Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 17, 1923, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Forensic Schedule for Year
Will be Ended; Audience
to Act as Judges
May Fenno, Lurline Coulter to
Represent Oregon; House
Canvass Planned
Tonight when the University of Cal
ifornia women’s negative debate team
contends with the Oregon women’s af
firmative, every University student
and all others interested in the event
will have the opportunity to vote for
the team which they consider has put
up the best arguments. The debate is
scheduled for 8:30 p .m., in Guild hall
and the subject for argument will be
“Resolved that France was Justified in
her Occupation of the Ruhr.”
The contest will be the last one of
the year for both the men’s and wo
men’s Varsity debate teams. In order
to stir up campus interest over the
event, a group of students enrolled in
the public speaking department will or
ganize a “flying squadron” and will
visit all the houses on the campus dur
ing the lunch hour today.
The question of the Ruhr situation
is one that has been in the minds of all
world thinkers, and there is a great
feeling among those giving the subject
deep thought that much of Europe’s
history for the next 50 years or so will
depend on the outcome of the occupa
tion. It is unquestionably acecpted
by many world leaders that the inva
sion of the Ruhr will decide who really
won or lost the great war.
Three Debaters Come
The California team will be composed
of Marion Harron and Violet Lercara
with Juana Allraum as alternative. All
three debaters are rated by critics as
being capable of putting up a good ar
gument. California, through the in
spiration of Arnold Perstein, her for
ensic coach, has been the leader in pro
gressive debate on the coast this year.
The institution has gone into debate
more for debate’s sake, disregarding
the object of winning or losing. The
audience-decision plan which will be
used tonight is only one of the progres
sive steps taken by California to place
forensic activities on a better footing.
Berkeley has used the no-judge sys
tem with success for some time.
Lurline Coulter and May Fenno, Ore
gon’s two most experienced women
speakers, will uphold the affirmative
side of the question tonight. The de
bate tonight will be the last contest
in which Miss Fenno will compete for
the University, £me has been a member
of the Varsity debating squad for two
years. At the debate held at Seattle
the first part of the term, in which
Miss Fenno participated, Washington
critics declared that she was the best
woman debater Washington had heard
speak, and was the most eloquent indi
vidual speaker on the platform that
Spirited Contest Expected
Miss Coulter has been a member of
the Varsity squad for three years, and
as a result of holding the position for
that length of time will be awarded the
debate shield this year, which is given
to those women who have taken active
part in debate work for three years.
Forensic coaches say that both women
go into the debates as if for enjoyment
and will give a spirited contest tonight
as they are both good talkers. Walter
C. Barnes will act as chairman and
Joanna James will sing a solo.
Preceding the California-Oregon wo
men ’s contest, the high school debate
finals of the state will be staged. As
toria and Pendleton will be represented.
Both high schools won all the prelimi
nary debates in the state league. The
question to be contested will be “Re
solved that the United States should
adopt a Policy of Ship Subsidies.” A.
C. Strange of Astoria will act as chair
man, while Dean E. C. Bobbins of the
University school of business adminis
tration, Prof. C. D. Thorpe of the pub
lic speaking department, and Bobert
Prescott, former debate coach of the
University, will act as judges.
Debate Title is Up
The event is a part of the Junior
Week-end program and the school win
ning the debate will hold the state
championship debate title for the com
ing year. Astoria will have the affir
mative and Pendleton the negative side
of the question.
Several students from one of the
state high school will be unable to at
tend Junior Week-end festivities here
as a result of a faculty ruling that all
students who attend either O. A. C. or
Oregon Junior Week-ends will be given
zeros for their absences.
Oregon Traditions to Be
Guarded Well
Don your old clothes Friday morn
ing, for the Senior Cops will be parad
ing on the job to see that you do. It
is the solemn duty of this august group
to cooperate with Junior Week-End of
ficials in seeing that every tradition is
upheld, and that all things go as they
should. These warriors of ’23 garbed
in their corduroys, their big sombreros,
with their batting sticks in hand, and
their bright silver stars glistening are
going to officiate at the Frosh-Soph
tug-o ’-war, and at the burning fo the
green. They also warn would-be tradi
tion breakers that the Senior fountain
is all in readiness and they the Senior
Cops are in readiness to officiate there.
Arrangements have been to reserve a
special section of the bleachers at the
ball diamond for these seniors when
they parade out to see the ball game.
