Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member of Pacific Inercollegiate Press Association
" Official publication of the Associated Student* of the University of Oregon, issued daily
except Monday, during the college year. __
Editorial Board
Managing Editor ....Phil Brogan
Associate Editors ----.Ep Hoyt, Inez King
Associate Managing Editor ...-.Art Budd
Copy Supervisor .-.....——.Jessie Thompson
Daily News Editors
John Piper Freda Goodrich
Ted Janes
Ben Maxwell Don Woodward
Leon Byrne
Taylor Huston
Night Editors
Edward Carleton
Junior Seton
Leonard Lerwill
Sports Editor ...Edwin Fraser
Sports Writers: Alfred Erickson, Kenneth
News Service Editor -Rachel Chexem
Information Chief: Rosalia Keber; As
sistants : Maybelle King, Pauline Bondurant.
P. I. N.
....1UUI1K JJjrcto
t. Editor_Florlne Packard
| Music ___Margaret Sheridan
News staff: Clinton Howard, Genevieve Jewell, Anna Jerzyk. Geraldine Root, Margaret
Bkavlan, Norma Wilson, Henryetta Lawrence, Jeanne Gay, George Stewart, Katherine Spall,
Lester Tumbaugh, Florence Walsh, Marian Lowry, Marion Lay, Mary Jane Dustin, George
ianna Gerlinger, Agnes Driscoll, Webster Jones, Margaret Vincent, Margaret Morrison, George
Belknap, Phyllis Coplan, Eugenia Strickland, Herbert Powell, Helen Reynolds.
Business Staff
Advertising Service Editor ....-.Randolph Kuhn
Circulation Manager -..----—.— ---Gibson Wright
Assistant Circulation Manager ----—.-.Kenneth Stephenson
Adv. Assistant®___Maurice Warnock, Lester Wade, James Leake, Herman Blaesing
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon as second-class matter. Subscription rates,
|2.26 per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application.
Business Manager
Phones ...
...861 Editor ...666
Daily News Editor This Issue
Theodore Janes
Night Editor This Issue
Junior Seton
So He Went to the Ball Game
If a college editor were to run true to form his editorials would
go something as follows: Tuesday—Support the baseball team. Wed
nesday—Don’t forget to say hello. Remember the approaching ex
aminations. Thursday—Everyone attend assembly. “Say Hello.”
Friday—Support the starving students of Madagascar. Be sure to go
to the play tonight. Saturday—Every student in college out for
the game this afternoon. Be sure to say “hello” to week-end guests.
And so on—
The editor thought of writing a “hello” editorial this morning.
He thought of urging everyone to attend the baseball game. He
thought of urging everyone to buy their “Prom” tickets today. A
warning of approaching examinations came to his mind. He was
urged to tell men to go out for spring football.
He knew that it was his duty to write these things—and he also
knew that if he did, no one would take the trouble to read them.
He had a feeling that those who fail to say “hello” would go on ne
glecting. He had an idea that those who had intended to stay away
from the ball game would stay away whether he wrote the editorial
or not. And he knew a hundred editorials would not save the starv
ing students of Madagascar—
So he went to the ball game.
Campus Artists Do Good Work:
Out Junior Week-end
The “Egyptian number,” May issm
of the Lemon Punch, will bo out during
Junior week-end, according to Herbert
Larsen, editor. As its name implies tin
issue will feature Egyptian costumes no
scenes. The magazine will also contiii
the usual editorials '■:>d articles.
The cover, designed by Rolf Klep, wil
depict King Tut surrounded by sovera
women slaves with a background of Egyp
tian pillars and other scenery peculiai
to that country. A color design oi
•range and yellow has been cleverly
worked into the picture.
Stuart Biles, who designed the covoi
of the last issue, has drawn a full page
cartoon of college days in ancient Egypt.
