Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 20, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Sunday Emerald
Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Association
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued daily
except Monday, during the college year.
Kenneth Yonel, EditorLyle Jang, Manager j
DON WOODWARD, Managing Editor. j
The Board
Clinton Howard, Associate Managing Editor; Taylor Huston, Day Editor;
George Belknap, Night Editor; Ca therine Spall, Society; Katherine Wat
son, Poetry. j
Writers: Jessie Thompson, Monte Byers, Arthur Rudd, John Anderson,
Rachael Chezem, Margaret Skavlan, Dorothy Kent, Van Voorhees, Marian
Lowry, Nancy Wilson.
To Our Guests
The green lids are burned, the “O” is painted ,the canoe fete is
over and the Junior prom.
Another Junior Week-end has passed. Another group of Oregon’s
guests will soon leave, tired after their three days of activities, and
will soon be telling the folks at home about the good times on Ore
gon’s campus. .
In saying a word of farewell, and a cordial “come again’’ to
you, our high school guests, we would like to remind you that “days
at Oregon” are not all like those of Junior Week-end. This is merely
our play time, and comeB only once a year.
The men who participated in the track meet are the same men
who are studying for a life in the legal profession, or in medicine, or
in business, or in education. 1 The same men and women who decorated
the canoes for the mill race fete, and the armory for the prom> are
the men and women who will go out as Oregon’s grads to contribute
to the achievements of our country in many lines.
Oregon is not a school composed of students banded together
for a good time. On the contrary, it is composed of about two thous
and young men and women who are seeking for that which leads to
a life more capable of service, to success with honor, and to the satis
faction of worthwhile accomplishment—that thing so sought after,
called “education.”
So, high school guests, when you return to your homes, and hum
little snatches of that song the quartet sang before the canoe fete
began the other night,_“Oh those days at Oregon, they are the best
of all,” just remember that Oregon does more than dance and play
ball. Remember that Oregon’s students are making records for her
wherever they go, that Oregon’s students are doing many worthwhile
things, achieving names for themselves and their state.
We are glad you have been with us at our play time. We will be
happier still, if you choose some time to come back and find out what
the real “days at Oregon” are like, by taking up your work in higher
education with us.
A Son of Han-Democrat
By Margaret Skavlan .
<<T AM A plain Chinese,” said Fook
Tai Lau, a junior in the school of
architecture, in describing himself. He
smiled as he explained the statement.
“Everyone is equal in China—thero
are no classes—wo were democratic
thousands of years ago.”
Mr. Lau’s work in architecture has
brought him notice—he has worked
hard, and won several first mentions
on designs. Though—ho is successful
hero studying American architecture, ho
does not forget his own country. lie
is an ardent nationalist. i
Speaking of the government of China
ho said that there was universal male
suffrage 5000 years ago. It stopped
during the Chow dynasty, but was re
vived again—in 1911 with the revolu
tion. The Chinese are kinder to their
dethroned monarchs, it seems, than is
usual in European governments.
“We didn’t kill the emperor—he has
a pension—and his title,” said Mr.
Lau. 11 is brown eyes twinkled thou as
he said—“But the title does not signify
to the Chinese a fake title—they let
Chinese rule Chinese.” Then ho added
earnestly—“Still, the emperor is a
Manehu, and the Manehus belong to the
republic, so lie is entitled to every
Ho said that t!u> workers elect the
ablest men—the elders, while in Japan
as yet only the rich men can vote. Wo
men do not plnv an native part in poli
ties, though they are occasionally
elected to office. The secretary of the
Canton assembly elected two years ago
and still holding office, is s| woman.
This is Mr. Lau’s ninth year in this
country. He speaks English gracefully
and with a slight accent. His slender
figure in a vivid blue working smock
is a striking figure in the drafting
room, llis animated smile plays often
over a sensitive face, smooth and pale
brown in color.
llis father is a merchant in Canton,
nnd it is there that Fook Tai Lnu lived
and graduated from a Chinese school.
He joined the student army, and later
came to this country for the adventure.
He already had learned a little English
from a brother who lives in Hongkong.
He came to Seattle, went to California,
then to Chicago, where he went to high
school and decided to fit himself to
become an engineer. He worked for a
time in the Ford shipyards in Detroit,
iirst hitting rivets, then transferred to
drafting. He decided to take up arch
itecture and spent his freshman vear in
the University of Washington.
“Expense was too high,” he said of
that school, “at the same time no deni- '
ocratic spirit at all.” Then he heard
about the work of Dean Ellis F. Law
rence of the school of architecture and !
allied arts at Oregon, and decided to:
come here. “He’s great!” he said en i
tliusiastieally of the Dean. “He is a
good scout, and a fine architect—there
is no question about it."
