Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 20, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member of Pacific Inercollegiate Press Association
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued daily
except Monday, during the college year.
TTRyrurF.TH yopet, .-...EDITOR
Editorial Board
Managing Editor .Phil Brogan
Associate Editors .Ep Hoyt, Inez King
Associate Managing Editor
Copy Supervisor .
.Art Budd
.Jessie Thompson
Daily News Editors
John Piper Freda Goodrich
Ted Janes
Ben Maxwell
Don Woodward
Leon Byrne
Taylor Huston
Night Editors
Edward Carleton
Junior Seton
Leonard Lerwill
Sports Editor .Edwin Fraser
Sports Writers: Alfred Erickson, Harold
Shirley, Kenneth Cooper.
News Service Editor .-.-.Rachel Chezem
Information Chief: Rosalia Keber; As
sistants : Maybelle King, Pauline Bondurant.
P. I. N. S.
: Nancy Wilson, Monte Byers.
Editor ..JFlorine Packard
Dramatics _...____Katherine Watson
Music ______Margaret Sheridan
News staff: Clinton Howard, Genevieve Jewell, Anna Jerzyk, Geraldine Root, Margaret
Skavlan, Norma Wilson, Henryetta Lawrence, Jeanne Gay, George Stewart, Katherine Spall,
Lester Turnbaugh, George H. Godfrey, Marian Lowry, Marion Lay, Mary Jane Dustin, Georg
ianna Gerlinger, Dorothy Kent, Webster Jones, Margaret Vincent, Margaret Morrison, George
Belknap, Phyllis Copelan, A1 Trachman.
Business Staff
Advertising Service Editor ....*...Randolph Kuhn
Circulation Manager .:.......—Gibson Wright
Assistant Circulation Manager .-.Kenneth Stephenson
Adv. Assistants....Maurice Warnock, Lester Wade, James Leake, Herman Blaesing
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon as second-class matter. Subscription rates,
$2.26 per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application.
..... Phones .
Business Manager ....961 Editor ...666
Daily News Editor This Issue Night Editor This Issue
Theodore Janes Leonard Lerwill
Are the Fines Annulled?
With the decision of the student advisory committee to put the
matter of n. s. f. checks in student hands, rather than calling offend
ers before the committee and publishing their names in the Emerald,
it is assumed that fines which were recently inflicted in a few cases
will be annulled. Since the offense is to be approached from another
angle from this time on it is hardly fair to make a few students the
goats. They have already suffered through the publicity, and a
change of 'policy is inconsistent unless their penalties are removed.
The withdrawal of the committee is indeed encouraging. No
penalty in hours will be effective. Rather is the spirit of respect for
business methods, and a spread of the idea of accuracy to be ex
emplified. If the matter can be handled by the students themselves
it is a step toward self-government. There should be no necessity for
further action on the part of the committee.
The discussion has brought about a general realization of the ser
iousness of carelessness in banking methods. The action of various
groups toward providing methods of individual budgeting is com
mendable. But the fines which have been levied on the few indi
viduals should not stand.
Why So Timorous?
Comes now the new touchstone by which all programs, policies,
pursuits and pronouncements at the University are to be tested . It
is: “What will the state think?’’
If the fees at the University are abnormally—and some students
think, unjustly—high, the question is not: “Will publicity of the
grievance bring a remedy?” but, “What will the state think?”
If there happens a pet scandal, such as a too exuberant display of
vulgarity at, say, a smoker, the question is not whether publicity for
the scandal may prevent its reoccurrence, but “What will the state
“ What will the state think?”
What would happen if the University should model its conduct
and utterances on what it believes to be right, and not upon a craven
terror of the state’s opinion?—U. of W. Daily.
Novel Situations Found in Next
Guild Hall Production
A little lost letter box, found in a bay
field after twelve years-—full of grass
and birds’ nests—but with one signifi
cant. thing about it that changed the
whole life of n woman, and through her
changed the whole life of tho professor,
who is after all the real center of the
story, is one of the points of interest out
of the many found in “The Professor’s
Love Story,” by .lames Barrie.
