Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald :
Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association
" Official publication of the Associated Student, of the University of Oregon, issued daily
t*e«pt MoHday. during the college year. _
Managing Editor
Associate Editors
Editorial Board
. Phil Brogan
__Ep Hoyt, Inez King
Associate Managing Editor
Copy Supervisor.......
. Art Rudd
.Jessie Thompson
Daily News Editors
John Piper Fred*
Ted Janes
Son Maxwell Florine
Night Editors
L«on Byrne Ed. Valitchka
Junior Seton
Taylor Huston Leonard Lerwill
Sports Editor ..Edwin Fraser
Sports Writers: Alfred Erickson*.
Harold Shirley.
News Service Editor . Rachel Chezera
information Chief: Rosalia Keber; As
sistants : May belle King, Pauline Bondurant.
Feature Writers: Nancy Wilson, Monte Dramatics ...ivatnerine waxson
dyers. Music ...Margaret Sheridan
News staff: Clinton Howard, Genevieve Jewell, Anna Jerzyk, Geraldine Root, Margaret
Shavian, Norma Wilson, Henryetta Lawrence, A1 Trachman,, George Stewart, Phyllis Coplan,
LeBter Turnbaugh, George H. Godfrey, Marian Lowry, Marion Lay, Mary Jane Dustin, Georg
ians Gerlinger, Dorothy Kent, Webster Jones, Margaret Vincent, Margaret Morrison, Doug
la» Wilson.
Business Staff
Af'vertiBing Service Editor
Circulation Manager..
▲Miatant Circulation Manager.
_Randolph Kuhn
..Gibson Wright
_ __________Kenneth Stephenson j
Adv. Assistants.-Maurice Warnock, Lester Wade, Floyd Dodds, Ed Tapfer, Herman H. Blaeaing
Subscription rateB,
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon as second-claaa matter.
fl.lf per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application.
Easiness Manager
-.951 Editor
Daily News Editor This Issue
Ben Maxwell
Night Editor This Issue
Edward Carleton
Emphasizing Class Elections
At various times during the spring term each class meets and
selects its officers for the following year. The number of students vot
ing is never large, and it is always somewhat of a problem to arouse
very much interest. "Would it not be better to have a general class
election day set aside for all three classes? Nominations could be
made as usual, and there would be no more inconvenience in holding
the election than usual. And there would be the advantage of plenty
of publicity and the assurance that every member of the class knew
about the election.
No Professionals Wanted
"Worthwhile preppers are wanted this year, says the Junior week
end committee, which is making an effort to eliminate “profes
sional Junior week-enders” from the guest list. Unless such “pro
fessionals” can he eliminated the time is almost wasted. .If fratern
ities and sororities will cooperate with the committee, Junior week
end can he made a time to show future college students the oppor
tunities here, rather than an endless round of entertainment.
Junior week-end is not a time to invite friends who have no inten
tion of coming to the University. It has been set aside for enter
taining prospective students, and there is no room for the casual
visitor. As has been pointed out, there are people who come year
after year who have no thought of registering here. Invite them
for some other time in order that there may be room for the prepperj
who is genuinely interested in the University. The future of the
institution depends upon the type of student attracted and if the most
desirable are neglected the result is sure to be noticeable.
Greek letter organizations have most to gain by the move. Only
a small proportion of those entertained in the spring actually come to
Oregon and become members of the group. There should be no lack
of cooperation in the efforts of the committee. And Junior week
end will not be worth continuing unless it is made effective.
Callison, King, Shields, Brown,
Walkley, Sundeleaf Win
Saturday night at the smoker, six Ore
gon athletes received the supreme ath
letic award of the University. The Ore
gon blanket is given to athletes perform
ing in a sport for three years. Shy
Huntington gave awards for the Inst
time to Prink Callison, tieorge King,
Tiny Shields and Kud Brown.
These are the last men who have played j
four years on a varsity team. Prink
performed on the team of ltUS, but!
didn't receive it letter because of a fresh
man ruling of the conference. The other
three played with the varsity against I
-Multnomah Chib in 1919. This marks
the passing of four stellar football ath
letes whose places will be extremely hard
to fill.
Bill Hayward also gave their last i
awards to Clean Walkley and Dick Sand
eleaf, miler and quarter tniler respective
ly. Both have been consistent winners ini
their years on the varsity.
" 1 wish I had more men like Walkley I
and Sundeleaf,” said Bill, “always plug
ging, never giving up. That’s what we!
need right now.”
Bill also took time to review the de
plorable conditions now existing in the
track outlook, llo laid the entire blame
on the shoulders of the atheltes them
selves, who failed to make hours enough
to compete.