Another drawing of a desert scone with
the sphinx ns a feature has been done by
Bill Nottleship. Claude Snow and Paa
Carey have also drawn eartoons for this
issue, Rolf Klep, in addition to design
jng the cover, has drawn a full page pic
ture of a scene at the sea shore. This
drawing is especially good, said Larsen
The Egyptian idea will also be fea
tured in the written articles. Stuart
Sawtell has written one of these stories
telling in a humorous manner of Junioi
week-end at the University of Cairo
Other articles have been written by the
usual contributors.
The editorial page this time, due tc
the fact that the Punch will be issued
during Junior week-end, contains an edi
torial of welcome to the high school stu
dents who will be on the campus. An
other editorial will be on the subject ot
mixing spring weather with studies. This
articles promises to bring out syme inter
esting facts about spring fever.
A feature, which will be tried for tin
first time in the coming issue, will be a
page of criticism on new books and plays,
This page will bo edited by Sydney
Thornburg and if it is successful, ho will
continue to write book reviews for each
“The same group of students contri
bute to the Lemon Punch every time,”
said Larsen, “and considering the large
number of students possessing the abil
iyt to write clever articles, this number
is very small. We would appreciate it
very much if some of these writers would
get some ‘pep’ and write a few articles
for the Punch.”
House managers are requested to order
their extra copies, for their high school
guests, early. At any time now, they
may be ordered at the Journalism shack.
The Punch will be on sale at the Co-op
as usual.
The Lemon Punch is becoming known
all over the country for its good articles,
said the editor. The Literary Digest has
chosen two articles from recent issues of
the Punch for its motion picture reel,
Fun from the Press, which clips tjie best
humorous articles from publications all
over the country. Other professional and
college publications also use articles from
tl e Punch.
F. D. McLouth Spent 20 Years tn Ore
gon Baising Standards in Profession
The news of the death of F. D. Mc
Louth, head of the department of fine
arts at O. A. C., brings to the Oregon
campus a realization of what his life has
meant to tho schools of higher education
in Oregon, and to the whole state in the
establishment of artistics levels.
Mr. McLouth came nere from the East,
having received training in the Art Stu
dents’ League and the National Acad
emy of New York. Ho also studied
abroad. Bringing with him as ho did the
finest traditions of his art to the
West, he lived in Oregon over 20 years,
having the patience to develop the appre
ciation and taste that he inspired.
Some of the best work of his students
was loaned to the fine arts department
on the campus last year, and exhibited.
Mr. McLouth felt the losses to our de
partment from the fire last fall, and by
the loan expressed his cooperative spirit.
He si spoken of by those who knew him
on the campus as embodying the old
New England culture and refinement,
and of a distinguished and pleasing per
Dr. Warren D. Smith to Lecture at
Deady Hall Tonight
Members of the Science club with
j their wives and other guests will have
I dinner tonight at the Anchorage at 6
'o’clock. This will be the final meet
ing of the year.
Following the dinner, the meeting
will reconvene at 105 Deadv. At 7:50,
a lecture will be given by Dr. Warren
1). Smith, head of the geology depart
ment, ou tho “Stragetic Importance of
the Philippine Geology in the Pacific
I Region.” The talk wrill be illustrated
' by slides. Part of his discussion will
deal with the primitive peoples of the
islands. The public is invited to the
I lecture.
Louise Dow Benton, president of the
western province of Mu Phi Epsilon,
women’s honorary musical fraternity,
was a guest of Alpha Omicron Pi when
on the campus last week, visiting the
University chapter of Mu Phi. Miss,
Benton is assistant instructor in vio
lin at the University of Washington,
school of music.
Bead the Classified Ad column.
Notices will be printed in thin column
(or two issues only. Copy must be in this
office by 4:80 on the day before it is to be
published end must ba limited to ft words
Pot ana Quill Meeting Tuesday mgnt!
in Woman’s building at 7:30.
Eastern Star—Meeting of Eastern Star
Wednesday noon at Anchorage.
To-Ko-Lo—A short but important
meeting tonight at the Woman’s
building at 7:15 sharp.