Let it be known also that no one but a
Senior is to appear on the campus with
a mustache. If any one else does ap
pear with a mustache, it is said he had
better scramble off the campus. Last
but not least, the final warning is that
the Senior Cops are to be first in line
Dean Hale of University Law
School Will Lecture
“The Administration of Justice,” is
the topic which W. G. Hale, dean of the
School of Law has chosen for his ad
dress at Assembly in Villard Hall this
morning. Dean Hale is reconized as one
of the best speakers among the Univer
sity faculty members and this is the
first opportunity that all students on
the campus have had to hear him for
some time.
A violin solo by Gwendolyn Lamp
shire, of the School of Music, will open
the assembly and an invocation will be
given by Eeverand W. H. L. Marshall
of the Congregational Church of Eu
gene. Following this, Dean Hale will
speak to the students on the question
of what, in his opinion, should be the
public attitude toward the administra
tion of justice and he will point out
the responsibility of the administra
tors to the public as he sees it. With
his years of expierence as an instruc
tor in jurisprudence and after contin
ual contact with actual court proceed
ings during his career as a lawyer and
professor, Dean Hale is well fitted to
deal with his subject.
In his discussion he expects to dis
pute several points made in the recent
address on the campus by President E.
O. Holland, of Washington State Col
lege on the “Majesty of the Law.”
Those who heard Dr. Holland will there
fore be interested to hear wherein Dean
Hale disagrees with his contemporary
and in any case his audience may ex
pect a clear and thorough discussion
of the duty of the public in upholding
the administration as well as a lecture
on the judicial aspects of the law.
Dean Hale has held his present posi
tion at the head of the law school for
three years. He is a native Oregonian
and has practiced for five years in
Portland since his graduation from Har
vard Law School. Previous to coming
to the University, he had ten years
training as a professor of law in that
department of the Universiy of Illi- I
nois. He claims Oregon as his home,
however, and is a member of an old
pioneer family of this state.
June 30 is Final Date for Handing in
Copy for Laemmle Scenario Prize
The time limit for the Laemmle Na
tion-Wide Scenario contest has been ex
tended from May 15 to June 30, 1923.
The contest is open to all college and
university students. A $1000 scholar
ship is to be given to the student sub
mitting the best scenario, besides $1000
to be given to the institution at which
the winner is a student. In addition to
the scholarship and the sum given to
the college, not less than $500 will be
paid for the prize-winning scenario and
any others which may be accepted.
All scenarios are to be written in
short story form. W. F. G. Thacher
of the school of journalism has all the
particulars concerning the contest.
All men of the glorious class of
1923 are asked to report at the Sen
ior Bench promptly at 8 o’clock on
the morning of Friday the 18th be
fore the tug of war. Dust off the
star, put on your sombrero, grab a
paddle and your six-shooter and
come prepared to mete out justice
on this our last stand for the honor
of Oregon’s traditions. Be there,
! Senior.
OBIE, Chief.
OREGON-0.1. G.
Arrangements Almost Made;
Stiff Joints May Hinder
' Varsity’s Chances
Total of 34 Men in Lists of the
Opponents; Three Will
Enter Each Event
With preliminary arrangements prac
tically completed and indications of
sunshine and fair weather, everything
is in readiness for the crack of the star
ter’s pistol for the annual Oregon- O.
A. C. dual track meet on Hayward
field tomorrow afternoon. Outside of
several stiff joints among some of Bill
Hayward's quarter-milers, the men who
will tote the lemon-yellow are in good
Hardenburg, Eisley and Rosebraugh
are the speedsters whose fleet legs are
not in the best of condition. These three
men were injured slightly by running
when the track was hard and dry. The
cinders were thoroughly sprinkled Wed
nesday night with a large fire hose,
however, which has made it easier on
the runners. Oregon’s showing tomor
row hinges a good deal upon whether
these three men are back in shape.
The rest of the squad that will con
tend with the Aggies are reported to be
in good condition and ready to put out
the best that is in them.
Bill Hot Optimistic
On the whole, however, the dope is
none too favorable for a Lemon-Yellow
victory, and Hayward is far from opti
mistic concerning his proteges’
chanceb. According to the veteran
mentor the Varsity is weak in the hur
dles, the javelin, the half-mile and the
relay, all events in which Dad Butler’s
proteges are decidedly strong. “We
have an even chance to capture the
field events, the sprints, the mile and
the two mile,” said Bill yesterday, “al
though we are lacking in consistent
second and third men. Our relay team
has been hard hit by the failure of Co
valt to turn out since the Washington
Relays last month and this necessitated
a complete change of plans. But there
is always a chance of the unexpected
The lack of good second and third
place men has been the Waterloo of
Oregon track teams for several years
past. Last year the Lemon-Yellow took
seven first places against the Aggies’
five but lost the meet through fail
ure to capture a sufficient nupiber of
second and third places.