The failure of these men leaves Bill |
without anyone in the hurdles and there
is now no time to develop men, for the
season is not far away and hurdlers
aren't developed in weeks, but years, he'
Close upon the heels of “When
Knighthood Was in Flower” comes
another production by Cosmopolitan
Corporation with Marion Dav ies in the :
steilar role. It is "Adam and Eva,” at
the Castle. Miss Davies, as Eva King,
is a typical modern girl of wealth. She
is driving her father frantic because
of her extravagance. Ho hits upon the
plan of installing a stern man as mas
ter of his household. Adam Smith, a
foreman on one of King’s South Ameri
can rubber plantations, is selected for
the job.
Smith effects in a novel manner a
complete change in the mode of living
of the family, and in the end wedding
bells sound for Adam and Eva.
And although a different kind of pic
lari' than “Knighthood,” more than
lives up to the standard set by it. The
cast is excellent.
Henrietta Thompson of Women’s In
ternational Foyer, Berkeley, Guest
On Campus This Week
The problems of international rela
tionships between foreign and Ameri
can students, is the special interest of
a visit by Miss Henrietta Thompson of
the Women’s International Foyer of
Berkeley to the University campus this
week. Miss Thompson arrived Sunday
evening and will leave for Moscow.
Idaho, early Wednesday morning.
University women interested in for
eign students^and their work as well as
in travelling are invited to see Miss
Thompson at the V. W. C. A. Bunga
low any time today. Miss Thompson
has traveled extensively among the Eur
opean and Asiatic countries. She was
born in Turkey and received her educa
tion in 11 countries; she speaks sever
al,languages fluently. She has her of
fice at the University of California,
and directs all the foreign student work
on the coast. She is now visiting the
various institutions on the coast to get
in touch with the foreign students.
Tonight a group of University women
have planned a picnic to be held at
Coburg in Miss Thompson’s honor. Miss
Thompson is a guest at Hendricks
hall while on the campus.
Head the Classified Ail column.
_ack of Student Interest Is Felt
By Hayward
Last Saturday afternoon witnessed
.be completion of Bill Hayward’s track
ithletes on Hayward field, eompeti- I
ion being held in practically every;
went offered on the schedule, con
sisting of the mile, 100 yard dash, quar
ter mile, half mile, high hurdles, >220
card dash, shot put, javelin, pole;
cault, high jump, broad jump, and dis
About 60 men turned out, and Bill
announced that from this group he will
pick his varsity and freshman squads
to represent Oregon in the coming
season, stating further that all who had
failed to show up would be requested
to turn in their suits.
On the whole Bill considered the
meet very satisfactory, the only mar
ring feature of the day being the ap
parent lack of student interest. Next
Saturday Hayward is going to hold the i
tryouts for the Washington Belays,
which will be held in Seattle on April
28. The coach is still undecided
whether the 220 yard or the 440 yard
runners look the best.
The results of Saturday’s competition:
follow: Mile, Koepp first, Keating!
second, Curry third, Schultz fourth, j
Half mile: Kays first, Peltier second, j
Walkley third, McKalson fourth. Hun-!
dred yard dash: Larson first, Oberteu- j
ffer second, Breakey third, Bockhey j
fourth. Frosh hundred: Kelsey first,
Bertrand second, McAuliffe third, Lew
is fourth. 220 yard dash: Oberteuffer!
first, Carruthers second, Breakey
third, Young fourth. Frosh 220: Cari
burg first, Hermanc second, Herron
third, Sutridge fourth. Quarter: Ilar
denberg first, Bosebrnugh second, Lucas
third, Covalt fdurtli. Hurdles: Kelsey
first, Bowles second, McKinney third.
Broad jump: Bowles first., Spearow
second, Kelsey • (freshman) third.
No record was kept of the other
Letters to the Emerald from students
and faculty members are welcomed, but
nust be signed and worded concisely
If it is desired, the writer’s name will be
kept out of print. It must be understood
that the editor reserves the right, to reject
Concerning N. S. F. Checks
To the Editor:
At first blush -there might seem to be
some merit in your editorial of Sunday
concerning the recently instituted policy
of the administration as to N. S. F.
checks. Doubtless your sentiments were
sincere, but I belive they were unweighed
impressions and but hasty conclusions.
I hope, therefore, you will bear with me
while I presume to call your attention
to a few considerations which I am con
fident you missed.
