Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 16, 1923, Image 1

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Manager to Circulate Books
From Windows 14 and 15
of Ad Building
Extra Copies Will be on Hand
for Those not Having
Placed Orders
Evidence that another year in the life
of the University and its students
has rolled by, and is now history, is pre
sented by the announcement of Yelma
Farnham, editor of the 1923 Oregana,
that that book will be ready for student
distribution Thursday morning at 10
o’clock. The polls qf distribution will
be windows 14 and 15 on the second
floor of the Administration building.
“We have tried faithfully,” was the
message Miss Farnham gave to the stu
dent bod^ on behalf of the staff, “to
typify Oregon life of the past year, and
to crystallize in a permanent, valuable,
historical form, events which will be
nearest and dearest to the hearts of the
present generation of students when
they remember those days at Oregon.”
The entire staff has worked hard and
without any let-up whatsoever on the
book, but the pleasure of the work has
made us forget the hard grind. I am
grateful to the students of the Univer
sity for giving me the privilege of edi
ting such a book as this, and I now
turn my work back to them, hoping that
it will be in every way satisfactory.”
Cost is Less
The cost of this year’s Oregana ac
cording to Miss Farnham will be $4.50.
This is 25 cents lower than last year’s
edition of the book, and the difference
is attributed to the fact that this year’s
volume “got the breaks” in better con
tracts and labor conditions. According
to Miss Farnham the Oregana has been
self-supporting for the past three years
and each year has been slightly less
expensive than the previous year.
A few extra copies of the Oregana
will be held for sale at the distribu
tion offices for those who were unable
to turn in regular orders ill advance.
As a celebration of the completion of
their work, the staff of the book, to
gether with two past editors, the editor
elect, and invited guests of the campus,
gave a dinner, dance at the Anchorage,
a week before the release of the vol
ume to the general campus. A feature
of the party which has come to be an
annual affair, was a large cake baked
in the form of a large book, the top
being composed of a replica of the
cover of the present edition of the year
Those on University Payroll to Enter
Independent Baseball League
The U. of O. employees intend to
a baseball team in an independent
league to be formed in Eugene. There
are five other teams in the league be
sides the University team and although
it was the desire of the University
squad to gain admission to the twilight
league of Eugene, this league already
had its full quota of teams and it was
found necessary to form another. At the
end of the season, the winners in each
league will play the winners of the
other for the championship title.
Anyone conected with the University
with the exception of paid athletes, is
extended an invitation to try out for
the team. First practice will be held
tonight at 5 o’clock.
Students Not Only Ones
to Err in Checks
Shades of a no-fund check!—or the
tale of an offender, who wasn’t a stu
A University of Oregon professor,
who is also on the lists as a student for
the payment of registration fees, walk
ed into the registrar’s office not long
ago and asked for a “Captial National
bank check.” On being told that there
was no such bank in Eugene, he said,
“Well, name over all the banks and
perhaps I can remember the name of the
one I have my money in.”
The sequel to this little tale is not
yet forthcoming. For the sake of the
honor of the University, it is to be
hoped he wrote a check on the right
bank. Otherwise—well, murder will
And, sad to relate, he is not the only
absent minded professor on the cam
pus, for not long ago a check, was re
ceived at the registrar’s office on
which the figures 98c were written; but
underneath, the professor had written
“Ninety-eight - dollars.”
It would therefore seem that educa
tional folders for the faculty would
not be out of place.
“The Great Broxopp” to be
Given May 25, 26 and 27
“The Great Broxopp,” with Kate Pin
neo, Vera Fudge, Elizabeth Robinson,
and David Swanson in the leading roles,
and a selected group supporting them,
will be produced by the University Com
pany three nights, beginning the 25th of
this month.
An English comedy, subtle, amusing,
full of clever situations, it will probably
be one of the funniest plays attempted
by the players. It is unusual also in the
fact that there are four leads of equal
importance. The whole thing is well
rounded technically, c.nd not at all lack
ing in character delineation.