Tho play follows the love stories of
three separate couples throughout the
course of events, the professor and his
sweetheart, the professor's sister, Gladys,
and her story and last but not least the
love story of Kffio, she of the solemn
eyes and Scotch canniness, with her two
eccentric lovers, Pete and Headers.
The professor is a delightfully queer
fellow who, determined to run away from
being in love, takes the object of his
affections with him in the person of his
secretary. Professor Keddie plays the
whimsical part with just the touch Bar
rie would have added. Charlotte Ban
field in the role of Agnes, the sister of
the professor, does the part with force
and understanding. Lucy White, the
secretary, is played by Lorua Ooolidge
with more of the fine finish she put
into her last production, “Come Out of i
the Kitchen.”
Star Norton plays the part of Kffie
with a charm that is Star's own while
the parts of Pete and Benders, lovers of
Effie, played by Claire Keeney and Kd
Keecli, are the greatest comedy element
of the entire play.
\rthnr Johnson and Vern Fudge are
also cast in very good roles which they
are quite capable of handling, both hav
ing had many triumphs in comedy parts.
Mabel Gilham, Patricia Novlan, and
’ I
others complete the cast that is made up
almost entirely of senior members of the
Miss Van Sant Jenkins of New York
To Talk on Girls Training Work
Miss Van Sant Jenkins, secretary of
the National Training school for girls
of the national Y. W. C. A. of New
York will be a visitor on the campus
May 14 and 15. Then main purpose
of her trip is to tell University women
and other women of Eugene who may
be interested, about the value and op
portunities in this training work for the
grade schools, high schools, business
and industrial schools. Such a work
has an unusual interest for the women
of the campus because of the recent
Girls’ Reserve work taken up by the
University Y. W. 0. A.
As a follow-up of the work to be ex
plained by Miss Jenkins, announcement!
was made this morning by the campus!
V. W. 0. A., that a six weeks course in <
girls' training work will be given at
the Asilomar conference from June lti
to July t>, at Asilomar, California.
Opening today at the Rex for two j
big days, the most popular novel from
the red blooded pen of Zane Grey, ac
credited America’s most popular writ-;
er of Western stories, “Desert Gold*’
promises to surpass the high attendance;
records of all Zane Grey pictures.
Enacted by a stellar cast of players,
especially selected for their roles by
the author, and containing such well
known favorites as Margery Wilson, [
I.. K Lincoln,, Eileen l’crcy, Edward
Coven, Walter Long and Russell Simp
son. "Desert Gold” is personally en
dorsed as a picture by Zane Grev. "The
producer has put the spirit, the action
and the truth of “Desert Gold” on the
screen. My ideas, my wishes—even my
hopes have been fulfilled.” (Signed)'
Zane Grey.
Notices will be printed in this column
for two issues only. Copy must be in this
>ffice by 4:80 on the day before it is to be
published and must be limited to U words.
Y. W. C. A. Meeting has been post
poned until next Wednesday, April
25 at 7.00 p. m.
Oregon Club Track Men—Turn out four
times a week from now on, for in
tramural track meet, April 28. Every
body out and do your stuff.
Freshmen Tennis Players—All freshmen
interested in tennis report to Harry
Scott in the office in the Men’s Gym
nasium some time before Monday,
April 23.
Letters to the Emerald from students
and faculty members are welcomed, but
nust be sigmed and worded concisely
If it is desired, the writer's name will be
kept out of print. It must be understood
that the editor- reserves the right to reject
To The Editor:
May I have the courtesy of your col
umns to call attention to a minor
though possibly important university
Dates for dances given by living or
ganizations, by classes, or by other
groups or organizations may be placed
in the social calendar whenever the
group wishes—the earlier the better.
But signed petitions bearing the names
of the head of the group and of patrons
for the affair must be left in the office
of the dean of women at least one week
before the event.
Failure to petition properly should
make the organization liable to the loss
of its dance date, even though it be the
eleventh hour or thereabouts.
