Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1923, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerm o
President E. 0. Holland, Wash
ington State College, Will
Discuss Problem
Foreign Criticism of American
Disregard for Statutes
Will Be Shown
The common disregard for law which
has come to be called one of America’s
greatest vices by observing foreigners,
will form the topic of the assembly ad
dress today to be given by Dr. E. O.
Holland president of Washington State
College. The timeliness of Dr. Hol
land's subject is sure to win for him
an interested audience, according to
the President’s office since this is a
question which is occupying the atten
tion of many scholars and welfare
workers of the country who find the
drastic results of too frequent heedless
ness of the laws which the Americans
make for themselves. The asembly will
be held in Villard hall and will be
opened by an overture given by the
University Orchestra under the direc
tion of Rex Underwood.
Speaker Visits Before
Dr. Holland will appear on the Ore
gon campus for the second time when
he reaches here today. He was a visi
tor at the time of the Washington
State-Oregon game last November dur
ing Homecoming celebration. He will
be welcomed as a representative of an
institution with which Oregon has al
ways maintained most friendly rela
tions, according to President P. L.
Campbell. The visitor comes to Eugene
today after addressing a student convo
cation at O. A. C. yesterday. Dr. Hol
land will also speak to the educational
seminar this evenng in 'the Education
building. During his brief stay on the
campus he will be the guest of Presi
dent Campbell.
Little is known in advance of the
method of treatment which Dr. Hol
land will give his subject, “The Ma
jesty of the Law.” It is a theme which
is being widely discussed in this coun
try today and it is evidently an object
of surprise to all strangers in this
country that while the American people
have such great freedom in making
their own laws they neverthless refuse
to respect their own statutes and law
Attitude Toward Law Studied
So much for the accusation made
by outsiders and whether the
speaker will uphold the American atti
tude, or give a warning if he believes
that one is needed, his audience will
learn this morning. Since he is closely
in touch with the citizens of the fu
ture in his work among a large group
of college students Dr. Holland is famil
iar with the attitude of the new gen
eration towards law, and his conclu
sions concerning it will be of interest
to students as well as administrators
on the campus.
Annual election of officers was held
yesterday by Sigma Delta Chi, national
journalism fraternity, in the meeting
held at the Anchorage. Edwin Fraser
will serve as president of the organi
zation next year. John Piper was
elected vice-president and Clinton How
ard was named secretary-treasurer.
Kenneth Youel is retiring president of
the journalism group. Another impor
tant meeting of the organization is
to be held next Tuesday evening in the
journalism “shack.”
Ye Tabard Inn of Sigma Upsilon
elects Lawrence Hartmus of Portland.
Students Urged to Dig
Up Cast-off Garments
Lots of people want lots of things like
Pieree-Arrows or bank accounts, or stu
dent body offices or I’s, and as often
as not they are a little hard to get. But
at last an organization has come to the
fore with a brand new kind of a want.
Not an Easter bonnet or drag with a
professor, but . . . Old Clothes.
“Now that’s what I haven’t got
nothing else but,” says the large cross
section of the public. So it ought to be
a relatively easy thing for the Y. W. and
the Y. M., for they are the modest in
quirers, to gather any amount of cast
off, because they aren’t wearing them
in Portland any longer clothes. They are
still wearing them in Russia no matter
what they are. If they are a little out
of style, if the color has faded a little
in the Oregon sun, if the owner has wear
ied a little of the polka-dots or the
stripes, or the ruffles, the Y. M. and the
Y. W. will be grateful to relieve already
crowded houses of offending outfits.
Now is the time to help the Russians
and knock dad for a row of summer hats
to take the place of the old ones. Any
thing is desirable, all sizes and types of
clothing and for the next few days all
roads lead to the Y. W.
Two Freshmen on Team Which
Meets Washington
The Oregon-Wasliington women’s
dual debate, scheduled for Tuesday,
April 24, has been postponed until
Thursday night, April 26. The change
was made because of a conflict in
dates at the University of Washington
on April 24.