After he graduates Mr. Lau expects
to work for some architect for a while,
but ho is longing to go back to his own
country. Ho has worked his entire
way through school.
“They need me, you know,” he said
simply. “China needs every loyal son
of Han.”
The modern Chinese use the Han dy
nasty of 1100 B. C. as an ideal. Then
was the golden age of art, education
and government, Mr. Lau said “Than
too was the perfect man and perfect
woman—the men averaged 6 feet and
8 inches. Women were sometimes gen
“I am a socialist—the Chinese way,”
said Mr. Lau. He said that the new
generation of Chinese wore attempting
to nationalize railroads and mining,
limit the land holdings for the rich,
have enforced education and everyone
working six days a week. They will,
however, leave the Republican form
of government as it is. “We are not
Bolshevicks,” he insisted. He told of
a plan worked out by a rich man in
Faryun, a suburb of Cantou. At three
years of age the children are turned
over to trained doctors and nurses and
teachers of the village relieving the par
ents, and making possible a better edu
cated citizenship.
“Every one in China loves art, and
every one likes to scratch around and
do his own gardens,” said Mr. Lau. He
said that the Chinese enjoy fencing and
archery after a poetry contest, and so
are not one-sided. He is himself
interested in the sports of ju jitsu
j and boxing.
The influence of the war is still felt
in China. It has made the young peo
ple want facts, and has upset religion.
Christianity is spreading in China.
The church to which Mr. Lau belongs
n Canton is a united Church of Christ,!
without denominations.
“When will we have a church with
no racial differences?” he asked. “1
don't know when we will have that,
but 1 think it is coming.”
The younger generation in China is
different from the old.
“Our ettiquette is different from here'
we don't associate with people so
easily,” he said, “but the younger gen
eration is almost like here.”
Comparing American girls with Chi-!
nose he said that the American girls
were more active, but seemed less prac
tical, but agreed that one was as mys-;
terious as the other.
Try Emerald
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Sprigs o’ Catnip
By J. M. T.
The Way of the World
We had the cutest little pup.
He howled all night until the dawn.
He frolicked merrily all day.
But now, alas that pup is gone.
Thomastna Sawyer
If a damsel goes out to dig in the
And the sidewalk’s close before her,
Some chivalrous man is sure to come
Along and do it for her.
• • *
Campus Luncheon
Friday I saw an Oregon Knight
Eat a ham sandwich at one bite.
Concerning the Weather
Some clever soul suggests a way
That we can get a pleasant day
Or two, for your Junior Week-end stay.
Since it always rains on roof and raf
On this week-end, we’ll have the laugh
On Jupe, by postponing to the week-end
• • *
The Senior Fountain
I chitter, chatter, as I run,
(Pumped from the rushipg river.)
For frosli may come and frosh may go,
But I go on forever.
The Prom
I met the nicest girl last night;
But now—of course, I ’in dumb—
I can’t recall her name. They said:
“Miss Mghhddllhumm, thiz’ Mr. Mmm.
Flagstones and Panels
(Continued from page one)
tor, architect and craftman for the four
corners of the museum ceiling.
“This Gentille Ladie
Faire to see
She broidereth
Ye Tapestrie”—such touches of
personality are found on the borders!
of the stained glass windows designed)
and painted by the class of Professor
Alfred H. Schroff. The cutting and
leading of the glass was done in Port
The small windows about 13 inches
square are being made—8 for the large
door of the museum, and three for the
small door leading to the court in a
cloister effect. The windows represent
the crafts, and have been designed as
follows: Goldsmith, by Myrtle Joyner;
Stone Cutter, by Mrs. Mary Fairfowl;
Embroideress, by Edgar Bohlman; Prin
ter, by Fook Tai Lau; Ship Carver, by
Paul Walters; Potter, by Bee Morrow;
Weaver, by E. K. Harkness; Tapestry
Worker, by Mabel Johnson; Lace Mak
er, by Mrs. Lydia Hodge; Glass Stainer
by Clarence H. Irwin; Scribe, begun by
Glenn McGonegal, but finished by the
other students because of his absence
this term.
Realizing that fire may destroy thou
sands of dollars worth of valuable col
lections, as well as consume priceless
articles that cannot be replaced, the
mueum, 20 x48 feet has been made ab
solutely fireproof. It will house gift
and loan collections of art.
