Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1923, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Final Concert of University
Series is at Methodist
Church, 8 O’clock
Special Arrangement Provides
For Student Admission
To Musical Event
The final recital of the University
concert series will be given tonight at
8:00 o’clock when the Flonzaley Qifar
tet appears in concert at the Metho
dist Church.
Students will bo admitted to the con
cert upon presentation of their winter
term student body tickets; for those
who have not these tickets it has been
arranged to have some of the staff of
the business office at he doors, so
that students may be identified and
admitted. Faculty members who have
not tickets may obtain them at the
business office.
The Flonzaley Quartet is interna
tionally known for the excellence and
artistry of .their programs, and it can
be considered an achievement for the
University to be able to present these
musicians. One of the numerous fav
orable press notices follows:
“Never was playing more absorbing
than the incomparable ensemble of
Messrs. Adolfo Betti, Alfred Pochon,
Louis Bailly and Ivan d’Archambeau.
Their perfect technique, their urgent
vitality, their rich, infinitely varied
command of tone, and their tremendous
range of rhythm and dynamics are so
wonderful that they might well seem
ends in themselves, but the Flonzaley
Quartet are used as steps to something
higher still—to music itself.
Nineteenth Year Marked
“The season 1922-23 marks the nine
teenth season in the existence of the
Quartet. The personnel has remained
unchanged, with the exception of Louis
Bailly, who joi'ned the organization in
1917. Mr. Bailly had won an enviable
name in Europe a3 a violin player of
distinction, and his addition, to the
Quartet was a happy choice. As it
now stands, the Flonzaley Quartet is
made up of artists, who, were they
willing to work separately could
achieve individual fame as soloists
of their different instruments. But
the high ideal which has bound them
together for these eighteen years is
something more than the pleasure of
•self-glorification and financial reward.
It is an unswerving devotion to Art.
‘•The coming of the Flonzaley Quar
tet brings perfection within the reach
of mortal ears, and gives the faithful
an hour of undiluted joy. This Quar
tet, be it said without undue flight of
fancy, is a model of poised perfection.
Interpretation is Praised
Anyone observing their perfect ac
cordance and the sheer sensuous beauty
of the ensemble, can understand that
he is in the presence of a very exalted
kind of musical interpretation. The
tonal balance, which is almost mirac
ulous—one in four and four in one—
the exquisite purity of the intonation
and the resultant euphony, these qual
ities would be rare indeed, but when to
this is added a commanding musical
intelligence, then you ask ‘Is there a
second string-quartet like the Flonza
(Continued on page three.)
Lucky Girl Gets A. T. O.
Emblem for Week
Who is the most favored woman on the
j campus ? Who would be the most en
vied did the public but know the secret
back of a certain pin which mysteriously
appeared on her blouse today? Immedi
ately all the wearers of pins visibly dis
played or otherwise are going to think,
“Why I am, of course.”
But they are wrong, all wrong, for
the most popular man on the campus has
planted his pin—in fun, for a week only.
However, if the two persons involved
planned to keep it a secret they reckoned
against fate. Lunch time came and with
it the maid with the newly acquired pin
made her appearance at the houses. Sis
terly eyes spied the pin. Sisterly cur
iosity demanded an explanation.' Sis
terly solicitude and the desire that things
be done in the usual way forced the sis
ter to partake of her noon-day meal un
der the dining room table. Still no ex
planation as to the original owner.
Then the journalism majors in the
house got busy, and the story is out:
Dean Straub has planted one of his
pins. Freshman girls will be broken
hearted when they learn that it is not to
a member of the class having the sweet
est and best looking girls yet that the
honor of wearing the pin of the Grand
Old Man has been given.
“Hour Hand” To Be Produced
At Heilig May 31
Woven from bits of Swiss folk tunes
and folklore, with songs of cheeses and
clocks and herds, and an historical back
ground of political intrigue, is ““ The
Hour Hand,” opera which Anna Lands
bury Beck has just completed and which
is now in the stage of first rehearsals.
Of the opera, which is to be produced at
the Heilig theater May 31, with a cast
composed of students and faculty mem
bers of the muisc school, Mrs. Beck said:
“It is entirely based on folk tunes and
folklore, and although not chronologi
cally historical it is not historically in
correct; in other words, it might have
happened. I made use of the ancient
enmity between Austria and Switzerland
and the struggle of the Swiss for their
independence, as the theme of the opera.
