Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 20, 1923, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Fraternity Organizations And
Women’s League To Work
Up Campus Opinion
Students To Receive Training
In Methods of Keeping
Bank Accounts
Public summons through the columns
of the Emerald for n. s. f. check of
fenders to appear before the student
advisory committee will be suspended
until June 1, provided that the Inter
fraternity council, Panhellenic, Wo
■ men’s league, and any other groups in
terested, will try to crystallize student
public opinion against giving bad
This is the decision arrived at yes
terday by the student advisory com
mittee. The report of the committee,
which is printed in full below, also
specifies that some steps be taken to
ward the training of students who do
not know how to keep their accounts.
Report Is Given
Following is the report given out by
the chairman of the committee:
“The student advisory committee at
a meeting yesterday afternoon was
handed a resolution passed Wednesday
night by the Interfraternity council,
in which the council said that ‘some
measures should be taken to curtail
the undue number of n. s. f.- checks,’
but expressed a feeling that the mea
sures of public summons and fining of
scholastic hours ‘have not been happy
ones.’ The resolution continued an
offer to cooperate with the student ad
visory committee in devising and ap
plying other remedies.
“The student advisory committee
thereupon issued the following state
ment to the Interfraternity council,
and to student organizations and stu
dents in general:
“1. The number of n. s. f. checks
given by university students through
careless keeping of their bank ac
counts beeam so great a year ago that
the reputation of the student body was
impaired. The integrity of the train
ing given at the University fell under
some criticism as a result.
Notice Is Published
“2. Faculty regulation therefore
seemed necessary, and on March 8,
1922, the student advisory committee
published the following notice:
‘Students giving checks not suf
ficiently covered by funds in the
bank will hereafter be subject to
hearing before the student advis
ory committee, and to suspension
or dismissal from the University,
in addition to such action as the
civil authorities may take.’
“3. Upon resumption of classes last
fall, complaints from down town were
renewed, and were increasingly directed
at the University in which the givers
of bad checks were receiving their
”4. Finally the committee began
summoning students and asking them
to be more careful with their accounts.
Except in one instance, however, no
students were penalized until the hear
ing of Monday, April 16.
“5. On this date, the committee fined
four students three hours each, and
two students five hours each.
“6. No method of dealing with givers
of bad checks is a happy one, but
when in the course of a few weeks
hundreds of bad checks go through the
local banks, the University is compell
ed to take cognizance of it, even though
(Continued on page three.)
Court in Arts Building
Will Not Be Dark
By M. S.
The new piggers’ paradise—the fu
ture rival of the mill race and the
cemetery—is in danger. It has just
been discovered that the court of new
architecture and allied arts building is
to be lighted! Think of the difficul
ties of gay senoritas in mantillas and
tall combs and little red slippers—bal
let effect—trying to coquette in a
patio under a large red arc light! It
should be a sight to make the little
blind god weep if he could but see. If
such is the case it will surely be ne
cessary to set out a row of protecting
plam trees, if they are not to be had,
some hardy rubber plants will have to
Still, there is ono ray of hope, says
H. M. Fisher, superintendent of build
ings and grounds there will only be four
lights—one at the entrance to the court
and three small ones inside at the door
ways. He says that when too large
ones are put in they often disappear
mysteriously in the night. So it is evi
dent that a protective league is at work
to keep the paradise intact. Perhaps,
then, the moon can shine down on the
fountain, and balcony, and—and so
on, without too much competition.
Junior Men to Stage Work Day
Saturday, April 28
The mystery feature of the advertis
ing campaign for the Varsity Vani
ties, scheduled for May 3, will be
“sprung” at a meeting of the Junior
class next Tuesday night at Villard
hall, according to Ted Baker, chairman
of the vanities.
Complete plans for Junior week-end
will also be presented. “It is the duty
of every junior to be present in order
to insure the success of the big class
activity,” declared Doug Farrell,
chairman of the junior week-end com
mittee, at a meeting of the directorate
held last night when the plans of every
week-end committee Were presented,.