Broxopp, the real hero of the play, is
a very sincere, frank old fellow who has
a gift for thinking of euphonious sell
ing slogans, and is as proud of his brain
children as if they were new versions of
“Paradise Lost.’-’ He gets on well as
long as his adoring wife continues to
think his slogans as wonderful as she
thinks him. But when his son has fin
ally grown, gone to Eton and Oxford,
fallen in love, and has become sensitive
about “ Broxopp’s Beans for Babies” ad
which contains his baby picture, the gen
ial old Broxopp is disturbed.
How he goes about undoing the unwel
come publicity which his son has re
ceived at his hands, and how he dis
covers happiness in the end is a long
story on which the plot hinges.
There is one character in the play who
is a real treat and that is Iris, the son’s
fiancee. She is an honest girl, and that
is quite a phenomenon. Incidentally she
is a joy to old Broxopp’s heart. She has
a sense of humor that is delicious and
it saves many situations.
The whole play attains the high stan
dards set by Guild hall for itself in the.
past year and speaks well for the Com
pany which is attempting it.
Dean William G. Hale will address
the senior class of Lincoln high school
in Portland June 11. His talk will be
on the University and what is offered
in the different departments. The mem
orial address at Silverton will also be
given by Dean Hale on May 30.
Alpha Tau Omega announces the
pledging of Lee Hoskins of Portland.
Doom of Fraternities Sensed by
Editor of Denunciatory Sheet
T !■■■■!
“The fellow who can talk easily,
dress well and make good with the
girls is not infrequently considered
more desirable than one who has intel
lectual ambitions and sterling moral
qualities, but who is less characterized
by social finesse.”
“It seems that fraternities do have
ideals, but in order to be a good
fellow and a popular member one must
necessarily violate them one and all.”
Thus reads an eight by five-inch yel
low pamphlet that is being left on the
threshold of the men’s letter organiza
tions. The booklet informs the mem
bers of the passing of fraternities and
accuses the Greek letter organizations,
in denunciatory language, of impro
rieties, of immoralities, and failure to
fulfill the high ideals of university life.
^George P. Gundelfinger, Ph. D.,
author of “Ten Years at Yale,” entitles
his bulletin ’’The Passing of Brother
Greek.” He uses as material “The Fra
ternity and Undergraduates?” by T. A.
Clark, dean of men at fche University of
Illinois and his own experiences as proc
tor of a fraternity dormitory. Mr.
Clark published his book to defend thd
fraternities but Mr. Gundelfinger de
clares the work is inconsistent and
straighway attempts to point out the
illogical defence.
Fraternities are doomed, he predicts.
“It is clear that the fraternity must
pass out of the colleges,” writes Mr.
Gundelfinger. ,
This prophecy is based on the charges
that the college has failed to raise the
social and ethical standards of the or
ganizations. Scholastic records among
the fraternities are low. The influ
ence of the npperclassmen upon the sus
ceptible freshman is bad.
Socially fraternity men are superior
<t pa«> tkiM.}
Final Preparations for Junior
Week-end Contest with
Aggies Are Made
Chosen Officials Are Asked to
Report Thursday to Get
Their Instructions
Preparations for the premier athletic
svent of Junior Week-end, the Oregon
0. A* C. track and field meet scheduled
for Friday afternoon, were practically
iompfeted. yesterady when Bill Hayward
ran his athletes through the final try
outs to decide who will represent the
Lemon-Yellow. Officials for the big
dual affair were also selected.
In order to get the officials acquaint
sd with their duties during the Friday
'ompetition, Bill has asked that they all
report on Hayward field by 4:30 Thurs
lay afternoon for final instructions. The
veteran coach is particularly desirous
;hat every one report so that each offi
:ial will be fully informed as to the
part he is to play, thus insuring that
the meet will be run off in fast time with
ro hitches in the proceedings.
Track Men Are Picked
As a result of yesterady’s tryouts the
nen who will bear Oregon’s colors were
picked in every event except the jave
:in throw. These will be selected either
:oday or tomorrow. The varsity repre
ientatives and their events are as follows:
100-yard dash—Larson, Oberteuffer
ind either Bockhey or Breakey.
220-yard dash—Larson, Oberteuffer,
Lucas, Hardenberg.
