Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 16, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued daily
except Monday, during the college year.
Editorial Board
Managing Editor --- Phil Brogan
Associate Editors ....—.Ep Hoyt, Inez King
Associate Managing Editor ____Art Budd
Copy Supervisor.......Jessie Thompson
Daily News Editors
John Piper Freda Goodrich
Ted Janes
■an Maxwell
Florins Packard
Laos Byrne
Taylor Horton
Hight Editors
Ed. Valitchka
Junior Seton
Leonard Lerwill
Sports Editor _Edwin Fraser
Sports Writers: Alfred Erickson,
Harold Shirley.
News Service Editor _ Rachel Chezem
Information Chief: Rosalia Keber; As
sistants : Maybelle Kinsrv Pauline Bondurant.
Feature Writers: Nancy Wilson, Monte Dramatics ...Katherine Watson
Byers. Music ....Margaret Sheridan
News staff: Clinton Howard, Genevieve Jewell, Anna Jerzyk, Geraldine Boot, Margaret
Shavian, Norma Wilson, Henryetta Lawrence, A1 Trachman,, George Stewart, Phyllis Coplan,
Lester Tumbaugh, George H. Godfrey, Marian Lowry, Marion Lay, Mary Jane Dustin, Georg
ians Gerlinger, Dorothy Kent, Webster Jones, Margaret Vincent, Margaret Morrison, Doug
las Wilson.
Business Staff
Advertising Service Editor..
Circulation Manager
-Randolph Kuhn
Assistant Circulation Manager.
-Gibson Wright
Kenneth Stephenson
Adv. Assistants-Maurice Warnock, Lester Wade, Floyd Dodds, Ed~Tapfer, Herman H. Blaesing
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon as second-class matter. Subscription rates,
EE per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application.
upon application.
-SSI Editor
Dally News Editor This Issue
Theodore Janes
Night Editor This Issue
Leonard Lerwill
Give the Smaller Houses a Chance
Some time ago the Emerald expressed the opinion that too many
sports were included in the doughnut program, contending that it
was unfair to the house with a small membership. One or two sports
have been dispensed with, but the problem does not seems yet to have
been solved. “We’ve simply seen the light. Hereafter we will enter
teams only when we have men to make up teams,’’ said a prominent
athlete recenly. Ilis house and a number of others are thus virtually
removed from competition for doughnut championship plaque.
If the whole competitive doughnut program is to be saved, some
scheme will have to be devised to keep these houses in the running.
The fact that they are still entering as many teams as they can to
show themselves good sportsmen is commendable, but the system is
a failure unless it can provide some means of equalization. If the
program is to be on a competitive basis it is absurd to ask the smaller
houses to take part year after year and iregularly end up near the
A handicap on the basis on membership has been, suggested, but
it would seem that provision for choice of a certain proportion of
the sports would be more Avorkable. If there are eight sports on the
program it might be arranged that an organization could choose any
five or any six. Perhaps each could be allowed to take part in as
many as it wished, but only five or six would be counted in the stand
ings. Although a large house would still have the advantage, the
smaller organization would then at least be able to enter a team.
There might be some difficulty in working out ai scheme of this na
ture, but there seems to be no other way to keep the smaller houses
ii mis occurred 10 severui persons uiai a uesignation oi major anu
minor doughnut sports would be a step toward equalization. As it
is, doughnut tennis eounts exactly as much toward the plaque as
doughnut basketball or doughnut baseball, whereas it takes a smaller
number of players and a much shorter time. Since one of the func
tions of doughnut athletics is to promote varsity athletics, it would
seem that there could be a similar division of major1 and minor ath
letics. Major and minor doughnut athletics would have to be con
sidered in the election of sports by individual houses.
The Emerald does not wish to discourage doughnut athletics in
any way. The more men taking part in athletics, the better it is for
the University and the state. But as it is, the men are taking part
in half a dozen sports, except in one or two of the largest organiza
tions. There is practically no opportunity for practice, which results
in a larger proportion of injuries, and poorer sport.
Competition is, of course, the only principle on which the schedule
can be carried through. If part of the organizations are merely en
tering teams to show that they are good sportsmen the scheme is
wrong. Every organization on this campus should start the season
with the intention of winning the plaque. Under the present system
it is foreordained that it shall go to one of four or five larger houses.
One or two houses have protested publication of the standings in the
Emerald, saying that they are unable to enter teams in every event
and are thus hopelessly handicapped. Their feelings must be passed
on to the heads of doughnut athletics. As long as it is on a compe
titive basis it will be necessary to publish the standings.