It was decided to hold a junior work
day, Saturday morning, April 28, when
every male member of the class will
be required to turn out and assist in
the construction of some temporary
bleachers that are to be erected near
the present bleacher group on the mill
race. The plan of worx will be pre
sented at next Tuesday’s class meet
With the Vanities show less than two
weeks away and the air full of rumors
about the mystery stunt considerable
interest is prevalent in the production.
Imogene Letcher’s musical comedy,
“Mummy Mine” is to be the headliner,
backed up by a large group of good
vaudeville acts.
The campus luncheon and the decora
tions for the prom are two of the big
problems which are facing the juniors
at present. Prices are being obtained
from various sources on the food and
other material needed and final out
lines will be presented at a directorate
meeting, early next week.
Reports indicate that houses are al
rady working out plans for their floats
in the canoe fete. An elaborate light
ing system for the fete is being pre
pared which will include spotlights with
colored slides, and colored lights in the
water. An orchestra will play during
the evening and the glee clubs will
probably sing. Careful plans are being
prepared for taking care of the crowd.
About 2000 blacher seast will be avail
able of which 500 will be free, accord
ing to Rus Gowans, who outlined the
scheme to the directorate.
Modern Endurance Contests in
Dancing Rival Old Marathon
By M. B.
Some few years ago when the Athen
ians romped on a rival clan on the
plains of Marathon, one young man
volunteered to sprint up to Athens and
tell the gang that they had won an
extra inning game. He ran 26 miles,
clad in iron shin guards, stomach pro
tector and a heavy canary bird cage
on his head. In the shadow of the Ac
ropolis he shouted “Victory is Ours,”
and rolling over, pointed his toes at
the sun and passed out.
From that we got our Marathon race,
but it now seems that we are not sat
isfied with a mere 26 mile grind, but
must have something more thrilling,
which will give the folks something to
talk about—hence the non-stop dance
mania that is sweeping the country. As
yet the craze hasn’t hit the immediate
vicinity, but you can’t tell when it
There are enough Knights and Ladies
of the Maple around here who might
step out and shatter the endurance run
in a non-stop jig fest. The last of
ficial mark was around 77 hours, but
by the time this goes to press someone
will have raised it a few notches. To
date only dancing instructors and dance
hall sheikesses have attempted the mar
athon brogan blistering contest.
Why not have some of our long dis
tance rat-racers go out for the seven
league stepping tournament. Someone
among us ought to be able to hang up
a time card in three figures. A few
have even voiced their opinion as to
such a contest, and feel that they could
raise the ante of our eastern cousins.
It is worth considering and might
even be developed into a minor sport,
With letters being given after so many
hours, or after so many pears of shoes
have been worn out, or even after' a
(Continued on page four.)
Few Convictions Result From
Large Number of Crimes
Found in America
Respect for Statutes in U. S.
Said Poor in Comparison
with Other Nations
Comparing the respect for law in the
United States with that of other na
tions, Dr. E. O. Holland, president of
Washington State College, in his assem
bly address yesterday on “The Majesty
of the Law,” stated his opinion that
the recognized problem of “flabby
laws,” or lack of law enforcement in
the United States could be solved fin
ally only through the education of pub
lic opinion, against that sort of thing.
He contends that human life should
be made as safe in America as in any
other part of the world.
Dr. Holland suggested four causes
of existing conditions relative to law
enforcement in the United States and
what should or should not be done, as
the case may be, to remedy the situa
tion. First, he said, too many laws are
passed. If fewer statutes were made
there would be more likelihood of their
being enforced. Second, not strong
enough men are selected to preside as
judges. The obvious remedy is for the
public to insist that strong judges are
put on the bench. Th'ird, people in
general are too sympathetic for the ac
cused. “We sort of make heros of
them,” said Dr. Holland. Fourth, a
governor is permitted to leave the state
and during his absence the lieutenant
governor as acting executive pardons
many criminals. This, Dr. Holland con
tended, is one of the evils under our
present system.
Enforcement Is Problem
Lack of law enforcement is troub
ling Chief Justice Taft and judges in
general throughout the country, Presi
dent Holland said. Since a change
must come through public opinion if it
is to be effective or lasting, the best
way to create that opinion and culti
vate it is to begin in the schools, he
“Here in America where we make
our own laws, we are the worst of
fenders,” said Dr. Holland. “We make
our own laws and then proceed to for
get them.”
