Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1923, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Many Changes in Constitution
Are to Be Proposed
at Assembly
Suggestion to Grant Awards
to Band Members Will
Be Reconsidered
All but two of the proposed amend
ments to the constitution of the A. S.
IT. O. were approved by the student
council at its meeting last night, and
will be presented to the student body
today at the assembly hour. This will
be the last regular meeting of the A.
S. U. O. this term and a number of
important questions and amendments
are to be discussed, says Owen Calla
way, vice-president, who urges the stu
dents to attend this meeting in order
to become well informed on the changes
in the constitution which are contem
Two Measures Tabled
The committee of the student coun
cil on constitutional revision has drawn
up several amendments which are con
sidered desirable, Callaway believes.
However, the student council has laid
two of these measures on the table for
further consideration. The first of these
would not allow four year men to re
ceive tlieir blankets for service on Or
egon teams until they are graduated
from the University. The student coun
cil ’s decision was to refer this matter
to the Order of the “O” for their opin-'
ion, since the award of blankets is made
entirely on the basis of athletic merit
and not upon any scholastic require
ment. The council also decided to re
consider the proposal to have the exe
cutive council make an award to the
members of the University .band on the
grounds that no definite provision was
included for the kind of award which
should be given. These two amendments
will not be presented to the assembly
this morning but will come up at a
later meeting for consideration.
Change in Council
A liumber of other amendments will
be read at the meeting this morning
concerning regulations of athletic
arvards and a change in the member
ship of the student council which would
add two alumni to the group. A change
in the system of activities committees
which would call for five instead of
nine such committees is another import
ant measure which will be discussed.
Dr. Jesse Kellems, well known evan
gelist who is in Eugene for a short time,
will give a brief address on student
affairs. The rest of the meeting will
be devoted to reports of committees
and discussion of the proposed amend
ments. These will be read by Owen
Callaway, chairman of the committee
on revision. Other members of the com
mittee are Ellen McVeigh and Kenneth
The special election for decision on
the amendments will be March 8, the
council decided last night. On Satur
day the measures will be printed in full
in the Emerald to give an opportunity
to all those who do not understand
them to study them.
The Pacific Northwestern Library as
sociation will meet in Corvallis in June.
This meeting will include all the li
brarians arid assistants from all the
libraries of Oregon, Washington, Mon
tana. Idaho and British Columbia. It
will be a big and important meeting
Veteran Debater Has
Never Been Defeated
Paul Patterson
More Than 2000 Expected to
Hear Seattle Contest
Paul Patterson, veteran debater of the
University, left yesterday for Seattle,
where tonight he will participate in his
last debate for Oregon when he and Max
Maccoby meet the University of Wash
ington’s affirmative team in the first
of the Oregon-Washington-Stanford tri
angular debate series.
This is the fourth year for Patterson
who has been one of the most outstanding
workers in forensic activities while on
the campus. He has never lost a debate.
For two years he has been manager of
forensics, and is this year an assistant
in the public speaking department. He
was also chosen as the orator to repre
sent the University at the Old Line ora
torical contest which will be held in Al
bany March 9.
Max Maccoby is debating for the first
time tonight as a member of the varsity
team, but his work has shown up unus
ually well, and he will give Washington
a lively contest, according to Professor
Th'orpe, debate coach. He was active in
forensic work while in high school.
The Oregon team will face stiff oppo
sition tonight, for one of the Washington
debaters is said to be one of the best
competing in the coast conference this
year. Furthermore Washington has made
every effort possible to make this debate
one of the biggest events staged on its
campus this year. Between two ancl
three thousand persons are expected to
turn out for the contest. The churches
and other public gathering places in
Seattle have greatly assisted the Wash
ington university in advertising the de
The question, “Resolved That the Fed
eral Government Should Legalize the
Manufacture and Sale of Light Wines
and Beers,” is of unusual interest be
cause of the prominence given it by
political and legislative leaders, as well
as a number of the important newspapers
and publications of the United States. |
Oregon’s affirmative team will meet
Stanford University’s negative in Vil
lard hall the proceding night, March 2,
and Washington’s negative debates Stan
ford’s affirmative at Palo Alto the same
night. The contest at Washington was
previously arranged to take place on
Friday night, but Washington- was un
able to keep the date, so Oregon’s nega
tive was obliged to leave one day earlier
than was planned.
