Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 14, 1923, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
• ~ * . •. ^ _
Alberto Salvi to Make Firs
Appearance Before Music
Lovers of Town
Player Comes from Family
of Harpists and alt Early
Age Wins Renown
Fresh from a triumphant concert ii
Portland Monday night, when he brought
the music lovers of that city to his feel
for the second time, Alberto Salvi, harp
ist of Italian birth, natural talent and
growing international fame, will dra-u
music from the strings of his instrument
for the music lovers of Eugene and the
Salvi will play in the Methodist church
auditorium at eight o’clock tonight, and
students of the University will be admit
ted upon presentation of their student
Crowd Expected
Accroding to Boy Bryson, student man
ager of the concert, indications point to
a house crowded early in the evening, so
that students wishing seats where they
may see and hear to the best advantage
should arrive shortly after 7:30 o’clock.
Tonight will be Salvi’s first appear
ance in Eugene, although it is his second
trip to the western United States. On
the occasion of his trip here last year,
the harpist was practically unknown in
the west, but in the few recitals he has
given, he has proved his genius, and his
popularity with the critics
Mr. Salvi comes from a family of
harpists and harp builders. His father
was a harp maker in Venice, the city of
the lad’s birth. His first harp was a
miniature instrument built by his father
and his first lessons were under his
father’s tutelage. These began even be
fore the lad learned to read or write.
At the age of twelve he received the
Boyal Italian scholarship in competition
with notable contestants from all Italy.
This prize is much coveted because it
means that the winner—no matter what
his field of music may be—receives his
entire schooling under the greatest mast
ers with all expenses paid by the Italian
Eoy Is Genius
Because of his genius, the boy Salvi
completed his course feur years ahead of
his class—was given special examinations,
and, after securing the special permission
from the minister of arts at Borne, he
was graduated in half the time allotted
for the course. Since then he has been
the sensation of two continents with his
phenomenal playing.
His great desire is to make the harp
recognized as an instrument of great
power and virile character— a “masculine
instrument”—as the critics have express
ed it, as well as one possessing a greatei
range of tone and variety of effects
than other stringed instruments. Salvi
says, and leading critics have been quick
to say the same thing after hearing him
play, that the harp has been wrongly
judged. That it is not a little parloi
instrument, but great, powerful, and of
wonderful—almost unbelievable—concert
Author of Publications on Race Prob
lems Will Arrive Next Wednesday;
Library Has Books
Dr. William Edward B. DuBois, negrc
editor and author, will be on th<
campus next Wednesday and not todaj
as was previously announced. Publics
tions on the race problem including
books written by Dr. DuBois have beer
placed on the temporary shelf at th«
library and may be obtained at th(
regular circulation desk.
Dr. DuBois has taken his A. B. de
gree from Fiske University, Tennessee
and A. B., A. M., and Ph. D. degree:
from Harvard University. At presen
he is director of publicity for the Na
tional Association for the Advancemen'
of Colored People, and editor of th<
Crisis magazine.
Among the various periodical article:
and books by Dr. DuBois in the library
are the following books: “Efforts fo:
Social Betterment Among Negro Amor
icans.” “The Negro,” “The Philadel
phia Negro,” “From Servitude to Ser
vice,” “The Conservation of Races,’
“Darkwater,” “Souls of Black Folk,’
“John Brown,” and “The Suppressioi
of American Slave Trade to the Unite<
Phi Sigma Pi announces the pledging
•f Calvin Yoran, of Eugene.
Latest Fad Ankle Gear
Hanging Over Shoes
By M. B.
Wliat next? A faint rumor slipped
into our auditory center to the effect
that certain of the male element on the
campus have thrown their hose-sup
. porters into the discard and are going
■ around with the silk lisle encasements
i slopping down around their shoestrings,
j A very good point. Freedom of dress
is among us and some are going to
show the style shops that they’ll take
a good many hitches in their belts be
fore we fall for some of the dope they
shove over the counter.
But the boys who ushered in the
“sans socks gallus” fad win the uphol
stered concrete mixer. Happy days.
Slow but sure we are reverting to the
days of childhood when our stockings
usually trailed in the dust and we had
grimy faces.
The freedom of the male is inevitable.
The time is not far distant when the
silk employed in the making of hose
will be used to clean carburetors and
machinery. The first thing we know
the male will rise up and discard his
socks and, weather permitting', his shoes
too. Soon we ’ll be skipping about
these halls of learning with our pedals
of propulsion exposed to the elements
of nature. “The Garterless Knights”
have sounded the call. The edicts of
fashion are to be ignored.
