Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 26, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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Famous Selections Listed In
Home Concert Program
George Hopkins, pianist, and Alberta
Potter, violinist, both of whom are
well known to Eugene audiences for the
high quality of their work, will be
the soloists with the University Orches
tra at its Home Concert to be given in
Villard Hall Friday night.
The piano solo in which Mr. Hopkins
appears is the* “Concerto in G-minor,”
by Saint Saens. A concerto is a composi
tion written for a single instrument
with orchestral accompaniment, an*!
this concerto of Saint Saens is consid
ered one of the most brilliant and pop
ular of any played on the stage today.
For the purposes of making the parts
more complete, a second piano will be
used as an accompaniment in addition
to the orchestra, and will be played by
Mrs. Aurora Underwood.
Its brilliance is the.most outstanding
feature of this concerto, requiring the
greatest of technical skill of the pian
ist. The concerto is of three move
ments. “The first has broad tonal
qualities,” said Mr. Hopkins. It is
powerful, stupendous, and overcast by
a richness and w’ealth of imagination.
A light scherzo characterizes the second
movement. The concerto is closed with
a fast, brilliant movement, which is par
ticularly effective and appropriate.”
Alberta Potter, violinist, is a senior
in the University, and is also of the
faculty of the school of music. Since
the orchestra first started its annual
tours four years ago she has been a
member, and has been soloist with it on
each trip. Newspapers all over the
state have praised her playing, and the
Portland Oregonian in particular has
published a very flattering review of
her work.
For her solo Friday night Miss Pot
ter will play the “Fantasie Appassion
atto,” of Vieuxtemps. This selection
was used by her on the trip of the or
chestra to five Coos Bay towns during
the Easter vacation, and was a favorite
with audiences there.
A former student of the University,
Miss Beulah Clark, now studying with
the extension division at Portland, will
tako the flute part with the orchestra
at the Home Concert. Miss Clarke stud
ied last summer in New York under
George Barriere, of the New York Sym
phony Orchestra, considered one of the
best flutists in the country, later tour
ing the entire country with an opera
company on a Lyceum circuit. She will
return to the University next year as
instructor of flute in the school of
The opening number of the program
is the “Carmen Suite, No. 1,” by Bi
zet. This has been made famous
through its “March of the Toreadors,”
which is known to everyone. Other or
chestral numbers are selections from
“The Firefly,” by Friml, and “Pag
liaeci,” by Leoncavallo.
Tickets for the concert are on sale
at the Eugene Music Shop, Kuyken
dall’s Drug store, and the Co-op. The
admission is seventy-five cents; there
are no reserve seats.
(Continued from page one)
for -wrestling will probaly be drafted in
the amendment.
It was favorably moved that Lem6n
Punch be admitted as a student publi
cation, the editor to be elected by the
staff of the magazine and ratified by
the Student Council. The salary of the
editor and manager would be $200 each,
with any surplus being divided as fol
lows: One-half to the Associated Stu
dents, and one-half divided among the
editor, manager and staff in smaller
The council approved giving members
of the band an emblem lyre as an award
for good service.
These recommendations in the form of
amendments will come before the student
body at the next elections for final
(Continued from page one.)
go forth, leaning on their staffs and
■with lanterns in faltering hands, peer
ing here and there in search of someone
who has fallen by the wayside, someone
who struggled to reach the shrine of
political supremacy, but who failed and
lies buried under the avalanche.
Friendly- hearts and hands go out to
him who has fallen and he is tenderly
taken back to the refuge where sym
pathy goes out to him as he tells of
his failing to reach the pinnacle.
In the coming pilgrims to the shrine
of Politica, someone is destined to fal
ter by the wayside. Fear not, brave
soul! You have not dared in vain. The
trail is rugged and rough, but if you
fail to reach the end, brave hearts will
sally from their sanctuary and gather
you in. There is always a haven from
the storm.
Lively Contest Carried On All Year;
Total Number for Present Term 291
The lead in the Emerald tip contest, ;
a contest among the members of the
Emerald staff in news tip3, has been
completely run away with by George1
Belknap, a freshman. Just to show
what could be done, he .has handed in
147 of the 291 tips turned in this term.
This is the largest number of tips that
has been turned in by one person in a
similar length of time’since the open
ing of the contest. ’ • .•
The two who take second and third
place in the contest so far are Gene
vieve Jewell, with 27 tips to her credit,
; and Emily Houston, with 19 tips.
The contest has been carried on all
: year and has caused a great deal of
lively competition among the staff
members. As the competition will
count in the consideration of candi
dates for the award of the Emerald
O’s at the end of this term, the con
test is growing even more interesting
as that time approaches.
Sales Appeal is Topic in April Number
of Western Advertising
Professor W. F. G. Thacher of the
University school of journalism has an
article entitled “A Baker's Dozen: The
Thirteen Points in Sales Appeal,” ap
pearing in the April number of the
Western Advertising magazine. The
subject matter deals with talking points
used in advertisements which can be i
classified logically undeit thirteen
heads, according to Mr. Thacher. These
points listed in their order in the ar
ticle are quality, usefulness, economy,
price, reputation, popularity, exclusive
ness, testimonials, guarantee, profit,
service, limitation of supply or of time,
and ease of purchase.
The classification is not water-tight,
of course, Mr. Thacher says, no classi
fication ever is. Nor is there any at
tempt to include in the article the
methods of attention-getting and in
terest-production, such as contests, tea
ser advertisements, slogans and the like
according to Mr. Thacher’s comment
in the article.