New Men Important
In 1921 it was the same story. Ore
gon’s chances tomorrow apparently
hinge on the performances of the new
men in the hurdles, the javelin, and the
half mile, as well as the showing in the
lettermen in the field events. Ralph
Spearow, high point winner -in most
of the Varsity meets last year has been
topping the bar at 13 feet several
nights lately and doing the jumps with
good marks so that he is expected to
capture a goodly share of points. Cap
tain Ole Larson and Oberteuffer, the
Varsity speedsters, will make the Ag
gie sprinters go the limit to win and
both can be counted on for several
markers. Others whose calibre is known
are Koepp in the two-mile, Peltier and
Kays in the half, Rosebraugh, Risley,
Hardenburg and Lucas in the 440 and
220. The rest of the squad, with the
exception of Bowles in the broad jump
and Phillips in the pole vault, are prac
tically all “dark horses” and just how
they will perform is a conjecture.
Aggie Lists Long
Certainly it seems that the Aggies
have no lack of material this year,
(Continued on page three.)
New Year Book to be Distributed from
Registration Windows at 10 a. m.
“The biggest and best” Oregana
ever published will appear on the cam
pus tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock
according to the business management.
“Come early so you can be at the head
of the line” is the word which the
managers wish to put over to the wait
ing multitude.
Checks should be made out to the
“1923 Oregana" and where a previous
deposit of $2.50 has been paid, a $2.00
check will entitle the bearer to the
year-book. No n. s. f. communications
accepted. The windows in the regis
trar’s office where class dues are paid,
will be opened for the distribution.
There are around 75 books which
have not been signed for, according to
Jason McCune, business manager of
the publication, and these will be given
out to the earliest comers.
Oregon Prepares to Greet
State High School Guests
Class of '24 Labors Diligently to Complete Plans
for Friday and Saturday; Canoe Fete
Entries Announced
Hundreds of enthusiastic juniors
armed with hammers, pliers or colorful
bits of decorative material and loaded
with bright ideas for Oregon’s greatest
Junior Week-end are at work today on
the bleachers, at the armory or the
campus getting things in shape to greet
the “prepper” crew that is soon to be
gin its invasion of Eugene.
Every Hiving organization on the
campus has from 10 to 50 guests coming
and between building canoe fete floats,
assisting with the general Junior
Week-end plans, getting houses in
shape for visitors, Oregon students are
probably the busiest group of people
in the state today.
Every guest is to be registered. A
booth will be opened in the Ad build
ing this afternoon with Pat Irelan in
charge. “Prepper” tickets will be is
sued to those signing the guest book.
Organizations are warned that unless
their charges are signed up and given
tickets they will have to pay for them
at the various events of the week-end.
Although it is imperative that all
juniors put in every spare hour possible
on the armory today, beginning at 10
o ’elook, the following names have been
drawn to appear without fail: Wilson
Gaily, Georgo Gardiner, Edwyn Gar
finkle, Richard Ginn, Jean Goodrich,
Maurice Gourley, Maurice Graff, Pren
tiss Gross, Harold Grunland, Mieheal
Hager, Elmer Ilardenburgh, Ray Har
lan, John Hilary, Verdeii Hockett, Har
old Holdman, William Hopkins, George
j Horsfall, Ivan Houston, Clinton Ho
I ward, Frederick Howard, Donald Hun
tress, David Husted, Clarence Irwin,
Ted Janes, Lyle Janz, Carl Jaquet,
Frank Johnson, William Johnson, Terry
Johnson, Ward Johnson, Fred Junkin,
Harold Karo, Andrew Karpenstein,
Henry- Karpenstein, Ed Koelar, Charles
Kenyon, T. Kurnsige, Bob Lane, Darrell
Larsen, Hunk Latham, Fook Tai Lau,
(Continued on page three.)