No one w-as suspended this term for
failure to pay laboratory fees on time,
reports the business office. Although
about 50 students had to pay the $1
fine, enough notices through the Em
erald and personal telephone calls from
the business office, reminded the stu
dents of suspension upon failure to
pay the fees.
State Lawmakers Quite Human
Declares Journalism Student
By Margaret Scott
(Margaret Scott, fenior in the school
ox journalism, worked on the staff of
the Oregon Voter during the recent ses
sion of the state legislature and ob
tained a first-hand acquaintance with
the business of law making. She was
asked to write a few sidelights about
the session and has contributed the
following article.—Editor,)
Voices—all kinds of voices, but most
ly those of a deep intonation,—whispers
—some of them very audible,— the
noise of typewriters, the continuous
clicking of the telegraph, the sound of
footsteps on the tiling, people hurrying
back and forth, people sauntering
s’ong. others leaning languidly against
the balcony rail, looking down upon
the figures below, an atmosphere, heavy
with smoke, a faint odor of cooked
food coming up the elevator shaft—this
was the statehouse rotunda during the
recent legislative session. The sound
of the gavel through an open door sud
duly brings the confusion to a sem
blance of order.
Senators and representatives are hu
man, after all. They put on a very dig
nified manner when the occasion de
mands it, but ordinarily they chew gum,
and peanuts, and smoke vile cigars and
chew tobacco and eat bowls of soup and
drink cups of strong coffee at lunch
counters just as anybody might. They
pass “life savers” to each other while
they listen to the governor’s impres
sive admonition to get down to busi
* * *
Tables are wonderful things. But a
really notable table is a long one with
a dark green imitation leather covering,
laiden with dust, and wdth a few papers
strewn over it. But its chief function
is not to be a place of refuge for papers,
nor yet for the elbows of weary sena
(Oontinued on page three.)
Hildegarde Repinen Plays Lead
in “Three Sins” Produced by
University Players
Play Given Last Night Will Be
Repeated This Evening
and Friday at 8:15
Color and clever lines were the key
notes of Bert Davies’ “Three Sins”
when the curtain was raised on the
first performance of that comedy in
Guild Hall last night.
The scenery unusual, done in yellow
and blue—the costumes of brilliant
reds, oranges, blues—a color scheme in
deed vivid. The costumes were very
Hildegarde Repinen was a success in
the lead depicting to the delight of the
audience the Countess of Epping who
had “so much dramatic instinct” that
she felt called upon to enact her play
even in the witness stand. Miss Re
pinen, however, established her reputa
tion some time ago.
Larsen Is Opposite Lead
Darrel Larsen, opposite Hildegarde,
did very good work as Paul Hughes,
the dramatist, portraying with finesse
his perturbation at the muddled state
his domestic world resolves itself into
when the Countess determines he shall
collaborate on a play.
Star Norton was very fine as his
disturbed little wife. Kate Pinneo did
her usual best as Berenzaria Mortimer*
the celebrated actress whom the Coun
tess harbors. Lady Lucy Lister and
Ollie Yanderhide, interpreted by Eliza
beth Robinson and Mabel Gilham, were
an attractive pair, Lucy reiterating,
“How sweet,” and Ollie eulogizing Am
Judge Wray by Morris Bocock was
a good role, well done, and Art John
son as Clinton Perry, a young lawyer
was particularly good—-especially in his
great speech. David Swanson made a
very dashing young lord amused by the
countess’s “affairs”—and willing to do
his share toward getting Ollie’s millions
in the family.