Junior Week-end Directorate—Very
important meeting at 4:30 today,
Commerce building.
Junior Class—There will be a meeting
of the Junior class Wednesday after
noon at 5 o’clock in Villard hall.
Men’s Rifle Team—All members of the
rifle team are requested to report to
barracks Tuesday afternoon at 1:15
to have pictures taken. Be in uni
Automatic Rifle Practice—All sopho
more students taking military drill
please report on the firing range each
Saturday morning and Tuesday after
noon for automatic rifle practice.
Letters to the Emkkald from students
and faculty members are welcomed, but
nust be signed and worded concisely
If it is desired, the writer’s name will be
kept out of print. It must be understood
that the editor reserves the right to reject
To the editor:
Your Friday correspondent, “hm,”
is under a misapprehension concerning
the social rules on the campus. Rules
are but a handful and these were made
by students themselves. What your
correspondent refers to, and complains
of, is good social usage. And good so
cial usage was not invented, one would
say, at Oregon.
If “hm” had been enough interested
to present himself in person, or if he
had been thoughtful enough to sign his
letter, it would have been easy to dis
cuss his query. It is still possible in
case he has not dismissed the matter
from his busy mind with the dispatch
ing of his letter.
Grace Edgington.
GAME TO W. S. C., 6-3
(Continued from page one.)
game for the visitors and Shields stands
to draw the assignment for the varsity.
The box score:
W. S. C. AB E H O A E
Zaepfel, ss. 4 112 2 1
Roberts, 2b. 3 110 2 0
Bray, c. 3 0 2 12 0 0
Cook, 3b. 5 0 0 1 1 0
Sandberg, rf. 4 0 0 1 0 0
Bencke, cf. 5 0 1111
Foster, If. 3 112 0 0
Hanley, lb. 4 2 2 8 0 0
Pickering, p. 4 110 3 0
Totals . 35 6 9 27 9 2
Svarverud, 3b. 2 110 2 1
Ross, 2b. 3 0 1 0 5 0
Zimmerman, ss. 4 0 0 2 6 0
Latham, lb. 4 0 0 14 0 1
Sorsby, rf. 4 0 0 1 0 0
Collins, If. 3 1110 0
Roycroft, cf. 2 0 0 2 0 0
Cook, c. 3 116 0 0
Baldwin, p. 0 0 0 0 0 0
Stoddard, p. 2 0 0 0 0 0
Brooks, p. 1 0 0 0 0 0
Shields, cf. 2 0 0 1 0 0
"Moore . 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals . 32 3 4 27 13 3
"Batted for Stoddard in the seventh.
W. S. C. Runs 213 000 000
Hits 114 010 110
Oregon Runs 001 000 200
Hits 001 000 300
Stolen Bases, Zaepfel, 2, Roberts,
Bray. Sacrifice hits, Foster, Ross.
Three base hits, Ross. Double plays,
Pickering to Zaepfel to Hanley; Ross
to Zimmerman to Latham. Struck out,
by Pickering, 10; by Stoddard, 4, by
Brooks, 1. Base on balls, off Baldwin,
2; off Stoddard, 4, off Pickering, 3.
Wild pitch, Baldwin.
Time of game, 2 hours, 10 minutes.
Umpire, Speck Burke.
When Nazimova, noted Russian ac
tress, decided to produce a screen ver
sion of “A Doll’s House,” the great
Ibsen drama which she has popularized
all over the United States and which
will be seen today for the last time at
the Castle theatre, there were those who
saw in her decision a lucky omen for
the success of the picture. For Nazi
mova and her consummate skill as an
actress, plus her artistic genius, made
Nora, the chief character in the play, j
known and loved and sympathized with
in all the chief cities of this country,!
and it was for this reason, and that she !
might not be hampered by the ideas
and whims of another producer, that
Nazimova decided to organize her own!
producing company.