I have used many little folk tunes
throughout, emphasizing the patriotic and
vocational side of the Swiss people, their
play and merrymaking; their festival
spirit. It makes no pretentions to be
grand opera. It is a light folk opera and
remains throughout true to the folk
spirit. It is written of simple village
people and is typical of village life.”
The events of the opera happen at the
time of the year known as the herdsmen’s
festival when the herds are leaving the
village for their spring pasturage on the
mountains. Mrs. Beck has embodied in
the overture of the opera and in songs
and horn calls throughout, the little tunes
known as ranz des vaches, literally “cow
calls.” These tunes have developed
around the yodel, and groups of melo
dies have grown up in the different dis
tricts of Switzerland, which are similar
to local dialects.
These ranz des vaches and other folk
tunes Mrs. Beck picked up here and there
in Switzerland on her recent trip abroad,
and using music of her own, has worked
out the opera.
“The Hour Hand” is the second opera
Mrs. Beck has written and produced.
The other, “The King of the Castle,”
(Continued on page three.)
Piggers’ New Paradise Praised
for Fresh and Fancy Features
By Monte Byers
That powerful triumvirate, which has
had a monopoly on piggin’ for so many
years, namely the Millrace, Hayward
Grandstand and the Cemetery, is soon
to bow to a newcomer in the league. ‘
Before the piggin’ season closes, this
new entry ought to bat about 1000
per cent.
Where is it? Bight here on the caA'
pus and closer even than the spirit!
rest on the ridge. It’s about the keen
est “Piggers’ Paradise” known since
Anthony mnd Cleopatra played hearts
in the shadow of t;he Great Pyramid.
Go over to the Architecture quadrangle
and gawk around a little and you will
see it. Bight now it 'looks more like
the underpinning in a mine, but before
next term is over—Oh Boy!
You have to see it for yourself. We
can’t describe it as it will be. It is
a little epurt something on the order
of a patio, with three sides, enclosed
by walks. When the thing is completed
it will have columns designed by the
students and also other pieces of work
done by them. We’ve made a mess
of the descriptive stuff so let’s pass
What more could a pigger ask for
than such a paradise, surrounded by
Greek, Roman, Doric, Corinthian, Goth
ic and maybe some other styles of col
umns and decorations? With the right
girl, the pale piggin’ moon—we can’t
go on, use the imagination. It is surely
a wonderful spot, and there will be a
rush for the reserved seats. Don’t
crowd! We still have seats in the bal
Oh! We forgot the balcony. On the
north side of the Arts building will be
a balcony. No doubt if it is desired,
they will put in an elevator or a stair
way so that the young lady may climb
into the balcony and, like Juliet, listen
to friend Romeo howl at the moon in
a shrill baritone, or strum his guitar. If
the young lady doesn’t like the rhap
sodies that the gentle breezes waft up
to her, she can break off a hunk of the
balustrade and ease it gently through
the ozone onto his cranial cavity.
Well, there you have it. The para
dise, the piggin’ moon, the girl—well.
Watch the bulletin boards for the first
performance. Get Tour tickets early.
Season tickets sold in blocks. Balcony
reserved for the more sentimental cas
es, with love or vocal aspirants the re
quisites. Watch for the opening date.
Projected Campus Structure
Will House University
Student Activities ’
California Has Every'Comfort
And Facility in New
$400,000 Edifice
A well-defined movement for a stu
dent union building has taken root in
the student body during the past sev
eral months, and considerable interest
in the project has been manifested in
some quarters. To the student body
at large, however, the movement is
not well defined, and in fact a survey
of campus opinion reveals many stu
dents do not know what a student un
ion is or what the project means to
the student body. Feeling that every
member of the A. S. U. O. should under
sand the situation in order to be a loyal
booster for a student union, The Emer
ald has engaged Leith Abbot, former
editor of the Emerald, now news editor
of the Associated Students’ State
Press Service, to write a series of ar
ticles explaining sudent unions, the
need of one for Oregon, and local an
gles of a project to obtdin one.—Edi
tor’s Note.)
By Leith Abbott
Deep within the recesses of the mind
of the student body at large lies the
knowledge that a student union build
ing is being planned for Oregon. Men
tion has been made of such plans at
student body meetings; The Emerald
has carried stories concerning it; two
fraternities and one honor organiza
tion have each pledged $1000, and the
seniors voted to pay $100 each in ten
years toward a student union fund.
Members of the Associated Students
and alumni as a whole, however, ayp
not thoroughly acquainted with the
term “student union” or what other
universities have done and are doing in
this respect, and they are in general
ignorance as to the status of the pro
ject on the Oregon campus.