Members to Meet Tonight for
Final Instructions
The Oregon Knights are prepared to
be on hand throughout Junior Week-end
to serve in any capacity in which they
may be needed, according to Ed Tapfer,
head of the organization. The Knights
have planned a busy program, assisting
the junior class committees in a number
of ways to handle the large number of
preppers who will be on the campus over
the week-end. They are planning to
meet incoming trains during the week
end days and to see that all guests are
escorted to their rooms or to the houses
or halls where they are to be guests.
In this way visitors not being otherwise
met will be attended to.
The Knights will manage all of the
ushering and sale of tickets for both the
Friday and Saturday track meets and
will assist at the campus luncheon. They
will also serve as guides about the cam
pus for the high school guests during
their stay.
Tapfer has called an important meet
ing of the entire organization tonight at
7:30 on the third floor of the Woman’s
building and i it is urgent that all mem
bers be on hand, according to his an
nouncement yesterday.
The following committees have been
named to meet the trains and to ushgr
and sell tickets at the track meets:
Train — Bruce Cunningham, Gibson
Wright, Carl Dahl, Maurince Kinzel,
Kenneth Rew, Charles Norton, Everett
Ogle, Webster Jones, Howard Hall, Ray
Garrett, William Dodds, Myron Shannon,
Ben Smith, Arleigh Reed, Francis Drink
er. Track Meet—John Simpson, chair
man, Robert Colo, A1 Sargent, Lawrence
Robertson, Robert Dodson, Rufus Sum
ner, Howard Hall, Joe Sorrie, William
Swindel, Archie Pitman, Harold Cfoed
eche, Don Goodrich.
Four Men Have Signified Intention of
Participating in Hilton Competi
ton Thursday at 3:30
The Frank H. Hilton speaking contest
open to all students in the law school,
is to be held on Thursday afternoon in
the school of law, at 3:30 o’clock.
Four students, who have signified
their intention of trying out for the
prize which is offered the winner of
this contest, are Howard T. McCulloch,
Ralph S. McClaflin, Gladys Everett and
M. E. Dickey.
The question which will be discussed
will be what students, if any, should
be entitled to vote for Eugene county
and city officers at the annual elec
tions. This question, though not of
great importance here in Eugene, was
much discussed in Illinois at the time
of Dean Hale’s residence there.
Mr. Hilton is a Stanford graduate,
and is very much interested in the Uni
versity of Oregon and the high stan
dards of legal education given here. He
therefore took this opportunity of of
fering University students a worth
while try-out. Mr. Hilton is a resident
of Portland at present and will be on
the campus Thursday to witness the
contest. On Thursday morning he will
speak to all students of law in the Com
mtree building at 10.30.
Judges for the contest will be G. F.
Skipworth, O. H. Foster and Charles M.
Stevens of Eugene.
Cosmopolitan Clubs are Study
of Visiting Secretary
Mutual education should be the mo
tive back of any student organization
affecting foreign students, is the be
lief of George M. Day, Pacific coast
secretary of the committee on friendly
relations among foreign students, who
is on the campus this week. Mr. Day
is here to interest students, particularly
those from foreign countries in attend
ing the student conference at Seabeck,
Washington, June 15 to 25.
The friendly relations committee is
a national organization with secretaries
in all sections of the country. Mr. Day,
as secretary for the Pacific coast, has
his headquarters at Berkeley, Cali
fornia. ,
“The big problem for any one inter
ested in friendly relations with foreign
students in our American institutions,”
said Mr. Day, “is to arouse American
students and show them that they have
splendid interpreters of foreign coun
tries right in their midst. American
students are too much absorbed in their
own little world. They are slow to take
on cosmopolitan viewpoints.
“Our relations with these students
ought to be a fifty-fifty proposition.
Every foreign student ought to be
matched with a friendly American. One
of our great mistakes,” Mr. Day con
tinued, “is to help the boys from
across the waters as though our acts
were acts of charity. They resent this,
and rightfully so. We should give them
the idea that we have something to
learn from them as well as something
to give them.”
Mr. Day was also of the opinion
that foreign students had their part to
play. “Foreign students should try to
understand all of American life,” ho
said, stressing the word “all.” “Stu
dents that make their daily rounds be
tween classrooms, tho library and the
clubhouse, go back to their respective
countries with only a partial and dis
torted idea of the American people.”
Considerable interest was shown by
Mr. Day in cosmopolitan clubs and their
ideals. Having had a great deal of ex
perience with clubs in various parts of
the country, he was asked by the pres
ident of the local organization to ap
pear before the executive board and
consult with its members on cosmopol
“Special emphasis should be laid on
the motto of your club,” he said.