The University will be represented
by two strong teams at this contest,
says Prof. C. D. Thorpe, coach. The
question is “Resolved that a constitu
tional amendment should be enacted
giving Congress the power to regulate
marriage and divorce.” May Fenno
and Eugenia Strickland make up the
Oregon negative team which will go
to Seattle to meet the Washington af
firmative. This is Miss Fenno’s sec
ond year as a member of the Varsity
team, and also her last. She is consid
ered by coaches as an unusually good,
all-around debater, and capable of put
ting up a very forcible argument. Mis3
Strickland is attending the University
for her first year, but she took an active
part in the do-nut debate series last
fall, and is doing good work on the
Varsity squad.
Both Mildred Bateman and Margaret
Woodson have the distinction of having
made the team in their freshman year.
They compose the Oregon affirmative
team which will meet the Washington
negative here at Eugene. They are
doing excellent work, Mr. Thorpe says.
University High Will Hold Summer
School for Elementary Grades
The application of practice to theory
will be supplied this summer when the
University High School will hold a sum
mer school for children who have pas
sed the eighth and ninth grades. Three
teachers, Mrs. G. O. Goodall, Mr. El
bert Hoskins and Mr. E. S. Dickerson,
respective heads of the high school En
glish, science, and history departments,
will give lectures in the University
summer school on methods of teach
ing in their particular line. A demon
stration class of high school students
will be held by each of the teachers
to show the theories expounded in the
University classes.
These grades of high school students
were judged to be the most typical of
high school classes, and consequently
were chosen for the summer work.
Seniors and Sophomores to Trip
Light Fantastic Friday Night
Friday night the Sophomores will jig
at Dreamland and the Seniors will
caper on the maple in the men’s gym
iVhat the other classes will do is hard
to fathom. The freshmen may throw a
fit instead of an assortment of ankle
cracking antics. The juniors have done
many weird things since they lave been
here, so the sky is the limit. If they
don't have dances of their own, they
will probably attend the others via the
balcony and sit there and glower at
the fortunate ones down below, who
flit about as if they were in the seventh
The sophomore dance is appropriate
for this time of year when the herbage
is busting out in new raiment, when we
smell the fragrance of the soil and so
on. The fourth year sheiks and sheik
esses haven’t given their tripping act
a name, to date. It will probably be
the conventional roughneck variety,
where a trick bat and a black Jack take
the place of corsages.
It is rumored that the slicker expo
nents of the terpsichorean art are out
to riddle the world’s marathon dance
record. * Good point. The Pacific
coast might just as well have another
championship as not. The last was 69
hours and between now and the night
it will probably be in the neighborhood
of 85 hours.
Some of these so called porch pifflers
ought to break out a pair of iron-rim
med trench shoes and thump the boards
for a new mark. It is also rumored
that an elongated miler, the best Ore
gon ever had, thinks that he could ring
j up a new number, so the dances may
be interesting.
If the frosh and the juniors would
i come to life and put on shuffling par
ties, the night would be a crowning
Results To Determine Oregon
Sprinters In Washington
Field Carnival
Those for Half-mile and Mile
Teams Are Held To Be
In Good Condition
The final tryouts wliieli will deter
mine Oregon’s entrants in the Relay
carnival to bo held at the University
of Washington, April 28, will be held
next Saturday afternoon at 2:30. The
events which will be run off in the com
petition are the 220 and 440, but there
will be unofficial competition in other
Oregon will enter teams in the mile
and half-mile relay" at Seattle. The
mile relay team will be picked from
the 440 yard men and the half-mile from
the 220 yard sprinters.
Former Sprinters To Run
In the 440 class, the varsity has two
lettermen in Risley and Rosebraugh,
while the other aspirants, Covalt, Har
denberg, and Carruthers, are stellar
performers of the freshman teams of
past years. These men are all in good
condition and Saturday’s tryouts, with
a trip to Seattle in view for the win
ners, should bring out some gdod races.
In the 220, Captain Ole Larson, Del
Oberteuffer, and Don Breakey are get
ting in some good licks. Risley and
Hardenberg are working in the 220 as
well as the 440. Larson and Oberteuf
fer have both won their letters in the
sprints while Hardenberg and Breakey
are numeral men from last year’s fresh
man team.
Other Events Scheduled
In addition to this there will be var
sity and freshman competition in the
other events next Saturday. “The re
sults of the freshmen tryouts will not
determine much,” says Bill Hayward,
“but they will give me a basis on which
to judge the best men for the Colum
bia Indoor Meet which will be held in
Portland May 5.”
