Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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Expert Assistance Is Given
Towards Passing of All
College Requirements
Is it the ambition of every student
to improve his every-day speech and
writing? If so, does every University
student know of the existence of the
English bureau which is designed to
aid students in their speech and writ
ing? The bureau has employed three
definite methods of helping students:
first, defining the real requirements in
English for successful college study and
expression of the results of study; sec
ond, treating cases of deficient prepar
ation; third, offering instruction and
expert advice regarding the writing of
articles required in connection with
subjects of study.
The students to whom the bureau is
open are divided into three classes:
class A, for those who do not pass the
entrance examination; class B. for those
found later to be deficient in some res
pects; class C, for those who come vol
untarily for help in preparing long ar
ticles like theses and bulletins, or for
help in editing their work.
The whole number of students who
did not pass the entrance examination
at the beginning of the fall term was
about 300. These students were divid
ed into three lots, one for each term.
About 120 enrolled the first term, and
100 cleared their conditions from the
work at the close of the term.
Conditions Are Cleared
For the second term 45 students reg
istered, and 30 cleared their condiitons.
This term there are about seven taking
the work.
Of this year’s freshman class some
145 students have not cleared their
conditions in English. Those students
left over are not eligible to the new
writing courses to be opened next year.
It has been found by careful investi
gation on the part of English instruc
tors that students who clear their con
ditions satisfactorily, show an imme
diate rise in grades. All students when
discussing the work are unanimous in
declaring that they are “getting their
money’s worth.”
Instructors in the bureau say that
the bureau is not an infliction but a
privilege, and that the University is
not requiring something for nothing,
but providing expert help and advice
free for students who unfortunately
are not prepared for successful study.
In order that those taking the work
may grasp the principles underlying
practical writing, Miss Ida V. Turney,
head of the bureau, has just finished
preparing a hand-book which contains
in concentrated form the necessary in
Handbook is Studied
By means of studying the handbook
students are able to grasp the princi
ples and apply them to problems at
hand without going through all the steps
in the teaching of grammar and rhe
toric in the grade and high schools.
The first step in clearing conditions
is to teach the students to criticize their
work and that of their classmates. They
are given definite tests to apply to
faults in discourse, paragraph, and sen
tence structure. These tests compell
the students td review all principles
of grammar composition and diction un
derlying practical writing.
“The students take to the work like
‘ducks to water,’” said Miss Turney.
Many of them develop rapidly and some
who become interested in writing show
ability, she added. “It is my conviction
that with the cooperation of all the in
structors in the departments, the stan
dard of speech and writing on the cam
pus could be definitely elevated, for
strange as it may seem the demand for
good English is coming from the stu
dents rather than from instructors,” she
said. A number of upper division and
graduate students are enrolled in the
work in class C. The thoughtful or
merely hard-headed practical student
is realizing his handicap, and is glad
of assistance and advice—to such the
bureau extends a welcome, said Miss
Turney. About ten students conditioned
by instructors in other departments are
enrolled in clap B.
Preppers Defeat Springfield Nine in
Easy Game Friday
Walking off with the long end of
an 18-8 score, the University high
school baseball team won an easy game
from the Springfield nine Friday. The
only exciting thing to the game was a
three-bagger made by McCormick, the
shortstop on the U. H. S. team.
Batteries were: Clave, pitcher and
Powers, catcher for U. H. S.; and Gil
lespie, pitcher, and Chamberlain, catch
er, for Springfield. The campus play
ers have their next game with Cottage
Grove May 18 in Cottage Grove.
Philosophy Head and Mrs. Bates to
Leave for Europe This Summer
Dr. E. S. Bates, head of the depart
ment of philosophy, will leave for an
extended trip in Europe. Dr. Bates
will be accompanied on the trip by his
wife and they plan to tour France,
spending some time in Paris, but the
greater part of their time in Italy.
Dr. Bates will not return until the
fall of 1924 to take up his University
work again. During his tour of Europe,
he plans to do a great deal of studying
and some writing. In Paris, Dr. and
Mrs. Bates will probably meet other
members of the University faculty and
friends, among them Charlotte Ban
field, of the University of Oregon dra
matics department, who will attend a
dramatic school in Paris,, and Andrew
Pish, of the history department. Dr.
Fish will leave for Europe immediately
after the close of the term. The greater
part of his time will be spent in Eng
land, visiting his home and relatives in
Newcastle. He will return at the end
of the summer.
Comedies Will be Staged Wednesday at
Assembly by Sophomores of
English Classes
“Neighbors” and Dinner is Served,”
two one-act plays, will be given by the
sophomore English classes of the Uni
versity high school at the weekly assem
bly Wednesday at eleven o’clock. A
modern version of the Witches Scene
from Macbeth, a humorous parody con
taining references to idiosyncracies of
the instructors, is also to be given by
the boys.
The English class is divided into a
boys’ and a girls’ section, each group
taking the part of both boys and girls
in their respective plays.