440—Bisley, Bosebraugh, Hardenberg.
Half-mile—Kays, Peltier, Burton.
Mile run—Curry, Beajttie, Humphrey.
Two-mile—Keopp, Whitcomb, Winther.
High hurdles — McKinney,, Hunt,
Low hurdles—McKinney, Hunt, Bowles
High jump—Spearow and Stivers.
Broad jump—Spearow, Bowles, Stivers.
Pole vault—Spearow, Phillips, J3ow
Shot-put—Starr, Byler, Johnson.
Belay—Bisley, Bosebraugh, Harden
berg, Lucas.
Although no tryouts were held for the
javelin event this will probably be taken
care of by Cappell, Byler and Starr.
No records were broken in the tryouts
but the showing as a whole indicated that
the Aggies will have stiff competition
Friday, especially in the sprints and the
Officials Are Chosen
The officials who have been selected
for the meet and whom Bill is anxious to
have report on Hayward field tomor
row are as follows:
Beferee—T. Morris Dunne of Multno
mah Club.
Honorary referee—*-Colin V. Dyment.
Inspectors—J. A. Murray, H. C. Howe,
and W. F. G. Thacher.
Scorers—'Victor Bradeson and Paul
Clerk of the course—Leith Abbott.
Announcers — Haddon Bockhey and
Dick Sundeleaf.
Marshals—George King, George Boh
ler and Shy Huntington.
Physician—Dr. W. K. Livingston.
Press Steward—Ep Hoyt.
Starter—George W. Philbrook.
Judges of the finish—W. D. Smith,
E. Hodge, Hank Foster, Jack Benefiel,
R. Butherford, Glen Walkley.
Timers — Dean Bovard, Harry Scott,
Gerald Barnes.
Field judges—L. Dunsmore, Bud
Brown, Ed Edlunds, Hal Chapman, Tiny
Service in Memorial Day Ceremonies
Will Be Optional with Men
About 70 per cent of the men taking
R. O. T. C. drill have put in their re
quired number ef hours and are through
with the work for the year, says Colo
nel Sinclair. After drill next Tuesday
the military work will be practically
suspended, although there will still be
a few men who will have hours to make
up. Many men took advantage of the
opportunity bofore the inspection last
month and attended the extra periods
scheduled, for which they received cre
The R. O. T. C. band has been asked
by the American Legion to supply
music for the Memorial day services.
Plans for the day are not mature yet,
and it has not been decided whether
the cadets will turn out for the parade.
If they are needed by the patriotic or
ganization in charge, it> wifi be up to
the men to decide whether to respond,
Colonel Sinclair states.
Phi Sigma Pi announces the pledging
of Taylor Huston of Burns, Oregon.
TO DRAW 311511 IS
Saturday Water Carnival Is
Latest Event Scheduled
for Preppers
Junior Class Meeting Will Be
Held Tonight to Outline
the Work *
Thursday, May 17
4 p .m Frosh-Salem High tennis
meet. *
7. Pendleton-Astoria high school
, debate.
Friday, May IS
8:50 a. m. Frosh-Soph Tug-o-war.
9:30 a. m. Burning of the green.
10:00 a. m. Oregon-O. A. C. baseball
12 m. Campus luncheon.
2 p. m. Oregon-O. A. C. track meet, i
4:15 p. m. Correct Clothes show for
high school girls.
8:15 p .m. Canoe Fete.
10:30 p. m. Fraternity smokers and
Saturday, May 19.
10:00 a. m. Oregon-O. A. C. tennis
10:30 a. m. Preliminaries high school
track meet.
10:30 a. m. Water carnival on mill
1:00 p. m. Oregon-O. A. C. baseball.
3:00 p. m. High Schol track meet.
8:15 p .m. Junior prom (armory).
Sunday, May 20
Open house at all living organiza
Once again Junior Week-end is here.
Tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 o’clock
a tennis meet between the Oregon frosh
and Salem high school opens the busiest
week-end of the year for Oregon stu
dents. Hundreds of “preppers” from
all parts of the northwest will begin
coming in tomorrow noon and by Fri
day noon every living organization on
the campus will be full to the door
ways with wide awake youngsters
“anxious to see Oregon.”