Growth of Institutions in Oregon, Mon
tana and Washington Described
by Journalism Professor
“Fine Schools in the Pacific North
west,” an article in the 1923 “Far
Western Travelers’ Annual,” was writ
ten by Ralph D. Casey of the school of
“Washington, Oregon and Montana
may claim to rank among the most pro
gressive states on the basis of the rapid
advancement made in education in re
cent years,” says Mr. Casey regarding
the schools of the three states. Wash
ington, he says, was the first to estab
lish a state university, while Oregon
depended upon denominational schools,
of which there were 28 in 1880.
Mr. Casey describes the beginning
and development of the separate
schools, and how they were started.
The University of Washington, after a
discussion as to location, was founded
in Seattle on ten acres, eight of which
were donated by A. A. Denny, an early
pioneer of Washington. The Univer
sity of Oregon was started on an old
homestead site where Hilyard Shaw,
a pioneer, sold goods for the Hudson
Bay company. The University of Mon
tana has also a history of struggle^and
determination on the part of her early
Besides the universities, each state
has an agricultural ’college; Montana
has a school of mines; Washington has
three normal schools, Puget Sound Uni
versity, Whitman college and Gonzaga
college. Oregon has Reed college at
Portland, the Oregon State Normal
school at Monmouth, Albany college at
Albany, Linfield College at McMinn
ville, Pacific University at Forest
Grove, Willamette university at Salem,
Pacific college at Newberg, United
Brethren college at Philomath, Mt. An
gel college at Mt. Angel, Columbia uni
versity at Portland and Columbia col
lege at Miiton in eastern Oregon.
The following freshmen report on the
steps of the library at 10:55 this morn
ing for a conference with the Order of
the “O”;
Louis Anderson, Gordon Slade, Clay
born Carson, M. Bouhn, Bud Hodgett,
Alfred Veazie, Oscar Beatty, Frank
Post, Howard Hobson, Albert Powers,
Harold Anderson, Carl Frame, Bart
Kendall, Sylvester Stervens, Hymen
Samurls, Milton Kreme, Bob McCabe,
Paul Carey, Percival Hunt, Fred Carl
berg and Hermin Blaessing.
Hodge to Trace History of
Oregon’s Ancient Tribes
Radio World Will Hear Interesting Story of Man’s
Migration to North America from
Cradle of Human Race
I —
By Phil Brogan
Over the western radio world, ap
proximately one-third of the North
American continent, tomorrow night
there will be broadcast the interesting
story of the ancient man of Oregon—
a story which begins in central Asia,
believed by anthropologists to be the
cradle of the human race, and ends
with the Albany mounds, where recent
ly were discovered skeletons thought
by some persons to be the remains of
a pre historic race. Or. Edwin T. Hodge,
of the geology department, will broad
cast this story, which has been con
densed into a 20-minute lecture, from
the Oregonian tower in Portland.
Dr. Hodge, who is a specialist in min
eralogy, but is interested in anthro
pology and paleontology, was inter
viewed yesterday afternoon in Quartz
Hall—the diminutive structure at the
rear of Johnson building. Over the
door in the interior of this little edi
fice is a picture of the Java man- -a
low browed, heavy-jawed animal that
looks out on the mineralogy laboratory
from a horseshoe frame. On the table
in the office where Dr. Hodge was in
terviewed were human bones, fragments
of skulls and pictures of the Albany
! skeletal remains. Last Friday Dr.
Hodge and Dr. Earl L. Packard, of the
geology department, visited Albany
and secured the bones and pictures. It
was in this setting of bones and books,
pictures and pamphlets that Dr. Hodge,
who was formerly consulting geologist
for the city of New York, touched ou
a few of the pertinent facts of the Al
bany discovery.
The human trail from ‘Central Asia
to Oregon ns verbally pictured by Dr.
Hodge was a fascinating one to follow,
but the geologist . was reluctant to
grant his interviewer permission to
print a description of the mile-posts of
geological eras and epochs which man
passed in his long jourrffy up the coast
of Asia, across the Bering straits, down
the coast of North America to Oregon,
and then eastward through the Colum
bia gap to all parts of the continent.
Dr. Hodge was assured his thpnder
would not be stolen if he would express
his opinion about the Albany mounds.