The following is the cast for
“Neighbors,” given by the girls under
the supervision of Miss Ethel Wake
Miss Diantha Abel. Betty McGowan
Grandma .. Evelyn Casad
Ezra Williams . Audrey Stanfield
Inez . Irene Jones
Peter . Helen Hanna
Miss Elmira Moran .... Mary Brabham
Miss Trot . Irene MacMaster
Miss Carry Ellsworth .. Lyndall Elliott
“Dinner is Served,” under the direc
tion of Harold Benjamin, will be given
by the following boys:
The Colonel . Gerald Roberts
The Lieutenant . Franklin Hall
The Sergeant . Lester McDonald
The Negro Mammy . John Swan
Her Husband . Kennard Colton
The classes are preparing more of
these short plays to be given at the
assemblies in the future.
(Continued from page one)
Dr. Smith and Dr. Packard were Ian
Campbell, Hubert Schenck, Guy Arman
Wise, George Houck, Don Zimmerman,
and Phil Brogan. Campbell and
trout, Hally Berry, Ray Porter, Francis
Linklater, Harold McConnell, Homer
Schenck left for the north on Thurs
day, and other members of the group
left on Friday and Saturday.
Schenck and Campbell, who visited
the St. Paul oil prospects, report that
the drillers say they found oil which
had an asphalt base. The two geolo
gists, who are graduates in the depart
ment, point out that this find is con
trary to Rev. David Olson’s postulate,
which is to the effect that oil in the
Eugene quadrangle and in the Willam
ette valley basin has a paraffine base.
The problem studied by the group of
geologists headed by Dr. Packard was
a more definite correlation of the Oli
gocene formations of the northwest part
of the state with those found near Eu
gene. Many specimens of life that
lived in the Oligocene seas which swept
over western Oregon several geological
eras ago were found by the searchers,
and Francis Linklater found three per
fect shark teeth, imbedded in the fos
siliferous sandstone near Pittsburg and
on the Columbia slope of the moun
Dr. John J. Landsbury, dean of the
school of music, has been asked to give
an address at the annual convention of
the National Educational Association
to be held in Oakland, July 2. He has
chosen “Music and Music Education”
as the subject of his address.
“No classes all day Friday” is the
word which comes from the president’s
office: In the past the Friday before
Junior week-end' has always been taken
up with campus clean-up, but since this
custom was abolished the time will be
used in other preparations for the enter
tainment of guests.
Get the Classified Ad habit.
Today—Last Day
Agnes Ayres and
Walter Long
Tomorrow Comes
in her new comedy
Baseball Players Are Picked
by Coach Waterman
Members of the four teams which
will start the interclass series begin- j
ning next Wednesday are announced ;
by Miss Waterman of the physical edu- i
cation department, who is coaching the j
teams. The senior hitters will be: Dor
othy McKee, pitcher, Charlotte Howells,
catcher, Florence Jagger, first base,
Ellen McVeigh, second base, Wilma
Cliattin, third base, Lois Barnette, left
short, Pearl Lewis, right short, Helen
McCormick, left field, Wenona Dyer,
center field, Marjorie Flegal, right field
and substitutes, Leona Gregory and
Buth Tuck. Florence Baker will pitch
for the junior class, Margaret Alexan
der, catcher, Betty Garrett, first base,
Harriet Howells, second base, Grace
Murfin, third base, Vernetta Quinlan,
left short, Marjorie Read, right short,
Teressa Robinette, left field, Teka
Haynes, center field, Lynetta Quinlan,
right field and subs, Marion Nicholai,
Mildred Le Compte, and Bernice Cor
Due to the very close competition
in the sophomore class for places on
the team, the final line of first players
has not been fully decided, and the fol
lowing girls will play the firrt inter
class game before the lineup for the
season is definitely made: Grace Sulli
van, Mary Hathaway, Cris Heckman,
Stella Haglund, Melba Byron, Maude
Schroeder, Golda Boone, Alice Enrich,
Beatrice Emmonson, Charlotte La Tour
rette, Mildred Crain, and Hilda Chase.
Three of the thirteen girls will act as
substitutes after the players have been
chosen. The freshman ten will be com
posed of the following: Mildred On
slow, pitcher, Marian Wagini, catcher,
Irva Dale, first base, Ruth MacGregor,
second base, Mary Ann Bumgarner,
third base, Pauline Boston, left short,
Edna Murphy, right short, Frances
Ward, left field, Janet Wood, center
field, Bernice Rasor, right field, and
subs, Catherine Kearns, Dorothy Evans
and Mamie Turner. The teams have
been practicing every night and much
promising material has shown up.
Old Clothes for Near East Relief to be
Collected on May 16; Everyone
Asked to Contribute
“Don’t forget that May 16 is bundle
day,” said Miss Alice Capps, assistant
chairman of the Lane county committee
in charge of the Near East Relief work
of gathering up clothing for the Armen
ians. Miss Capps hopes that the stu
dents of the university will be gener
ous in their contributions. Almost any
kind of warm clothing is wanted, she
says, and it will not matter to a shiver
ing Armenian orphan girl if her coat is
of last winter’s cut.