The speaker compared the number of
violations of federal law at the pres
ent time with those of ten to fifteen
years ago. In 1912 there were 9,503
violations of the federal law, while in
1921 there were more than 70,000. At
least 30,000 of these were violations of
the Volstead act, he said, but sub
tracting these from the grand total,
the increase in 11 years is still more
than 400 per cent.
Few Convictions Obtained
Pointing out the great difficulty of
convicting a criminal, Dr. Holland in
his earnest forcefulness stated that out
of 221 murders committed in New York
in one year only 77 persons were con
victed for murder, while in Chicago,
the worst city in America in this res
pect, but 44 convictions vrere made
from 336 murder cases.
Chicago and Berlin, Germany, were
about equal in population before the
war, but there were four times as many
murders in Chicago as in Berlin, accord
ing to President Holland, but while
that was true, there were four times
as many convictions in Berlin during
the 'same peri^l as in Chicago.
Dr. Holland said that while in Lon
don he saw a number of street brawls,
some of whose participants had murder
in their eyes. But they realized the
small chance they had of escaping the
clutches of the law and as a result
curbed their passions. “It isn’t proper
in polite society,” he remarked, refer
ring to committing of murders in Eng
land, “because of the law regarding
.Enforcement la Eax
“If I ever want to kill an individual
in Canada or England,” said the speak
er, “I’ll save my money till I have
a nice little sum laid by, then go to
England and pay him or induce him in
some way to come to Chicago or New
York and kill him there, where there
is little chance of being detected and
convicted, or of spending more than six
months in jail.”
While introducing Dr. Holland on
this, his second appearance on the cam
pus, President Campbell mentioned the
close relationship between the Univer
sity of Oregon and Washington State
College. He told how he had assisted
in the nomination of Washington’s first
president in 1891, and of the rapid
growth of the school since then.
The usual prolonged and appreciative
applause followed the overture played
by the University orchestra during the
first part of the assembly hour.
Townspeople, Students and
Faculty Are Invited to
View Maneuvers
Majors Bull and Kingman Of
Washington, D. C., Will
Direct Affair
Everything is ready at the R. O. T. C.
barracks for the inspection for distin
guished rating recommendation this
afternoon, Colonel W. S. Sinclair, com
mandant, said yesterday. Cadets have
been drilling extra time in prepara
tion for the event, -which will be under
the direction of Majors H. T. Bull and
Ralph W. Kingman, of Washington,
D. C., who arrived on the campus yes
terday afternoon.
Colonel Sinclair has also extended
an invitation to all students, faculty
and townspeople to be present to wit
ness the inspection and military man
euvers during the afternoon. “This is
an important event.for the Oregon R. O.
T. C. unit,” said the colonel, “and I am
sure the University will find the same
Oregon spirit present at this inspec
tion that so marks Oregon’s athletic
Events to Start at 1:30
Starting with a parade and inspec
tion at 1:30, the cadets will go through
close order drill, calesthentics, tent!
pitching, bayonet work, and other mili
tary forms. At 2:30 the field will be di
vided into four sectors, which will be
occupied by the different companies.
Oh the southeast sector Company B
will do close order drill, calesthenics,
and advance to the attack, from 2:30
until 4:00.
On the northwest sector, Company C
will do close order drill, calesthenics,
and shelter tent pitching from 2:30 to
On the southwest sector Company A
will do close order drill and small group
exercises from 2:30 to 3:30. From 3:30
until 4:00 Company C will advance to
the attack and do extended order. From
4:00 until 4:20 Company D will do fire
and movement.
Company D Has Drill
On the northwest sector, Company D
will take part in close order drill and
small group system from 2:20 until
3:30. Company A will have bayonet
work from 4:00 to 4:20. The juniors
will do machine gun work from 4:00 to
At 5:30 the batallion will form in
line in front of the reviewing stand.
Colonel Sinclair wishes all R. O. T. C.
men to report at the barracks at 1
o ’clock sharp today.
“Whatever the outcome of the in
spection,” says Colonel Sinclair, “I
wish to express my appreciation of the
way the cadets have cooperated in pre
paration <for this event. If this coop
eration is continued, we will make the
rating next year at least.”