Today student unions will be ex
plained as to' the purpose.
The “Union" building fits different
needs on different campuses, but the
use common to all is that it is a build
ing for the students and student pur
poses only. Such structures contain
offices for all student body officers,
meeting rooms, a dining room, alumni
headquarters, including secretary’s of
fice, alumni magazine office, and in
some cases, quarters to accomodate
graduates when they return to the cam
student center xs Purpose
The conception must not be gain«d
that it is a sort of country club or club
house to be used as a haven for tie
loafer, dnd that it will be used for so
cial purposes only. Student union
buildings are centers for all studeit
activities. Under one roof are houstd
all student officers and managers wlo
are carrying on the work of studeit
body and alumni affairs. The recreation
rooms, cooperative store, and other fea
tures, are for the accomodation.of tie
student body at large, and fill a dis
tinct need for many students who other
wise have no meeting place.
A description of the general plan of
the new $400,000 student union build
ing at the University of California
will serve to show the value of such a
structure on the campus. While the
California union was built on a iar
more extensive scale than Oregon could
hope for to begin with, Oregon’s buid
ing will fill the same requirements on
a smaller scale at first, and as yeirs
go by and more funds are availalle,
could assume the proportions of ;he
gigantic California building.
Co-op is Housed
The ground floor of the California
union is taken up by the cooperative
store, 'the soda fountain and the kit
On the mezzanine floor is the station
ery department of the cooperative
store, offices of the associated stu
dents’ bookkeepers, and also a tea
room and balcony, barber shop, und
bootblack stand.
The main wing of the first floo’ is
devoted to three large lounging roans,
two committee rooms, checkroom, phaie
booths, and lavatories for men ftu
dents. The Bceond wing is taken up by
the offices for the student publeatons
and a ticket office.
On the second floor the main ving
is identical with the floor below inres
pect to arra'ngement and is devoted to
the use of women students. The seond
wing is taken up with the offices of
the associated student officers and rep
The third floor is taken up in the
main wing by a large roof garden and
(Continued on page three.)
Silver Loving Cup Is Won
by Delta Gamma at Frolic
Annual Affair Characterized by Colorful Setting;
Men’s Smoker Enlivened by Several
Good Bouts
Two notable University affairs—the
April Frolic and the men’s smoker
enlivened campus life Saturday night.
It is reported that no men witnessd the
Frolic this year. “At least,” reported
one individual, “if man did enter, he
should feel properly subdued and unwise
in the midst of such spectacles.” The
masculine party was largely attended and
is said to be one of the best smokers
held in recent years. The Frolic was in
the Woman’s building and the smoker
was in the Eugene Armory.
Delta Gamma’s “The Ten Million” was
awarded the silver loving cup given for
the best stunt at the April Frolic. The
University gift campaign was boosted
with much singing, clever originality,
and college spirit.
“All on a Summer’s Night,” put on bv
Susan Campbell hall, was artistically and
colorfully given, while every girl at the
frolic appreciated the life-likeness of
Alpha Delta Pi’s “College Pipes.”
“Tut! Tut! Tut!” of Gamma Phi
Beta, presented King Tut’s birthday,
centuries ago, in a manner which w'ould
have made his life very much worth liv
ing. Delta Delta Delta girls showed
themselves capable of patching anything,
in their skit, “Patchwork.” Delightful
story-book dreams came and went during
Pi Beta Phi’s “A Night o’ Dreams,”
ami the trials of the poor co-ed wero
shown by Alpha Sigma in “Her Major
There was (lancing and ice-cream
sandwich eating between each stnnt.
Raggedy-Andy and Raggedy-Ann were
doing the latest, whilo bathing beauties
couldn’t “do nothing else* but.” There
were little girls (from 16 to 25 deceiving
the public by appearing at the half
sock age), old maids—who in real life
are the biggest kind of worry to dating
men—all kinds of animals, a drunken
sailor and his hula girl, Chinese, little
boys and big boys, sheiks, negroes and
manymany others.
Mrs. Gertrude S. Brown, representing
a rainbow, won first prizo for the best
costume. Maggie and Jiggs, who were
really Charlotte Rice and Maurino
Buchanan, received second prize, Maggie
pocketing the money in the way in which
ill men think women do.
Men Rule In Armory
It has been many a day since the Uni
versity saw a smoker of the same calibre
is that of the men’s fun Saturday night,
recording to those who witnessed the
bouts, acts, stunts and listened to the
variety of musical entertainement. From
(Continued on page three.)