Presentation Dates Are Set for
March 22, 23 and 24
“The Passion Flower,” well-known
play of Jacinto Benavente, who is con
sidered by the Spanish their leading dra
matist, will be produced on the campus
March 22, 23, and 24. Charlotte Ban
field who has exhibited in past Guild
Hall roles a versatility ranging from
Cleopatra in Shaw’s “Caesar and Cleo
patra,” to Grandmother Squeers in
“The Baggedy Man,” carrying off near
ly all the laurels in the latter, will
play Baimunda, the heaviest role in
the production.
Baimunda is a typical Spanish wo
man of the higher middle class, loving
the honor of the family, hating with
a fierce hate the things that come be
tween her and those she most loves.
The part offers wide opportunity in
characterization and feeling.
Dorothy Hall, whose most notable
work last year was done in “Dombey
and Son,” will play the title role, Aca
cia, beautiful, wistful; she is called La
Malquerida, The Passion Flower, liter
ally interpreted the name means “the
one unfortunately loved.” She is a
moody girl, given to fiery outbursts
and long silences, the latter of which,
says Baimunda, the mother, are more
terrible than the former.
Elizabeth Bobinson in the role of
Julianna, a servant of the family will
lighten the tragedy in endless mono
logues which Baimunda tries vainly to
suppress in the interest of getting the
work done. Julianna is a portly per
son, moves slowly and is quite funny,
but loyal as the old family servant can
be. Elizabeth Bobinson has handled
roles well during the past year, scoring
i a success in “Come Out of the Kitcli
I en.”
Holmes Bugbee, a freshman, has an
exceedingly good role as Bubio, another
servant, and does a drunk scene where
he handles a difficult part well.
Darrell Larsen who has starred in a
great many plays since his advent into
Guild Hall, will play opposite Dorothy
Hall as Esteban. Larsen does tragedy
parts especially well, and in this plays
the father who,' fighting against it,
yields to an overwhelming love for
Acacia, his stepdaughter.
Katherine Pinneo, a garrualous Addel
j iney Bowersox in “The Baggedy Man,”
I an actress whom “they will make
queens,” in “Three Sins,” will play a
Spanish woman with a taste for gossip
and a teasing smile. Joe Clark will play
Norbert; Portia Kidwell, Bernabea;
Patricia Novlan, Fidelia; Star Norton,
1 Engracia; Virgil Mulkey, Tio Eusebio;
Lee Emery, Faustino; Gaspara, Helen
Park; Wade Kerr, Bernabe; Katherine
! Watson, Milagros.
The story of the play is a tragedy
; j built around the love of a father for
i his stepdaughter, the crimes that grow
i out of his love, the conflict of the feel
i; ings of the daughter, and the final dis
• solution of the family.
Mask and Buskin, local chapter of
Associated University players, honorary
dramatic society, held initiation at its
last meeting for five new members,
1 Elizabeth Bobinson, Viola Johnson,
1 Winona Dyer, David Swanson and Gor
don Wilson. The initiation ceremonies,
which were held at the Anchorage,
were followed by a banquet at which
; Claire Keeney, president of the organ
ization, presided.
1 Radical Change Would Drop
Campus Cleanup from
Regular Program
Awarding of Paint “O’s” to
Frosh Football Men to Be
Public Ceremony
Although Junior week-end, May' 18
and 19, is nearly three months away
plans are progressing rapidly and such
details as the decorations for the prom
are already being considered.
A large part of last night’s com
mittee meeting was taken up with the
merits of two plans, one brought forth
by Randall Jones and the other by Mil
dred Le Comptg. Debate waxed hot
and heavy for a time and it was final
ly decided to lay the matter on the
table. Both plans are unusual and either
would be startling in its effect, ac
cording to Doug Farrell, general chair
Cleanup Eliminated
The most radical change in this
year’s week-end program is that of cam
pus day. Instead of holding a campus
cleanup on a Saturday morning it is plan
ned to move the tug-of-war and the
burning of the caps up as part of the
morning program. The main event will
be the awarding of the paint “O’s”
to the frosh football men. This will
be done on the campus this year, in
stead of on Skinner’s butte, and the en
tire ceremony will be in charge of the
Order of the O. It has been definitely
decided to have a real tug-of-war, one
that is square in every detail, accord
ing to Ward Johnson, chairman of cam
pus day. Saturday afternoon will be
left open for the Frosh-Portland inter
scholastic track meet.