The “building .ciomniittp©," which
o kays decorative schemes for dances
held in the Woman’s building, should be
consulted as early as possible for pro
tection against two mischances:-that a
long-planned and well-cherished decor
ative scheme may be refused too late
for happy readjustment; that the or
ganization may be asked to seek a place
elsewhere to hold its dance where argu
ment over decorations will need to vex
no one.
Sincerely yours,
Grace Edgington.
Ben Franklin Club of the State Will
Banquet at Anchorage
Ben Franklin Club of Oregon, com
posed of printers and publishers in
the Willamette valley, will banquet at
the Anchorage Saturday night. Arthur
Bahn of Salem will speak on “Selling
Printing,” and Z. C. Kimball of Inde
pendence, will lead a discussion on “Job
Printing in the Small Newspaper Of
fice.” About 60 members are expected
to attend according to B. C. Hall, sup
erintendent of the University Press,
who is chairman of the arrangement
Organization of the club will be com
pleted, a report of the by-laws commit
tee heard and new officers elected.
The club, which meets once a month,
expects to reach most of towns in the
Willamette valley. This is the third
meeting, the other two being held in
Portland and Albany.
Correspondence Work Gaining Place
On Educational Program
“Correspondence study as a method
of instruction is rapidly gaining in pro
gressive educational programs. Of the
711 educational institutions in the
United States offering correspondence
courses, 61 are supported by public
funds, and 1- are privately endowed.
These institutions do not include any
of the commercial correspondence
schools, but only regular colleges and
universities. ”
This statement is published in the
March University of Oregon Extension
Monitor in an article on opportunities
for education. In closing, it says that
the belief is being commonly accepted,
especially by state institutions, “that
every one has a right to all the edu
cation lie can obtain and use, and that
upon public-supported' institutions
there is the special responsibility of
placing within the reach of all the op
portunities for education. ”
Extension Division Gets Former Head of
Eugene Schools as Lecturer
E. F. Carleton, who recently resigned
a> superintendent of Eugene schools,!
has accepted a position as field lectur- j
or of the University extension division
and will take up his new duties on the
first of September.
Mr. Carleton,avoiding to educaitonal
leaders, has had a wide and successful
experience in the educational work of
the state. He was educated at the Uni
sitv ami has served in a number of itu
versitv of Oregon and Pacific Uuivet
portunt positions, including three years!
as instructor of English in the Lincoln
high school at Portland. He was appoint
ed assistant state superintendent of
public instruction in 1907, which posi
tion he held until 1920, when he re
signed to accept the superintendence
of the Eugene schools.
Try Emerald
Want Ads
Juniors and Freshmen Capture
Wednesday's Meet
The sophomore firsts completely
outswam the freshmen seconds last
night, the former running up 42
points against the loser’s 5. Catherine
Sartain, swimming for the sophomores,
was the high point winner of the meet,
I with 13 points to her credit.
The events included three lengths
| for speed, breast and back stroke races,
j relay, plunge for distance, and diving,
j The sophomore team was composed of
Cris Heckman, Maude Schroeder, Helen
Atkinson, Bee Fish, Yvonne Smith,
Marian Smith and Catherine Sartain.
Freshmen swimmers were Margaret
Vincent, Adrienne Hazard, Anna Mc
Cabe, and Elizabeth Lewis.
The first team of the juniors and the
freshmen seconds were winners in Wed
nesday’s inter-class meets. The soph
omore seconds scored 15 points against
the juniors’ 42 while the freshmen out
swam the senior firsts 32 to 25. Wini
fred Hopson, swimming for the sen
iors, and Muriel Myers, for the juniors,
tied for first place as high point win
ners of the meets, each making 15
points. Betty Garrett, a junior, took
second place with 11 points to her
credit, while Anna McCabe of the
freshmen team was a close third with 1
10 points. Members of the freshmen
team were, Margaret Vincent, Eliza
beth Lewis, Adrienne Hazard and Anna
McCabe; Sophomores, Hazel Borders,
Doris Parker, Elizabeth Kerr, Ger
trude Houck, and Agusta DeWitt; Jun
iors, Marion Nicolai, Muriel Myers,
Betty Barrett and Florence Baker;
Seniors, Winifred Hopson,- Gladys Ever
ett and La Velle Barger.
