* . \ »T :J T >’ The Sunday Emerald VOLUME XXIV. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, STTNDAY. MAY 13, 1923 NUMBER 153 /§ ROUND /1 and ilBOUT EDITIN’ A COLLEGE SOCIETY COLUMN Graba Bite Api gave a dance the other day $20 garlands of new-mown hag Were placed about the rooms In a most effective way. The hosts were dressed as milicing maids The guests as rustic boys Madame Shrielcs as soloist Produced an awful noise. The party was a great success The truly elite were there By Caesar’s royal pajamas The bust was truly rare. The awfulest job I can conceive Through all eternal years Is to tell the world of social folk And all their hopes and tears. SUPPOSED CONVERSATION OF OPPOSITE SEXES ON A COLLEGE CAMPUS Two girls (both at the same time) “He -” Two men (both at the same time) “She -” * * # « * »■ STUDENT LIFE Student life is a sort of mythical affair in colleges. The average high school graduate (and this applies to you and me) has a strange sort of con glomerate idea of what college life will be like. Sometimes if a boy has been away to boarding school for prepara tory work, he is “disillusioned” by the time he comes on this campus. How ever, we are talking about the average. 1. The average youth never distri butes the one-half dozen letters of intro duction to his father’s friends among the faculty, including always the Pres ident of the University. 2. Many more youths have planned (and sometimes carried out) to paint certain parts of our campus green than have ever been caught. Any freshmen who have such plans in mind are ad vised not to pay for their paint with checks, and not to leave tennis shoes spattered with evidence of their “stunt” lying around. 3. We are not sorry to say that there are no such beings as the Henry Bar bour type of college man in college. Such a man is 99 44-100 per cent pure myth. The other 64-100 of one per cent of romance will be found in any man, anyway, whether he is in college or in business life. 4. Being a member of the best im promptu fraternity orchestra never hold as much glamour as dreaming that you are a member of such a revered and hard-worked organization. 5. On a college campus a man usually learns for the first time in life that nothing is ever gained suddenly or with out a long hard fight. The title of a “college man” does not change any one’s short story plot in the maga zines or the movies. so YOUTH WAS ROMANTIC EVEN BEFORE COLLEGES WERE INVENTED Pyramus on the ground all covered with gore Thisbe cries because he ain’t no more What a tumble fate o’ertoolc that boy! It wiped out all of poor Thisbe’s joy. .. By the might of his own good sword he fell Then came bach Thisbe, well, ah, well! well! By the beast, 'thought he, perished e’en her lashes When all that was touched was her pret ty pink sashes And the cape which over her body she threw She hissed his Ups and bade life adieu • * * • » # POPULAR MYTHS OF THE UNIVER SITY OF OREGON That these philosophy majors are a queer sort of people, anyway. That C. V. D. is one of these strong silent men that never relaxes. That Prexy Campbell recites each morning before breakfast, “for the ul timate good of the University” as the motto for the day. That each sorority has its special “type.” That the majority of the good-looking girls spend their spare time practicing fraternity whistles. That taking one or two of certain picked courses in the art department is better than reading even a risque mag azine. That when over half a class fail, the instructor is to blame. —C. N. H. • • • • Bryan, the Rear-Guard Of a Dying Order i By Van Voorhees WILLIAM Jennings Bryan was a college student. No university could have produced a man just like him. I wonder if a university would wish to. For colleges instill within a man a different way of seeing things. While courses cover studies that are similar, the basic attitudes of life and thought are liable to form in different ways. Dean Sheldon, of the school of edu cation, pointed out, the other day, what are perhaps the causes of the contrast. In colleges, he said, the eyes of nearly every man are fixed, figuratively at least, upon the presidential ehair. f He meant by this that in sectarian schools—for nearly all the colleges are such—the emphasis is placed upon de bating and upon the sort of thing that makes for leadership in politics. The forebears of our present-day fraterni ties may still be found as literary and debating clubs upon the college campus. In attitude at least these colleges in living in the atmosphere developed in the universities of Yale and Harvard 90 years ago. Silver tongues and eloquent gestures played a larger part in politics a cen tury ago. The man who could command the floor and dominate the party got