President of Washington State
College Will Speak
-The friendy relations which have al
ways existed between the University and
Washington State College will further
bo encouraged by the visit of the presi
dent of the northern institution to the
'Campus on April 19, and his address at
I the regular assembly on Thursday morn
I ing is expected to draw a large crowd.
President E. O. Holland will speak to the
Oregon student body on “The Majesty of
the Law.” Special music is promised
for the occasion by John Stark Evans,
of the University school of music, who
has charge of this feature of the pro
Th0 speaker's subject will be a pre
sentation of the disregard which Amer
icans have for their own laws. This
topic, which provides so much discussion
among the thinkers of the day, will be
treated in all of its aspects and students
may expect to hear an application of its
import to the laws of their own sphere
on the campus as well as those of the gov
ernment. Criticism is frequently made
by foreigners who come from countries
where respect of law is the cardinal vir
tue of every good citizen, of the laxity
of enforcement of the spirit as well as the
letter of the law which seems to have
become a distinctly American character
istic. It remains for an American who
is a scholar and in close touch with the
citizens of the future to comment upon
this indiffeience and to point out the
value of the laws which men make for
themselves. This will be done by Presi
dent Holland on Thursday morning and
according to University officials he has
a reputation as a speaker of force and
interest at all times.
President Holland visited the Univer
sity at the time of the Oregon-Washing
ton State football game here during last
Homecoming and on his return to tho
campus will be welcotaied by many
friends. Since he went to Pullman,
Washington, to become the president of
the college there in 1916, he has been ac
tive in educational work throughout the
northwest and is a contributor to several
educational publications. He is a member
of Sigma Chi fraternity and of Phi
Delta Kappa and Phi Beta Kappa.
Appeal Received From Russian Relief;
Y. W. Bungalow to Handle Gifts
The campus Y. W. C. A. and the
city Y. M. C. A. have received an ap
peal from Russian relief organizations
asking for old clothing for Russian
students. Thousands of these students
are suffering and dying from lack of
clothing. American relief societies are
trying to collect enough clothing for
100,000 of these people.
All University men and women who
have something to give may leave their i
contributions at the Y. W. Bungalow,
or call at the office of either the cam
pus Y. W. or the city Y. M,, and the
things will be called for. Worn cloth
ing, but not worn out, is asked for. Such
things as dresses, coats and sweaters
will be greatly appreciated. All contri
butions must be in by Tuesday, as they
are to be shipped to Russia immed
Sixty Alumni Are Initiated At
Phi Beta Kappa Installation
At last Oregon has entered the
charmed circle of Phi Beta Kappa,
the nationwide society of a scholarship.
In the annals of the University April
14, lO'-’ll, will rank as a great day.
On that day scores of Oregon
alumni, men and women, who, in most
eases, have made distinguished marks
in the life of the state of Oregon,
thronged back to their alma mater to
receive the reward of their scholarship
in their undegraduate days, when they
laid the foundations for the achieve
ments of their maturity.
On that day, also, came representa
tives of other institutions—Washing
ton, and California, and Reed, and
Whitman, and'the Oregon Agricultural
College—-to felicitate with the Uni
versity on the fruition of its hopes
and the recognition of its high place
in scholarship. Messages of felicita
tion from Pomona, from Stanford,
from Colorado and from Colorado col
lege, also had been received, with a
note of regret that they could not be
represented by delegate.
More, han (60 of the 110 alumni
members were present for the installa
tion and initiation, from Judge R. 8.
Bean and Mrs. Ellen Condon MeCor
nack of that historic first class of 1878
to the larger group of the class of 1922.
All but one of the twelve foundation
members and the 25 cliarer members
were in attendance. President Camp
bell, himself the inspiration for much
of the scholarship that has won recog
nition from Phi Beta Kappa, was ini
tiated as an honorary member.
At the dinner in Hendricks hall, Dr.
R. F. Scholz, president of Reed College,
as toastmaster, introduced the speakers
including Dr. A. R. Bonham of the Uni
versity of Washington, Dean M. Ell
wood Smith of the Oregon Agricultural
College, Mrs. Ellen Condon MeCornack
of he class of 1878 and E. Mowbray
Tate of Whitman College.
Dean Henry Rand Hatfield of the
University of California representing
the United Chapters, had charge of
the installation and initiation. He was
introduced to the installation meeting
by R. C. Clark, head of the Oregon
The evening was concluded with a
public reception in the alumni hall.
