Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 20, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    Three Color Wood Cut by Biles
Will Be Cover Feature
of Next Issue
Herbert Larson was elected editor-in
chief of Lemon Punch to take the place
of John T. Braddock, who did not re
turn to school this term, at a luncheon
at the Campa Shoppe yesterday. Lar
son is a senior in the school of journal
ism. He was on the staff of the Sun
Dodger and elected to membership in
Hammer and Coffin at the University of
Washington where he attended school two
years before coming to Oregon.
The next issue of Lemon Punch, the
student union number, will be off the
press the last of next week. The cover,
typifying the uniting of Lemmy with
the student union, was designed by
Stewart Biles who carved his own wood
cuts. It will be in three colors. The
usual grade of snappy comedy and humor
as well as high-class artistry will be
displayed, including articles and other
material by Darle Seymour, Francis Link
later, William Hopkins and Webster
Jones, according to the new editor.
The Lemon Punch office is being
moved from the Co-op building to the
Oregana office in the old shack which
was the office of the Punch staff until
a year ago. The numerous cover de
signs taken from comics published by
different colleges all over the United
States will be transferred from the walls
of the present office to the shack head
quarters to serve as adornments there.
The staff of Lemon Punch is as fol
lows : Herbert Larson, editor-in-chief;
Milton Brown, manager; Francis Link
later, associate editor; Prof. W. F. G.
Thacher, adviser; Stu Biles, art editor;
Paul Carey, Rolf Klep, Claude Snow,
William Nettleship, assistant art edi
tors; Knute Digerness, Snooks Moore,
Jack Boyd, associate managers; Chuck
Stockwell, circulation manager; and Inez
Fairchild, advertising manager.
Doc Braddock, former editor, is at
his home in Puyallup, Wash.
(Continued from page one)
wohld seem to be exceeding what we
think to be its proper function.
We agree with the Emerald protest
of Sunday and further we call upon the
Oregon Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi
to set themselves against the shaping
of student journalism to such abhorrent
We do not wish this to be considered
a defense of an unfortunate practice,
but as protest against a doubly unfor
tunate administration handling of it.
Signed: E. S. Kelty, Floyd W. Max
well, Jay C. Allen, R. E. Yester, James
S. Sheehy, Harry A. Smith, Charles E.
James Sheehy was former student
president, Floyd Maxwell and Harry
Smith are former Emerald editors,
while Ray Yester was business mana
ger of the Emerald two years ago. Kel
ty and Allen are both well-known on
the Oregon campus.
(Continued from page one)
private business may seem to be a pri
vate matter.
“7. The committee has understood
from the first that student public opin
ion would minimize the bad check evil
as quickly as faculty penalties. Until
the resolution of the Interfratrnity
council arrived, however, only one offer
of student help had ever been made.
“8. Now that students are really
| aware of the gravity of the check sit
uation, and now that two groups, of
which the Interfraternity council is
one, have offered cooperation, the stu
dent advisory committee makes the
following stipulation:
“Until June 1, it will suspend public
summons through the Emerald, and
will suspend hearings; provided that
the Interfraternity council, the corres
ponding organization of fraternity wo
men, Woman’s league, and any other
groups interested, will try to crystal
lize student public opinion against giv
ing bad checks, and take some steps to
ward the training of students who do
not know how to keep their accounts.
“9. June 1, the committee will ascer
tain the number of n. s. f. checks given
during May, and will feel free to govern
its procedure accordingly.”
Conflict Between Religion and Science
Explained in Series at Newman HaU
For Students and Faculty
“Darwin’s great contribution to the
world is that he did for organic science
what Newton did for astronomy; that
he won acceptance for the idea which
brought unity into the plant and ani
mal world and in so doing gave the
worthy idea of the Creator as one who
put into his works the ability to devel
op their own powers,” said Rev. Edwin
V. O’Hara, last evening, in the first
of a series of lectures on Religion and
Scholarship to be given this term at
Newman Hall, for the students and
faculty of the university.
“Some people confuse the idea that
there is no God, that God had nothing
to do with the making of the world
and that everything developed as a
result of matter in motion, with evo
lution,” he said, “but this is material
istic philosophy and not scientific
theory. Darwin admitted the existence
of God, he is not a materialist and
there is nothing in any of his writings
which need trouble any Christian,”
said Father O'Hara.
Christianity teaches that God is the
author of everything and that the soul
of man was created by God, but the
theory of evolution of plants and ani
mals, which is scinetifie and not a re
ligious theory, in no way conflicts with
it. On the contrary the leading Cath
olic scholars follow the same theory
pointed out by Darwin in his Origin
of Species. Many of the world’s most
eminent scientists found no difficul
ty in reconciling religion and science,
but were profound Christians as well.
Mendell, tha Austrian monk, whose
theory of heredity and breeding was
such a big contribution to biology, and
Pasteur the noted medical scientist,
were cited as two examples.
The conflict between the first chap
ter of Genesis and evolution was never
a Catholic difficulty, said Father O’
Hara, for the church believes that the
Bible was inspired to teach religion and
the biblical writers simply used the
scientific language of the day to illus
trate biblical truths.
Father O’Hara pointed out the dan
ger of creating problems which do not
exist, and said that much of the so
called war between religion and science
is due to statements made by men who
are not qualified by either religious
or scientific training to make these
statements, and to the confusing of
materialistic philosophy with scienti
fic theory.