away with nearly everything. It’s not warm words of eloquence that run the world today, it’s pretty much the colder words of science. Mr. Bryan has written some warm words bearing on the subjects of reli gious beliefs and science and universi ties. The addresses was designed for church consumption and is illustrated by hand-tinted slides depicting biblical events and pastoral scenes and Mr. Bry an’s photographs. In it he jams the steel into university training and calls aloud for a return of the old time re ligion. Certain things exist because he wishes them to, and other things don’t because he doesn’t. His speech would have been aptly paraphrased had he remarked that the earth- can’t be re volving because the Bible doesn’t say it is. Mr. Bryan, the great Commoner, sil ver-tongued orator, is famous for his leadership and for his superlative speaking ability. He is also not a little famous for having a mind impervious to the facts of modern science. Two years ago I met Mr. Bryan, and his wife, for many years an invalid. Perhaps you did»’t know that is why he hibernates in the tail end of Flor ida. He has a delightful personality and one cannot but hold him in highest esteem. But he is the eloquent rear guard of a dying order. High Andes Ideal Camp (?■' By Marian Lowry ‘HEBE really is such a thing as an -I- ideal place for a vacation, and it has been found in South America. Tirza Anne Dinsdale, former secretary of the University Y. W. C. A., says she gets up each morning and gazes out over an expanse of some two thousand acres of land, while in the distance the high Andes and a real smoking volcano are seen. Furthermore, she says in a let ter recently receive!! by Dorothy Col lier, present secretary of the Y. W. C. A., that she may have all the horses she wants to ride, an abundance of good food, a delightful English family to live with, and an excellent large lib rary to read. She describes farm life there in fur ther detail, saying it reminds one of the feudal system because of the way the land is rented and farmed. At the time of writing this letter, in February, it was harvest time in Chile, and Miss Dinsdale says she thinks she saw a prac tical part of internationalism, as the threshing machine was of American make, the engine from an English con cern, the manager was a Frenchman, and the laborers were Chileans. Lab orers there receive 75 cents an acre for cutting the grain. “No doubt after the reports you have been reading about the earthquakes, you ’ll never have any desire to come to Chile,” the letter read, “but from what I learn the reports were very much ex aggerated, especially as regard to San tiago. There was no damage done, ex cept in the North, where, of course, conditions are terrible.” Miss Dinsdale had just gone to bed when the quakes came, and she at first thought that the rumble and shaking of the passing street cars, and not until the bed began to rock, did she realize that there was an earthquake. “One really becomes quite accustomed to them,” she adds. The assistance of the United States was greatly appreciated by the Chileans ,and very little aid had reached them until the American ships arrived. Miss Dinsdale says that the students down there at the school, which is near her office, do not really start work until along in October and November and from then on until examination time in December. Then the students fairly learn the text books by heart, and it is no uncommon sight to see the students walking up and down the buildings studying aloud and paying no attention to what is going on about them. Native girls there have great difficulty in finding positions after they receive their degrees as there are so few professions open to women, and that is one reason, says Miss Dinsdale, why teaching is so popular with the girls. Miss Dinsdale left the University,»f)f Oregon in June 1921 to take up her present work. She said in her letter from all present indications she would remain in South America for some time yet. New Courses Next Fall OLD COURSES will be revamped and elaborated and a considerable number of new courses will be offered by the University of Oregon next fall, according to a statement of the new curricula now before the board of high er curricula of the state for approval. A number of changes and regroup ing of studies have been made in the geology department because of the in creased interest evident in this line of work. A course in Crystallography designed for those whose work involves an investigation or knowledge of those compounds recognized most readily by their crystal form or crystalline prop erties is among the new courses offered in this department. Other courses are Mineral Deposits, covering the essen tial points