Ronald Reid, senior in the school of1
music, has composed a song which he:
intends to send to the judges of the
Oregon Song Committee to be entered i
in the contest now being held. The
song was given at the home concert of!
the Men's Glee club, Friday evening,:
May 11, and was very well received. '
‘Old-Fashioned Mother’ Theme
of Sunday’s Service
Praise of the old-fashioned mother, and
a plea that present day and future
mothers imitate her, was made the key
note of an address given by Bishop P.
Bemington, of the Episcopal diocese of
eastern Oregon, Sunday afternoon at the
University vesper services.
Bishop Remington’s address was, in
a way, built about his own mother, whom
he calls “the salt of the earth,” and
whom, he says, possesses all the quali
ties—service, love and unselfishness—
which constitute a perfect mother. Lack,
of religious training in the youth of the
nation, Bishop Remington believ.es, is
responsible for the fact that records of
crime show an amazing number of young
offenders. Part of this he attributed
to the fact that the present generation
is living off the “salt” of its grand
parents, and parents, that the savor is
diminishing, and that as a consequence
a wishbone, instead of a backbone, is be
ing developed.
John MacGregor, president of the as
sociated students, made an address of
welcome to the visiting mothers in which
he emphasized the pleasure and inspir
ation students receive by having their
mothers visit the campus.
Mrs. L.. H. Johnson, of Eugene, re
sponded saying, that being at the cam
pus gives mothers a particular feeling of
“oneness,” and a more complete under
standing of, and sympathy with, the
problems of their sons and daughters.
Besides the regular chants and re
sponses sung by the University vesper
choir, Dubois “Stabat Mater,” with
Madame Rose McGrew, soprano, and
John B. Siefert, tenor, as solists, was
given. Roy Bryson, tenor, was also one
of the soloists, singing “Mother, My
Dear,” by Treharne.
Provision Is Made for Students, With
Charge of $8 a week for Room
and Board, Next Term
Men will be provided with living ac
comodations at Friendly Hall and wo
men at Susan Campbell for the Eugene
summer school session, from June 27
to. August 4. Provisions have been
made for married folk to live at Tha
cher Cottage. Room and board at all
these places will be $8.00 a week and
board alone will be $6.00.
A feature of the campus session is the
assembly lecture at 11:00 o’clock every
school day. These lectures will be
given by visiting professors and prom
inent members of the University fac
ulty, offering both stimulus ard cul
tural opportunities.
Swimming pools and the tennis courts
will be open to registered students dur
ing the session, while hikes into the
mountains and up the McKenzie are ar
ranged for week-ends.
At the campus session, courses in bot
any, chemistry, drama and the speech
arts, economics, education, English,
geology, German, history, journalism,
library methods, mathematics, music,
physical education, physics, political
science, romance languages and sociol
ogy ai-e offered. «
At the Portland session, courses in
Americanization, art, public health
and public speaking will be given, in
addition to the same courses as will be
offered at Eugene.
Registration days for the summer ses
sions are Monday, June 25, in Portland
and Wednesday, June 27 in Eugene.
The registration fee is $12.50, payable
upon registration. In the laboratory
courses are moderate fees to help de
fray the cost of materials and the up
keep of equipment.
Nancy Wilson New President of Group
of Women Writers for Coming Year
Pot and Quill, organization of women
writers on the campus, held an annual
election at the last meeting of officers
for the forthcoming year at which Nancy
Wilson was chosen new president to j
take the place of Marion Crary who has ;
served in that capacity during the past j
three terms. Katherine Watson was
elected vice president, Marion Lay treas
urer, and Margaret Skavlan, secretary.
The organization is the only purely lit
erary organization on the campus beside
Ye Tabard Inn. that of the men. Last '
year Green Ink was put out by the group
and some such publication is contemplat
ed this year.