The, object of this course of treatment
is to bring pressure to bear upon the of
fending members of the student body in
order to correct evils, in an indirect man
ner which the University is not lawfully
empowered to correct directly. In this
manner the administration is ablo to do a
service outside of the place it wTas meant
to fill. Such a magnanimous spirit, such
a passion for service is indeed commend
able. To properly fulfill one’s place and
discharge one’s own services is a thing
of great spirit, but to step outside of
one’s own duties and take upon one’s
self the burdens and business of others
is nothing short of the highest altruism.
This is a step in the right direction. Let
the good work go on!
With such a good start, think of the
possibilities. Having taken on the bank
ing business as to N. S. F. checks why
not go into the collection business gen
erally? It is very bad for the young
people to contract bills and not pay
them. Here is a fertile field. With but
little effort much could be accomplished.
A notice could be sent to .Tim Smith that
it' he didn’t pay for the shoes he bought
of X and Co. he would be flunked in
mathematics. Then, too, by going into
more detail in the use of the Emeraid
such notices could be made entertaining
as well as utilitarian. Fancy the effi
cacy of having such an item as this pub
lished by tlie administration. “The green
and gold dress in which Mary Jones
created such a sensation at the Fresh
man Glee has not been paid for, although
purchased six weeks ago.” I’m sure
you'll agree with me that this would have
quite an effect on little Mary.
The next step would also present won
derful opportunities. Having started why
not make the Emerald a clothesline for
hanging out all manner of dirty wash.
Family troubles and injustices would lend
themselves beautifully to such efforts.
Thin the notice about Mary's dress could
be changed to read, “Although Mary
Jones’ dress was certainly lovely at the
Kai Kai formal her friends and admir
ers should bear in mind that her mother
did the family washing and ironing for
three months in order to save money to
pay for it." This surely would help
Mary see the light.
As the situations changed the partic
ulars could be varied to the unending in
terest of the readers, while the whole
some effect upon all manner of offend
ers would advance in ever increasing
purity and splendor.
If these considerations do not com
mend themselves to you, I trust that you
will at least not censure me too strongly
for offering them to you for considera
t ion.
Get the Classified Ad habit.
Notices wiil be printed in this column
for two issues only. Copy must be in this
office by 4:30 on the day before it is to be
published and must be limited to 25 words.
-------— •
TIaeta Sigma Phi Meeting today, noon,:
at Anchorage.
Intcrfraterniy Council—Meeting Wed
nesday 7:30 p. m.
Pot and Quill Meeting tonight at 7:30
Woman ’s building.
Junior Prom Committee—Meeting 7:30;
tonight. Condon Hall.
Beta Gamma Sigma—Meeting at noon !
today, Gampa Shoppe.
To-Ko-Lo. Important meeting tonight.;
Woman’s building, 7:15.
Seniors: Imporant class meeting to
night at 7:15 Yillard Hall.
Phi Mu Epsilon—Elections and busi
ness meeting, Anchorage today noon.
Varsity Swimmers—Turn in suits at
once and have names cheeked off
Junior Week-End Directorate—Meet
ing 4:30 Thursday, third floor Com
merce building.
Meeting Tonight at “Y” hut, 7:30.
Election of president for rest of year.
Term dues are payable.
Thespians—There will be a meeting
this afternoon at 3:15 in the Gift
Campaign building. Important.
E. O. T. C.—All E. O. T. C. students
requested to be on hand promptly at
1 p. m., in full uniform today.
Graduate Students—All registration
cards must be signed by Wednesday
night as Dr. Conklin will be away
the remainder of the week.
Eugene Members of A. A. U. W. are
entertaining all Senior women in the
University at tea from 4 to 6 today
in the Woman’s building. Informal.
Temenids: There will be a meeting at
the Anchorage Wednesday noon.
Those wishing to reserve plates call
Areta Littlejohn at the Gamma Phi
Do-Nut Baseball—Managers of house
organization do-nut baseball teams
should meet in Bolder’s office in the
men’s gymnasium Wednesday even
ing at 7:30.
Phi Beta Kappa—All foundation mem
bers who have not yet signed tlie
register and received blank to be
mailed for key are asked to do so at
once. G. Turnbull, Secretary.
There is room at present in the -women’s
halls for any town women caring to
live on the campus. Applications
•should be made* immediately to
Grace Edgington, acting Dean of
Freezer borrower—If the person who
took the sherbet and freezer from the
Woman’s! building Saturday night
will return the freezer to the kitchen
door of that building, no questions
will be asked.