Mazoma Club of Portland Makes Gift
To Women’s Athletic Association;
Trophy to Arrive Soon
A silver loving cup to be awarded for
hiking will be presented to the Wo
man’s Athletic Association by the Man
ama Hiking Club of Portland, accord
to word recieved from this organiza
tion by Mildred Crain, head of hiking.
This cup will be awarded each year to
the house or organization averaging
the most miles. It is expected that the
gift will arrive within a few weeks.
The cup will be presented the last Sat
urday in the term before final examina
tions begin, and the finish of the hik
ing season will be the Saturday pre
ceeding this one. Since hiking has been
included in the do-nut sports under the
point system of W. A. A., considerable
enthusiasm has been shown and many
girls are making their fifty points in
hiking, Miss Crain reports.
The annual W. A. A. hike, the big
gest hike of the year, is planned for
April 29. Miss Waterman, of the phy
sical education department will head
the hike which will be out the Lor
raine road. Hikers will leave the cam
pus at ten in the morning and return
in the early evening, covering a dis
tance of about ten miles in all. The
Woman’s Athletic Association will fur
nish all the food and the girls will
only be asked to bring the necessary ]
implements. Baseballs, bats and
horseshoes will be taken out and games
will occupy a considerable part of time
after the destination has been reached.
Candidates Said to Have
Workers in Field
By M. B.
The oracle says that election time is
! drawing near. This means that those
| with political aspirations and their back
ers are grooming themselves for the an
nual ear-biting and mud-slinging con
tests. The dirty wash will be aired and
we will find out many things about the
various candidates that we never before
dreamed of.
“What do you think of So-and-So, for
keeper of the sacred cuttlefish?”
“He gargles his soup at too high
an octave, otherwise he is all right. I
like the brand of cigarettes he smokes.'*
This is just an inkling of what the
election campaign will be. Each can
didate will have his scouts out in the
field, feeling out the voters. Election
time is a peculiar time. One. will sud
denly discover that he has more friends
than ever before.
Don’t be surprised if someone ap
proaches you, seizes you by the arm
and steers you to a soft drink empor
ium for a dash of something. Don’t
act queer if someone shoves a cigarette
under your nose. Some of the candi
dates may be so generous as to let you
have a few dates with his best girl pro
viding the girl consents .
If somebody busts up to you and starts
guffing about the weather, be prepared
for a quizzing about a candidate in a
few moments. It’s the nature of the
The old race is bound to be a hot
one this year. There will be a number
of candidates desirous of sinking their
molars into the political plums, and they
will do anything within reason to win the
Action of Administration Is
Thought Unncessary
(Special to Emerald)
Portland, Ore., April 19, 1923.
We, the undersigned former students
of the University and members of the
Portland group of Sigma Delta Chi
wish to protest against the recent pub
lication in the Oregon Daily Emerald
of the names of students with over
drafts on down town banks; against
the administration presumption which
made such a publication possible; and
against what we fear is a tendency to
ward an oppressive paternalism in the
administration in dealing with the stu
dent body.
We see in the incident to which we
take exception an ill advised move de
signed, and doubtless in good faith,
as a corrective measure, but justifiable
in our opinion in no extremity.
The banks of Eugene are not helpless
before the student body of the Univer
sity. They have the police power of
the city behind them and we believe
that a student himself once reprimand
ed decently and sensibly would not
transgress for the second time, but pub
lication of his name in the student
paper of which he is a part owner we
stand amazed at that.
We appreciate the position of a stu
dent editor in such a case and feel
that the responsibility falls entirely
upon the administrative board which
seemingly sponsored the publication.
It is our opinion that a student’s re
lations with a bank are private that
in case of such an evil as seems to exist
and has existed for some time, the
student body alone should be empow
ered to move against it and we feel
sure that the student body would not
countenance such methods as were used
and further an administration which
would seem to be exceeding what we
relations subject to more than its tact
ful and confidential consideration
(Continued on page three.)