Dr. Hodge believes that 20,000 years
ago man lived in the Oregon country,
but he is not certain that the Albany
remains are of great antiquity. An
(Continued on page three.)
Executive Council Frowns On
Use of Advertising
The first meeting this term of the di
rectorate of the Junior week-end com
mittee will be held this afternoon at
4:30 on the third floor of the Commerce
building to discuss the recent activities
of the various committees. A number of
important ideas are ready for presenta
tion, according to Doug Farrell, chair
man. .
The executive council decided last night
to allow the Juniors to publish and sell
a program of the week-end activities.
Last fall the council decided that 'pro
grams should not be “hawked” on the
campus and that advertising for the pro
grams was not to be sold. The coming
program will not contain advertising and
will be sold at a very low price through
the houses, at the Co-op and from booths
on. the campus. They will not be
“hawked” in the grandstands at ath
letic events, according to the ruling of
the council.
The matter of campus day will prob
ably be brought up for discussion tonight.
Considerable opposition has arisen over
the proposed elimination of the clean-up
feature. This is regarded as traditional
in many quarters and it is probable that
t"he idea will be retained.
Decorations for the Junior prom will
also be an item of discussion. A meeting
of the prom committee was held early
this week and the findings will be re
ported tonight.
All committees have been functioning
since <he last meeting and general re
ports will be submitted this afternoon.
The campus luncheon group is planning
on changing the menu from the usual
meat-loaf-beans-ice-cream-cone combina
tion. Mrs. Edna P. Datson is to have
chage of preparing all the food, which
will be purchased by means of class levies
and not by the various campus organiza
tions as in years past.
The publicity committee has sent Jun
ior week-end posters all over Oregon and
invitations were delivered to senior
classes from high school assembly plat
forms during the spring holidays. Every
senior in Oregon is invited and all guests
will be given admission to all week-end
events without charge.
Silver Party Proceeds Will Swell Fund
to Furnish Recreation Room for
Journalism Women
The old shack will take on new^
activity today when Theta Bigma Phi
women’s journalism fraternity, enter
tains the students of the journalism
department, compensation for which is
“silver” to swell the fund for furnish
ing the room, which is to be used for
recreational purposes for the women
of the department.
Gaudy signs throughout the new
building lure the scribes and news
chasers to the merry gathering where
food and music are promised.
Mr. George Turnbull announced his
enthusiasm about the affair and was
not at all deterred by silver lining. Al
though he said he was densely ignorant
to what is to happen, he stated, “It
will probably be pretty good as Theta
Phi has never given anything that
wasn’t tiptop.”
nm school receives
Elizabeth Barker Sends French
and English Patterns
Thirteen examples of William Morris’
designs for textiles and three of the mod
ern French have been loaned by Eliza
beth Barker, who has the Colonial Library
and Art Shop in Portland, to the campus
department of normal arts for reference.
They are on display on the third floor of
the new art building.
Similar patterns will be secured for
the University by Miss Barker on her
next trip abroad. Mrs. Lucy Bamberg,
the Portland portrait painter, is to pur
chase early Italian textiles—Sicilian and
Genoan brocades, damasks and velvets.
This will make possible the use of the real
designs, not cheap reproductions, for the
art reference.
The designs on exhibit are of special
interest because of the effect of the work
of Morris on modern decorative taste—
as opposed to the fantastic and messy
design of the Victorian era. These are
hand designs printed on linen and cotton
by vegetable dyes especially prepared by
a secret process. These dyes give to the
fabrics a quality of pure coloring differ
ing both from the muddy-looking so
called “artshades” and from the manu
facturer’s dyes. The unit of the pat
terns such as the “bird and strawberry,”
the “tulip pattern,” “peony,” and
“tulip, and daffodil” is simple. This
very simplicity makes possible a beauti
ful stained-glass effect against the light.
The vegetable dyes give a clear, trans
parent quality which makes them es
pecially fine for window drapes. The
“bird and strawberi-y” pattern is used in
the drawing room of Susan Campbell hall.
The background is Morris’ non-fading in
digo. A piece in two blues like that used
in Alumni hall in the Woman’s build
ing is also displayed.