of most important mineral deposits; Geologic History of Pacific Countries; Regional Geology; Geog raphy of the Pacific and Advanced Geography. Practically all of these courses deal specifically with the ge ology and geograptyr of the state and Pacific region with one or two univer sal in scope. They are being offered by Dr. Warren D. Smith, head of the department and Professor W. T. Hodge. To answer an increased demand for courses in science, the chemistry depart ment has outlined a new course entit led, “Chemistry and its Relationship.” It will indicate the contest of the field of chemistry together with a portrayal of its problems and the broad rela tionship of these to human interests. A number of other courses for advanced students are being offered in the chem istry. Special courses have been arranged in different schools for medical students. Among these is a course in general psy chology for nodical students given by the psychology department, a course in quantitative anaylsis and advanced laboratory courses in the chemistry de partment. To the end of laying special stress on courses which lay emphasis upon the manager’s problems the school of busi ness yulministration, one of the largest of the University, proposes to ineorpora a series of management courses in its cur ricula. These courses will not. include new fields of work but represent one formerly given with some condensation and some expansion of courses with the central idea of emphasizing the. manager ial aspects of business. The school of architecture proposes to open a new five year course of study in the design option in the department, lead ing to the degree of Bachelor of Arch itecture. It is expected by this new curriculum to lighten the annual load carried by students in the school of arch itecture, now held unduly heavy. A more flexible schedule, the gaining of a bet ter relationship of cultural to profession al subjects and the giving of a more thor ough training in the purely professional work of the school is the aim in view. Two new courses in industrial arts, color and harmony in dress and house furnish ing are among the new courses proposed in the school of architecture. A course entitled “Report Writing” is a proposed innovation in the English de partment. This would be a service course to be given in segregated sections, as far as possible, for English majors, history majors and science majors in which they may be given instruction and correc tion in writing papers, book reviews, etc., in their respective fields of study. (Continued on page two.) Poetry “FISHERMAN’8 LUCK” I found an oak tree, With trunk of monstrous girth— Its limbs, distorted, flung on high, Like groping talons sought the sky; Its roots clutched tight the earth. I found a trout stream Within the oak tree’s shade— Its purling waters, bubbling o ’er With circling swish and muffled roar, Sweet murmuring music made. I found my heart’s ease Beside that “fishing hole”— For Nature, angling sly my heart, Deep in its inmost inner part, Had lured and caught my soul. —M. J. B. • • • LOVE Alas, another crescent mooned spring Like this. I saw a pool, enticing. (You know that spring moons give a yellow light That seems to warm the coldest waters) I stripped me to the very soul, And plunged in joyously. At first the icy waters of the pool But seemed to mildly cool My fevered youth. But soon they froze instead. (Spring moon’s yellow light deceives.) v Thrice I tried to escape The pool’s dark steep walls And twice slipped back Into its cold gold depths. And here I am once more (To tell those who would but hear) “All that gleams mellow Does not warm (ah! no!)” —Patricia Novlan SONGS I. Sweet rose that drooping stands, I lift you gently in my hands And hear the woeful saddened song That you have chanted the night long. Sweet rose, I pray you cease that plaint Hearken to the words I paint— Lo! When you are faded—dead, Then my song will live instead. . (After Heine) II. Lord, send what e’er thou will’t Be it of joy or grieving. I am content that both am I From thee alone receiving. But Lord surfeit me not I pray With thy love or resentment, For ’twixt the two I know there lies The realm of man’s contentment. (After Morike) —A. J. TERESA Teresa’s hair is primly coiled And smoothly piled upon her head, Yet in the curl beside her ear Another story may be read. Teresa’s eyes of turquoise blue Are downward in demureness cast— Could there have been a light in them When they met mine a moment past! Teresa dresses modestly In simple gown of Quaker gray, But just below her slender throat A crimson ribbon flutters gay. Teresa never gives me hope— She laughs with gentle cruelty. Yet—when I leave and cross the stile I see her blow a kiss to