The present members of the group are
Lillian Auld, Marion Crary, Emily Vea
zie, Margaret Skavlan, Katherine Wat
son, Nancy Wilson. Harriet Yeazie, Kath
erine Kressman, Marion Lay, Mary Lou
Burton. Margaret Carter, Jessie Thomp
son, Mrs. Eric Allen, Grace Edgington,
Mrs. Harry Beal Torrey, Mrs. Maun, Miss
Ida Turney .Miss Julia Burgess.
LeLaine West to Teach in High School
at Klamath Falls Next Year
LeLaine West, senior in the romance
language department, yesterday re
ceived notice of her election to a teach
ing position in Klamath Falls high
school for next year.
Miss West, whose home is in Port- j
land, spent her first year of college at
the University of Washington, entering1
Oregon as a sophomore. She has been
active in college activities since her
entrance into the University, having
been a member of Phi Lambda Theta,
3igma Delta Pi, Scroll and Script, Mor
tar Board and the Y. W. C. A. Miss
West is a member of Gamma Phi Beta
Receipts From Local Performance to
Go into Theatrical Property
Owing to the success greeting the local
performances of “The Charm School,”
liven by the senior class of the Univer
sity high school, plans are being made to
rive the play in Springfield, and, per
haps, at some other near-by town.
The acting of the preppers was de
jlared by those who witnessed the play to
be almost professional, and receipts tes
tify as to its success. One hundred and
forty dollars was taken in, over*$100 of
which is estimated to be clear profit.
The seniors plan to spend all money not
needed for class purposes for furniture
to use in future school plays.
They had to have a real Arabian
horse for The Sheik” to be ridden by
Rudolph Valentino, featured with Ag
nes Ayres in the Paramount picture
produced by George Melford from the
big success of the season in book cir
cles—Edith M. Hull’s novel of the
same name. The picture is the big fea
ture at the Rex today. There are plenty
of bronchos, fancy stock and so on, but
few Arabian horses, on the Pacific
coast. At one time it was thought that
a horse would have to be imported for
Valentino’s use, but finally a wealthy
stock man was discovered in a remote
town who made a specialty of breeding
this kind of equines. He was induced
to loan one—a fine white horse—but
would not sell it.
Among our younger American stars
none is more sure of an eager welcome
from theatre goers than Ina Claire, that
talented and beautiful player so hap
pily recalled as the brilliant luminary
of “Polly With a Past,” “The Gold
Diggers,” and earlier in the musical
comedy field in “The Quaker Girl,”
and the revue environment of the
“Follies.” Miss Claire comes to the
Heilig Theatre tonight in Arthur Rich
man’s exquisite comedy, “The Awful
Truth.” It is a matter of theatrical
history that the success attained by
Miss Claire at the time of the play’s
premiere in New York was such that for
five months she crowded Henry Miller’s
Theatre to its capacity, achieving the
first real triumph of the season in the
Eastern metropolis.
Get the Classified Ad habit.
TODAY—Last Day
Play by Henrick Ibsen
Stunning, shocking, daring—
it runs the gauntlet of life’s
Lloyd Hamilton
Evenings .30e *
Matinees .20c
Pure Milk and Cream
Dairy Phone 365 159 9th Ave.E.
at the Studio
155 E. 9th Phone 1341-J
Would You Accept a Gift?
One that will make these gorgeous spring days and your
college life live again for you in days to come. A gift to
make any one glad to be in such wonderful surroundings.
You need not refuse—
With it you can picture canoe parties, hikes, picnics for
your memory book. A camera is a necessary feature of
college life. Buy three film packs and we will give you
a camera free. This offer is only good on Tuesday.
Koke-Tiffany Co.
864 Willamette Street
It’s Time to Select
Your Jantzen
bwimming !
and naturally it ean best be -se
lected at our store, for here are
the largest and most complete
stocks in Eugene. The famous
Jantzen swimming suits are fea
tured at this store. A Jantzen
will outwear several ordinary /
suits. Get yours now while the
new 1923 stocks are complete.
We have all sizes and colors for
men and women.