The following freshmen are to report
to Itoy Bryson at tho First Methodist
Church at 3:30 Tuesday:
1'aul Carey, Kenneth Stevenson, Bel
den Taylor, Herman Bleasing, Otto
Mauthe, Kenneth Parelius, Jack Riv
enburgh, Alton Mathison, Ben Jordan.
Tho following Oregon Knights will
usher at the First Methodist Church at
7:00 P. M. Tuesday:
Jack High, Carl Dahl, Joe Sorre,
Maurice Rins'd, Paul Krause, Gibson
Wright, Howard Hall, Rufus Sumner,
Francis Drinker, Webster Jones.
Phi Kappa Psi announces the pledg
ing of Vincent Eudeldinger, of Port
Varsity Well Fortified In All
Departments But Pitching;
Seven Hurlers Out
Yearlings Humble Superiors In
Two Matches: Mound Aces
Hitting Fast Pace
If Saturday’s games are to be taken
as an indication, the Varsity and fresh
men should have ball teams well up
in the riming this spring. This is espec
ially noticeable of the first year men
who seem to have a well-balanced team
at bat and in the field, as well as a
brace of pitchers who ought to hold
their own with the best.
Sixteen innings of baseball were
played on the ridge diamond Saturday.
It was roally two games, both of which
resulted in the yearlings humbling
their elders 6-2 and 4-2. Both squads
evinced some snappy fielding and
heavy stick work, the frosh binglers
being especially noteworthy.
Tho varsity seems to be well fortified
in all departments except the hurling
staff. Baldwin, Ringle, Collins, Wright,
Shields, Skinner and Brooks are on
hand for twirling berths and it ought
to be possible for Coach Bohler to pick
a winning combination. Most of them
worked in the Saturday gamos and
showed rare promise, although the frosh
murdered their offerings now and then.
Behind the bat Watson, Cook, and
Orr are ready for duty. The men are
all experienced and should be able to
hold up the heavers with success. Wat
son, no doubt, has the call, as he is a
holdover from last season. Ward John
son, who aided Spike Leslie in the re
ceiving department last year, has been
shifted to first base, duo to the ineli
gibility of Terry Johnson.
Competition Is Keen
The other infield positions are the
scenes of merry battles, each position
having two men of calibre fighting for
them. At second Jimmy Ross and Earl
Shafer . e at it hammer and tongs.
Ross is a lotterman and Shafer per
formed at Williamette two years ago..
The former may havo a slight edge due
to past experience.
At short Hunk Latham and Collis
Moore are doing battle while Sullivan
and Svaverud are in the points with
the first two mentioned showing to ad
vantage. Latham and Svarorud are
both lettermen and should bolster the
infield by their appearance. Collins
and Ringle have also had infield exper
ience and can be used if necessary.
The outfield seems to center on Zim
merman, Doug Wright and Bill Sorsby.
Roycroft and Jean Wright are also
making bids for garden berths. The
former is a letterman of last year. The
three first mentioned are good stickers
and have excellent arms and are good
judges of fly balls. Wright is a pitcher,
but was shunted to the outfield last
year duo to his heavy clouting.
Frosh Gang Strong
Tli is years’ frosh aggregation is
about the best that lias been seen at
Oregon for several years. They are a
fast fielding and heavy hitting outfit
and also have the brains that are es
sential to the ballplayer’s makeup.
Most of them are veterans at the
game, playing with some of the fast
est teams in and out of the state.
The big features of the teams are
the infield and the pitching staff.
Nothing looks sweeter than to see that
infield in action. At third and short
are Hobson and Slade, ex-Franklin
high athletes and members of many
semi-pro teams. They hit and field
well and know the fine points of the
The other side of the infield is also
well protected in Shafer at first and
Bittner at the keystone. Both field
the ball fast and will rate well with
the bludgeon. Behind the bat, Briest
ly is the best card the yearlings hold.
He is a consistent man, knows his
pitchers and can hold them up. His
hitting could be improved and prob
ably will be before the season is over.
Davis and Bukowsky are also on hand
to don the shin guards, but they lack
the class of Priestly.
Frosh Pitchers Experienced
Both Harrison and Carson, the pitch
ing aces, have had worlds of experience
in the game. In the games Saturday
botli exhibited a baffling change of
pace and have an excellent assortment
of English on the horsehide. Both are
heavy clouters and can tie used in the
outfield, if necessary, when not doing
mound duty.
Toole, Frame and Tyrrel have the call
in the outfield. In the games Saturday
Frame gave the fans a good exhibition
of stick work, garnering four hits in
six trips, one of them being good for
three sacks. The other two men hit
(Continued on page three.)