me! —Margaret Skavlan FANTASY OBAMA Now here is a theme, thrilling. Opaque? As the lily loves sweet dew? Dripping. Two men, or the other end, Subfusk The mood. Ah, well, heroine Calamistrated Indigo-eyed. There is the rest. You may peal them at your leisure. —A. J. MUSTALONZIES She is fair: For each credit, Bought and paid for? Ah, well a debit, But what is the difference? Questions, questions .... Foolish mummery. And sold? ■Well, that is open. Open? Optative. Even so I may doubt. But a credit .... Well? i But also intromit debit. Your eyes like lapis lazuli ceilings Cover me. With astonishment My blood becomes heavy and nervous Hydrasgyrum-like. —A. J WITH APOLOGIES TO K. W. “When you think—I remember”— A lonely peak on a silvered night. Shadows that stretch to the hnddlec pines— Gray mists streaming down the narrow canyons. Ontares smouldering in the eastern sky —F. S Virgil Earl, ’06, Chosen Athletic Director IRGIL D. EARL, former University ▼ of Oregon football ami baseball star and since his graduation in 1906 a leader in amateur athletics in the state, today accepted appointment as director of the department of athlet ics of his alma mater. He will begin his work on the Oregon campus in the Earl is principal of tho Astoria high school. Eor eleven years he was foot ball coach at Washigton high school, Portland, developing three champion ship elevens and as many other teams that tied for Portland interscholastic honors. The executive council of the Asso ciated Students approved ' Earl’s appointment by unanimous vote. The post is newly created by the board of regents. An athletic director has been desired for two years to round out the work of the school of physical educa tion, but finances did not permit of the completion of the department until this spring. The post is an administra tive one and is in addition to the coach ing staff. Dean John F. *Bovard, of the school of physical education, recommended the appointment of Earl because of the lat ter’s keen interest in and grasp of in : tereollegiate athletics, as well as intra , mural sports, and his executive talent. Earl’s coming to Oregon is expected to give added impetus to all forms of sports, with successful intercollegiate teams the crowning feature of the ath letic system. “I have always been intensely inter ested in athletics,” said Earl, in accept ing the appointment, “not so much be cause of the pure sport of athletics, but fall. because of the tremendous influence athletics have in the development of character in men. I am strongly in favor of the policy of the University in co ordinating the work of the school of physical education and that of the var ious athletic teams. I favor an uni fied effort on the part of both the stu dents and the school in furthering the athletic program. The school of physi cal education has made an invaluable contribution to the athletic spirit of the University in my opinion.” “The appointment of an athletic director is another step in the Univer sity’s plan to do all possible to build up a splendid typo of athletics,” said Bean Bovard. “To further athletic develop ment we have undertaken not only to build up a good personnel within the school, but wo have undertaken to in [ crease the material facilities for this work. Recently, a thirty-two acre tract southeast of the campus was set aside for fields for the big athletio and recreational program. This will include new varsity baseball fields and stands, four intra-mural baseball fields, two football practice fields, one for ohckey, one for soccer, four outdoor basketball courts, sixteen handball courts, eighteen tennis courts, as well as the completion of thd' 220 yard straightaway for track. “The school of physical education thoroughly believes in intercollegiate athletics. It sees athletics as the flow er of a program, participation by the whole student body in games and spurts. Already 770 individual men are engaged at Oregon in varsity and intra mural sports and gymnasium activi » . ---- (Continued on page three.) Howitzers and the Dove By Monte Byers j rii s uji/i ready tor the big splurge, billed for the year 1926. Send in your reservations for box seats and sup plies of noise making paraphernalia. A clipping from an Astrology journal, published on the other side of the At lantic frog pond, states that the excite ment billed for that year will make the hectic days of the world war appear as a mere nightmare. The dope sheet reads that there will be copious gobs of riot, revolution, plague, famine, floods and shipwrecks. We also have a mean hunch that murder will come in for its usual quota of front page advertising, and it may even boost the batting average. Earthquakes and tidal waves ought to get a share of