Campus Scribe Versatile
Katherine Watson gave a spirited
portrayal of Miss Perris, an inquisitive
and news-keen reporter under whose
guidance the young author goes through
his first interview. Gordon Wilson was
a Caldonian missionary—hot in his de
nunciation of English society. Patricia
Novlan as Lady Bacroft portrayed ade
quately that odd lady.
George Bronaugh was the countess’s
counsel in the trial and did some very
good acting in the role. Wade Ken
Lee Emery, and Cloyd Blackburn were
men about the court. Barney McPhil
lips played the somewhat stupid foot
man, and Tom Crostliwaite, the photo
grapher who piles in the plates at Miss
Perris ’ command.
The play will run Thursday and Fri
day nights.
President Confers With Governor; Will
Go South Saturday
President P. L. Campbell spent the
day yesterday in Salem in conference
with Governor Pierce on matters re
lating to the University and particu
larly to the bills concerning the insti
tution, which have recently passed the
legislature. The president returned
last evening and will be on the cam
pus today and tomorrow before leaving
for a brief business trip to San Fran
cisco on Saturday. He will take the
afternoon train south and while in Cal
ifornia will have an opportunity to
visit the campus of the University of
California. He will be accompanied by
Mr. Campbell Church of Eugene and
their trip will be entirely devoted to
University affairs.
Oakland Tribune Man to Talk Before
Newspaper Men March 23
Will H. Barry, manager of the job
printing department of the Oakland
Tribune, regarded as one of the most
efficient printing establishments in the
West, will be a speaker at the annual
newspaper conference to be held in
Eugene under the auspices of the Uni
versity of Oregon school of Journalism,
March 22, 23, and 24.
The tentative prb'gram calls for a
talk March 23 by Mr. Barry on “The
Advantages of a Printing Department
in Connection with the Newspaper
Plant.” He will conduct a round-table
on March 24, giving personal consider
ation to the problems fo individual pub
Ted Baker to Manage Annual
Fun Fest; Live Stunts
Lined up For Show
High School Students to Be
Invited Through Alumni
and Organizations
The first event to be held in connec
tion with Junior week-end is the Junior
vod-vil, which will be staged at the
Heilig theater, May 3, to raise money
to help finance the main festivities,
May 11 and 12, according to an an
nouncement made at a meeting of the
directorate of the Junior week-end com
mittee yesterday.
“Several good acts have been lined
up but we want more suggestions from
the students generally,” said Ted Bak
er, vod-vil chairman, in explaining the
proposed plans. It is felt by the mem
bers of the committee that the Junior
vod-vil is the time to bring out the
unknown as well as the known talent
on the campus and an effort will be
made to find the best stunts available.
Two Shows Planned
Because of the limited seating capa
city it is planned to give two shows,
the first starting about 7:30 and the
last one at about 9:45, In this way all
students will have an opportunity to see
the performance.
Ward Johnson is studying plans to
revamp campus day. It is probable that
some sort of all-University rally will
be held around the awarding of the
frosh football men their “paint” let
ters. No definite plan has been decided
upon as yet.
The Junior prom music committee,
headed by Mary Alexander, announced
that the Mid-Nite Sons have been hired
for the Junior prom on May 12. It is
probable that two instruments will be
added to the usual number of the or
ganization in order to assure plenty of
sound volume for the armory. Students
are to be charged one dollar a couple
for the prom, and guests will be ad
mitted free.
Committee Meeting Called
It was decided to invite the high
school students of the state through
the high schools, although no plan was
decided upon for the entertainment of
guests not taken care of by houses.
Whether or not actually entertained by
the University any high school jatudent
guest will receive all the courtesies of
house guests, including tickets to the
athletic events, Junior prom, canoe
fete, etc.
The announcement of the resignation
of Jason McOune from the canoe fete
committee was made at the meeting,
but no successor was appointed.
Several committee heads plan to hold
meetings within the next week in or
der to get their work definitely under
way. The canoe fete committee meets
today at 4 o ’clock in Villard hall un
der the chairmanship of Eddie Edlund.
