1 1 Oregon Daily Emerald VOLUME XXIV. UNIVERSITY OP OREGON, EUGENE, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1923 NUMBER 148 TOTAL OF S500I 1 PLEDGED TO UNI BY FOUR GROUPS Hendricks, Friendly, Delta Tau Delta and Susan Campbell Vote to Donate GIRLS HOUSES GIVE $1500 Amount Subscribed to Date is $41,000; Over Third Have Supported Move Five thousand dollars in saving poli cies in favor of the proposed Student Union building was taken out last night by three halls of residence—Hendricks, Susan Campbell and Friendly halls— and one fraternity, Delta- Tau Delta. Susan Campbell and Hendricks hall each announced their decision to take out $1500 in favor of the student build ing and are the first organizations on the campus to go over the $1000 mark. The $5000 pledged last night was over half the amount already subscrib ed by nine organizations—Delta Gam ma, Hammer and Coffin, Phi Kappa Psi, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Phi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Phi Sigma Pi, Alpha Chi Omega, and Pi Beta Phi. The total which has been subscribed to the Stu dent Union building to date is $14, 000. Over one-third of the houses on the campus have now taken out poli cies in favor of the proposed structure. Susan Campbell Listed. Following is the list of girls living in Susan Campbell hall who have sub scribed to the Student Union fund: Margaret Clark, May Fenno, Kathleen Gibson, Genevieve Jewell,' Johanna Johnson, Katherine Kaye, Ala Landon, Ellen McVeigh, Jean Mitchell, Victoria Rice, Helena Scott, Florence Baker, Dorothy Bell, Helen Burfield, Luline Coulter, Dorothy Dixon, Annette Dob bin, Eleanor Everette, Adah Harkness, "Vivian Hargrove, Florence Jenks, Ber nice Myer, Margaret Mylne, Pearl Py ritz rHariet Rice, Marjorie Reed, Crys tal West, Katherine Ashmeade, Doro thy Aiken, Hazen Borders, Amelia Bur rell, Leola Craig, Gladys DuBois, Fran ces DuBois, Alice Ehrenreieh, Beatrice Fish, Christina Heckman, Vera Hughes, Margaret Iuabait, Alma Kraus, Char lotte Latourette, Julia Raymond, Helen Schuppel, Maude Schroeder, Helen Sim mons, Frances Simpson, Katharine Ste wart, Belle Taggart, Louise Iuobuit, Helen Johnson, Mabelle King, Mielba Maey, Darr McLean, Loreta Miller, Roxanna Osgood, Virginia Owens, Dor othy Phillips, Cornelia Robertson, Mur iel' Schubard, Edith Safrensfcn, Opal Speer, Mary Swigart, Marjorie Taylor, Frances Ward Purvine, Joan War wick, Mildred Whitcomb, Lucy Wilson, Ruth McCullock, Golda Boone, Burdell Sloper. HendncKs ±ias over iuu The girls living at. Hendricks hall are: Abby Adams, Bessie Alexander, Leona Anawalt, Myrtle Baker, Lenore Baldwin, Catherine Barnard, Mary Bar tholmew, Wilhelmina Beeksted, Cecile Bennett, Buth Benson, Florence Blake, Dorothy Blyberg, Wilma Boisselier, Beryl Bond, Merle Boswell, June Bur gan, Kuth-Mary Burroughs, Gertrude Butler, Buth Brauti, Letitia Capell, Wilma Chattin, Myrtle Clausen, Mar garet Cleveland, Frances Coehrun, Con stance Cole, Helen Cooper, Mildred Crain, Anna DeWitt, Augusta DeWitt, Dorothy Dodds, Leora Embree, Jose phine Evans, Bomayne Flaherty, Alice Frankson, Gladys Gallier, Mabel Gil ham, Elizabeth Griggs, Dora Gordon, Helen G unton, Stella Haglund, Buth Hart, Tolice Heaston, Elva Hein, Fran (Continued on page four.) SIGNS OF SEA LIFE FOUND IN EUGENE Geologist Discovers Rel ics of Archaic Seas Definite correlation of the Eugene sandstone with the Oligocene formations of Astoria has been brought about through the discovery of an Aturia an gustata, a form of sea life related tc the pearly nautilus, in a railroad out just east of Eugene. This is the first speeiment of the Aturia ever found in the Eugene quadrangle. The nautilus, accidentally discovered by Francis Linklater, major in the de partment of geology, was first found on the western coast by the naturalist Dana, who collected material at Astoria in 1849 and sent the fossils east to Conrad. Con rad recognized Aturia as related to a similar form from Shark river, New Jersey. Linklater was collecting in the vicinty of Judkins Point, being in the coarse grained sandstone. He took his find to the University geology laboratory, and it was when the sandstone was being chipped away that the pearly nautilus, a beautiful speeiment with original shell and sutures showing' distinctly, was dis covered. One of the principal methods of geOj logic correlation is through identity or fossilized forms of life. The Aturia angustata was a characteristic form of life which lived in the deeps of the Oligocene seas which swept over this part of the continent innumerable years ago. The speeiment was found in the coarse sands of the shore of that ancient sea, but it is presumed that it was washed up from the depths by currents. SCIENCE AND RELIGION SUBJECT AT ASSEMBLY