Eddie Edlund, chairman of the canoe
fete, reported that the bleachers along
the mill race are to be repaired and
seats added to accommodate about a
thousand people. Some novel lighting
and musical features are being planned
to make the fete a success, according to
Edlund- and his fellow committeemen.
Preppers to Be Invited
Pat Irelan, chairman of the regis
tration committee, and Art Rudd, pub
licity chairman, are working on a plan
to invite every senior in the state to
attend the Maytime festivities. Invi
tations are to be sent throughout the
state by means of newspaper stories
and personal letters to high school prin
cipals. Window cards are being work
ed out and a general program of let
ting the high school people of the state
know that they are welcome, is being
carried on.
The show which the juniors give
each year to help finance the week-end
is not to be called Junior Vod-Vil this
year but “Varsity Vanities of 1923.”'
Ted Baker, who is in charge has sched
uled the event for May 3 at the Heilig
theater. Acts are being lined up and
according to reports some novel stunts
will be staged. One of the most unus
ual advertising plans ever seen on the
campus will be used to herald the “Van
A nfeeting of the entire junior class
will be held today at 4:30 in Villard
hall, at which time a report of the week
end committee will be made and one
other matter of very great importance
to the class will be discussed.
Two committee appointments to fill
vacancies will be made by Jimmie
Meek, president.
House With Highest Average of Miles
Covered by Members Will Win
Field Day Trophy
In the past two years, University
women have taken an increased interest
in hiking, various organizations keep
ing their scores in number of miles
hiked by each individual member. The
present year has seen this interest grow
to the extent that the Women’s Ath
letic association is planning to award
a cup to the organization whose indiv
idual members have hiked the most
miles during the year; the award being
given on field day, which occurs in
Rules which govern this contest are
few, the main object being for each or
ganization to keep a record of the num
i bcr of miles hiked by each individual
: member. The house which holds the
j highest average will receive the cup.
The Women’s Athletic association
wishes to remind students that only
i 100 points a year will be accepted from
| any woman toward winning a varsity
’ sweater, 50 points a term being the lim
it. Any over this will not be counted
exeept in winning the organization sup.
Musicians to Depart April 2
on Special Car Secured
for Club by Manager
Selections, Old and New to
Group, on Well Balanced
Program for Concerts
Because a trip made by the orchestra
four years ago to coast towns was so
very successful, it is to be repeated for
the annual trip of the organization to
be made during spring vacation.
Wallace Strane, acting manager of
the orchestra, has been able to secure a
special car for the musicians, and they
will leave Eugene Monday, April 2,
playing in Marshfield April 3, Bandon
April 4, Coquille April 5, Myrtle Point
April 6 and Reedsport April 7. The
trip will be made by 24 members of
the organization, six of whom, Alberta
Potter, Herbert Hacker, John Ander
son, Gwendolyn Hampshire, Aurora Pot
ter Underwood, and Ralph MeClaflin,
made the first trip to these places.
Siefert to Sing
A well balanced program has been
chosen by Rex Underwood, director,
which may be varied or changed if
the occasion demands it. John B. Sie
fert, tenor, of the school of music, is
to be featured soloist, and besides a
group of solos Mr. Siefert will sing
“Love Like the Dawn Came Stealing,”
Cadman, and “A Dream,” Bartlett, ac
companied by the orchestra.
“We have divided the programs into
three groups,” Mr. Underwood said.
“The first and last groups will probably
be orchestral numbers, and the second
group will be mostly solo work. There
will be no so-called stunts and no jazz
numbers, for I am convinced that the
other kinds of music have just as much
popular appeal. In fact on our last
trip into that part of the country I
noticed that out higher class musie got
over best.
“We have an interesting program,
and a good program. Some of it has
been heard on the campus at the “pop”
concerts, and other appearances of the
orchestra, and parts of it are things
that we have worked up especially for
the tour.”
Mrs. Underwood to Chaperone
Mrs. Rex Underwood, pianist, is to
chaperone the orchestra and will proba
bly appear on the program.