Next Tuesday two meetings will be
held, that of Jack Myers’ Junior prom
committee in Villard at 4:30 and of
the athletic committee at 7:30 in the
evening at Fifteenth and Alder, with
Bay McKeown in charge.
Many Interesting Volumes Received by
Library in Last Few Days
Eighty-four books from the bindery
have been received by the University
library within the last few days. These
books are not yet in general circula
tion and cannot be called out until they
are stamped and filed, which will be
some time next week.
Many of these volumes are German
scientific works of chemistry, physics,
biology and minerology. There are six
journals of agricultural research, one
book of Christmas poetry. Four re
bound volumes are from the Overmeyer
collection, one a fully illustrated story
called, “ Andersonville,” which gives
the harrowing accounts of Northerners
in Rebel prisons. One of the most in
teresting is “Thoughts from Oregon,” a
pocket edition of appreciative verse
by Kathleen MacNeal Durham, artis
tically decorated by Estelle Wallace
Five volumes of Appleton’s Journals
of thirty years ago are valuable for
comparison with modern magazines?
They are very interesting old journals
and the startling titles used for fea
tures and stories arouse the casual read
er’s attention and lure him on to fur
ther perusal.
Two thick and heavy books among
the number are “A Journal of Gener
al Physiology” and “.Studies from the
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Re
j search.” The latter is illustrated with
photographic plates of germs.
Campus Writer Receives Good Price for
Story Dealing With Adventures
of Pacific Bootleggers
Ernest J. Haycox, member of Signul
Delta Chi and Ye Tabard Inn, journal
ism and literary fraternities, and edi
tor of the Sunday Emerald, was noti
fied yesterday by Street and Smith,
publishers, that his novelette “The Rum
Runners” has been accepted. It is un
derstood that Haycox sold his story'
at a price greater than ever before
received by an undergraduate in the
“The Rum Runners,” a novelette of
30,000 words, will be published in “Sea
Stories,” a magazine which has already
printed seven of Haycox’s stories. This
is Haycox’s first .novelette and was
written at the suggestion of the pub
lishers. Up until this time the campus
writer has specialized in short stories.
“The Rum Runners” will appear in
print in about four months.
The plot of the novelette is laid on
th coast of Washington and as it im
plies the story tells of the experiences
of international “bootleggers.” Like
many of Haycox’s other short stories
there are no women in the plot.
“Leeward of Storm Isle” was the last
short story sold by Haycox to Street
and Smith. He has had stories in other
magazines since then.
Professor Thacher Proposes
Contest to Gain Interest
Need for an Oregon song book con
taining a collection of new numbers
was discussed by Professor W. F. G.
Thacher at the regular meeting of the
student council last night.
Professor Thacher, who proposed this
book some time ago, advocated organi
zation of a contest open to any person in
terested, believing that a wealth of
good material would be obtained from
alumni of the university and faculty
members, as well as from regularly en
rolled students.
The council heartily endorsed the idea,
authorizing the appointment of a com
mittee for handling details incidental to
getting a contest under way. A prize
will probably be offered for the best
song chosen by the judges, who will be
selected by the committee.
It is the advice of Professor Thacher
that a similar competition be held each
year until enough material is gathered
to enable publication under one cover.
He said that while Oregon has a num
ber of songs at’ present there is still
room for many more and a further stim
ulation in interest for the alma mater
would be fostered. A similar contest
is being conducted at O. A. C. this
Two aspirants have already handed in
songs for consideration, interest having
been aroused through a letter by Profes
sor Thacher on the subject, recently pub
lished in the Emerald.
Committee for revision of the A. 8.
U. O. constitution under the chairmanship
of Owen Callaway was continued for
consideration of several proposed amend
ments layed on the table for further ad
vice. All other reports of the committee
recommending changes m the constitu
tion, to come before the students today
at assembly for approval, were endorsed
by the council.
Action was taken setting voting on the
amendments for Thursday, March 8.