the spoils in that turbulent year. But that ain’t all. Up in the solar system, they are planning on having a grand jubilee—a pig party as a re union celebration. It is also on the boards that Mars and Mercury will square off in a ten round, no-decision mitt-slinging fray. This ought to be good, as Mars packs a wallop in either mitt, and Morcury sports a mean con signment of foot work and overhand jabs. Reserve a telescope for the ring engagement of the century. It is doubt ful if the ticket scalpers will attempt to gobble up the ringside seats. Ain’t we goin’ to have fun in that annum. Anything may happen down here on this mortal terrain at that time. Mars may start a left from the shoul der for Mercury’s molar rest, the blow resolving into a wild swing, and Mars may loose the five ounce studded glove. This falling to earth might pierce 8a tan’s boiler room, and then it would be curtains for the whole gang of earth lings. If the tumult gets too strong, the earth may be shaken so that oil will start spouting in the Willamette val ley and the natives will plant dterricks instead of asparagus.. But think of it, riot and revolution. If that is the case we can sink a safety razor blade into our neighbor’s gullet and get away with it easier than they do today by pleading insanity. Every one will be too busy killing someone else, that they will forget about chow raising and the famine will ensue, and the universe will be populated by skel etons. And after all that will come the grand finale. Six annums after the opening act in 1926, the great Arma geddon will occupy the space back of the footlights. In this act the good, the bad, and the indiffeftnt get togeth er in a battle royal and the odds are in favor of the good element. Moham medans, and all other cults, together with thoir other cousins, the Bolshe viks, are booked in a finish fight with the Anglo-Saxon gang. The slaughter will be great. Blood will cover the fer tile valleys and a good many will breeze into the hereafter with a bomb or a scimiter as postage. Then when the comedy has gone so far that those left are too tired to fight, the curtain will be rung down. At the first encore it will rise again on a scene of universal peace. The valleys will be cleansed of their red mantle. Tho corner grocery will be the scene of the (Continued on page three.) Silken Garbs of East By Nancy Wilson THE MODEEN American bride groom does not array himself for his wedding. The word array suggests garments that fold and wrap and flow, and surely there is nothing flowing about tho straight lines and prosaic black and white of the conventional dress suit. Perhaps he has a new dress suit for the occasion. Probably not. lie wears the one he wore when he sang tenor in the men’s glee club. The one he ushered in at his sister’s wedding. There is nothing symbolic or character istic about his wedding clothes. To the casual observer he might bo, judg ing from his apparel, a head waiter or a toastmaster at a banquet or a pall bearer at a state funeral. Unlike the bride he does not put his wedding garments away in an old trunk or a cedar chest and let the hard white front grow limp and yellow and the coat and trousers grow frayed and rus ty. Ho hangs his dress suit up in the closet and gets it out and dusts it for the next formal dance he attends. There is a country, however, where [ the bridegroom’s wedding garment is ' a thing of symbolic beauty. By merely | studying a Chinese wedding eoat one 1 may know the social position, the in | tellectual attainments, the character ' of the bridegroom. ' In the Murray-Warner art collection there hangs a Chinese wedding coat. A brilliant garment, encrusted and em broidered with gay colors, with hidden symbols which tell the interested ob server that this unknown Chinese bride groom was a military man, a member of the royal family, gentle in character, and of unusual intellectual attainments. The embroidered square, known as the mandarin square, with its inevi table sacred white bird, set in in the front of the coat shows that the bride groom was a military man, probably a dashing young officer. The sinuous lengths of the embroidered dragon with its seven toes, symbolic of royalty, tells that the young man was of royal blood. The delicate petals of the full-blown lotus speak of the gentleness of the bridegroom. The rainbow bordet with its series of colors is symbolic of know ledge. The owner of the gay coat must havo been ,in American vernacular, “a good catch.” The Chinese bridegroom wears his wedding coat but once and then puts it away as carefully as the American bride puts away her lace and satin. For practicality we commend the American wedding suit, but for sentiment we rather like the Chinese.