A gold nugget worth $22,000 was
found by a gambler in the days of
forty-nine on the scene of one of the
exciting shots in “Scars of Jealously,”
where Lloyd Hughes, as the rough
mountaineers, crawls up behind a rev
enue officer and captures him. In the
same spot, shortly afterwards, the of
ficer, who has escaped and returned
for more “evidence,” is shot down by
another moutnaineer. Marguerite de
la Motte, is the beautiful feminine star
of Thomas H. Ince’s production, “Scars
of Jealously,” which is now playing at
the Castle Theatre.
A Picnic Devoid
of Work
“Picnics are just pecks of fun except that one has to work so
hard, especially in carrying dishes both ways.”
“Oh! Don’t be so Mid Victorian. Nobody carries dishes
to picnics any more. They have substituted
Paper Picnic Plates
for the carrying of heavy dishes. These supplemented by paper
forks, spoons and cups make a picnic a real picnic.”
All paper utensils may be
easily purchased at the
The University Pharmacy
llth and Adder Phone 114
Sophs to Dance
At Dreamland
In Rustic Garb
Dreamland hall will be a mecca of
every good sophomore tonight when
the members of the class of ’25 will
gather to guide a gay boot over the
maple to the soothing strains of the in
; struments of the Midnite Sons. It’s
a no-date affair, and, according to the
j grand high mogul, none but the true
| and tried members of the class will be
| admitted, and even those staunch hear
I ties must be in full regalia of the coun
try bumpkin or the lass from the rural
districts to gain admission to the rus
tic ballroom.
No pains nor expenses have been
spared to make the big barn bust a sen
sational success. To this end, the man
agement has secured the use of several
hayracks which will make a round of
the houses and halls to gather the
yokels and transport them to the scene
of their terpsichorean endeavors. Any
of the ’Sis Hopkinses’ or ’Si Perkin
ses’ who don’t live in organizations
can catch the rustic Rolls-Rough along
Alder street between 7 and 8.
Of course, there had to be a lottery
connected with it somehow so here’s
the sad word. It’s rumored, that, after
the country crew has collected, and par
ticipated of the pleasantries, until the
approach of the fateful hour, there will
be a lottery to ascertain who will escort
whom home.
The grand high mogul, just as he
was leaving the reporter, turned and
growled in a hard-boiled manner, “ ’N
don’t forget to tell ’em that if they
come up to th’ bust all dolled up,they
don’t get in.”
Read the Classified Ad column.
CREAM whitens and softens
the skin. The ideal powder
base. At Red Cross Drug Co.
Direct from San Francisco
rtAAC klaw nc
IflTHfe LOflDOO tr
CHICAGO success
PRICES—Lower Floor, $1.50,
$2.00, $2.50; Balcony, $1.00,
$1.50, $2.00. Seats on sale
A Spanish Pin,
Egyptian Ear Rings,
a Whitby Jet Bracelet,
a String of Fancy
Pearls or Fancy Beads *
for the Dance Tonight
fjj A big assortment of Spanish Pins to choose from. Egyptian
Ear Rings just in from the factory; other big assortments of Ear *
Rings have also just arrived. Whitby Jet Bracelets have just
arrived from England. They make life-time bracelets, the prices
on these bracelets range from $5.00 to $10.00.
<j[ New styles in La Tausca Pearls, new Sapphire Clasps,
new lengths and all in the latest style jewel case boxes.
This store carries the largest stock of medium priced
novelty jewelry, such as fancy Beads, fancy Ear Bings,
Spanish Pins, etc. that can be found in the state outside
of Portland.
f| Keep in touch with the new goods that arrive daily
in these lines.
Luckey’s Jewelry Store
827 Willamette Street
ThrillsJ Chills / Suspense! Banger! Baring! Level Itonan&J
with ION CHANEY" JheYeaisBig hfysteqf Film/
It’s the sole of the people we keep in view, for I am a doctor of the boot
and the shoe. I serve the living, not the dead—use the best leather, wax and
thread. I will stitch on a sole or nail it fast—do a good job, and guarantee
it to last. I will give you a gift along in life—not only you, but your
family and wife. So many patients come to my door, all run down and
feeling so sore. I don’t use poultices, plasters or pills, but I can cure
you of all your shoe ills.
W. T
31 East Ninth
Eugene, Oregon
Becoming Spring Hats
The Exclusive Mallory Hat Shop
At a Special Price
The Argonut Collar
Attached Shirts
$1.50 to $6.00
11 s> U
The man who sees summer ahead, -when shirts become a
conspicuous part of every wardrobe, will respond to this
unusual selling of unusual fine shirts. All the spring and
summer patterns are included in a selection of material noted
for its exceptionally long wear. In workmanship they have
that custom tailored look.
Brownsville Woolen Mills Store
7th and Willamette
In Grandfather’s Day
It Was Different!
Two score years ago the buying advantages we now provide
were unknown.
Today the best and the latest the market affords is distributed
to more than a million families throughout the United States
by this nation-wide chain of department stores.
All Kinds of
Choice Spring
bouquets for
all occasions.
ists in corsage
We are special
f Che.
“Exclusive Eugene Member Florist Telegraphic Delivery’
Phone 962