The personnel for the trip follows:
first violins—Alberta Potter, Eugene;
Gwendolyn Lampshire, Burns; Jane O’
Reilly, Portland; Nina Warnock, Enter
prise; Mary Burton, Eugene; second
violins—Anne O’Reilly, Portland; Char
lotte Nash, Milwaukie; viola-—Ralph
MeClaflin, Boise, Idaho; Claire Col
lette, Eugene^ cello—Katie Plotter,
Irene Burton, Lora Teshner, Eugene;
contra bass—John Anderson, Ashland;
flute—Curtis Burton, Eugene; Gene
vieve Phelps, Pendleton; clarinet—
Grace Potter, Eugene; bass clarinet—
Frank Dorman, Ontario; trumpet—
Harold Cummings, Dayville; Donald
Johnson, Eugene; horn—Gerald Lawler,
Portland; trombone—Herbert Hacker,
Portland; James Purcell, Ontario; drum
—Elmer Clark, Portland; pianist—Lois
Parker, Eugene.
All Material to Be Included in Issue
Must Be Beady by Thursday
Thursday, March 15, is the deadline
on Oregana work. All material to be
included in the issue must be in the
hands of the editor by this date.
“There are only loose ends to gather
up now,” says Velma Farnham, editor.
All the real work is well under way.
Proof is beginning to come back from
the engravers, and the borders on the
pages are already being run.
“I am very well pleased with the
way things are going, but we will have
to work hard to get everything in by
Thursday,” said Miss Farnham.
Nominations of Next Year’s Officers
Slated for Session at Villard
The nomination of officers for the
coming year is an important issue of
the annual Y. W. C. A. business meet
ing which is to be held in Villard hall
on Thursday afternoon at 4:30. Sever
al business reports will also be given
and a discussion of the recently organ
ized girls reserve corps will be brought
Officers request that all members be
present as this is one of the most im
i portant meetings of the ye*r.
Student Pastor Cites
Need for Recruits
i We are not aroused at the present
! time to the claim that the church has
on young people, was the claim that
Rev. Bruce Giffen, student pastor, laid
i before the members of the practical
ethics class yesterday afternoon. Mr.
Giffen in endeavoring to explain to the
I co-eds the opportunities which the col
lege woman has in chunrh and relig- j
ious work, contended that but few res
pond to the call for service. He said
that unless something is done to check
up on the terrible conditions existing j
today, disaster and catastropho will I
i follow.
“There is no moral leadership in
our world which is leading us in any
direction,” Giffen declared. Another
interesting point brought out in the
talk, was the position of the nations
of the world politically. “Political
dominance is passing from tho hands
of the white races,” he said. Indust
rail conditions are improving in the
Asiatic and African countries, and one
of the big problems before the Ameri
can nation is that of immigration from
these countries. These points in the
talk were emphasied to show how big
a part religious institutions and work
can take in helping to straighten out
the problems of race hatred, which
Griffen said was considered as one of
the greatest sins.
Psychologist Will Broadcast
From Oregonian
Coueism is to be the topic of a radio
phone lecture to be broadcasted by Dr.
E. S. Conklin, professor of psychology at
the University, Friday evening from the
transmitting station of tho Morning Ore
gonian, “Padded Coll” station, KGW.
“Cr. Conklin will show that couoism is not
now,” said Alfred Powers, in charge of
arranging radio lectures on the campus.
“He will point out cases in history de
veloping this idea.”
Dr. Conklin, being a psychologist, is
a specialist on the power of the mind over
the body and other psychologically con
trolled phenomena. He has been an in
terested student in Dr. Charles Price’s
meetings now being held in Eugene, and
observes the operations and results in a
scientific manner. ,
The weekly extension division broad
casts are becoming very popular, said
Mr. Powers in referring to a quotation
from a letter from the National Radio
Chamber of Commerce in which they
complimented the University of Oregon
on the idea of broadcasting these week
ly lectures.
'Mr. Powers belives that the time will
come, as soon as finances permit, when
the University of Oregon and other col
leges throughout the country will have
radio transmitting sets installed for the
education and information of the public.
Oregon Agricultural College and Wash
ington State College each have a fifty
watt broadcasting set, both of which have
been caught at the University by the
Friendly hall receiving set of Edward
Dr. II. D. Sheldon was to have given
the lecture this week from the Oregonian
broadcasting station, but because of ill
ness has been forced to postpone his talk
on the “Ruhr Situation.” Dean Hale
is booked to speak on “Free Speech” and
Peter Crockatt to deliver a talk on a
popular economic question. Prof. James
Gilbert is slated to give a talk on the
present system of taxation. He was a
member of the late tax investigating
committee appointed to audit the tax
receipts of the state and make recom
mendations for legislational reforms in
'that line. Dr. James Barnett is sche
duled for a future talk. “He is very
\ well known throughout the country,” said
] Powers.