“‘Above all nations is humanity ’
should be constantly before you.”
Mr. Day offered several reasons why
a cosmopolitan club at the University
of Oregon ought to be a success. “The
school is not unwieldly,” he said. “The
friendly spirit that exists on the campus
in the student body and between stu
dents and faculty, is conducive to work
ing up friendly relations with foreign
students and making a club with in
ternational ideas and ideals a vital
factor in student life.” The community
spirit in a town the size of Eugene
and the personal work of Mrs. Charlotte
Donnelly at the coinpus “Y” were also
mentioned by Mr. Day as assets in work
along this line.
The most nearly ideal cosmopolitan
club in the west, in Mr. Day’s opinion
is the one at Romona College, Califor
nia. At the University of California
there is considerable talk about the
possibilities of constructing a club
house in the near future. This Mr. Day
believes would be practicable, since
they have more than 500 foreign stu
dents in attendance.
Game Tomorrow with 0. A. C.
to Start off Junior Week-end
Schedule of Sports
Beavers Come After Playing
Twice against W. S. C.;
Coleman is Coach
Junior Week end will open tomorrow
morning at 10:00 o’clock as far as
Varsity athletics are concerned, when
the O. A. C. nine tangles bats with the
Varsity on Cemetery Ridge. The Aggies
succeeded in annexing a pair of victor
ies over the local swatters when the two
teams met on the Corvallis diamond,
and Coach Bohler’s proteges arc out to
even up the series.
It must be remembered that Cole
man’s crew was barely able to defeat
the‘Varsity in the first contest by a
1 to 0_ score and then they drove in the
lono tally in the last half of the ninth
inning. Tiny Shields held the Corvallis
lads scoreless for eight innings and the
big boy should be able to duplicate his
performance on the home grounds,
should he draw the hurling assignment.
Shields let the Aggie batsmen down
with four hits but at the same time,
Young, the Corvallis hurler, allowed
but four scattered bingles to the Var
sity stickers.
Brooks Shows Well
“Skipper” Brooks, in his two home
appearances on the mound, has shown
a world of stuff and if ho keeps up the
present gait, he bids fair to develop
into a slabster of real ability. To off
set this, however, “Lefty” Baldwin is
not delivering the goods in his usual
style and of late has been rather wild
and ineffective in the pinches.
Tomorrow’s game will make the third
consecutive game that the Beavers have
been in action,*¥or the played Washing
ton State both yesterday and today.
Those who saw the Cougars in action
on the local diamond can testify that
they are not a team that would allow
the opponents to get much rest at their
expense. There is no gainsaying the
fact that the Ags, under the coaching of
Ralph Coleman, have put a strong nine
in the field this year but the two Aggie
victories were hung on their home lot
and Bolder’s men were playing their
first gain6 on the road.
Pitchers May Be Tired
It is probable that either Young or
Woodward will perform on the mound
for the visitors in tomorrow’s battle
and as both of these men are reputed
to be good reliable pitchers and, unless
they are tired out by the Washington
ians, the Oregon sluggers will have their
job picked for them.
Thus far, Oregon has a slight edge
over the Aggies in athletics for the
year, having triumphed over the Orange
and Black cohorts on the gridiron last
fall and taking an even break with
them on the basketball court. The
Beavers have taken the lead in base
ball and the yearly status of the two
school in athletis will be known after
this scries is run off and the results
of the cjnder path tourney are made
Three Men to be Picked from Four
Competing for Contest; Van Waters
Former Chaicpion
The first event of the Junior Week
end schedule will be run off this after
noon when the freshman tennis team
meets Salem High school team on the
varsity tennis courts.
The freshman team will be composed
of three men selected from the four
who have won equal standing in the
elimination tournament that lias been
played since the beginning of the spring
term. The men standing highest on the
list and who will probably play Thurs
day afternoon are: Ralph Van Waters,
Ed Stevens, Eugene Slattery and Ken
Parelius... These four men are the sur
vivors of the elimination tournament
conducted by Gerald Barnes who is
handling freshmen tennis this year. At
the beginning of the tournament four
teen men were playing. The men have
shown decided improvement and are ex
pected to show up well in the tourna
The Freshman team is composed of
some capable tennis players. Van
Waters was interscholastic tenuis cham
pion in Los Angeles. Parelius played
for Lincoln High school in Portland in
high school meets. Stevens and Slat
tery are also good men and have shown
up well in the tryouts.