interclass intercollegiate baseball
games between the O. A. C. women’s
teams and the Oregon women’s teams
will be played today the senior battle
starting at 10 o ’clock this morning.
Miss Waterman of the physical educa
tion department, who has been coaching
the teams, urges that a large crowd turn
out to support the four teams, which
have been out for practice daily. Seats
will be placed along Cemetery Eidge
assuring a good view-point for the
spectators of the junior and sophomore
games played on the women’s diamond
behind the Woman’s building. ,
Several of Oregon’s former varsity
players who have . helped defeat the
O. A. C. teams twice in the past three
years, will again be on hand to play.
These girls are Dorothy McKee, Char
lotte Howells, Florence Jagger, Wilma
Chattin, Pearl Lewis, Marjorie Flegal,
Lois Barnett, Mary Hathaway and
Grace Sullivan. Of these players, the
first seven are seniors, making that
team the strongest in the competition.
Officials for the games will be: Mrs.
Elsie Centro, Portland, Miss Carin Deg
germark, Portland, Maude Lombardy
Eugene and Emily Perry, Tacoma,
Washington, a former member of the
women’s varsity squad.
The girls composing the four class
teams are:
Freshman—Mildred Onslow, pitcher,
Marian Wagini, catcher, Irva Dale, first
base, Euth MacGregor, second base,
Mary Ann Bumgarner, third base, Paul
ine Boston, left short, Edna Murphy,
right short, Frances Ward, left field,
Janet Wood, center field, Bernice Ra
zor, right field, and subs, Catherine
Kearns, Dorothy EvanS, and Mamie
The sophomore ten will be picked
from the following: Grace Sulbvan,
Mary Hathaway, Cris Heckman, Stella
Haglund, Melba Byrom, Maude Schroed
er, Golda Boone, Alice Enrich, Beatrice
Emmonson, Charlotte La Tourette, Mil
dred Crain and Hilda Chase.
The junior team will be made up of:
Florence Baker, pitcher, Margaret Al
exander, catcher, Betty Garrett, first
base, Harriet Howells, second base,
Grace Murfin, third base, Vernetta
Quinlan, left short, Marjorie Read,
right short, Teressa Robinette, left
field, Teka Haynes, center field, Lyn
etta Quinlan, right field and subs, Mar
ion Nicolai, Mildred Le Compte and
Bernice Corpin. The senior squad is:
Dorothy McKee, pitcher, Charlotte
Howells, catcher,. Florence Jagger, first
base, Ellen McVeigh, second base, Wil
ma Chattin, third base, Lois Barnett,
left short, Pearl Lewis, right short,
Helen McCormick, left field, Wenona
Dyer, center field, Marjorie Flegal,
right field, and subs, Leona Gregory
and Ruth Tuck.
The schedule of games is as follows:
10 o’clock, seniors, men’s varsity dia
10 o’clock, juniors, women’s diamond.
2 o ’clock, sophomores, women’s dia
mond. "
2 o’clock, freshmen, U. H. S. dia
Plana for Fall Blooms Already Being
Carried out on Campus
With the coming of June, the campus
is again changing its dress. Roses, Ore
gon’s specialty, and Japanese snowballs,
columbine and pink, and other beautiful
flowers are beginning to replace the lilacs
and rhododendrons of April and May.
Judging from the specimens already in
bloom, unusual success is expected with
the r >ses this year, according to H. M.
Fishe/, superintendent of the University
Just at present, most time is being
spent in seeding the bare spaces around
the new buildings on the campus and in
starting the ivy on the walls. In pre
paration for next fall several different
kinds of annuals have been started in thg
sunken garden.
Glee Clubs Wil Be Heard after
Flower and Fern Proces
sion June 3
Commencement Exercises to
be Featured with Numbers
by Orchestra
An extensive musical program which
will include appearances of all the musi
cal organizations on the campus at the
various commencement functions, is being
arranged by John Stark Evans, of the
school of music.
On Friday night, June 22, when the
Failing-Beekman contest is held, several
of the advanced students of the school of
music will give numbers between orations.