Kappas, Delta Gammas, Chi Omegas,
Thetas and Hendricks Hall Victor
ious; Oregon Club to Play Today
The Kappas, Delta Gammas, Chi Om
egas and Thetas were the winners in
yesterday’s do-nut games. The Kappa
batters humbled the Theta team 29 to
9, Alpha Xi Delta lost to Chi Omega
in a close game, the score being 23 to
19, Delta Gamma swamped Alpha Sig
ma 42 to 14, and the Theta team was
barely virtorious over the Alpha Chi
Omegas in a very evenly matched game
which resulted in the score of 22 to 21.
The Hendricks hall team took their
first victory of the season Wednesday
when they swamped the Tri Delt hit
ters 35 to 7. The heavy hitting coupled
with the good team work displayed by
the winners proved too strong a force
for the opposing team to combat suc
Today the Kappas are slated to play
Oregon Club. The remainder of the
schedule of games for the season will
be published.
Roscoe Brannaman and Lavena Kerr
Have Quiet Wedding Wednesday
Lavena Kerr, of Milwaukee, Oregon,
and Roscoe Brannaman, of White Sal
mon, Wash., who is a sophomore in
the university, were quietly married at
the Presbyterian church at eight
o’clock, Wednesday evening. Vivian
Bates, of Milwaukee, acted as bride’s
maid and Jack Beck, a student in the
university, was best man. The couple
will reside at 360 East Eleventh Ave
Brannaman intends to complete this
term at the university after which the
couple will probably move to Milwau
kee, where the bride lives.
Brannaman made a mark for himself
in athletics, last year, when he played
on the freshman base ball team. He is
out for base ball again this year.
More than 500 graudates of Simmons
College, and their friends, attended a
presentation of “Nero” at the Lyric
Theatre, New York. The tickets were
sold by the college graduates for the
benefit of the Simmons Endowment
Fund. The theatre was decorated with
Simmons College colors«!ind officers of
the Simmons Alumni Association occu
pied the boxes.
“Nero” is a Fox production; it will i
be showing at the Heilig Theatre here ■
for the remander of this week.
Shoes Repaired
by efficient workmen with
modern equipment at
Miller’s Shoe Shop
Just off Willamette on 8th
there’s just one thing about a Schoble hat—
—it wears too long!
“if I were a hatter”-said a young
fellow who knows what’s what
and King George, and King Albert, and King
Victor Emmanuel, and Marshal Foeh, and Marshal
Joffre, and Lloyd George, and Poincare should
come to the hack door and ask for a hand-out
and I wanted to do the very best I could to honor
them, I’d give them each a Schoble Feature hat - -
I don’t know of anything that’s made in tin's coun
try that so thoroughly typifies the progressive
spirit of America!
new Schoble Hats are here
$5 and more
the Schoble Feature, seven dollars
^reen Hlerrell Co.
men’s wear
“one of Eugene’s best stores”
> 'W ♦ •
A Fountain Special—
Bisque Ice Cream
Bisque Ice Cream is the latest
thing in ice cream confections.
It is a very pleasing novelty of
ice cream filled with chopped
macaroons and nuts.
“Delicious” is almost the only
word that will express the de
lightful flavor of this cream.
It is absolutely new and differ
ent; you will enjoy the pleas
ing combination. Bisque Ice
Cream is being served at both
of our shoppes.
Ye Towne Shoppe
Ye Campa Shoppe
The Thrill of the Year
Moonshiners’ Feuds
Raging Fires—Lynching Mobs
The Castle
TODAY and Saturday
Marguerite de La Motte
Lloyd Hughes
Frank Keenan
in a drama that will clutch your
emotions with fingers of steel.
There isn’t a picture made, ex
pensive enough, for the Castle to
raise its prices.
fjhrillsj Chills ! Suspense! Danger! Daring! Love! Romance!
with ION CHANEY Jhe Year's Big Mystery Film !