Portland Minister Will Lecture During Visit on Campus The question of the relation of science to religion which is, with every generation, becoming more discussed will be discussed, from the standpoint of the practical theologian when Dr. Harold L. Bowman, of Portland, speaks at the University Assembly on Thurs day morning on the subject of “Science and the Bible.” Dr. Bowman is pas tor of the first Presbyterian church of Portland and has appeared on the cam pus several times. The members of the faculty are especially invited to hear this address. In addition to his address at assembly Dr. Bowman will give several lectures during his visit to the campus this week. He will arrive in Eugene on Wednesday and his first appearance will be before students at the Y. M. C. A. hut Wednesday noon. On Thurs day afternoon he will again address a group at the hut when his *opie will be “The Bible as Literature.” More lectures may be arranged for later if it is found that the visitor’s schedule permits more time. The three lectures which are scheduled are ex pected to be of interest especially to the students in World History and Lit terature, as they will deal with liter ary as well as religious aspects of the Bible. The assembly crowd may be expected to be unusually large as the speaker’s subject is of such widespread interest among students and his delivery on previous occasions has won for him great popularity in the University com munity. The hours of Dr. Bowman’s lectures at the Y. M. C. A. hut will be announc ed in Thursday’s Emerald as they have not been definitely set yet, but students are advised to set aside Wednesday (Continued on page three.) Rosebraugh Sued for $250,000 For Breach of Promise Tonight In the spring a young man’s fancies may turn to baseball but they also turn to love, and sometimes to the cemetery. But this love may also lead to dire results. So it is that Art Rose braugh finds himself defendant in a suit for $250,000 tonight in the circuit court room with Judge Kendall, of the Coos County circuit court presiding. The woman in the case is Elsie Skoog. S . 33 quite sure that she was inveigled ; at- the hands of a villain and thinks h*t the amount she is asking is noth ng compared to the Rosebraugh’s for ■ use, which is alleged to be two mil '.ions. She matter might remain forever a ^ * nysterv and what actually took place a dispute but that every tombstone has tvo sides and that on the other side of tiis particular tombstone were Leith Abbot and Mildred Burke. What they heard will be known tonight when they take the stand and face the fire of the tTO attornies; Ogden Johnson, for the defendant, and Gladys Everett, for the plaintiff. Also skulking on the forbid den ridge at the time was Ken Sten dall, who will have something to reveal under oath. “I was a poor innocent girl,” said Elsie Skoog, in tears while speaking of the case, “and this man took advan tage of me. It was the first time I ever was engaged.” Eosebraugh says, “Tie woman is a vampire trying to get my money. I know her game,” and a black look crept over his face. And then of course there was the customary letter in the case. While the defendant was in Seattle with Ore gon’s track team he received a letter from the plaintiff signed ”your wife to be.” He was greatly surprised at the epistle and immediately wrote the wo man saying that there had been a mis take and that he was at the time of (Continued on page three.) JUNIOR WEEK-END COMMITTEE I100S TWO NEW EVENTS Canoe Fete Queen and Water Carnival are Features Announced CANDIDATES TO BE NAMED Lighting Effects for Millrace Regetta to be Handled by Spear and Haworth Oregon’s 1923 Junior week-end is to be featured by a group of new events which are being worked out by the committee directorate and which, in their final form, are intended to make this year’s annual festivities entirely dis tinctive. The two new events announced by Doug Farrell, chairman of the committee, are the election of a queen of the canoe fete and the staging of a water carnival. Edd Haney, chairman of the floats committee, is in charge of the queen contest and Lyle Palmer, varsity swim mer, is arranging for the aquatic pro gram. Every men’s living organization on the campus is nominating a Junior girl from ' the house with which they are paired off in tomorrow’s Emerald and will be voted upon at a booth in Villard hall at the same time student body elec tions are being held. Votes will be free and every registered student will have a chance to give his or her choice for queen. Names to be in Today Men’s houses are not necessarily ex pected to support their nominee for queen says Haney. In order to save any embarrassment on the part of defeated candidates only the name of the win ner will be announced and