Fifteen Men Will Participate in
First Big Track Event
of the Season
One Hundred Out for Cinder
Honors; Warm Weather Is
Incentive to Many
The cross country teams are picked
and the stage is set for the interclass
cross country race to be held Saturday
afternoon. The course planned for the
event is unique in the history of Ore
gon track in that about half the race
will bo on Willamette street, and the
remainder on Thirteenth street.
At 2:30 o’clock the ruiiners^ will
leave the men’s gymnasium, go down
Thirteenth street to Willamette then
north on Willamette around the foun
tain at the depot and return. Coach
Hayward says that arrangements will
be made to have all traffic stopped from
2:30 until the race is over.
It was found necessary for the jun
iors and seniors to double up in order
to pick five men with any chance of
winning against the other classes. The
sophomores and freshmen were each
able to furnish five contenders, making
a grand total of fifteen sprinters to
tear up Eugene’s pavement.
Teams Picked
The teams will be rated junior, soph
omore and freshman. The men are: *
Juniors, Beatie, Haycox, McCall, Walk
ley and Peltier; sophomores, Tetz, Carl
son, Winther, Madlund and Series;
freshman, Keating, Gerke, Gilbert, Mc
Cabe and O’Rurlte.
The warm weather is bringing a flock
of tracksters to Hayward field every
afternoon. Bill says that he has out
nt the present time an even hundred
warm up suits and figures that he will
have to have a couple of dozen more
next term. He has served notice to all
men coming out for track that unless
they show up regularly three times a
week the suits will be given to others,
but the notice says that equipment will
be given to evory person who wants to
come out.
More Interest Expected
Hayward expects an even greater
showing of interest in the cinder events
next term. Then the more intensive
training will start. Men who hope to
represent Oregon will have to come out
every day in order to be in shape for
I outside contenders. Under the influ
ence of the sunshine many are coming
out every day at the present time.
Saturday’s race is intended to arouse
more general interest in track among
the students, and furnish some ddgree
of experience. The outcome of the race,
while it will be carefully watched, will
by no means determine who shall take
part in more important ones. The plug
gers who do not show as much stuff at
the outset as some of the others stand
a good chance at the finals if they show
any improvement.
Pro and Con, debate organization,
will hold open forum initiation at room
4, commerce building tonight. Pour
new members will speak five minutes
each on the “State Income Tax,” and
all girls who are interested in the in
come tax or debate are invited to at
tend. The meeting will open at 7:15 p.
m. and will last about an hour. The in
itiates are Margaret Duerner, Mildred
Bateman, Frances Ward and Helen
Wanderlust Grips More Than
Fifty Readers of the Want Ads
Direct evidence that Emerald want
ads bring results was brought home
to the manager of the University daily
yesterday when more than fifty Uni
versity men flocked to his office seek
ing to learn more about a certain little
four line advertisement in yesterday’s
paper. It was even before the tired
manager arose in the morning that he
was first called by telephone.
What was this innocnt little adver
tisement? It read, “Wanted—Four
male students willing to undergo hard
ships for adventure in the South Seas.”
University men were forthcoming in
response in numbers far exceeding the
! expectations of Robert Lane, the ad
vertiser. Lane, University student who
has made a trip around the world, says
Mini his plan is to organize a small
| group of six or seven University men,
have some capital with which to pur
■ chase a small sailing vessel and make
* a trip around the world probably via
South American ports, the Philippines,
the Hast Indies, India, around the sou
thern point of Africa, across the Pacific
to ports on the U. S. Atlantic coast,
south to the West Indies through the
Panama canal and back to San Fran
cisco and home.
A meeting will soon be called by
Lane of those who have signified their
desire to go and plans will be made
for the adventure. In an interview last
night Lane said that the purpose of
the proposed trip is educational. Out
of the way places of the earth will be
visited. The plan is to stop at points
wherever the party wills.
A sail boat 50 or GO feet long will
carry the voyagers. The craft will be
equipped with a gasoline motor to be
red only on calm seas where the wind
As proof of the feasibility of the
scheme several similar trips made by
(Continued on page two.)