Reports at last night’s meeting of
the directorate indicate that plans are
well in hand. Heavy demands on Jun
iors’ time will be made all week-end
and Doug Farrell, chairman of the com
mittee, urges that members of the class
of ’24 remember this in making their
plans for the next few days.
Junior Meeting Tonight
Tonight at 5 o’clock a Junior class
meeting has been called by Jimmie
Meek, president of the class, for the
purpose of outlining the work which
the juniors must do to make the week
end a success. “It is absolutely im
perative that every Junior be there in
order that this year’s Junior Week-end
be absolutely a number one,” he said
last night. Committees for the coming
class elections will be appointed tonight
and a short discussion of a possible
Junior dance is also scheduled on the
class meeting program.
Knut Digerness, Frank Dorman,
Jean Du Paul, Vincent Engeldinger,
Alfred Erickson, Arthur Everett, Cecil
Fargher, Henry Foster, Donald Fraser,
and Armand Fuchs have been drafted
for work on the blachere at 3:15 this
afternoon. Practically every member
of the junior class will be needed either
at the armory or on the bleachers is
the edict the class officials announced
last night.
New Event Scheduled
The newest Junior Week-end event,
the water carnival, has included on its
program a 50-yard dash between the
frosh and the varsity; class canoe races
(men and women); spring board and
high diving; tub race; girls 50 yeard
race; back stroke race; tilting contest;
novelty canoe race; and relay race.
Lyle Palmer is chairman on this fea
ture, which is scheduled for 10:30 Sat
urday morning. It promises to be one
of the most interesting parts of the
entire program as some of the best
swimmers in the state are slated to
take part.
Tickets are now on sale for the
canoe fete and the prom. Every “prep
per” is expected to register at the Ad
building soon after his arrival. At that
time each will be given a ticket admit
ting him to all events.
This will do away with paying for
guests. However students are to be
charged one dollar for prom tickets
and 25c for bleacher seats at the fete.
Townspeople and faculty must pay for
bleacher tickets. “Gallery gods” at
the prom will be required to pay 25c
for their seats. Tickets are on sale for
_ ,, r-• w
i (Continued on pngo four.)
Cougar^ Ball Team’s
Peppy Third Sacker
Harold Cook
Club Entertains Chi Omegas
with Songs and Dance
The University of California’s Men’s
Glee club, composed of 19 members and
a manager, David Forrest, stoppad in
Eugene Monday afternoon and evening
on their way north where they are giv
ing concerts. The Glee club has toured
all of California giving concerts and is
playing in Corvallis and Portland, going
north to Seattle and will spend two
days in Vancouver, B. C., before return
ing to Eugene May 26. Manager For
rest stated that the club would endea
vor to make arrangements to stop in
Eugene on its return trip and give eith
er a concert at the Heilig Theatre or
a dance and cabaret at the New Ar
mory. All members of the club play
one or two instruments in addition to
being fine singers.
The members of the club were guests
during the evening at the Chi Omega
house where they put on their vaude
ville stunts, including singing and danc
ing by different men in the club. Ac
cording to the Chi Omegas the club
has an unusually high type of program
and the personnel is composed of men
with well trained voices that blend
splendidly. During the evening an in
formal dance took place at the chapter
house. The music was furnished by
the California orchestra. The entire
club will be guests at dinner at the Chi
Omega house on their return here.
After returning from their northern
tour the club is going east and will sail
for Europe where they will tour during
the summer appearing in concerts in
many European cities. Last year the
Glee club visited the Orient where they
had a successful trip.
The Californians visited the Oregon
campus yesterday afternoon and they
expressed, themselves as (being very
much impressed with the campus, its
beauty and especially the good spirit
and atmosphere of campus life.
Washington State Nine Romps
Off With Second Game by
Scoring 10 Runs to 4
Heavy Swatting of Northerners
Proves Nemesis of Oregon
in Later Innings
Timely hitting, fast fielding, and Ore
gon errors enabled the hard hitting
Cougars to claw down the varsiy col
ors for the second time, taking yester
day’s ball game by a 10 to 4 score and
making H two straight for the series.