the com mittee members in charge will be the only ones to know how many votes were cast for each girl. Names not turned Sa to Haney by 1:30 today will not ap pear on the ballot. The winner in the election will oc cupy the place of honor at the canoe fete and will ride in the junior float, which is being designed by Marjorie Hazard and Ed Bohlman. A very elaborate and colorful idea is being worked out for this float. Lighting for the fete is being planned by Francis Haworth, assisted by Charles Spear. Lights are to be submerged in the water and colored slides are to bo used in connection with the spot lights. Houses are to indicate to the committee the color effect they wish carried out in the way of lights. Special care will be taken to see that the entries will be run off more rapidly than usual in order that the fete may not drag. Juniors Will Work Eddie Edlund, who is general chair man of the fete, reports that every part of the plans are moving rapidly. Bus Gowans is working on the erection of the new bleacher sections. He will draft groups of junior men during the rest of the week to complete this enterprise. Lyle Palmer, who has been made a member of the Junior week-end direc torate, has things well lined up for the water fete. Gerald Barnes of the school of physical education is cooperating with him to make the affair a success. A tub race, canoe tilting, fancy diving, exhi bition swimming and a water meet be tween the frosh and varsity teams are some of the events which will probably appear on the program. Palmer is well known by swimming fans all over the state by virtue of his success in the var imis meets in which he has competed and IrSi connection with the carnival assures its success, according to those in charge. He will probably take part in the pro gram as will a large number of the University’s aquatic stars. Chairman Farrell has called directorate meeting for Thursday at 4:30 to dis cuss these newest additions to the pro gram. _ EXAMS ARE 44 DAYS AWAY Present Term Extends Latest of Any in University’s History Examinations are but '44 days dis tant, the schedule for this term being June 20 to 22. Commencement exer cises will be held Monday, June 25. Never in the history of the Univer sity has school extended so far into the summer. The reason is that the fac ulty passed legislation providing that the term open on Monday, and due to the fact that New Year’s day came on Monday, school could not be started on Tuesday, and so the term had to be extended a week. This legislation has since been rescinded so the matter of opening and closing may be left in the hands of the administration, ac cording to Mrs. George Fitch, secre tary to Dean Colin Dyment. Balloting for Officers of A.S.U.O. to Be Wednesday Polls to Be Open Between Nine and Three; Sixteen Officials Appointed; Student Amendments Are to Be Considered When two or more candidates are to be elected and the voter easts his vote for less than the number to be elected, that portion of his ballot shall be void, according to section 9 of article 3 of the student body constitution. Exam ples of this will be in the case of senior men on the student council where there are five men running and three to be elected. The nominees are, Hal Chap man, Harley Covalt, Russ Gowans, George Horsfall and Art Rosebraugh and unless three of these men are voted for that part of his ballot will not be counted. Another example is that of junior men on the student council where two men are to be elected and six are running. Lowell Angell, Herbert Brooks, Milton Brown, Thomas Crosthwait, Lester Smith and Hesden Metcalf are the nom inees. Only two of these men may be voted for and if two are not voted for that section of the ballot will be void. In the cases of senior woman on the executive council and senior women on the student council there is no compe tition and the nominees are sure of election. Polls to be in Villard Election will take place at Villard hall Wednesday from 9 to 3 and only those students who have paid their registra LONDON SPEAKER LIKES LARGE COLLEGE GROUNDS Economist and Publicist Visits University of Oregon Henry Higgs, of London, England, an economist and publicist, spent the week end on the campus. Mr. Higgs has spent most of his life in the English public service, holding the position of Inspector General of Egypt for a number of years, and has traveled extensively. This is his second visit to the coast and he has been in the United States many times. He arrived in America in March and is jpaking a tour visiting and lecturing at universities in the states. The campus impressed Mr. Higgs very much, according to M. H. Comeron, pro fessor in the economics department, who conducted him over it. He particularly admires the large grounds