O’Hara Lecture—Lecture on Evolu
j tion and Catholic thought will be
• given at 7:30 this evening in Newman
Hall by Father O ’Hara. All inter
ested welcome. This is the first talk
j of a series on Eeligion and Scholar
Muriel Meyers, Representing Juniors,
Makes 13 Counters; Maude Schroe
der with 8 Markers Scores High
The girl’s swimming meets yesterday
were won by the sophomore first team
svimming against the junior first
tsam by the score 31 to 25, and by
1 tie sophomore team swimming against
the freshman second team by a score
oj 30 to 2(3.
The >high point winner of the meets
ups Muriel Meyers of the junior team,
who scored 13 points. The second
highest for the juniors was Florence
Ilmer who made six points. Other
members of the team were Marion Nic
olai, Betty Garret, Starr Norton, and
i Hrnitly Houston.
pn the sophomore first team the
j mist points were made by Maude
| Scliroeder, who captured eight. The
second highest was Helen Atchinson,
who was second with six points. Other
members of the team were Chirs Heck
, map .Augusta DeWitt, Yvonne Smith,
B. Fish, Katherine Sartain, and Isa
1 belle Stewart.
Bauline Bondurant, Marion Hayes,
and Gertrude Houck each made five
points on the sophomore second team.
1 Othbr members were Betty Kerr, Doris
; Pajker, Neva Service, and Hazel
Jtnet Wood on the freshman second
teah made ten points. The second high
est, six points, was made by Margaret
Viirent, who represented the first year
swiiuners. Other members of the team
wep Adrian Hazard and Eloise Prud
Slitoery Tennis Courts and Tumble
From Motorcycle Injure
lilbber soled shoes, which skidded on
the vet tenuis court where he was plav
ilight seven o’clock Saturday morning,
weij the direct cause of a badly frae
utrfl and dislocated elbow for Rex
Ly,»s, of Eugene. Lyons, who is a new
student this term, was taken to the
hour of Dr. W. K. Livingston, of the
Fniersity health service, and eared
Birl Hughes, of Hood River, was
slightly injured when he fell from his
motorcycle last week, but has been
able to continue his classes. He is a
zoolog-,- student and lives at Friendly
Topic of Annual Law C I'i’-t For
Orators Is Announced
The law school announces the chang
ing of the date of the Hilton Prize j
Contest from April 19th to May 15th.
This is an oral contest in which any
member of the law school student body
is eligible to participate. The subject
this year is, “Are Students Registered
at he University Entitled to Vote in
Frank H. Hilton, attorney of Port
land, established this prize congest, to
take place each year, and he offers a
prize of $50 to the winner.
A screen version of Donn Byrne’s
well-known novel, “The Stranger’s
Banquet,” is the feature at the Rex
Theatre. This is Marsahll Neilan’s
latest photoplay, and without a doubt
his masterpiece, surpassing even such
fine pictures as “Dinty” and “Fools
First.” The gripping story, the splen
did acting, the masterly direction of
Neilan and his associate direcor, Frank
Urson the beautiful settings, designed
by Cedric Gibbons and the unusually
artistic photography of David Kesson,
combine to make this unquestionably
one of the finest photoplay achieve
ments of the year.
J. Gordon Edwards has achieved the
biggest success of his career in his
directing of “Nero,” the William Fox
super-special which comes to the Heilig
Theatre. This is Marshall Neilan’s
day. To outdo in spectacular effect
such master productions as “The Queen
of Sheba” is to accomplish the unex
pected. Press and public have agreed
that this marvelous picture of the time
of Nero has set a new-record for mam
moth and artistic photoplays. The mobs
used in the burning of Rome and the
other sensational scenes far outnumber
any previous attempts of this nature.
REMEDY gives immediate re
lief. At Red Cross Drug Co.
GIMME—a Kiss!
It makes a pic
nic on lawn
or table.
GIMME—a Date!
Castle Theatre
Star of “Kinghthood”
Adam and Eva”
A beautiful girl in a beau
tiful mess. A sparkling
modern day romance.
Topics of Interest
The home of the
Permanent Prices
Combed Hair
Neatly combed in the morning—
but what about three o’clock in the
afternoon ?
For wiry, unruly hair—for soft,
fluffy hair — for any kind of hair
that won’t stay combed all day use
Stacomb—then your hair will stay
combed just as you want it.
Ideal after washing your hair.
Leaves the hair soft and lustrous.
Ask your barber for a Stacomb
At all druggists.
s, Mutei the Hair Stay Combed
for Men
$3.50 and $4.00
CjJ These ventilated sandals or ox
fords were rampant with the col
lege men last yd&r—our stock is
complete now.
•J Nothing takes the place of this
cut out footwear for the hot days
that are coming— no other foot
wear as economical.
“Where College Folk Buy Footwear’’