GIM EXHIBITION ILL BE FRIDAY Women’s Physical Education Classes to Give Annual Demonstration The annual women’s gym exhibition to be put on by the freshman, sopho more, and majors’ classes in physical education Friday night in the Woman’s building, promises to be the best dem onstration ever given. The classes have been working hard in preparation for the exhibition, says Miss Emma Waterman of the physical education department. The program will include a grand march, folk dancing, games, exercises and dumb bell drills, physical efficien cy tests, and work exhibited by the classes in individual gymnastics. In grading the physical efficiency tests recently given by the physical education department, 125 points for freshman and 135 pcfints for sophomore women was required as a passing score. Mary Hathaway, sophomore, was the high point winner of the entire tests, making 170 points. Christine Heck man with 163 points to her credit and Bertha Smith with 161 points were the next highest point winners of the soph omore class. The sophomore squad led by Marion White made the highest average with 115 points in all. The highest freshman point winner was Irva Dale with 151 points, Mary Ann Bumgarner with 149 points and Anna McCabe with 147 points were the next closest competitors. The freshman squad making the highest average was led by Katherine Lyons and averaged 113 1-2. The girls making the class track teams which will participate in the ex hibition are announced by the physical education department: Seniors—Charlotte Howells, captain; Ruth Tuck. Dorothy McKee, Lucile Branstetter, Wilma Chattin, Dorcas Conklin, Lola Keizur, Sue Stewart, Frances Habersham, Lavelle Barger, Esther Pike, substitute; Juniors—-Flor ence Baker, captain; Margaret Alexan der, Harriet Howells, Cecile Johnson, Mildred LeCompte, Grace Murfin, Irene Perkins, Theresa Robinette, Harriet Veazie; sophomores—Golda Boone, cap tain; Melba Byrom, Mildred Crain, Christine Heckman, Mary Hathaway, LaVerne Spitzenberger, Maude Schroe der, Mary Search, Neva Service, Kittye Sartain; Beatrice Amundson and Grace Sullivan, substitutes; freshmen—Janet Wood, captain; Betty Alexander, Mary Ann Baumgarner, Helen Gripper, Mar ion Hill, Alta Knips, Ida Maki, Ruth McGregor, Mildred Onslow, Helena Pit tlekau; Hilda Chase and Edna Murphy, substitutes. NEWSPAPERMEN WILL GATHER HERE FRIDAY (Continued from page one.) E. Cronise, Albany Democrat; A. M. Byrd ,Gervais Star; A. L. Mlallery, Oak land Tribune, and Mrs. Mallery; F. J. Tooze, Oregon City Banner-Courier; C. W. Myers, manager Portland News, and Mrs. Myers; Clifford L. Ireland, Moro Observer, and Mrs. Ireland; Ward Ir vine, Governor’s Secretary. James S. Sheehy, International News; H. T. Hopkins, King Features Syndi cate; Colonel E. Hofer and Mrs. Hofer, Manufacturer; M. D. Morgan. Harris burg Bulletin; A. E. Voorhies, Grants Pass Courier; J. M. Bledsoe, Myrtle Point American; L. D. Felsheim, Ban don Western World; Lloyd Riches, Yale Enterprise; Donald Sterling, Portland Journal; Earl C. Brownlee, Portland Journal, and Mrs. Brownlee. Philip Jackson, Portland Journal; I 1 j O. I). Hamstreet, 'Sheridan Sun; O. j