A number of houses have “seen the light.” But is it fair to
them? Whenever a house drops out of the running because of lack
of men something is wrong with the system. And no matter how
countless its other merits, it can never accomplish its full purpose.
Why Is a Smokeless Smoker?
If an all-University smoker is to held the night of the April Frolic,
why not make it a real affair? If it is held in Villard hall it will be
as much a failure as the last one was. Just as logical to hold an ice
cream soeial without ice cream as a smoker without smokes. The old
affairs in the men’s gym or in the armory were worth attending. But
a smokeless smoker-.
Hammer and Coffin has set the pace for activity organizations
with its $1000 gift for a student union. Who will be the next to fall
in line?
Notices will be printed in this column
for two issues only. Copy must be in this
office by 4 :30 on the day before it is to be
published and must be limited to V words.
Mu Phi Epsilon—Meeting Saturday af
ternoon 4:30 p. m., Woman’s build
Temenids—Interesting meeting of the
town O. E. S. Friday evening at 8
p. m. All urged to attend.
Craftsman Club—Joint meeting with
the Temenids and DeMolay clubs will
be held at the Campa Shoppe on Tu
esday, March 20, at 5:30 p. m.
All De Molays—Eugene chapter invites
you to hard times dance Saturday,
March 17, Chamber of Commerce
rooms, 8:30. Small charge. Proper
costume necessary.
Race Problem—Bishop Sumner will
speak to the editing class in room 4
of the “shack” at 10 o’clock this
morning on the race question. All
• interested will be welcome.
Y. W. Reading—The women of the Uni
versity are invited to the Bungalow
Sunday morning at 9:45, to hear read
Charles Rand Kenney’s drama, “The
Terrible Meek,” based on the cruci
Newman Club—Club will entertain with
a program of Irish music on Friday
evening, March 16, at 8:15, in St.
Mary’s Parish hall, Eleventh and Lin
coln streets. Members of club and
friends invited.
Girls’ Scout Training Class—For junior
and senior physical education majors
will meet in the Woman’s building,
room 121, Friday, 4 to 9 p. m., and
Saturday, 9 to 11. Wear hiking clo
thes and bring 35 cents for picnic
University Vespers—M. E. church, 4:30
Sunday. University choir, assisted
by Mme. McGrew, Mr. Siefert, and
John Claire Monteith of Portland,
will sing Dubois’ “The Seven Last
Words of Christ.” Bishop Sumner
will assist in the service.
Physical Ed—A list of men with ex
cused absences to be made up in the
physical education department is
posted on the bulletin board in the
men’s gym. These will have to be
made up before the end of the term
or a grade of incomplete will be giv
Letters to the Emerald from students
and faculty members are welcomed, but
nust be signed and worded concisely
If it is desired, the writer’s name will be
kept out of print. It must be understood
that the editor reserves the right to reject
To the Editor:
No one more than I regrets the error
I made in stating the Y. W. C. A. bud
get to be only $1,400 a year when it is
$4,300. My informant was in a posi
tion to know the facts, but I assume
the responsibility for making the mis
take. However, $4,300 seems a large
alnount for the Y. W. C. A. budget,
though they are doing much more with
that amount than the Y. M. C. A. with
The essence of the argument compar
ing the Y. W. with the Y. M. in spite
of tlie mistake is still against the Y.
M. C. A.
Professor Caswell’s point with re
gards to the cost of the “Hut” and
method of raising the money to build
it, is interesting. The “Hut” was erect
ed on the University campus on land
which the Y. M. C. A. did not and does
not own. By law a building so erected
does not belong to the erector but to
the one upon whose land the building
is erected. Such a building cannot be
removed from the property upon which
il is built without the consent of the
owner of the land. The “Hut,” I un
derstand, is such a building, and if
these stipulations hold, does not be
long to the Y. M. C. A. at all, but to
the University. If the Y. M. C. A.
solicited money for the erection of the
“Hut” knowing these things, it cannot
now claim compensation without ac
knowledging that money was raised by
a kind of misrepresentation. At that,
it is not impossible to make arrange
ment whereby the Y. M. C. A. could be
partially compensated for the “Hut.”
One of the singular things about the
Y. M. C. A. is that those making up
its membership and whose vote to some
extent determines what it does, have
less to do with its finances than an out
side group who have nothing whatever
to say about the running of the insti
tute n and contribute financially. Or
dinarily financial support and determin
Flonzaley Violin Group to Pay
Eugene Eighteenth Visit;
Program Is Good
The famous Flonzaley quartet, which
has appeared for seventeen consecutive
seasons in the United States, will give a
concert in Eugene April 17th. This
quartet, famous over the entire world, has
played in more than 200 American cities
and has made aboue 1500 appearances in
America and over 500 in Europe.