Those who live near the campus may
leave their bundles at the Y. M. C. A.
hut; other receiving places will be the
Presbyterian, Christian, Congregational
and Baptist churches and the parish
houses of the Catholic and Episcopal
churches; also the Eugene Grangers’
warehouse on Pearl street. For persons
who cannot take their bundles to the
designated places automobiles will be sent
to the residences. For this service tele
"Known for Tone”
Just the phonograph for the
house. Beautiful models in all
sizes. Let us demonstrate.
6th Ave., between Wil. and Oak
phone J. R. Getchell, S8F3, ot Miss Alice
Capps, 291-J. ]
The donations will be made into a gen
eral shipment on May 17, at the Grang
ers’ warehouse, and Mr. Gethchell will bo
glad of volunteers to help in the packing
Of the goods at that time; also, Miss
Capps would like to receive names of
those who can give some time and the
use of their automobiles on the 16th in
collecting the clothes.
Inivitational and Complimentary Affair
to be June 5 in the Auditorium
of Lincoln High School
The University Symphony orchestra,
directed by Rex Underwood of the school
of music, is to give its first Portland
concert Tuesday, June 5, at the Lincoln
high school auditorium. Mrs. H. H. O’
Reilly, of Portland, is in charge of the1
concert, which will be invitational and
The program will be similar to that
given for the home concert, with the ex-!
ception of “The Firefly,” Friijil. In
place of this Brahms “Hungarian Dances
Nos. 5 and 6,” and “Ballet Suite,” Ram
eau-Mottl, are to be played. George Payn
ter Hopkins, instructor in piano at the
school of music, and Alberta Potter, vio
linist, are to be soloists. Mr. Hopkins
will play Saint-Saens “Concerto in G
minor” and Miss Potter “Fantasie Ap
passionatta,” Vieuxtemps.
The complete program will be as fol
Carmen Suite No. 1 .Bazet
Concerto in G minor for pianoforte..
. Saint-Saens
George Paynter Hopkins
Fantasie Appassionatto ....Vieuxtemps
Alberta Potter
Trio—Gypsy Rondo .Haydn
Aurora Potter Underwood,
Katie Potter, Alberta Potter
Hungarian Dances, No. 5 and 6, Brahms
Ballet Suite .Rameau Mottl
Selections from Pagliacci .. .Leoncavallo
A visitor at the Kappa Alpha Theta
house during the week-end and until
Wednesday, is Mrs. C. A. Bemis of Spo
kane, district president of the frater
nity. Mrs. Bemis is spending some time
on the campus in addition to visiting
the house and was entertained yester
day afternoon at the chapter house
with a reception.
Furniture |
Direct from the Hawaiian Is
lands comes dainty wicker
porch furniture. And since it
is nicer to sit under cool vines
and fragrant breezes, this trop
cal furniture is sure to delight
the most fantastic person.
And they are weather proof.
Left in the night air, the grass
of which this furniture is made,
absorb enough dampness to
insure them against breaking
during hot days.
Inexpensive, light and comfort
able, this furniture is ideal for
summer days.
Furniture Co.
625 Willamette Phone 1183
The sunshine brings out the kodaks as well as freckles.
It is hard to keep enlargements and group pictures unless you
have them framed.
Wall Paper and Paint Store
922 Willamette Street Eugene
ik. u.a. pat. orrics
Mmke\ iJtf limit Stay Ctmbtd
Combed Hair
Neatly combed in the morning—
jt what about three o’clock in the
Cternoon ?
For wiry, unruly hair—for soft,
uffy hair — for any kind of hair
lat won’t stay combed all day use
tacomb—then your hair will stay
imbed just as you want it.
Ideal after washing your hair.
Leaves the hair soft and lustrous.
Ask your barber for a Stacomb
At all druggists.
TF YOU are looking for service
A and satisfaction in neckwear,
try one of our Cheney Cravats.
They are beautiful and distinctive
and are right-up-to-the-last-min
ute in style. These cravats are
made of silk and wool mixtures
and they solve the college stu
dents’ difficulty by being non
wrinkable. The most popular ones
are sold at
Wade Bros.
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
If This advertisement was written by Larry
Cook. It is the prize winner of last week’s con
test and Cook wins the necktie.
For House Decorations
at Junior Week-End
We have a fine lot of long stemmed
For anything in Floral Decorations see
The University Florist
Phone 654 993 Hilyard Street
Its Traditional Spots
Take your Junior Week-end guests up the mill race.
Show them the Woman’s building, Alumni hall and
Hayward field. Don’t forget to show them the new
'Art building. But by all means drop in at the Ore
gana and introduce to them George and his famous
drinks. Because—if you don’t, they will not have
a full conception of true life at Oregon.
Free Gasoline
50 Gallons Gas
To the person submitting the
most appropriate name .
All names must be in writing and submitted in person at
1927 Franklin Boulevard
Now Open for Business