Every man on the Washington team ex
cept Beneke and Sandberg got at least
one hit and all except Beneke succeeded
in crossing the plate at least once. Sors
by and Svarverud were the big guns in
the Oregon offensive, each connecting
twice in four trips to the platter. One
of Sorsby’s blows sailed over the cen
ter fielder's head and allowed the little
fellow to make the trip around the
bags, unmolested.
For the first two innings, Shields had
the Northerners eating out of his hand,
and when, in the last half of the sec
ond, the locals cracked out three saf
eties for two runs, it looked like an
Oregon day. Their lead was short lived,
however, for in the very next canto the
Staters opened fire and Oregon blew
up, and when they came back to earth,
three Cougars had romped safely across
the rubber.
In their half of tfoe inning, the var
sity stickors responded nobly to the
plea of the bleaclierites and chased in
another score, evoning the count. The
score was made as a result of Sorsby’s
single, Collin’s sacrifice, and an error
on the part of the Cougar third saclcer.
Tlio visitors came back in the first
of the fourth and annexed two more
runs and from then on they were never
headed. The big sticks of Foster, Rob
erts, Hanley and Bray were responsible
for the counters.
Homer Is Spoiled
Washington added two more in the
sixth when Johnny Zaepfel pushed one
of Tiny’s fast ones out half way to the
school of education building for three
bags. The clout wouldvhave easily gone
for a homer had it not hit one of the
cars parked out in the outer garden.
A sharp single by Roberts scored Zaep
fel and a single by Cook, after Bray
had walked, seored Roberts.
Applequist’s men were not content
with this lead, however, and in the
seventh they chased another run across.
In the ninth, they took advantage of
the varsity errors and another pair of
runs scampered home. Oregon’s fourth
and last tally came in the eighth when
Bill Sorsby collected his four-ply swat.
Washington State left this morning
for Corvallis where they will play a
two-game series with the Aggies. The
(Continued on page three.)
Mrs. Bruce J. Giffen, wife of the
student pastor, leaves today for Oxford,
Ohio, to attend the commencement exer
cises at Western college there to be held
June 6, when she will receive her B. A.
degree. Mrs. Giffen attended Western
College before her marriage, but has
finished her work for her degree while
here at the University of Oregon. Mrs.
Giffen expects to be away about two
months, planning to visit her old home
at Hebion, Indiana, after commence
Russian College Life Stormy
Declares American Observer
What would you think of a University
which did not educate its students along
the lines of the chief problems of the
country to which it was native? What
is the use of an education which does not
really educate along vital lines, arid which
is restricted and hampered at every
step? Such is the sorry tale told of the
Russian colleges by George M. Day, sec
retary of the Pacific Coast division of
the Student Christian Foreign Friend
ship movement of the Y. M. C. A, who is
visiting on the campus until Thursday
morning. Mr. Day was in Russia from
1909 until 1917, and during this time he
attended the Unievrsity of Fetrograd as
an “auditor” student.
The career of the Russian University
life under the czarist regime, under the
more moderate Kerensky rule, and under
the earlier and later stages of the soviet
government has been stormy, to say the
least. Fought by the church, suppressed
by the government police, under despot
ism, the student class in Russia was again
in serious danger under tlie rule of the
Bolsheviks, according to Mr. Day. Only
under the government of Kerensky, whom
they backed to the limit, did the stu
dents fare at all well, or cut any great
figure in national politics.
An incident illustrating the life of
students under the rule of the Bomanoff
bureaucratic rule was told by Mr. Day:
“I was attending the University of
Petrograd,” he said, “at the time of tho
death of Count Tolstoi. Now according
to the rule of the police not more than a
dozen or fifteen students were allowed
to gather together outside of the col
lege bounds, because such gatherings
might lead to the inception of revolution
ary ideas.
“The students had planned to com
memorate the death of Count Tolstoi
with a great student gathering, think
ing that surely the government would
allow them to honor the memory of so
great a world figure. I remember that
(Continned on page tour.)