With the limited allotment of $35,
000 to replace the old building, absolute
simplicity of construction and type
has been perforce maintained through
out the new buildings. The architec
ture of the new group is decidedly fun
ctional in character, somewhat box-like,
but with careful consideration given to
mass and window spacing. It is on the
whole consistent architecture, and de
cidedly pleasing in effect. Aside from
the museum, the new building houses
the following: two lecture rooms, two
offices, a cement room, one for basket
ry and weaving, two studios, a easting
room, a modeling room, a photographic
dark room, a dye room, home decoration'
room and a locker room.
The new building includes complete
equipment for the departments of sculp
ture and normal arts, with the excep
tion of the kilns, which will occupy the
space north of the court where the
boiler plant is now.
With the erection of the new heat
ing plant recently ordered by the board
of regents the present plant will be
turned into a testing laboratory which
will serve the architectural options and
the pre-engineers. The kilns for pot
tery and stained glass will also be in
stalled in this laboratory, and a sec
tion will be devoted to museum build
ing materials. An addition to the draft
ing room and the construction of a
new art library will be built over the
present plant and will overlook the
The courtyard has already been sod
led, and cobblestone walks laid out. ■
Mr. K. T. Mische, landscape architect
of Portland', who has served often
>n jury in connection with city plan1
uoblems of the school, has presented a
dantation plan for the courtyard. The
Roswell Dosch memorial will be in- \
■tailed as originally intended on the |
iorth side of the courtyard. The de
ign for its pedestal is now being made.
Due to the further work on the lib
ary. which will some time house the
.'amilla Leach Art library, and the ex
ension of the drafting room, the dedi
■ation of the new additions will not |
take place until next fall. At the end!
of the term, however, there will be a
dedication of the Dorlind Robinson art'
collection—portraits, landscapes and ■
still life done in water colors, oils, and
pastels by Regina Durlind Robinson,
deceased daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Robinson of Jacksonville, Oregon.
The promise of the school of archi
tecture and allied arts with its new
buildings is great. No students can
cross the courtyard, simple and unos
tentatious as it is, without being im
pressed by the basic principle of unity
upon which the school is founded. In
terest is constantly being aroused in
the sisterhood of the arts and the value
of cooperation'. And the desire to exe
cute will be constantly stimulated by
groups working together on its decora
Never equalled before excepting in a
nightmare! The statement applies to
perhaps the weirdest effect ever
flashed on the screen, which is to be
seen in Emory Johnson’s latest film
effort, “Westbound Limited.” Imagine
monster locomotive of a fast, trans
continental passenger train bearing
down upon you full tilt as you strain
vainly to extricate yourself from your
saddlehorse, which has caught a hoof
in the tracks, broken an ankle and fal
len in a helpless heap. These thrills
await you in this picture.
Fresh from Broadway triumphs, Me
Intyre and Heath come to the Heilig
Wednesday with their new musical
comedy “Red Pepper,” with exactly
the same cast as seen for an entire thea
trical year at the Shubert Theatre, New
York. In sending the noted comedians
du a tour of the principal cities, the
Messrs. Shubert have provided theatre
goers with a cast which is one hundred
per cent Metropolitan. This fact in
cludes the fifty charming girls who set
New York’s beauty pace for an entire
Get the Classified Ad habit.
And Now—
Another Big Week-end
The Great
May 24, 25, 26
50c> 75c—No Tax
Mohday and Tuesday
Charles Ray
Julius Caesar’’
A drama with a
Knockout Wallop and
a Ton of Fun
The Home of the Best
Evenings .30c
Matinees .20e
Use Emerald
Want Ads
Society Brand Clothes
“So long” says the customer
when the value is short!
“we're building a business” - - - not tearing one
down and we know enough about human nature
and “Oregon students” to know that it’s a short
road that has no turning, if the going is bad.
\ *
we know why we have the “student trade” - - -
and we know we’ll continue to have it so long as
our values are “long”-and not a minute
see these new clothes of ours --and
you’ll know this adv. is the truth.
^reen merrell Co.
men’s wear
“one of Eugene’s best stores”
May 22nd
One of the World’s Greatest Musical Organiations
The Minneapolis
Symphony Orchestra
With a Cast of 85 Premier Artists
Without doubt the greatest musical event of Eugene’s history
PRICES—Floor $1.50, $2.00; Balcony $2.00, $1.50, $1.00
Seat Sale Tomorrow
Let the Preppers
in the real pleasures of college
life. That is, bring them to( Ye
Carapa Shoppe for food. Show
them that they! can get real
food here.
After the fatigue of one
day’s activities, let our foun
tain experts and our culinary
artists prepare delicacies to re
fresh the preppers for the rest of
Junior Week-end. Win them to
Oregon with our food.
Ye Towne Shoppe
Ye Campa Shoppe
•I You get the best of Varnish,
Paint, Floor Wax, Furniture Stain,
House and Boat Paint at
857 Willamette Street