After the flower and fern procession
Friday evening, the men’s and women’s
glee clubs will give their annual concert
on the lawn west of Yillard. This is one
of the real musical events of the year,
and last year it was attended by. over
2000 people. Japanese lanterns are hung
in the trees, which give color to the
scene, and this year, as a feature, colored
lights will be strung through the ivy on
the building. The program given at this
concert is one which is appropriate for
outdoors, and in addition to the ensem
ble numbers, there are to be solos. The
men’s quartet will also be heard.
Baccalaureate Sermon June 24
The University vesper choir, composed
of the men's and women’s glee clubs, will
supply the music for the baccalaureate
services Sunday in the Methodist church.
On Sunday afternoon Madame Rose Mc
Grew, soprano, and Dr. John Landsbury,
pianist, of the school of music, will give
a joint recital in the church. Madame
McGrew will sing as one number on the
program, a group of songs written by Dr.
Landsbury. The heaviest part of the
concert will be one of Hiller’s concertos,
which Dr. Landsbury will play, with an
organ accompaniment by John Stark
The University Symphony orchestra,
directed by Rex Underwood, will be fea
tured at the graduation exercises Monday
morning, when they will give a compre
hensive program.
Two Recitals Planned
The programs given during commence
ment week will of course be the last of
the musical events for the year. Before
these programs, two graduate recitals
are to be given by pupils of Bex Under
wood. On June 7 Alberta Potter will
be presented in concert by Mr. Under
wood, assisted by Aurora Potter Under
wood, pianist, who will give one of the
group of numbers of the program. Mar
garet Phelps, assisted by Marvel Skeels,
will be presented by Mr. Underwood, June
Completed programs for these recitals
will be announced later.
Money Secured Will Be Used to Send
Girl of Bussian Birth to Seabeck
The University Y. W. C. A. will
assist the Y. W. associations of Ore
gon Agricultural College and Willam
ette University in raising funds to
send a Eussian girl to the annual Sea
beck conference, according to announce
ment made by Miss Dorothy Collier of
the campus Y. W. C. A. yesterday.
Miss Henrietta Thompson of the Wo
men’s International Foyer of Berkeley
recently sent a letter to Miss Collier,
in which she told of the Eussian student
whom the instiution had decided to
send. The Eussian girl is at present
attending Linfield College at McMinn
ville, Oregon, and was highly spoken
of in Miss Thompson’s letter. The
Seabeck conference is to be held at
Seabeck^ Washington fitom June 25
to July 6 and a large group of Univer
sity women are planning to attend.
University of Idaho, Moscow, Ida
ho, May 25.—(Special to the Emer
ald)—The University of Oregon base
ball squad lost the first game, of a
two game series, here this afternoon
to the University of Idaho nine by
the score of 10 to 5. Oregon garner
ed nearly as many hits as the Vandal
team but was unable to bunch them
to any advantage. Baldwin, pitch
ing for the Oregon nine, allowed 9
hits, while Fitszke tossing for Idaho
gave 8 hits.
Box Score R H E
Oregon . 5 8 7
Idaho . 10 9 6
Batteries: Fitszke and Oueroela for
Idaho; Baldwin and Cook for Ore
Medford Convention Termed
Worth-while by Returned
University Visitors
Georgia Benson, Edwina Richen
Are Sent to Represent
Women’s League
“It was a most worth-while conven
tion,” says Dean Edgington, in discuss
ing the convention of the state feder
ation of Women’s clubs, which she at
tended in Medford, the first of this
week. Miss Edgington was accompan
ied by Georgia Benson, president of
Women’s League, ^nd Edwina Richen,
who also attended as a' delegate from
Women’s League.
The Tuesday and Thursday sessions
of the conference were held in the
Presbyterian church at Medford, and
were attended by 300 women. “While
most of the state papers played up the
frictions which oecured in the various
sessions, they were, in reality hardly
noticeable,” said Dean Edgington.
“There seemed to be a sincere effort
on .the part of the delegates really to
do something which was worth while.”
“Two intensely interesting reports
were presented,” continued the Dean.
“One of these related to the drug traf
fic in the state of Oregon, and was
presented by Mrs. G. J. Frankel of
Talk is Interesting
While an average of only a few min
utes was given for the presentation of
each subject, this particular talk proved
so interesting to the audience that the
speaker was urged to continue beyond
the stated time. Mrs. Frankel had made
a scientific investigation of the matter
and illustrated her talk with actual
cases of disintegration of moral power,
in connection with the drug habit.