These tapestries are made by the firm
of Morris and Company, London, still us
ing the Morris traditions of the old firm
of Morris, Marshall, Faulkner and Com
pany, 1861. The looms are at Merton Ab
bey, Surrey, where hand-weaving lias been
continued as one of the staple industries
even since Morris obtained a Jacquard
hand-loom in the late seventies.
Mask and Buskin Officers Named and
Plans for Senior Play Announced
Darrell Larson was elected president
of Mask and Buskin dramatic frater
nity at a meeting held last night at
the Anchorage. Katherine Pinneo was
named vice president and Asteria Nor
ton, secretary. Ted Baker was named
manager and treasurer of the organi
Plans were discussed for staging
“Successful Calamity,” which will be
given as the senior play, early in June.
Mask and Buskin has been espec
ially active in dramatic work on the
campus this year and its work has
received general commendation.
Henry Schaefer, Coach Bolder’s most
likely candidate for first base on the
Frosli team, was put out of the game
for the season, last night, when he
broke his ankle as he slid into home
plate. Schaefer had been showing up
exceptionally well and his loss is
a serious one to the freshmen squad.
Council Approves Resolution
Objecting To Publication
Of Offenders’ Names
Representatives of Houses
Believe Authority Has
Been Exceeded
Disapproval of the publication of stu
dents’ names giving n. s. f. checks
and the policy of fining offenders term
hours was voiced last night when the
interfraternity council by an unani
mous vote sanctioned a resolution of
protest which will be submitted to the
faculty student affairs committee to
day. Following is the resolution:
“Whereas the Interfraternity council
feels that those who pass n. s. f.
checks while attending the University
should be censored and that some mea
sure should be taken to curtail the un
due amount of such checks; and where
as the Interfraternity council feels that
the measures taken by the student ad
visory committee have not been happy
ones, but are open to serious objections;
and whereas the interfraternity coun
cil feels that the matter is one to be
handled by the' students by arousing
student sentiment against the careless
ness which results in the largo number
of n. s. f. checks being cashed, and that
the Interfraternity council goes on record
as opposed to present methods used by
the student advisory committee and is
anxious to cooperate with the student
advisory committee in devising and
applying a less objectionable and more
effective measure of handling the sit
Objection Is Twofold
Although the interfraternity coun
cil's objection to the faculty action is
twofold—publication of names and fin
ing of hours—the members of the group
made it explicit that check offenders
are breaking laws of the state and
should be legally reprimanded for writ
ing checks when they have no money
in the bank. The council is willing to
support the faculty in dealing with neg
ligent students, but the members of
the interfraternity group believe that
the student affairs committee is going
beyond its justifiable rights when it
requests the student publication to print
the names of writers of n. s. f. checks,
and that the fining of hours is in excess
of the authority of the committee.
In the meeting last night the opin
ion was expressed that the check prob
lem is removed from the jurisdiction
of the University and that the banks
should resort to the same legal methods
which are used when business men are
It is the belief of the interfrater
nity council that the opinion of the
campus should be expressed on the sub
ject of publication of names and fining
of hours in connection with the writ
ing of n. s. f. checks. In taking the
stand of submitting a resolution of pro
test to the faculty, the council made it
plain that it represented only the fra
ternity group.
Construction to Adjoin Grand Stand;
Cost of $2500 Estimated For
Protection of 2500 People
Half of the circular bleachers at
the north end of Hayward field will be
covered before football season, decided
the executive council at its regular
meeting last night. Approximately
2500 seats will be protected from the
rain before the Homecoming game next
year at a cost of approximately $2500.
The construction will be permanent
and will probably be followed by cov
ering the entire end beachers within
two years. The covering will adjoin
the grandstand at present. It is plan
ned to use the protected seats for co
eds of contesting institutions. The
work will be done late in the summer.
Included among the Phi Beta Kappa
guests who were on the campus for
initiation was Miss Dorothy Duniway,
’20, assistant registrar at Reed College
and secretary to President Richard
Scholz. Miss Duniway will assist Dean
Allen in teaching journalism classes
at the University of California this
summer. She remained in Eugene until
Monday evening.
Cigars were passed at the Kappa Sig
ma house last night when Ralph Van
Waters, class of '26 announced his en
gagement to Miss Virginia Whiting of
Portland, daughter of Mrs. A. S. Whit
ing. Vgu Waters is the son of Rever
end Van Waters of Portland. No date
has yet been set for the wedding.