around Amer ican colleges, which he attributes to the cheapness of land here, and thinks so much green and beauty should be con ducive to study. In England where land is expensive buildings are placed around a court, he said. He was also partic ularly interested in the collection of Chinese garments in the Woman’s building. Dinner Given at Osborn At dinners given for him at the Os burn hotel, Saturday evening, where a number of economic majors were pres ent, and Sunday with faculty members present, Mr. Higgs gave talks and ex pressed his opinion that general edu cation is of vital importance. No stu dent should attempt to specialize until he has a general education as a founda tion and if he must choose between the two, the broadening influence of the lat ter is more likely to make him a good citizen and successful man. Speaking of international affairs, Mr. Higgs said he thought matters between Germany and France would take a turn for better or worse soon. He believes that France is right in taking the posi tion she has and that Germany, is not as poor as she pretends to be and could pay the reparation money. It would, however, he thought, place the president of Germany and the government in rather a dilemma as to raise the money it would be necessary to increase taxes. The wealthy and the nobility, on one hand, would probably object maintaing that the tax was a result of democracy, and would work for the return of the old government. To place the burden on the poorer classes might lead to bolshevism and an archism. The hope of settling the ques tion peaceably seems to depend upon some of the spirited people there coming to a realization of their position and raising the tax. If they don’t come to terms in the near future, Mr. Higgs is afraid that it will lead to serious trouble, and that the Polish army, a million strong, trained and armed by the French, may close in on Germany on the east and France come in on the west. Contrary to what some newspapers say, England is in no danger of having the labor element in control of the govern ment. Mr. Higgs has given 3000 books from his library to the League of Nation. He is a contributor to economic peri odicals in this country. tion fees before today will be eligible to vote. There were 33 students who had not paid their fees at 5 o ’clock yester day, according to E. P. Lyon, cashier of the University. Other rules for election are that the ballot distributor shall give but one bal lot to each voter and ballots shall be re ceived from no other source; no one shall be allowed to vote unless his or her name appears upon the poll book; no electioneering or soliciting of votes shall bo permitted within the limits established around the polls by the inspectors; and the ballots shall be counted by the elec tion officers immediately after closing the polls, and the results of the election shall be posted on the bulletin board in Villard hall as soon as the counting is over. Election Officers Selected The officials chosen by Dick Sunder leaf, chairman, are: Imogene Letcher, Margaret Jackson , Bernice Altstock, Leon Culbertson, Eddie Edlunds, Chloe Thompson, Georgia Benson, Paul Sayre, Ben Reed, Lloyd LaLands, Jimmy Meek, Ellen McVeigh, Hal Simpson, Ed na Largent, Margaret Scott, Rndd Brown. All those notified to work on the bal lots before election may iook on a sche (Continued on page three.) MAY IS TEST MONTH FOR BAD CHECK CASES Letter/ Sent to Organizations By Carl Onthank In a letter addressed to the Student Council,' W.oman’s League, Inter-fra ternity, Pan-hellenic, and various other student societies and organizations, Karl Onthank, secretary of the student advisory committee, states the atti tude of that committee on the n. s. f. situation. “Although the month of April was not the test month, the student advisory committee has a list of 63 n. s. f. checks which cleared through Eugene banks, with one bank reporting for a period considerably less than a month. In accordance with the informal agree ment between the students represent ing various campus organizations and the student, advisory committee, the month of May is to be the test month, during which it is understood students will eliminate so far as possible the passing of bad checks. It is the purpose of the committee by this communication fo remind all students that the committee has sus pended action in n. s. f.s check cases until the first of June, at which time it will survey the reports from the banks on checks returned during the month of May, and will govern its ac tion according to the degree of reduc tion jn the number of checks. The com mittee hopes that students self-govern ment, in the broad sense, will be able to cope with this evil and that faculty intervention will not be