Another talk of special interest was
that given by Miss Julia Spooner, rep
resenting the Portland grade school
teachers, who presented a plan for the
bureau of research in the public schools
for determining better methods of hand
ling backward and deficient children.
Miss Spooner said that it cost the
school board a large amount to take
care or these deficient children and that
plans should be made to segregate them
in order to care for them better. This is
being done to some extent in some
schools but as yet there is a lack of sys
tem, said Miss Spooner.
Dean Commends Work
“I was gratified to see the large
amount of interest taken in educational
affairs,” said Miss Edgington. “At
present the state federation is maintain
ing a loan fund through which women
students may obtain money for school
ing. During the past year, the La
Grande Women’s club contributed $107
toward this fund, this being the largest
amount given this year. Hood River
took second place with a $100 contri
“Throughout the iconvention there
was a tendency to respect education
and help in any way possible toward
the furthering of educational institu
tions,” Oregon’s dean of women de
The second day of the convention, the
women were taken to Ashland in mach
ines provided by the townspeople of
Medford. Here an all day session was
held in the Women’s Civic Club house,
in Lithia Park, Ashland. “We were
most loyally treated by the Ashland
people” said Miss Edgington in discuss
ing the event. “The men of the Ash
land Chamber of Commerce presented
each woman with an Ashland rosebud
and a souvenir post card of the city.
We were also provided with cars for
the reurn trip to Medford at the close
of the session.”
Georgia Benson Speaks
Georgia Benson, president of Wo
men ’s League, was one of the speakers
on the program, and gave an outline of
the work done by the League during
the past year. “Though we may not re
ceive any direct benefit from the con
vention,” said Miss Benson, “we shall
profit by the contact with older women
in the discussion of the big problems
of the day which are of special interest
to women.
“The girls were well received by the
club women,” says Miss Edgington,
“and I believe that it is of great bene
fit to us to give outsiders a closer con
tact with the type of girls turned out
by our University.”
Dr. -George Rebec, according to a let
ter received by Dean Dyment, is now
in Italy. The letter was written from
Plays Part of Nancy
in Guild Hall Comedy
Kate Pinneo
Vern Fudge and Kate Pinneo
Take Leading Roles
“The Great Broxopp,” played a see
on d time to a Guild hall audience last
night, starring Vern Fudge, Kate Pin
neo, Dave Swanson and Elizabeth Bobin
son, presented an amusing and delightful
story of modern social and business life.
Vern Fudge was especially good in the
title role, and showed his usual talent and
versatility. Kate Pinneo, the Company
comedy star, played a mixed part excep
tionally well. The understanding and
sympathy shown in her part were good.
Dave Swanson and Elizabeth Robin
son were a very fine pair and received
much commendation from the audience.
Wenona Dyer did a clever bit opposite
Joe Clark and added to the interest of
the comedy, which is being staged in
America for the first time. It is an
English production.
Indicative of the extent the great
game of advertising has been sensed by
the public in recent years, the audience
in the two performances of “The Great
Broxopp” already given on the campus
have been heard in whispered tones guess
ing at the new article to be put on the
market by the advertiser.
The entire cast workod well last night
and the play with >he bizarre moiif cf
euphonious advertising phrases took well.
It will be played again tonight.
Women’s Auxiliary of American Legion
Has Booth on Campus for the
Soldier Benefit Fund
Over 200 poppies, making a total
sum of more than $20, were sold from
the booth in front of the library yes
terday, according to information re
ceived from the committee in charge
of the booth last night. The sale was
sponsored by the Women’s auxiliary of
the American Legion to raise money
for the care of the many ex-service men
who have been discharged from the
government hospitals.
The poppies were made of red cloth
and represented as nearly as possible
the poppies that grew in the battle
fields of Flanders. These flowers are
known to every man who saw service
over seas and they have been the theme
for several war-poems. The women,
therefore, thought them especially
suited for a memorial of the days of
the war. University women took charge
of the booth during the day.