The personnel of the quartet is com
posed of Adofo Betti, first violin, Alfred
'Poehon, second violin, Louis Bailly,
viola, and Iwan d ’Archambeau, cellist.
Bhch of these members have distinguish
ed themselves in European circles as well
as in American. During the entire ca
reer of the quartet there has been only
one change in the personnel, when, ow
ing to the war, *the place of the original
viola player, Mr. Ara, was taken by Louis
Bailly, one of the foremost viola players
in the world.
The Flonzaley quartet came into ex
istence during the summer of 1903,
through the initiative of E. J. de Coppet
and Alfred Pochen. The first meeting
of the newly formed organization took
place at the Swiss home of Mr. de
Coppet, “lonzaley,” on the shores of
Lake Geneva. “Flonzaley” is Swiss
patois means “brooklet.”
The quartet has been unanimously ac
claimed the premier quartet of the
world. The New York journals, which
are extremely severe in their criticisms in
the musical and dramatic field, have un
animously expressed their approval of
the quartet. The New York Evening
World said this for the artists: “If one
wishes to cultivate a taste for this more
intimate music one can sit at the feet
of no better masters than the Flonza
This item was taken from the Evening
Sun: “It was a concert played with
all the artistry and delight in careful
poetry and well kept strings which has
given the Flonzaley quartet its impor
ation of destinies are held by the same
group. It is next to impossible and
very unlikely for the donors to the
support of the Y. M. C. A. to express
themselves in this controversy, save
by wicftolding their donations. Thus
the done rs do not determine whether
the:r money is spent wisely or tot.
The time is coming when student
opinion will force the Y. M. C. A. off
the campus. Secretary Putnam knows
this and expressed himself before a
group as intending to leave the campus.
To me he said the present building
might serve some three years yet. Three
years from now is a long time, and the
need for a student union is immediate.
Evruently the Y. M. C. A. is determin
ed, as I have before asserted, to fore
stall a student union. If not, let them
declare themselves without uncertainty.
to See
The tremendous double bill
Milton Sills
Marguerite De Lamotte
John Bowers
“What a Wife
The old days of treat 'em
rough and tell ’em nothing
have gone forever!
Emile Coue
Personally appearing and ex
plaining his theories in his
only film.
Castle Theatre
No Raise in Admission
Saturday Night
Myers’ Mid Nite Sons
Some new stuff—you'll sure miss hearing some good har
mony if you don't come.
Dancing 8:30 to 12
The last big dance of the term—it will be a knockout. >
Shrimp Phillips singing the latest hit: “Father Get Up.
Mother Needs the Sheets to Set the Table.“
Your Schoble Hat Is Here.
OH! for the Dempsey-Carpentier
Filled with men—and with us in the ring with
a cabinet full of these Society Brand Norfolks—
a model—and a megaphone!
Knockouts—every one of them—belts and pleats
placed so entirely new and differently that any
thing you saw last Fall is a second place.
Never in our lives have we seen such well-bal
anced and beautiful Sport Suits—and since this
Spring is going to have NORFOLKS written in
red all over the style calendar, we want you to
come now—try on a few—and we’ll promise not
to mention a word about selling.
Reasonable in price—our Super-Values
take care of that!
$25 to $50
Green Merrell Co.
men’s wear
“One of Eugene’s best stores’’
The First Signs of Spring
Now that the season has come for spending all your
spare time out-of-doors, hiking, playing tennis or
swimming, you will find it hard to keep the skin
smooth and soft.
A special effort will he necessary to preserve your
complexion. Cold creams and powders should be
chosen carefully and used continually during the
out-door season.
1 Three Flower Face Cream I
| Three Flowers Cold Cream. Face Powder and Tal- ?
^ cums are especially adapted to keeping the skin 1
r; fresh and beautiful under adverse conditions. |g
® We sell all Three Flowers preparations as well as §§
§P toilet articles of other lines. *
1 The University Pharmacy 1
1 llth and Alder ■
1 E. A. C. S. 1
Suits, Hats,
There Shopping and Buying Is an Ideal.
Quality merchandise here is a fact—not a promise, nor a theory.
Our buyers are constantly in the market, selecting reliable
merchandise for our 371 stores. Our inspectors are constantly
alert, weeding out any merchandise that fails to reach our high
standard of quality.
This Is the Shoppers’ Service Store Superior
Oi’ll git a kick out uv St
Patrick’s day this year—
we’re gonna ’are Tipper
ary Ice Cream!
Tipperary is a cool
green pineaaple flavored
ice cream—extremely likeable!
PHONE 1480
Eugene Fruit Growers Ass’n.
E. A. C. 8.