This article was the third of Profes
sor Thacher’s to appear in Western Ad
Y. M. C. A. Receives $96 for Sweets;
Funds Will be Used to Improve Hut
The candy counter which wa3 install
ed in the Y. M. C. A. hut two terms
ago for the convenience of the boys,
has proved to be an unusually success
ful asset to the hut, as far as finances
are concerned. In the last two terms
the counter has brought in profits
amounting to $96. This money will be
put back into the Y. M. C. A. for im
provement of the hut and to furnish
new games and amusements for those
who use the hut for their recreation
dwelling on the campus. Plans are set
for the building of a new ping-pong
table out of the profits of the candy
counter. All the daily papers will be
purchased and numerous other luxur
ies will be provided from the fund.
There remains $50 to be spent on these
things, the other $46 has been used to
clear up a few expenses on the hut.
A meeting will be held a little later
in the term to designate upon what the
remaining $50 will be spent.
The student body should be prepared
for a lively time on Saturday night,
according to Ed Tapfer, stunt duke of
the Oregon Knights. That organization
is making extensive plans for a dance
to be held in the Woman’s building for
the benefit of the entire student body.
“We are getting the best music we can
for the occasion” says Tapfer, “and
we hope for a large representation
from the students.” An admission of
75 cents will be charged, the proceeds
to go to the Oregon Knights.
Norma Talmadge has given the
screen one of the most gripping dramas
of a decade in her picturization of
“Within the Law,” the First National
picture which opened a two day en
gagement at the Rex Theatre last night.
“Within the Law” enjoys the repu
tation of being the most successful
stage drama ever produced. If present
indications are any criterion, it will be
an even greater success on the silver
sheet, for as a moving picture it is
more moving entertainment.
Get the Classified Ad habit.
First showing in the Northwest
! COMING—“Souls for Sale’7]
First Class to be Held in Gym Pool
1 Thursday Evening; Life Saving Test
Must be Taken Thursday A. M.
Water polo is to be added to the list
of spring sports offered by the physical
education department for women. Fred
Howard, former student and swim
ming instructor at the University will
be in charge. All girls who are inter
ested are asked to report at the pool
Thursday evening at 7:30.
The life saving classes held on Tues
days and Thursdays have been well at
tended by University women and con
siderable enthusiasm has been shown,
Miss Cannon, life saving examiner, re
ports. As the American Bed Cross re
quires these tests to be passed each
year, all life savers who have not taken
the tests this year are asked to report
at 11 o ’clock Thursday to do this work.
The final swimming meet of the in
terclass series will come off Thursday
at 5 o ’clock when the sophomore first
team will swim against the freshmen
Byers, Erickson, and Janes Honored
By Sigma Delta Chi Fraternity
Monte Byers, Alfred Erickson, and
Ted Janes were elected to active mem
bership in Sigma Delta Chi, national
professional journalism fraternity, in
a special meeting of members of the
University chapter held Tuesday
night. Following the precedence es
tablished last year, no journalism ma
jors but upperclassmen were brought
up for election.
The three campus scribes, all juniors,
have been active in Emerald work for
several years. Byers is a feature and
sport writer, Erickson is a member of
the sports staff, and Janes is one of
the day editors of the University daily.
Janes was night editor last year, while
Byers and Erickson were on the news
staff. Byers is also a member of Ye
Tabard Inn, Oregon Chapter of Sigma
Upsilon, national honorary literary
Only men who have shown superior
ability in the field of journalism are
elected to Sigma Delta Chi. A total
A Wonderful
Blow the cobwebs out of your
brain with an Indian airing.
New sights and scenes will give
added zest for the day’s work.
Go seventy miles for only one
Smith Cycle Company
Phone 299 960 Oak Street
Try Our
Ice Cold
with Cake
After Your
Canoe Ride
Phone 30
of ten men have been admitted to the
national group by the local ehaptei
this year, seven having been taken in
last fall.
A bundle of javelins made in Fin
land were received recently by Bill
Hayward for use in the field events
this spring. The spears are of super
ior workmanship, and are made from
a kind of wood, found only in that coun
try which has the straightest tree grain
necessary for this purpose.
Phi Sigma Pi announces the election
of Dean William G. Hale and Profes
sor George S. Turnbull to honorary
Nothing So
As a Sailor
—Nothing so irresistibly
different and modish as
Fisk Sailors
They ’re painstakingly made,
to retain their shape and their
fine looks through long service.
Large variety of sport hats
Reasonably priced.
Come and see them.
Mrs. Ruth
MacCallum Carter
to the wonderful
music /of
Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Oswald’s
at the
We positively guarantee
this to be the finest dance
orchestra that has ever
been in Eugene.
Satisfaction absolutely, or
money refunded.
'T'HEY’RE the best looking lot
of Shirts you’ve ever seen;
it’s hard to believe that they’re
more beautiful than last year’s—
but they are. See those of Man
hattan woven madras—they’re es
pecially fine.
Others $2.00 to $5.00
Wade Bros.
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Mrs. Bayh’s Dance Studio
Private dancing lessons every afternoon and
evening. Classes Wednesday evening.
Appointments by phone
166 East 9th
Phone 1341-J
Just Arrived
K Brogues
Imported English Oxfords
Made by Somervell Brothers Limited
of Kendal, England.
Show in brown, tan and black.
\SH0E /
If the Rainbow Were on Olympus—
we would serve ambrosia to Athena, Aphrodite, June and all the
other flappers of their time. Being in Eugene, we can cater to
the wishes of the modern Oregon woman.
If you would like to try a nectar similar to that cherished by the
ancient gods and godesses order our delicious cold fruit punch.
Should you prefer ambrosia, try our fresh strawberry specials.
The Rainbow
Herm Burgoyne
E. A. C. S.