necessary. U. H. S. TEAM PICTURES TAKEN A picture of the U. H. S. basket ball team, which won the state high school championship, has been sent for publi cation in the Spalding basketball guide. Seven men, Powers, Ridings, Bradley, McCormick, Hempe, Hanks and Ruch are included in the picture which also shows the silver loving cup and the bas ketball gained with the championship. — 'DELTA DELTA DELHI DEADS GRADE LIST FOR WINTER TERN! Women’s Group Makes 2.63, Highest Average Ever Won at University THACHER COTTAGE SECOND Top Place for Organizations of Men Held by Local Sigma Pi Tau Delta Delta Delta, women’s fratern ity, has the honor of having not only the highest average of any living organ ization for the winter term at 2.63, but according to figures on file at the reg istrar’s office, the organization has made the highest average ever made by any living organization at any time on the University campus, the record up to this time being that of Alpha Chi Omega, which averaged 2.66 in the win ter term of 1920-21. Thacher cottage is second on the list with 2.71. Sigma Pi Tau, new men’s fraternity, which has just been rogan izd, heads the men’s houses, with an average of 2.95, just .32 below the Delta Delta Delta average. Winter Grades Highest Grades are always higher during the winter term than in either the fall or spring term, since figurs taken from the records for the last two years show that the highest average is always for the winter term. The Kappa Alpha Theta record for last term of 2.95 is .31 points lower than the highest average for this term, while the lowest average of last term of 4.12 is 1.30 points lower than the lowest record of 3.82 made for this term. The wemen’s average for this term is 2.98, while for last term it was 3.25, a decrease of .27. The men have also decreased their average from 3.71 for last term to 3.46 for the winter term, a gain of .25. List is Given The following is a list of house aver ages as compiled by the registrar’s office: 1. Delta Delta Delta . 2.03 2. Thacher Cottage . 2.71 3. Alpha Chi Omega. 2.73 4. Kappa Alpha Theta . 2.80 5. Alpha Omicron Pi .—. 2.82 6. Tau Nau . 2.904 7. Alpha Phi . 2.908 8. Sigma Pi Tau . 2.95 9. Alpha Delta Pi . 2.98 10. Pi Beta Phi . 3.03 11. Alpha Xi Delta .3.04 12. Gamma Phi Beta . 3.11 13. Kappa Gamma . 3.12 14. Delta Zeta . 3).1(3 15. Delta Gamma . 3.15 16. Hendricks Hall* . 3.17 17. Friendly Hall . 3.18 18. Chi Omega . 3.20 19. Susan Campbell Hajl . 3.30 20. Beta Theta Pi . 3.32 21. Sigma Chi .-. 3.30 22. Phi Sigma Pi -.-. 3.38 23. Phi Gamma Delta . 3.39 24. Alpha Beta Chi .3.41 25. Sigma Nu .— 3.43 26. Alpha Tau Omega . 3.44 27. Phi Kappa Psi . 3.45 28. Kappa Sigma . 3.47 29. Kappa Delta Phi . 3.52 30. Chi Psi .-. 3.57 31. Bachelordon . 3.58 32. Sigma Alpha Epsilon .r..~ 3.59 33. Delta Theta Phi . 3 73 34. Phi Delta Theta .3.74 35. Delta Tau Delta . 3.82 Women’s average . 2.98 Men’s average .- 3.46 (Continued on page three.) Textbooks Claimed to be Written For Paying Off Family Mortgage By Monte Byers Textbooks. How many of us read them and how many of us would like to get our talons entwined about the throat of the persons who write them! It is a fact that most of us hate to browse about in an assigned textbook. When one looks at some of the text books we use here, he wonders what they are all about and why thy were written. Are textbooks sold by the number of pages or by what is in them. If it is the former, some authors of texts ought to have money enough to settle down and live well for the rest I of their lives. Some of the books we use here are masterpieces when it comes to the num ber of pages and the choice of the words. They resemble one of these mar athon dance contests, with the writer sitting down at the typewriter and reeling off ream after ream of stuff, i No doubt he has a limit, but when he j reaches that place, he decides to go on and by the time he finishes has suc ceeded in concealing the subject matter in the midst and mazes of a well ap pointed dictionary. To read some of these masterpieces necessitates continual reference to Web ster and by the time the student has finished tli book, he knows no more than when he started. By the appearance of some of their works it looks as if the author wrote more for the purpose of paying off the mortgage on tho old farm than for any educational reason. Of course the stu dent does have the chance to pick up a number of words that he might never have known, but it’s usually the case that as soon as he has finished the text he is so sour on it that he makes it a point to forget everything. Might be a good idea to have a set of rules governing the writing of text books, involving more simplicity, brev ity, and sticking to subject matter and not trying to outdietion the dictionary.