League Leaders Stainless Record Ruin
ed by Geology Hoopers
Who the champion is in the inter
j departmental basketball league is now
a question as the result of the duking
' of the faculty five last night by the
l Geology hoopers. Before the game,
the physical education team had been
trampling on its opponents rough shod
; and was thought to be the winners of
1 the bunting. The rock-crushers sprung
a surprise lineup and cinched the gamo
! in the first period.
With Zimmerman and Bryant in the
forward berths, the Geologists hooped
i 24 markers to 13 for tho faculty.
Girls, Cinderella found her lost slipper,
'why can’t you find your lost gloves 1
There are six pairs in the glass case at
Villard hall. The janitor will give
them to you like a prinee if you are
the right owner.
Importance of Turning Out
for Practice Is Stressed
by Shy Huntington
Sufficient Interest Shown in
Training Will Warrant
Spellman’s Return
By Ep Hoyt
Spring football will be a real item
in Oregon sports this year, according to
Shy Huntington, head coach, and will
be continued throughout nearly the en
tire term. If enough men signify their
intentions of turning out for the grid
sport this spring, Line Coach Bart Spell
man will come down to assist during
the month of May. “Many of the uni
versities and colleges where real foot
ball is in vogue are having all-year
practice,” said Coach Huntington.
“This plan isn’t feasible here but we
do intend to make a big thing out of
our spring football this year.”
Indications are that Oregon is going
to have a good team next year, a very
good team, and there will be at least
five positions open in the backfield for
aspiring candidates and a half dozen
in the line, counting the necessary num
ber for first string substitutes. In view
of the fact that there will be some
new faces in the lineup Shy is very anx
ious to'have every one out this spring
who figures they have a chance or who
want to turn out. “It will be absolute
ly necessary,” Huntington pointed out,
“for a man whose ability is unknown
to the coaches to get out for spring
practice, ns in the fall there will be but
a scant two weeks before the first
game and there will be no time to try
men out then. It will be just a matter
of picking the best of the men we’re
familiar with and working on them in
the attempt to get the team to working
smoothly before we swing into ftctual
Coach Wants Large Turnout
Coach Huntington, who is anrious
to get a line on the number of men
available for spring and fall practices,
is desirous that all football men who
intend turning out next fall see him
at once in Harry Scott's oflce in the
gymnasium and give him the sizes for
their equipment. This reporting for
equipment should be done this week,
according to Coach Huntington so that
ho can tell whether or not there will be
a sufficient turnout for the spring work
out to warrant Bart Spellman’s com
Every possible inducement will be of
fered football men turning out this
spring. Gym credits will be granted
and classes in the afternoon should
not conflict as the practices will be
held in hour periods, if necessary, from
two until six. The workouts will be
held three times a week during April,
aul in May will be increased to nightly
practices. The possibility exists that
inter-class games will be held after
the men get trained down and thorough
ly in shape and prizes will probably
be offered in punting, kicking and pass
“Of course,” said Shy, “we don’t ex
pect men who are turning out for other
sports to drop these sports and turn
out for football but what we do want
these men to do is to turn out for foot
ball when they see that they no longer
have a chance to make the team in the
particular sport they are interested in.
I want to stress again,” continued
Huntington, “the necessity for men
who are not playing other sports and
who expect to turn out for football in
the fall, to turn out this spring. They
are giving themselves an opportunity,
by taking advantage of tho football to
be offered next quarter, to get special
instruction and to come under the at
tention of the coaches.
Thirteen Berths Open
“There’ll bo lots of room on the team
next fall,” he added. “In the backfield,
there will be five places, as wo figure
on eight regular backs and only Lath
am, Johnson and Chapman of the letter
men will be on tho job. In the line
there will be at least six places.
“We have a big program on foot for
spring football but we must have the
cooperation of tho football men and
they must sign up for their equipment
this fall and tell me whether or not
' they will be out for spring football.”
Dr. Dan E. Clark, of the extension
i division, will give a talk at the local
: teachers’ institute at Springfield, Sat
1 urday, March 24, on “The Teaching of
! Citizenship." Dr. Clark is at present
I in Tacoma, where he went with Mrs.
Clark, *hose parents are ill. It is
I known just when they will rstura.