Coleman Pitches Good Ball for
Ags, but Harrison has
Better Support
Season’s Best Game is Seen by
Few; Cold and Rain Fail
to Check Speed
Despite a wet field, and a cold day
the Oregon freshman came back with
a vengeance and trimmed the O. A. C.
rooks in one of tlief astest games that
has been seen on Cemetery Ridge this
season. Both teams fielded exception
ally well, despite a soggy field and
wet ball.
The final score was 3 to 2 for the
From the outset, the game was a
pitcher’s battle between Coleman, the
rook parrafin-ball pitcher, and Harri
son, the frosh chucker. Both men
pitched a good brand of ball, Harrison
allowing the rooks but three safe bin
gles and Coleman was nearly as stingy
letting the Oregon babes down with but
four safeties. Each of the twirlers
walked two men. It was a heart
breaking game for the young Aggie
slabster to lose, but his teammates
were more erratic in the field than the
frosh and it cost them the game.
Errors Pave Way for Score
The game was a regular thriller,
ninth inning rally with all the trim
mings. When the freshmen came to
bat in the last half of the ninth, the
score was tied, ecah crew having two
counters. “Hobby” Hobson, first up,
laced a hot one down to Baker, the
rook short stop and that worthy made
the boot that the freshmen turned into
the jyinning score. “Hobby” started
for second on the next play and the
Ag backstop let the pitch get away
from him, Hobson going to third. In
the attempt to catch the runner at
third, Billsboro overthrew third and
“Hobby” raced over the rubber with
the winning tally.
The rook counters were made in the
seventh frame when Greenwood reached
first on a fielder’s choice and Bills
boro slapped one past the outer gard
ners for a homer. Tho other two coun
ters for the frosh came in the second,
Frame singled and crossed the platter
when Scriptures tripled. Scriptures
came in on the next play when Osborne
booted Bliss ’ grounder.
Frosh Field Well
Sharp fielding on the part of the
frosh played a large part in keeping the
visitor’s hits down and on several occa
sions it was little short of robbery to
take the hits from the Aggie yearlings.
In the eighth inning Sigrist poled one
out that looked like a homer, but Fuzzy
Carson sprinted back and leaping into
the air, pulled it down. He fell as he
made the catch but managed to hold the
spheroid. A similar catch was made by
Bittner, when he went half way to right
center field after Osborn’s fly. Baker,
the rook shortstop, made a pretty one
(Continued on page three.)
Dividends will in all probability be
paid this year by the Cooperative store
association, according to announcement
from the Co-op; but as yet the rate has
not been determined. Nor is it known
when the dividends will bo given, as
the tickets have not been counted, but
it is expected that about examination
week returns will be made.
Frosh Jambouree Held in Gym;
Color and Food Are Features
It was a riot of color, festivity, nad
noise. So it might be classed the jig
ging jollification of the yearling class,
held last night in Bill Hayward’s hall
under the auspices of the Order of
Boob. It was a riot throughout, from
the first gallop until the last couple
limped off the wax, declaring that it
was the best ever, in spite of the fact
that the decorations were nothing more
than gym implements.
Who was there? Well, all the gang
that slipped the green turban into the
fire barrel Junior Week-end and all
the fair lassies of the clan of ’26. Pres
ident Campbell and Dean Straub were
there to see that nothing happened to
the Dean’s “biggest and best.”
Every corner of the globe, with the
exception of the Fiji islands and an
ambassador from the realm of Tu-tank
ham-an-eggs was there adding noise and
pollity to the riot. There were pirates
and piratesses armed with knives and
cutlasses, with rings in their ears and
noses and war paint smeared on their
faces. Indeed they were a motley
crew and would have been a credit to
Captain Kidd when he scuttled Span
ish galleons on the rolling main. Added
to this seagoing aggregation were sail
ors from Uncle Sam’s finest.
There were cowboys and cowgirls,
just in from the range, clad in boots,
spurs, wide sombreros and armed with
long six-guns whose barks added to the
riotous occasion. Sheiks and sheik
esses also mingled with the crowd lend
ing color to the scene in their oriental
garb and desert manner. Some of the
sheiks had the mein of Arabian horse
mn and galloped about the enclosure
with the skill and dexterity of their
desert relatives.
Of course the country bumpkins were
there in their ill fitting jackets, straw
hats and ties which looked as if mama
had labored under difficultes getting
the child to hold still long enough to
have his Adam’s apple hidden from the
(Continued on page three.)