Willamette To Give Bohler’s
Men a Stiff Workout On
Cemetery Ridge
Fast Aggregation of Twirlers
Coming to Battle Oregon
In Practice Tilt
Pre-season workouts for the varsity
baseball squad ended last night with
a snappy practise game against the
frosh nine, preparatory to the two game
series with the Willamette Bearcats
on the ridge this afternoon and Satur
day. Coach Bolder has not as yet se
lected the lineup that will open the
game, but it is probable that the same
lienup which took the field last night
against the yearlings will open against
the Salem aggregation, Cook behind
the bat; Johnson, Boss, Latham and
Svaverud infctho infield, and Wright,
Sorsby, Sullivan or Boycroft in the
gardens. Sullivan was shifted to the
outfield last night and h# will prob
ably be seen there in today’s game.
Just who will occupy the mound is
a mystery. Baldwin and Skinner
twirled last night and the choice for
mound duty lies between Shields, Col
lins, Brooks and Single.
If Cook doesn’t don the protector,
the burden will fall upon either Wat
son or Orr, with both men raring to
get into the fray. In the infield,
Shafer and Moore are ready for work
and may be seen in the lineup. Sul
livan can also be switched to third if
Outfield to Be Weak
The outfield will be materially
weakened by the absence of Don Zim
merman, as he will be engaged in the
B. O. T. C. inspection manouvers.
Wright has been switched to left field
which leaves center to Sullivan or Boy
Besides the men mentioned, Coach
Bohler has several dependable men on
the bench 'who may be injected into
the lineup at some stage of the game.
The varsity, although rough in spots,
showed promise and can be expected
to put out a fast brand of ball in the
two-|game series with thel B|earcats^
The strength of the invaders is an un
known quantity, but they usually turn
out a fast ball club and this year may
not prove an exception.
Idaho Has Fast Nine
This series is more or less of a prac
tice affair, priming the varsity for the
official opening of the Conference sea
son next Monday and Tuesday with
the Idaho Vandals. They are reputed
to have a fast aggregation of tcssers
and the varsity will have to extend it
self to cop the series from them.
The games today and tomorrow will
enable Coach Bohler to get a line on
the men and to pick out and perfect
the weak spots that may pop up.
The engagement of Hubert Schenck,
post graduate in the department of
geology and a member of Phi Beta
Kappa and Sigma Delta Pi, to Miss
Wanita Carstens, a sophomore who is
a member of Sigma Kappa at the Uni
versity of Washington, was announced
Wednesday night at the Condon Club
section of G. M. S. A. U. banquet held
in the Hotel Osburn.
Minnie Holnian, of LaGrande, Ore
gon, who graduated in the class of 1913
from the University of Oregon, is back
on the campus, taking graduate work
in botany. She taught for five years
in Davenport, Washington. Miss Hol
man has had graduate work at the
University of Chicago, also.
Theta Sig Bust Draws Select
Crowd and Shekels Accumulate
One of the most effete teas of the
social season was that given by Theta
Sigma Phi yesterday afternoon in the
old journalism shack. Members of the
organization presided over the electric
plates and tin cups of the beautifully
appointed tea table and served about
the rooms.
The decorations were charming in
their simplicity, consisting of small
gray placards at the windows bearing
the words “These is drapes,” a white
placard announcing “Ove/-stuffed dav
enport here,” a hand-colored floor lamp
and a ten foot book shelf containing
works by prominent campus people.
Many prominent campus people cal
led during the afternoon, among them
Dean Grace Edgington, Iliary Ellis,
Dean Dyment, Sally Allen, Mr. Ralph
Casey and others. Mr. George Turnbull
left cards. During part of the after
noon Hurry Ellis poured—down the
front of his vest. “Pop” called to look
into the matter of piffling but conclud
ed that the absence of the porch made
the dancing indulged in legitimate. He
was heard to comment that although
he could never become a cake eater
he might become addicted to small
frosted cookies.
Soap flakes, scattered indiscriminate
ly on the oiled floor, held the dancing
couples until late in the afternoon,
when water having been spilled on the
floor, the guests spent some pleasant
minutes blowing bubbles.
Owing to the press of his duties on
the paper Kenneth Youel was unable
to stay for more than three cups of
tea. His official representative, Mr.
Phil Brogan was able to remain longer.
The collection box by the door was
heartily patronized by those present.